Fans rally to support Yoon Eun-hye

After several reports of Yoon Eun-hye‘s tearful reaction to her acting criticism became known, fans have been mobilizing to send the star messages to cheer her on.

The messages have cropped up online, such as on the official My Fair Lady message board, and the fan support is growing to counter the initial complaints regarding Yoon Eun-hye’s acting. Most of the criticism has started to level off as the drama now heads into its latter half and Yoon is settling into her role. Fans (like the ones who comment here) have noted that Yoon is better when her acting shows sincerity, such as when she cries, rather than when she’s trying to act haughty or forceful.

Fyi, in case you’re wondering what the big deal is about an actor’s “bad accent,” it probably sounds like nothing to an English speaker but it can be quite an impediment to listening to an actor. Imajoon if soomwun talked like thass becuss she was rattling off a bunch of dialoog and sed thungs wrung. It gets tiring to listen to. (I actually read a Korean article that reproduced some of her lines phonetically, and oy. Headache!)

Via E Daily


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Maybe this whole tears business will bring some more spectators, the rating will grow, and everybody will be happy :-)

Personally, I don't expect too much and I am really enjoying this drama.

Can't wait even for the raw version of the 9th ep, even though I don't speak Korean


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I just don't understand with the netizens.If they want to support her, why don't they watch the show? if there are so many people support her, why doesn't it show on the rating?
All they do is just post messages via internet?

My Fair Lady is pretty good. I like it, and I think YEH does a decent job.


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@djes, I think we often think of "netizens" as one big bloc that thinks uniformly (and they often move in large swathes) but that's not the case -- the ones criticizing are not the same ones who are defending, and who knows, maybe they all ARE watching. The ratings encompass the whole nation (well, sorta, based on how they draw the data), not just the vocal online faction.


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I can't wait to watch ep 9 too. Eun Hye fighting!


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Proper Korean pronunciation, with all its little subtle inflections and word choice and stuff, and accounting for various geographic, era-based, class-based, education-based, etc. factors, is incredibly hard.

That said... YEH is an actress...she chose that role... so that's her job...?

A bit off-topic, but there is a news report a week or so ago, about how Korean linguists, supported by the Korean government, are going around to foreign countries to tribal societies that do not have written languages and trying to "save" the tribal languages from extinction by teaching them the Korean alphabet and pronunciation. The ostensible goal is whatever language they are speaking, they can use the Korean written language and pronunciation to keep it alive, the premise being that Korean is scientifically developed modern language designed to be accessible to common-folk. But I am seriously dubious at the likelihood of success. I've been around the Korean language all my life, and my own pronunciation is terrible, terrible. Bleh.

How JB was talking above? That's how I sound to a Korean person. I know this because my own mother sometimes gets tired of me trying to speak to her in Korean and just says, "come on come on... just say it in English, I can't understand your Korean..." *sob*

So I am sympathetic to YEH (especially since she is a fav actress of mine), knowing that I could not even dream of doing her job, since I cannot even master the mere basics of correct pronunciation of Korean and I am ethnically Korean. But I am not completely sympathetic, since it's part of her profession to master the complexities of speech for her character... and if she didn't have the chops for it, then maybe she shouldn't have taken the role...?


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To add to Samsooki's point -- I'm not entirely sympathetic to the "bad accent" actors (not just Yoon Eun-hye) because it isn't that they are incapable of producing the right sounds. They all speak perfect Korean in real life. It's only when they're reciting dialogue that words get slushy and weird, which doesn't point to short tongues or regional accents, but a lack of preparation. This is an acting weakness, not a talking weakness.

(Note: Jung Il-woo has also been singled out for mumblyness, but the difference with him is that Jung still pronounces words correctly. They're a little muddled, but the words are understandable.)


