Hyun Bin puts on a show
by javabeans
I know I just mentioned Hyun Bin‘s fanmeeting in Japan two posts ago, but then photos of the event cropped up. And I figured, thinking of all the Hyun Bin admirers of the world, that photos should be posted. Ja?
The event took place to a pretty sizable crowd of 5,000 fans at Yokohama Pacifico Hall, and also celebrated the star’s 27th birthday on September 25. There were a contingent of attendees who traveled overseas from China, Hong Kong, Taiwan and more to participate in the fanmeeting.
Hyun Bin performed a couple of songs on piano (Steve Barakatt’s “No Regret” and “Misty”), for which he spent the past month rehearsing. He also sang a song from his most recent project, the drama series Friend, Our Legend, which will soon be broadcast on Japanese television. The selection was “Unattainable You” [가질 수 없는 너], which is the theme song for his character Dong-soo. Last of all, as an encore he sang the song “This is the Moment” from the stage musical Jekyll and Hyde (which, you may recall, was sung by actor Jin Yi-han in an episode of Who Are You).
Happy birthday, Hyun Bin! May he enjoy his year, ’cause next year comes the dreaded military enlistment…
Via Mk.co.kr
Tags: fanmeetings, Hyun Bin
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1 annio
September 27, 2009 at 3:59 PM
cool! ilove hyunbin!!
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2 annio
September 27, 2009 at 4:00 PM
love hyunbin!! <<33
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3 j
September 27, 2009 at 4:12 PM
he knows how to play the piano? like for real? i mean in My Name is Kim Sam Soon he played the piano, but i didn't know whether he really knew how to play or it was just acting. wow! this just gives another reason to love him besides his acting and looks =D
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4 Lil
September 27, 2009 at 4:14 PM
His smile is to die for. Oh no, military enlistment next year? :( That means no action from him for a while. Happy belated birthday Binnie!
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5 eljay
September 27, 2009 at 4:29 PM
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6 fizzle
September 27, 2009 at 4:41 PM
These pictures are stunning. I mean, he's typically gorgeous, but I'm stunned by the beauty of these four particular pictures in succession.
I haven't been keeping up with K-dramas at all lately, but it's always refreshing to visit your site and see some nice Korean man-candy. Especially if it's Hyun Bin. Thank you, javabeans. ;)
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7 langdon813
September 27, 2009 at 4:50 PM
There's no such thing as "too much Hyun Bin"! :-D
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8 MEIKO**** ^-^
September 27, 2009 at 5:15 PM
his dimples are so cute!..... makes me wanna pinch his cheeks..hehe!
love the third pic...
now, where's samsooki.... ^-^
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9 Samsooki
September 27, 2009 at 5:31 PM
I'm right here!
1. You gotta understand. Binnie attitude is tough to emulate. You gotta be confident, perhaps a tad too confident, and you gotta be gentle and soft at the same time. You gotta be smart and quiet but with the ability to yell when you have to.
Still trying to work on how to be confident while not being cocky. Cocky = epic fail, but a tad too confident = possibilty of epic win. Part and parcel with Binnie 'tude is the Binnie smirk, and I'm not sure I can do that. How many hours before a mirror before Binnie smirking is doable? I have NO time to work on that right now. Arrgh.
2. And if that's not enough, you have to be able to play Over The Rainbow on the piano.
Luckily, like every studious kid, I played classical piano all throughout my youth, and I'll substitute George Winston's variations on a canon for Over The Rainbow.
3. Binnie hair is easier to manage. Binnie hair I figured out. Good moisturizing shampoo, good moisturizing conditioner, a tiny blop of paste and gel, and cold blow-outs. Hehe!
4. Binnie dimples...well, either you have them or you don't. *shrug* It's not like I am going to get dimple surgery or anything.
So, I may not be Binnie, but at least I got his hair now, and maybe the piano ability. Hehe. Going to Sook Hui tomorrow to get Annie to make it right. Yay!
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10 GreenFreak
September 27, 2009 at 5:42 PM
@ Samsooki...
