Open Thread #88
by javabeans
It’s Open Thread Friday! You know what to do.
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101 summerrain
June 19, 2009 at 2:44 PM
@46 Thank you very much^^
... i usually like online watching more
but i think i'll try download them directly form the subbers...
i'd love to watch dramas on i think it's an amazing site
BUT unfortunately i don't live in the US -.- mh...maybe in the future even Europeans like me can watch it :D....I don't know the exactly proverb in english
but it's something like: Hope dies at last (?)
sorry for my poor english ^^'
and @ Samsooki: again thank you :D but one question ...what does samsooki mean?
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102 Dele
June 19, 2009 at 2:46 PM
I am so happy it is Friday because that means one more day before my dearest friend comes into town!
Today I mailed out my docs for feels crazy to think I will be moving to Seoul in less than 2 months. Well there is no turning back now.
I just want subs for Triple so I can get started on it!!! Yay for Brilliant Legacy this weekend!
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103 skelly
June 19, 2009 at 2:51 PM
this really is a fantastic drama season - esp. when I compare it to this time last year...!
Right now I'm watching Shining Inheritance, Good Job Good Job, City Hall, Hello My Teacher (I know, an oldie but Gong Yoo cries so fabulously well) Atashinchi ni Danshi, and Mr. Brain, and am waiting for all of Story of a Man to be subbed/uploaded so I can watch it all in one glorious marathon.
My daughter started watching Mr. Brain with me, and immediately started fan-girling over the main character. Well, I thought, yet another KimuTaku fan so I pulled up Pride for her, and she fell asleep halfway through the first ep. Then I tried Gallileo, and she is in heaven again. Turns out it's not the fluffed and buffed actors she's interested in, but mad scientists in general! Anyone have any other suggestions?
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104 gracegracegrace
June 19, 2009 at 2:57 PM
Only been 1 week since I got out of school and already summer has got me bored!
I've been watching Sons of Sol Pharmacy House on KBS world, and I've gotta say its one of my favorites!
and I have seen A LOT of dramas.
PRobably can't compete with Javabeans though ;]
Anyways I also watched Speed Scandal, and I thought it was hilarious! Love Park Bo Young!
Also looking forward to Partner!!
Happy Friday everyone ~
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105 summerrain
June 19, 2009 at 2:58 PM
okay i'm going to bed friday ends nooow
it is eh...11.55 pm so everyone in the US enjoy the rest of your friday :D
i recently fell in love with korean dramas, music and the fashion (also thanks to JB and allkpop)
i think i was born wrong :D..Korea wait for me i'm going to come xD
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106 Samsooki
June 19, 2009 at 3:09 PM
@97, that guy
@98, mookie -
I didn't quite enjoy the first three episodes. I was sort of underwhelmed by it all.
However, the series really gets going thereafter.
The story is a love story, and maybe the deepest in terms of complexity that I've come across in korean dramas.
I'm not giving anything away, really, but the development of the relationship between Mirae and Jo Gook is really something.
JoGook is a political prodigy and he has a fiance, the perfect woman for him both as a political animal and as a man. This woman is smart, elegant, just beautiful, extremely rich and as politically connected as they come.
Mirae is nothing like her, from a nothing family, with no education, no money, no "elegance," but she has her own beauty and her unique charm that is undeniably attractive.
Yet they share a connection, and that scares Mirae so much, because she has to pour her whole life out in the open, but she is capable and strong enough, so long as she believes that someone has her back. That person is JG, but even he warns her that he is the one person that she has to protect her heart from.
Despite that warning, Mirae finds herself needing to rely on JG, even as she knows that JG is using her for political gain, and she understands that her sacrifice is for the people she has given everything to defend and protect. And in the back of her mind, she fears that she will be used and thrown away just as JG has warned, and what price is she willing to pay to be the person of integrity that she is?
And JG is finding hinself in uncharted territory - he is a political animal, and he compartmentalizes everything to keep himself able to push and do things nobody else can do. And yet Mirae keeps surprsing him and keeps invading his heart, and inside he knows that ultimately he will have to betray Mirae and either destroy her as a woman, or destroy everything that she has given her life to protect... Or perhaps lose everything he has spent a lifetime trying to gain...