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@Javabeans, I see...thanks for the explanation.
I understand that the ones who are criticizing and the ones who are supporting, are different people - and I believed that the criticizing ones are watching....but the supporting ones, could be not watching it on TV?
Anyway, the whole netizens things are still confusing me. Am I netizen too, just because I use internet? :P


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Also worth noting that complaints about enunciation and delivery issues are a "right of passage" for young actresses. Many have issues with it, and in fact it can be viewed as "cute" or "adorable." I think the world of Kim Ji Soo, and she can be sloshy. Like if the lines have to be delivered fast and loud, you actually whether her tongue will get stuck in the side of her mouth. :D

And again I love Kwon Sang Woo. It's also adorable how he smirks and smolders and preens and yells . . . with a lisp. Adorable! :D


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Lisp-y actors are the bane of subbers though, at least for me.

There is this dude (Jae-Woong) in Project Runway: Korea who slurs everything, and 15 seconds of his monologue-ing takes more than 15 minutes to decipher, if ever. I want him eliminated so that I don't have to translate his slurring (honestly, sometimes, it doesn't even sound human, much less like Korean), but it sucks that he is talented enough to stay alive so far...

@djes -

I think "netizen" can mean different things. In this country, with anonymity being the general rule (but see the slander blog case in NYC that just came out), netizens as a term of art doesn't mean much.

In other places where internet use is much more strictly regulated and identification through national IDs is the default, even for message boards, the term netizen might actually just be the online representation of citizenship? dunno...

@belleza -

Cinderella Man's Kwon Sang Woo wasn't so bad... it was kind of cute his lispy-ness. I could almost always understand what he was saying. The character's lisp didnt' effect his enunciation at all, imo. Maybe the lisp-y-ness was something he added to the character to make it different? I've not seen Stairway, Sad Love Story, or Bad Love, so I don't know if KSW's lisp is real or just something he came up with for the character.


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if YEH wants to practice, the best exercise for her mouth may then be to do sageuk...

then she'll have the time (and onus) to pronoooouuuunceee eeevverytthhinggg ;)
(even if it is high Korean...)

and like belleza intimated, we can still like her regardless

@samsooki Wow, I can only imagine how this affects translating...thank you for your perseverance!


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I never noticed an accent and didn't know she was even supposed to have one. Is it something that was written into the script or is it something EunHye tried to incorporate on her own as an actor?

Either way, I think she's doing a great job. I don't think her acting on the snobby/arrogant parts are any more worse or better than anyone else I have seen (in kdramas) acting in a similar role. That's the honest truth. (But that cousin of hers on the show, now there's some overacting there. She should be the one getting all the criticism.)

Anyhow, Yoon Eun Hye fighting!!


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to Samsooki (or anyone else who can answer)

Speaking of lisps, is it just me or does YuShin on Queen Seonduk have a lisp?
Also does Gu Hye Sun?
I've always wondered...


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@Samsooki, keep practicing! someday your korean will meet your mother's approval. well, maybe. ^^ as a non-Korean struggling mightily with the language, i take comfort from the woes of 교포. ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

can you or someone else explain the concept of short tongue? (is that my problem???)


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I'm actually enjoying the show and looking forward to it every week. Too bad for those Kdrama addicts who aren't watching - your loss!


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Duh Of couse dramabeans again has to make an excuse for Jung Il Woo. Figures! "Jung Il Woo has a lisp too......BUT...BUT...BUT...


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^ But it's true. You can understand Jung Il-woo when he speaks. So what of it?


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From what I know, Yoon Eun Hye was born with a lisp. So it has nothing to do with her lacking in preparation. She even said in an interview that she knows she has a lisp and enunciation problems and that she's been working on it, but it'snot something you can change overnight.

Most koreans are a bit too obsessed with enunciation. Kim Sun Ah got slammed for it too and so did Song Hye Kyo.

Another thing, the rating is not bad, it's second in it's timeslot and in double digits, so I dont get why people keep saying it's low. Wednesday and Thursday dramas have always been hard in ratings dep.


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Acccccctually I cant in some occasions. But then again, I'm not blindsided because of his idiotic smile and bad acting in this drama either.


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Oh yeah, that sounds pretty bad. Then, she should definitely work on it. She's a decent actress and people will wanna tune in more if they can understand the actor. She shouldn't feel too bad, it's for her own good.