2 out of 4 isn't bad... :D
Trying to imagine the thought of a lawyer walking into a US court room with Binnie's do. ;)
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11 birdscout
September 27, 2009 at 5:52 PM
So much talent and handsome-goodness rolled up in one! Can you imagine how cute his offspring would look, especially if he has kids with that beautiful actress he's dating?
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12 omo
September 27, 2009 at 6:21 PM
@ 10 Greenfreak
"Trying to imagine the thought of a lawyer walking into a US court room with Binnie’s do."
Can you? I'm still trying.
But I can totally imagine the Binnie smirk on Samsooki Jr........at birth. Coochie-coo!
No drooling allowed here, I think.
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13 Philippa
September 27, 2009 at 6:37 PM
he looks hawt!
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14 Molly
September 27, 2009 at 6:46 PM
-squeals with joy and hugs Javabeans- Thank you! You are psychic. Quite right in that we Hyun Bin fans would love this.
I've never heard him sing; I should probably look something up on YouTube. His playing in Sam Soon looked realistic so I'm glad and not too surprised that he can really play. -drools- I agree with you, j! Another reason to love him!
And I thought he'd already gone to the military! Oh no!
Happy Birthday, Hyun Bin!
"But I can totally imagine the Binnie smirk on Samsooki Jr……..at birth. Coochie-coo! No drooling allowed here, I think."
-megadrool- That would be the cutest thing ever! Binnie Jr. In a way, it'd be like watching Hyun Bin grow up...That is, if he were to be identical to his dad. (Which would be awesome!)
Too many exclamation points, I think.
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15 luraaa
September 27, 2009 at 6:52 PM
Gorgeous man, indeed. To be honest, I'm the kind of fan that didn't fall for him at first sight. It took me a few more episodes, news articles, photos and acting skills before I finally appreciated him. For me, his face isn't really good-looking when you first see him, but he has this attitude and charisma that you just can't help but like him.
And I'm glad that he's with another gorgeous woman, Song Hye Kyo, and I wish them all the happiness in the world. Heck, I hope they get married in the future.
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16 ColleenF-H
September 27, 2009 at 8:03 PM
He is just too yummy!!!
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17 Eunwhui
September 27, 2009 at 8:11 PM
love hyunbinnie!
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18 Stella
September 27, 2009 at 8:43 PM
Ah I love him. Wish he still had the Snow Queen hair. That was HAWT!
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19 mimim
September 27, 2009 at 9:11 PM
i don't wanna love him now.. he gonna enlisted into military soon !!!!!... i hate 2010 there will be no HOT guy .. born 80's
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20 eljay
September 27, 2009 at 10:11 PM
#18 Stella..... man, I loved his "Snow Queen" hair. I admit I loved the drama, more for him I think (and the older math professor!!).
#9 Samsooki, really enjoyed that post. A little off topic but I also liked your post on Aja's blog, well said!
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21 susie
September 27, 2009 at 10:40 PM
Song Hye Kyo is so lucky.....
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22 jae!
September 28, 2009 at 2:17 AM
@21 susie
I was so gonna say the exact same thing!
Despite that, i'l try something more expressive
Song Hye Gyo you are so freaking lucky!
argh! jinjja!
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23 Artemis
September 28, 2009 at 3:09 AM
Thank you so much for the pictures Javabeans!! Wow he is just absolutely stunning. I actually think his hair in WW suited him the best. I was really bored with that drama though - watched epsiodes 1-2 + the last two. I so wish he would get one really great project under his belt before he has to leave for the military!
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24 Aries
September 28, 2009 at 6:07 AM
@ Stella, eljay and Artemis:
I prefer his hair in Snow Queen to this gelled up do too! I haven't watched Worlds Within but from the few stills I've seen, he looked goooood.
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25 Lovehyunbinkyo
September 28, 2009 at 7:24 AM
Aaaww I love a man who can play piano..and sing..especialli if he's as handsome as hyun bin..anyway, happy belated birthday for hyun bin..the cutest modern prince charming..song hye kyo is soooo lucky..I hope their love will be long lasting..despite his ms nxt year..aja aja aja fighting gorgeous !!!
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