Lee Young-ae gives her first post-wedding statements

Newlywed actress Lee Young-ae shocked the industry by getting secretly married in Hawaii last month. She made the initial announcement through her management, but had not spoken to the press after returning to Korea to resume her studies (she is currently working toward a doctorate degree at Hanyang University in its theater and film department).

Not one to let an opportunity slip them by, reporters found Lee Young-ae on the Hanyang campus as she began her new term, and ambushed her with questions. I find it remarkable that Lee kept her poise and answered questions that were obviously unwanted, and did so without whacking a reporter in the process. But then again, she’s an old pro who’s been on the A-list ranks for years, so perhaps she’s had a lot of practice.

The guerrilla-style interview took place on the morning of September 15 as she attended classes. This was the first time she had spoken with press since her wedding, and a crowd of a few dozen reporters found her outside a lecture room before one of her classes.

She started by saying, “I’m sorry, this is a happy event so I hope you will understand with an open mind. In the end, I am very thankful and happy. In the future, studying diligently as I am now will be an extension of being an actor. Just because you don’t see me doesn’t mean I am going to quit acting.”

What are your feelings on being married?

“I’m a student on my way to class, so I can’t speak for a long time. Please understand.”

What kind of person is your husband?

“Everyone has his strengths and weaknesses, but to me, he’s very reliable, faithful, and a good person. My feelings for my husband go deeper than love.”

Are you happy being married? Has anything changed?

“I’m happy. Usually I’m not sought out like this, but it’s different now that I’ve married. There hasn’t been any particular change in my daily life.”

Are your parents and in-laws pleased?

“Everyone is happy. Everyone has such a deep interest in my marriage that it’s uncomfortable for me in my advanced age. If possible, I would appreciate you not going to my in-laws’ home or here to my school.”

Why did you keep your wedding unpublicized?

“Since I’m an entertainer, it would have been nice to have it more public, but my husband is a normal citizen and would have found it uncomfortable, so I did my best to look after his wishes. We both wanted it that way, and our parents did as well, so we kept it a closed ceremony.”

Do you have plans for children?

“I’m a bit older so if it happens…”

What about your plans for the future?

“First off, since I’ve formed my own family now, I want to devote myself to that. School has started for me, and since my field of study is my work, I’m working hard to show a more mature to myself as an actor.”

Via Joy News


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Good for her to subtly lay it on them to leave her alone. She is gracious and I admire her poise, as well as her wishes to keep her private life private. Way to go Lee Young-ae!


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Wow, she does not look pleased in her photos. I feel kind of bad that she can't even go to class without trying to dodge paparazzi. I wish her the best of luck with her new life, and hopefully, we'll be able to see her acting again in the future. :)


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Nice to hear she's happy


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She looks great. This is her casual look going to clas?. She makes Korea proud.


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Lee Young-Ae is amazing. She's so graceful and elegant. I hope she gets her doctorate and comes back to the small screen. I also wish her and her husband happiness. Aja aja fighting!


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This woman deserves the happiness that she feels right now. She seemed a bit uncomfortable bombarded by the reporters, but then again, its their job, and at least she told them that she's in a hurry but quickly answered a few questions. I really like a lot in Jang Geum, probably the only drama that I ever saw her in. And she's a natural beauty.


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I loved her in Dae Jang Geum.. she is so elegant in her speech here..
and I agree she deserves happiness and privacy to be happy...


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Can you believe it, but my wife got almost the EXACT same questions from: the local nail salon, the dry cleaner, and the local deli / grocer owner (all Korean). Apparently, it is the right of every Korean ajuhmma to know the personal details of my wife: who is she married to, what kind of man is he (what does he do), do we have kids, etc.

My wife was pretty p-o'ed to have been asked questions (she broke out her Korean in the beginning (a bit mistake) to be friendly), and so she now chooses a nail salon whose owner isn't Korean (or she goes with an iPod), I do the dry-cleaning now, and we avoid deli's....


Lee Young-ae obviously is asked because the media / fans had no information about the secret wedding, but what's funny is that even if Lee Young-ae were to go to a local nail salon operated by a Korean, she might get asked those same questions even if the salon owner had no idea who Lee Young-ae was.


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great story! we certainly see on k-dramas how, uh, nosy ajumma are, and i never doubted it was true.

aza LYA! only someone of her stature could tell the media to buzz off.


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she seems very classy...hopefully the reporters will leave her alone in the future!


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i adored lee young ae in dae jang geum, my favorite kdrama bar none.

samsooki, don't you get those questions as well?

it doesn't go very far with me after i tell them i'm single. they then usually study me up and down and tell me i need to find a nice woman to take care of me....hahaha.


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Studying for a PhD, a married life and may be starting a family, also probably acting in the pipeline? Wow!! She is going to be very busy.

Am not sure what sort of questions the grocer owners will ask you?

In my case, I found the best way to fan off unneccessary questions is to keep quiet, but smiling. In all the korean grocery stores that I went, immediately when I put the items on the counter. The store owners will start their observations irrespective of whether it is a he or she.

The first question is where are you from? I smile, pretending I do not understand. Then, they will normally observe me from top to bottom. So, just stand there and smile, and let them observe. You will see they look really puzzle, but curious!! ^________^ Normally, I will point to the cash register and point to my watch i.e. I am in a hurry!!

Most of the time, I found they will never give up. They will just key in one item, and look up, then ask the same question repeatedly. The more curious they become, the more I determine to keep smiling. Don't loose your cool, just continue to smile. Give them a big grin, pay and get out of the place. This way, they will never get any piece of information!! ^__________^

But, this tactic only work 3 times. If you go to the same shop the fourth time, they will just ask all sort of questions until they got the answers!! ^_________^


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Lee Young-ae was graceful enough to answer the reporters questions while reminding them to kindly leave her parents in law and her university life alone. No tantrums. No dramas.

Lee Young-ae really is all class.


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wow, it's really nice of her to answer some of those questions while she's in a hurry to class!


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Lee Young Ae...always a graceful actress!


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wow she handled this with such grace. God paparazzi are so annoying. They make annoying people famous and they ruin the lives of people who deserve to be alone. Is there something particularly scandalous about Lee Young Ae being married that they had to go hunt her down? Geez.


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wow. truly an a-lister kind of poise.

@agent darwin:

must learn tactics like these, should i ever encounter korean ahjummas and ahjusshis. XD


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@ Samsooki

LOL. You don't even need to be Korean (or know how to speak Korean) to get the third degree from Korean ajummas. My husband gets it all the time from our dry cleaners, simply because they know he has a Korean wife. Plus, he's subjected to comments like - So, your wife must be very busy these days, I haven't seen her in long time...(since he's the one dropping off/picking up rather than me ;) )

One place those tactics definitely won't work is the jjimjilbang (Korean sauna).
Try ignoring the ajumma while getting a massage & Korean scrub (the kind where your skin feels like it's being torn off). O_o
You can't walk away...you can't pretend you don't hear her...there's no escape...you just have to suffer on all fronts. ;)


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congratulations and may you have everything that you wished for in your wedded bliss! i just hope the media wld respect their privacy as they wish! thnx javabeans for this article!


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Nearly forty and she looks like that! sheesh... now what's the point of being young if I can't never look like that. She's pweeetyyyyyy...... congrats Jang Geum.....


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