And time and again they find themselves together... The storm is coming, the storm is coming...
And THAT is through ep 13. I've read soompi forums a bit and people are already declaring City Hall to be the best drama ever.. Through Ep 16... High praise...
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107 Ladymoonstone
June 19, 2009 at 3:10 PM
I have been watching the old dramas and reviewing them...i forgot how many times I have seen "My Girl, Coffee Prince, Green Rose ,
full House, and recently Save the Last Dance. I am thinking of what to watch this weekend but probably my eyes needs resting.
Have a great weekend everyone!!
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108 langdon813
June 19, 2009 at 3:16 PM
Off to eat some spicy Mexican food and drink a few margaritas...hope you guys have a great evening in case I'm incapable of posting coherent thoughts when I get home! :-)
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109 Samsooki
June 19, 2009 at 3:22 PM
Samsooki is the name of the stuffed animal that Kim Sam Soon gets, early on in the k-drama series called My Lovely Sam Soon. This drama was the first drama that my wife and I saw together, and it sparked my love of k-dramas. And it still is my favorite drama, with my favorite actress Kim Sunah, and my favorite actor Hyun Bin.
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110 mookie
June 19, 2009 at 3:32 PM
^ I'm sold samsooki! Thanks for spending the time to write up for us skeptics! ;) I figure I need a good romance before heart wrenching watching the upcoming Chingu!
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111 kate
June 19, 2009 at 3:57 PM
i am sold on city seems really interesting and fun to watch...i love KSA since her My Lovely Sam Soon days and hyun bin as well....but the one person that i can't get enough of is so ji sub..ever since i've watched glass slippers i have always thought mr. so ji sub and ms. kim hyun-joo would make a great couple!!...happy weekend to all!!
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112 that guy
June 19, 2009 at 4:28 PM
@Samsooki... thanks for that recap. Maybe I'll give City Hall, another chance.
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113 Nonbirira
June 19, 2009 at 5:14 PM
Hmm... I'm also thinking City Hall might be worth giving a try. Thanks, Samsooki! But first have to survive this term! Not sure I will but at least "Bad Family" is making me laugh part of the day. Thanks, dramabeans, for recommending it. LOVE Kim Myung Min! (I walked out of a class this week because I was so angry with my students. They've promised to behave better in the future - we'll see...)
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114 Samsooki
June 19, 2009 at 5:15 PM
This is too funny.... watching Ep 1 of Star In My Heart, and it is tooooooo funny, 90's hair cuts, sunglasses day or night, every guy and girl smoking to be cool... Omg I can't stand it, its too funny, the nostalgia is just so strong it is killing me.. I want to go back to the 90's...
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115 sue
June 19, 2009 at 5:31 PM
@priki WOW thanks for the link!!`
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116 Anh Rohrbach
June 19, 2009 at 5:49 PM
Oh...Star in my heart of my favorite movie...Ahn Jae Wook was awesome and I cried bucket....I bought both the DVD and the OST of this drama.
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117 Rifae
June 19, 2009 at 6:11 PM
Hi guys!
I've been reading dramabeans for a while, but I think this is my first time posting...
@ mishane
Your east coast experience is really surprising for me! I grew up in the midatlantic in a vvvvery Korean suburb, so it's interesting to hear about other experiences!
@ funkster316
Just curious... but do you go to MIT? I'm actually on campus for the summer and am thinking about joining in on the Korean reading class...
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118 kb
June 19, 2009 at 6:26 PM
funkster316 #78,
your post brings back some fond memories of my time in korea several years ago (and what now feels like many many years ago).
man, i miss it.
when i finally get the opportunity to string together a couple or so weeks of vacation, i'm on the first plane out to korea.