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Oh, I'm not blindsided. I've noted on multiple occasions that he's not even acting in this drama. Tae-yoon is a blank, rather boring character and it's disappointing to see him here after Return of Iljimae. I figure this is par for the course with underdeveloped second leads and wish more dramas developed them better. But yeah, he still has an adorable smile.


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@12 Raina -

Havent't really seen QSD yet... It's on MBC America on television late at night, and so I've only caught bits and pieces over the past couple of weeks. But I don't know who is who and I have no idea why everybody is staring at each other and shifting their eyes back and forth like they are all hold-em players at a poker table and who is this Deok-man guy that is on everyone's lips in every scene... (in that way, QSD reminds me of Good Job Good Job, where, every person in every scene just talked about, or was talking to, Chae Rim's character).

@13 paula253 -

"Short-tongue" is more of a derogatory adjective to describe the lack of ability to enunciate clearly rather than the actual physical condition that may or may not require surgery.

For example, I am a poor enunciator in all languages (6 years of Spanish in high school and college, a lifetime of Korean (and 3 years in college, plus a summer semester in Korea)), and i can't speak in either language well) other than English. So, if I were an actor, I would be called out on my lack of enunciation and probably derided as having a "short-tongue."

The physical condition of "short-tongue" is something where the tongue isn't long enough or is attached to the base in such a way that surgery is needed to make the tongue easily reach the top of the roof of the mouth. People with this condition cannot enunciate certain sounds well, and might have other impediments.


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I think as the drama is heading deeper in the emotional territory, YEH's character is being fleshed out more, and I'm enjoying watching her as I see her acting become more natural and tender. It's like she was test driving a car, and now she's finally comfortable in the ride. And she's a pretty good driver/actor overall.

I think all this brouhaha is not because the honest critics are saying she's doing a bad job, it's just with her previous high profile successes and the Baeksaeng, certain viewers expect so much for her. And with expectations so high, it's easy to nitpick the aspects of her peformance that are not up to par (i.e. her undoubtedly awkward and not terribly believable portrayal of a rich, snobby, heiress - really, only Han Ye Seol as Anna was truly convincing).

But I always saw Hae-Na as a lonely, immature rich girl, not bone-deep snobby, but aloof and rude because she was just acting out, so in that respect, the real Hae-Na with her vulnerabilities is emerging in the second half of the drama and as a character much more believably portrayed by YEH. YEH's eyes are the shining star in her acting arsenal, conveying hurt and confusion so poignantly. Her enunciation and lisp, eh, doesn't bother me non-native Korean speaker, but I can imagine with JB's example how it will grow to bother a viewer.

I think k-dramas should do what t-dramas does, which in provide, subtitles on screen. T-dramas have done this since the dawn of time, so it's not distracting since it's standard practice, and does alleviate confusion over what the character is saying.

At the end of the day, she's so popular that this is nothing for her to worry about. It might hurt her feelings, but what did my Jo Gookie say in City Hall, "For a politician (insert actor), the only bad publicity is showing up in the obiturary page." I know that the recent Jae-Bom incident shows that there is such a thing as harmful bad publicity, but this level of criticism for YEH is par for the course as an actress, and I'm just sad she feels so hurt and bad by the genuine criticism and pile-on unecessary and overwrought attacks both.

I love watching YEH, and MFL is really hitting its stride.


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If lots of actors( and based on this thread, most are popular ones) are slammed due to enunciations, who are doing a good job in properly delivering their lines then?

For a non-korean, I only base my judgments on acting and story.


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This is also why I tend to defend Sung Yu Ri from time to time. She worked really, really hard to clean up her enunciation and her line deliveries, and that's never easy.

"Maybe the lisp-y-ness was something he added to the character to make it different? I’ve not seen Stairway, Sad Love Story, or Bad Love, so I don’t know if KSW’s lisp is real or just something he came up with for the character."

Nah, that's just how KSW speaks. He gets a lot of criticism for it and rightfully so. The support actor in Style, now THAT dude has a lisp . . . or is his character actually gay? (We're all kinda scratching our heads in Style :D )

"Speaking of lisps, is it just me or does YuShin on Queen Seonduk have a lisp?
Also does Gu Hye Sun?"