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119 lei
June 19, 2009 at 6:36 PM
@hjkomo -- thanks! I've been looking everywhere for properly subbed episodes of triple. I'll wait patiently for WITH S2 subs :)
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120 bbm
June 19, 2009 at 7:05 PM
Hi All, it's been a long time since i post anything in the open thread, well, it's saturday here, and sadly i still have to work on saturdays
yesterday i watched The Sons of Sol's Pharmacy House/My Too Perfect Sons on KBSW and in a mess crying when Hye Rim died, particularly seeing the scene where Brutus running while crying and talking to his sister on the phone... TT
After i read (almost) all the comment above i really am jealous to those who can watched so many KDrama from Dramafever or download it from d-addicts and such... sadly i don't live in US and internet connection in my country is vey very bad, so watching online on viikii or any other sites is not an option either :(
i have to wait for the DVD to come to the local store and buy them :(
"If I play a SINGLE round of golf, dinner at the clubhouse and a few beers aftewords with my friends, that’s the same price as the cost of the ENTIRE box set for Jumong (삼한지-주몽 편 / The Book of Three Han) or Jewel In the Place (대장금 / Dae Jang Geum). "
Jumong + Dae Janggeum??? that's like 200 something episodes, right?? once, i am tempted to buy Dae JAnggeum from YesAsia (with subs) and the total cost is about $300-400, and finally i cancel my intention to buy it...
out of curiosity, like how much is the difference between subbed and non-subbed dramas??
"Samsooki is the name of the stuffed animal that Kim Sam Soon gets, early on in the k-drama series called My Lovely Sam Soon. "
I LOVE that piggy doll... my favorite scene with that doll surely when Binnie is dreaming Samsooki holding something (i forget what it was, a razor??) with a mad expresion... i even went out searching for that doll in my country but to no positive results :(
City Hall is almost finished, right?? so sometimes next month i'll be able to watched it here, YAY!!!
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121 Andromytta
June 19, 2009 at 7:06 PM
Samsookie is right, the best place to watch Soulmates would be on Dramafever. Free streaming, subs, and limited commercial interruptions. I've watchec Boys Over Flowers, Coffee Prince, and Goong on there. I have 15 invites left, and if you'd like one, you can email me at [email protected]
That goes for anyone else would like to join Dramafever as well. Just let me know, I'd be glad to share my invites!
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122 Hanjanman
June 19, 2009 at 7:10 PM
Two things I'm looking forward to next week:
1. Two more episodes of City Hall.
2. The molestation of SO JI SUB by MISHANE at the NYC Asian Film Festival caught on mobile phone video!
I wonder why there's still no sight of bspanda on this thread? Is she now on a flight to New York, also hoping to do a mishane on SJS?
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123 epyc
June 19, 2009 at 7:25 PM
@ Lovers of BBC Period Drama
P&P, North and South, Wives and Daughters, and Cranford - these are dramas that I watch at least once a year. There is no need to say anymore of P&P (and BTW, I love both the BBC 1995 and the 2005 movie versions).
North and South - If you want an intense romance, go for this one. Richard Armitage is brilliant in this. I also agree the drama adaptation is more enjoyable than reading the book.
Wives and Daughters - Love its simplicity!
Cranford - This is not so much a romance but a story about humanity. It is about folks in a fictional village called Cranford who go through the transition from a quiet genteel society to the industrial age. If you ever lose faith in people, watch this one and you will regain your optimism. The fact it has the best and brightest British actors makes it even more worthwhile - Judy Dench, Eileen Atkins, Michael Gamboon, you name it. I just love every character from old to young - every one of them. And, yes, Phillip Glenister - he moves me to tears when teaching that boy and helping his family. For romance lovers, you will love the segment of Simon Woods (Mr Bingley in the 2005 P&P) which is so adorable. In short, I can't praise enough for this wonderful drama.
@ Would-be City Hallers
Do, do give it a try - you will definitely be rewarded and hooked by Ep 4-6. And it will be a no return afterwards. The synopsis of this drama does not do justice to this great love story! KSA and CSW have this chemistry that you feel they are a real couple falling hopelessly in love in impossible circumstances.
Thanks to all City Hallers for spreading the love. The last scene in Ep 16 (I mean, the night scene) is so quiet but yet so emotional as it shows how JG has been shaken to the core by MR. His lifelong ambition has now come to a naked truth .... how am I going to sit still until Ep 17!
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124 b020
June 19, 2009 at 7:30 PM
Hey - anyone from Chicago?!?! While there is a Korean presence here, I could go days without seeing another Korean face if I didn't go to ESL class where I volunteer.
For all of you that are going abroad to teach English - can you recommend a program that's only a month or so long? I'm going next year for my first vacation!!
As for dramas - I love, love, love Shining Inheritance!!!! I've just rented Ruler of Your Own World from Netflix. I'm also watching J-dramas Hancho, Boss, and Mr. Brain. Just finished Gokusen 3 graduation special and can't wait for the movie!!! Yay!!!! I wish they'd do a 2nd season of Galeileo.
i guess I disagree with almost everyone here about City Hall. I find it to be slow and nonsensical - I get the feeling like everyone is trying really hard to make this drama work and it fails to convince me. After 8 episodes - I'm not interested in finishing it. Same with That Fool.
I can't wait for Iris, the J & K-collab series, and I'm actually looking forward to Partner. What i really wish for right now is a great romantic drama that has the right balance of tension, drama, comedy and great endings with believable kissing - too much to ask for???? I loved Spring Waltz and thought it delivered on almost everything - yes, there were flaws, but man, when they got it right - it was perfect.
Ok - now starting Ruler of Your Own World...
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125 simi
June 19, 2009 at 7:32 PM
Hey guys,
Just finished Hello Schoolgirl with Yoo Ji Tae.....really fun and cute! I really enjoyed the OST, especially this indie group No Reply. While trolling google for more info on them, I found this link on you tube (with english subs) I LOVE this song so much I actually broke down and bought the CD! I hope you like it as much as I did!
Loving the Triple recaps right now Javabeans........just waiting for the WithS2 subs and drooling all over my laptop(so.much.eye.candy.)
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126 nycgrl
June 19, 2009 at 7:52 PM
I just came back from a date with my husband. We had a really lovely night in the village and had some very good french food and I'm feeling a little happy and tipsy from too much beaujolais.
Anyway I'm think I'll check out City Hall now. I have always been a fan of Cha Seung Won but the story plot just never griped me but if everyone is saying its great I have to check it out.
I love open thread Friday nights since this is the time I get to find out more about my fellow kdrama lovers and I find some many stereotypes or assumptions are broken. For instance I'm surprised how many people on this thread are from places I've never been to like Mississippi and aren't asian and yet love kdramas. I'm a born and breed NJ/NYer and have always been around asians and have had dramas as background noise since I was a wee child but never bothered watching it because it was something my parents or aunts rented on VHS.
Like many here I love BBC and good storytelling which is why I now love kdramas. Before I got into kdramas i was more into british mini series that dealt mostly in another time and era or anything from Joss Whedon. For me Pride and Prejudice A&E is the comparison I make to every british series I've ever watched.
@langdon813 --you and are so much alike but I'm the korean east coast raised version. My friends and relatives think my tastes are quite highbrow. anything with literature, movies, art and food they ask for my opinion which is why many can't understand my love of kdramas. I have many korean friends who are ivy league graduates, mostly doctors and entrepreneurs who think my love of kdramas is almost a weakness in my range of good taste. I don't really care what they think but I don't really talk about it with them since they don' get it. My non asian friends of course know nothing about this side of my life so i am pretty much in the closet. So like you I pretty much have this board to live my "other" life. BTW i am a big Coen brothers fan as well. I just re-watched raising Arizona the other night for the upteenth time since it was on TV. My love for frances mcdormand grows every year and even George Clooney is growing on me after watching Brother Where Art Thou. You must have loved that one being set in Mississippi.
@ hjkomo ---another food lover. I choose to live in NYC for the food. I once talked to a Zagat editor at a party for over 2 hours straight about the different cucumber texture and flavor (e.g. persian, kirby, hothouse, korean, japanese), to the point I think I even bored him. haha!!!
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127 ripgal
June 19, 2009 at 8:03 PM
You make me want to start on City Hall right away!
Like Mookie, or maybe worst, I stopped about like 15 mins into Episode 1. Maybe the election and political stuff bored me but I just could not bring myself to follow thru... even with my admiration for Kim Sun Ah and the writer (she's a darn good writer I must say, loved most of her previous dramas). Maybe I should pick it up again one day... after I finish Brilliant Legacy and Triple that is. Sighz. Korean drama is taking over my life nowadays... should totally get a life!! urhhh...