Eom Tae Woong is a little bit (much more in his earlier stuff as well as when he does comedic turns), though not so much in Seonduk. Pretty clean. Koo Hye Sun is sloshier than Yoon Eun Hye. Lee Yeon Hee isn't sloshy, but she mumbled a lot in East of Eden, and a lot of Netizens jumped on that.

"if YEH wants to practice, the best exercise for her mouth may then be to do sageuk…"

Ohh . . . she doesn't want to do sageuk right now. Forget netizens -- that's when the entire nation judges your enunciation. :D

There's also different expectations between actors and actresses. Relationship with camera and line deliveries are both important in conveying "presence." In an actress's case, it's more about relationship with camera. With an actor, it's more about how they interpret their dialogue.


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BTW, Anonymous was me. Not sure why it didn't get my name in the last post.


"But I always saw Hae-Na as a lonely, immature rich girl, not bone-deep snobby, but aloof and rude because she was just acting out, so in that respect, the real Hae-Na with her vulnerabilities is emerging in the second half of the drama and as a character much more believably portrayed by YEH."

I think that's the thing for me. I actually think her performance as Hae-na is good. She's a character actor at heart, and that much is clear when you see how different her physical mannerisms are in this role than in her other work. First character where you do feel she is throwing her weight around as a A-list lead now.

In terms of the character being fleshed out, that really is more a reflection of the show being really broad and really expensive.


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Speaking Korean with a lisp and poor enunciation are two separate issues. With the former, it can be cute and endearing, and you can still understand what they're saying. With the latter (and even more so when the dialogue is churned out at top speed), it's like JB's English example above x100. Then, there's failure to deliver lines in a convincing manner (an actor's job)...
I enjoy watching Yoon Eun Hye (in general), but I was cringing all the way through the early MFL eps.

And, yeah, Jung Il Woo isn't even acting in this drama. <_<


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lol at the last paragraph.... ^-^
And you are right JavaB, Jung ll Woo doesnt have that great part...but am hoping he will have more screen time soon.....

...short tongue...aaa... good thing Samsooki pointed the difference coz I was thinking on the medical side of "short tongue" and I got dismayed thinking YEH really has that medical problem!.... I also once thought that her way of talking was because of her pouty lips...^-^

But she is fairing better and better...well, at least , to the point that I hardly get bothered anymore by the way she talks....anyway, like like like her!....cant wait for the next ep!!!!! That's tomorrow!!...no, TODAY!!!!! ^-^



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"And, yeah, Jung Il Woo isn’t even acting in this drama."

Are you sure? I think his hair has leukemia. :D


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@ Anonymous/Belleza

*out of topic....but just have to...*

Yes, is that guy in Style gay or what?!?Seen the way he danced?! OMG!!!

My first impression of him(looking like a gigolo...I blame that on the stylist) didnt really go away, anyway... ^-^

SORRY JAVAB!!! (for the out of topic comment..)

re: Jung ll Woo's hair


Am praying they will change that awful hair SOON! It is very "LEGO" (the toy...as ...who was that who said it?langdon?..)


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Wait.... I was talking about the photographer...not the chef....^-^


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@29, meiko

Wasn't me! I wish I could take credit for it because it was such a great line! :-D


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Out of curiosity - is this bad enunciation thing predominately a k-drama occurence?

I don't hear it about actors/actresses in j- or t-dramas. And definitely not in Hollywood, where talk is about accent (the proper adoption or lack thereof befitting a certain role), and not about enunciation.

However, I think it must happen in t-dramas (where I have more historical background), because I vividly recall that certain old-school actors were dubbed for any drama they were in. If it was a HK actor coming to Taiwan to try their luck in a gentler pond, then dubbing was understandable as most cantonese acting talent didn't speak mandarin. But I recall certain native Taiwan speakers being dubbed, and I wonder if it was because they had bad line readings due to enunciation problems, or maybe because they had a Taiwanese accent when speaking Mandarin?