I watched Ep 1 of The Man Who Can't Get Married, and it was so-so for me. Uhm Jung Hwa was probably the only good thing in it, I liked her scenes the most... Ji Jin Hee was a bit too OTT, which is a bit weird for somebody who's lonely and socially inadept. And it's weird because I don't think it's kinda realistic.. (whilst I thought it was okay in the Japanese version). Kim So Eun and Yoo Ah In are pretty good, pretty much the same with the original characters. I hope Ep 2 would be better tho... they can only do so much when the original's pretty much unreachable eh?
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128 Snikki
June 19, 2009 at 8:06 PM
@ 124 b020
I'm from Chicago too. Since I work downtown I see Korean tourists everyday on Michigan Ave. and sometimes on my bus ride home. I also see a few in the building where I work. And in the pedway, there's this food place where Koreans frequently eat, most of them tourists. The concierge at the Hyatt probably suggests that place to them.
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129 mzpakipot
June 19, 2009 at 8:21 PM
Hello everyone!
Just spreading City Hall love in here to all City Hallers!
Never a dull moment watching each episodes, there are days I couldn't even concentrate with my work coz it keeps me guessing what's going to happen next, or what's the story behind the characters or situations.
"What i really wish for right now is a great romantic drama that has the right balance of tension, drama, comedy and great endings with believable kissing - too much to ask for????"
awww, that's too bad. you're missing out on City Hall kiss scene, I think it's real as they can get! and their relationship is so real!
Spoiler: watch at your own risk
Now, i have to catch up with episode 15&16.
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130 Andromytta
June 19, 2009 at 8:26 PM
Ok, this is too funny, I have to share. My newly formed K-Drama obsession is leeching it's way into my American television viewing.
I love the new summer series "The Unusuals" on ABC. For those of you unfamiliar with it, it's a series about a precinct of NYPD detectives who are, for lack of a better word, quirky.
Last week, one of the detectives had "relations" in a supply closet with the Asian medical examiner. She had not been returning any of his phone calls, so the detective went to confront her and find out why. She responded with something in her native language. He responded by saying "I don't speak Chinese." I was yelling at my TV (as I have a habit of doing) "She's Korean, not Chinese!" I said this to the TV at almost the same time she told him "I'm not Chinese, I'm Korean. How can you have sex with somebody and not know their nationality?"
I've been watching so much K-Drama, that even though I didn't know what she waas saying, I recognized the language. Just thought I'd share!
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131 A.
June 19, 2009 at 8:39 PM
I have not visited in a long time, guys. I feel like the summer is draining me away and making me all unmotivated to even do procrastination [though I'm not sure what I'm procrastinating against]. But, I find myself spending a lot of time watching dramas - Triple & City Hall are the two main Korean dramas grabbing my attention and I might start The Man Who Can't Get Married, but I feel like I should watch the original Japanese version before I can make a decent judgment/comparison between the two.
What's this about P&P and Jane Austen and N&S?? During Spring break, my friend and I had a Jane Austen marathon in which we watched P&P [the BBC one], N&S, as well as Northanger Abbey, and also the P&P movie. It took hours [you can tell]. But I think I am forever attracted to the Mr. Darcy/Thornton character - a man who is willing to sacrifice so much for his love, a man who is tortured [wow I feel like a man-hater (is there a word for girls who hate guys like mysogenist)] by his love for a woman, who goes against all traditions and societal needs, a man who knows his love is so wrong but he can't help it and feeds that love... oh my. I think all, or most, women are attracted to a man who is willing to love so much.
I started City Hall because someone suggested Jo Gook had a Darcy complex, and I can definitely see the connections. Thank you whoever it is [sorry I forgot who it was]. But the Darcy comparison is so very true, and very easy to distinguish. It is difficult, however, to get past the political jargon and stuff. I mean, I sort of skimmed through the stuff because I'm watching with Chinese subs, and the explanation subs are too tiny so I didn't bother reading them. But, City Hall is really good. And, like Samsooki suggests, that storm is coming. I can not wait [I'm actually still catching up and am finishing up episode 13].