Regardless, since k-dramas don't dub, as hard as it is for the acting talent, they have to, have to, invest in a vocal coach and overcome this hurdle, else it will plague them to no end. Does YEH have this problem in real life, such as in TV appearances or interviews? Sounds like it appears/is exacerbated in dramas because of the rapid fire dialogue.

@ Meiko

The lego toy hairstyle comment is courtesy of our esteemed belleza. I'm still ROTFLMHO.


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hehhe...mmm... Ockoala, Belleza, or lb_tm.... i guess...!


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"Seen the way he danced?! "

Oh I know!! I was like "OMG LOLOLOL" and then the PD would show it in slow motion, as if he wanted to make a point. And what IS that point -- that he is "in love" with Editor Park and he "hates" The Chef (hates him so much to have his arms wrapped around him??) and he is "not like other guys" to Seo Jung. HELLO!!!! Denial isn't just a river! ;)

"Am praying they will change that awful hair SOON! It is very “LEGO” (the toy…as …who was that who said it?langdon?..)"

Haha, that was me. Like I actually see him take off that wig (OMG it has to be a wig, his hair looks so DAMAGED lol) and, you know, cojoin with Lee Min Ho or something. OMG that would be the hottest siamese twins evar! :D


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I think, that is her natural way of talking, I noticed she also talks that way in interviews and shows....

It was just more noticeable (on my part) in the first ep of MFL coz the voice, and speech didnt suit her character


LMAO!!! who ever thought it was a "hot" dance in the first place?!? Crazy director.... he looked totally gigolo!!!! not to mention he took his shirt off in that first dance...yyeeoowww... yeah, what was the point?!?


it was YOU! hahaha!!! I had that lego people when i was a kid so I truly got you...lol!
Nope, dont want that croissant hair of lee min ho!!!


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@32 yes, Yoon Eun Hye has this lisp even in real life. Just look at some of her interviews from her Baby V.O.X days and you'll see.
in one of her interviews not sure if it was the Vogue interview, she said she's working on correcting that.


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I CALLED IT! I said to myself in my office -

"Anonymous.... that's not anonymous... that sounds like Belleza..."

I called it, I swear I called it.


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twins!!! lol!!! well, isnt it LMH has bigger face than JlW?! *cowering now..*
Lee min ho is cute but am loyal to Jung ll Woo....LMAO!!!

Jung ll Woo... love you!


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"twins!!! lol!!! well, isnt it LMH has bigger face than JlW?! "

The Lego-My-Pama Siamese Twins, conjoined together at the head. Twice as hot and twice as unable to run away from rabid fangirls. I love it


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"Twice as hot and twice as unable to run away from rabid fangirls."

lol. first time posting, and that comment was my incentive to do so, haha. thanks belleza!

@javabeans, love your posts, and the lovely drama community on this site :)


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i remember her having an enunciation/lisp-y problem in the early episodes of Goong that drove me nuts...but I personally think it has gotten better since then.


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Hi guys!

I wassent gonna post coz I preferr two estay low forr d mos part. Lol (Cuban accent)

Not that anyone here knows me or anything, so… I don’t think anyone really cares if I post or not… hehe, but… here, I’m going to say some things about how important is diction for actors.
First a little sympathy: I read (scanned is more like it) through all the comments, and having read the previous one that JB posted with the interview and everything. I have to say that YEH has good fans. I’m so happy about that, it would be sad to hear of another celebrity committing suicide because of negative comments online.

WHITE FLAG!!!! Before anything else, I don’t want to die while I sleep.

What Samsooki said in one of his/her comments, is true. It is part of an actor to have good diction. While some characters may require you to speak with the accent of an ignorant person (which I figure it would be easy for an actor coming from a middle or low class background) other characters require that you speak with perfect pronunciation. Now, I don’t know Korean (just a few words here and there… Lee Byung-hun: saranghaeyo!) so I can’t say how bad is her diction, but if this is what she has been getting criticism for, then instead of crying she should better her pronunciation and show them she can do it….

…people, don’t beat me…!!!!

YEH is a very talented actress. I particularly like her acting very much. I have decided not to watch Lady Castle or Take Care of the Young Lady… whatever, because I’m not really fond of Cinderella like stories anymore. But she is, without a doubt, one of the reasons I got hooked to Korean Dramas. Yep, CP was my second drama and I loved her acting there.
My mom was an actress, and now she teaches acting. Let me tell you, diction is one difficult thing, but very important. Also, I remember how (and I still get such comments) people would say I was the chick from nowhere and yet everywhere in school. Because I don’t have a strong Cuban accent, but at the same time I don’t have an accent from anywhere. That’s because growing up with my mother gave me that “ability”? maybe is more of a flaw, since I’m not an actress.
I don’t know how it is in Korea, or here for that matter, but in Cuba actors are taught not to have an accent. That makes it easer for them to acquire ANY kind of accent… if you know what I mean…

In regards to her interview, it seemed to me that she was trying to make up for her flaws, saying how she had it really hard while filming. That only shows how sweet, naïve, and weak she can be. GIRL!!! You have to be strong. I think what’s happening to her it’s totally good for her future. If she is really smart, she will take it as an advice, and better her self as an actress. SHE HAS POTENTIAL… a lot!

Whoever wants to beat me up, let me know… I will try to provide my "fambeco" for you.


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she is a naturally sweet lady and she is struggling to show the role of being rude, snob and spoiled rich girl. she must separate her “true self” from the role she is playing. the director must say something about it and for sure he is noticing this.
with all this negative feedback, hope it will be a challenge for her.

lets give her the support and enjoy the KOREAN DRAMAS and her upcoming dramas.


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@43 len, YEH wanted to be really bratty, stuck up and snobby for this role and give it her all, but during the press conference she said that the PD told her not to do that because they were afraid that her character will become unliked. So it was the PD himself, who advised her not to.


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A bit off-topic, but speaking of Korean celebrities with a lisp, I think Noh Hong Chul has one. Don't you think so?


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@43 i echo your views! nobody's perfect, let's not stress this young lady as she already is...let's take care of our lady...give her a chance, i love her among the young Korean actresses since Goong, Vineyard, CF.

Actually I wasn't one of those who are observant enough to notice the way people are fussing about YEH's accent & so on! I guess being a non Korean I wasn't really paying attention nor noticed that she's talking that way and i don't really find any big deal about it...she's a good young actress & i'm just enjoying this drama and let's support her --- YEH you're pretty, young, and a whole life ahead of you so there's more people who love you I reckon compared to the people that criticize you, so keep your head up I'm one of your biggest fans supporting you! I am just enjoying this drama & that's all that counts for me! Aja aja fighting! May God bless you & keep you!


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@Samsooki, thanks so much for the explanation. I think in English we would say "lazy tongue" to describe who does not enunciate well. Or ascribe it to a regional accent haha


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yaay, eunhye hwaiting ^__^


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from JB's description of YEH's speech problem my conclusion is what YEH does to the Korean language is similar to what Sylvester Stallone does to the English language.


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Glad to see she's getting support. And it is true - she is settling into her character. I think if anyone needs to be blamed it's the casting director - when I told my sister that YEH is playing a rich girl the first thing she said is that it's not possible; YEH doesn't have the 'rich girl' look. I mean seriously - the first thing you think when you see YEH is not 'Ah, rich snob I bet'. YEH has a very lovable look to her. and slightly... dowdy? can I use that word?

About GHS - I really do feel another mis-cast and the casting director is the problem but I actually felt that YEH was trying her best to get into role no matter how badly it didn't suite her whereas with GHS she really clearly thought she was doing a spiffing job. (Side note: somebody said that GHS got slammed for bad acting? when? how come I missed it!

About her accent - I don't speak Korean but I do get annoyed with her voice cos it sounds like she has a seriously blocked nose sometimes. There's a lot not working for her in lady castle; her role, scary pinched eye-liner, bad hair (they fixed that one) and some of the most retared clothes I've seen in a while. But she still is so damn cute.

I was wondering though - how can Lady Castle not be considered a 'hit' when it's ratings are similar to Coffe Prince and Goong? Aren't they similar... 14,17,16...


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