Triple, on the other hand, is so cute and relaxing and warm. I think the best word for Triple is "sunny." Because it is a very sunny drama. Lee Haru is so cute - some say she's annoying, but her charm I think is more cute-attractive than annoying. All of the other characters also have their own charm. I was a little iffy about Min Hyorin, but her portrayal of Lee Haru is too cute. Hah!
I feel like I'm dying trying to catch up on the billions of dramas I'm trying to watch before I get shipped off to college in August - I know I'll be too busy during college to actually watch anything regularly. Oh well, the sacrifices we make. I mean, I plan on catching up on Gossip Girl and watching a few seasons of 24 and also maybe Heroes. Oh, and House. And currently I'm watching like 10 J-dramas: Boss [which is hilarious and really good], Mr. Brain, Aishiteru, Atashinchi no Danshi, Smile, The Quiz Show 2.... goodness.
Meanwhile, I feel a little obligated to advertise for Aishiteru. I highly highly highly recommend Aishiteru. It has touched me in so many ways - I think I might have cried every episode. I told my friends that this was something that I'd watch if I got pregnant [hah], because it has such a strong mother-child bond theme to it that it's inspirational on becoming a good mother, hahahaha. The story tells of basically 3 mothers: the mother of a child who has been killed, the mother of a child who killed the aforementioned child, and the mother who is assigned to investigate into the murder. What's strange for me is that I end up sympathizing with the murderer's mother more than the victim's family. The drama has such a strong family theme, and, oh my, it's just so so good. The painful feelings as a mother are expressed so well, too. It's a very emotional drama, in a nutshell.
Boss, on the other hand, is really funny. Mystery + touch of humor. Hilarious, in other words.
Summer is too short, darn.
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132 kb
June 19, 2009 at 8:54 PM
nycgirl #126
"I have many korean friends who are ivy league graduates, mostly doctors and entrepreneurs who think my love of kdramas is almost a weakness in my range of good taste."
as an ivy league grad and a resident physician myself, i find this statement hilarious.
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133 Kender
June 19, 2009 at 9:03 PM
@131 A. - Omo, Jo Gook = Darcy? You just said the magic words to make me watch that drama. The Darcy/Thornton-type has been my fantasy love for as long as I can remember. *squeals*
I'm on episode 13 of That Fool right now, and I'm trying to figure out how they'll drag all this out for another 3 episodes. But on the plus side, I'm totally in love with the younger brother. His lisp is SO ADORABLE. Even if the rest of this show sucked, I would watch it for him. Shame I'm a noona to him. :( (Gah, I feel old when I say "noona.")
I've discovered that most of the guys I'm currently attracted to are either younger than me or only a year or so older.. This is a big change from previous years, when all of the people I was attracted to were at least 8 years older. I'm not sure if it's the result of my changing tastes, or if the new, young crop of talent is exceptional. Hrmm, to ponder.
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134 hjkomo
June 19, 2009 at 9:19 PM
@ nycgrl
I haven't been to NYC in about 8 years, but I know the first thing I'll do on my next visit is hit the great restaurants...and the theatre (I miss the Roundabout! :( )
I had the same experience re: the family's VHS rentals. Did each tape make its rounds among all your aunts & uncles before heading back to the video store (since there was no due date for returning rentals)? My aunts would always stop by (since they all lived within a 5-mile radius) looking for the next episode. Lol.
@ Kender
That Fool had a great ending! I'm still missing Hwang Jung Min. :(
Re: the new young crop of talent.....they've just grown up into handsome (and hot!) young men. :P
But don't discount the older ones. Who cares about age, anyways? Hot-ness has no age limit. ;)
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135 Taohua
June 19, 2009 at 9:40 PM
I'm incredibly behind on my City Hall watching since I had been distracted by Story of a Man for the past few weeks. So I'm about to catchup on that sometime soon I hope. I, also have heard that episode 15 is one of the best in the whole series. Besides City Hall, I'm watching the jdrama Mr. Brains and then hopefully starting Triple and The Man Who Can't Get Married once subtitles are up. And am trying to decide on whether I want to watch Black & White ( I kind of like ZaiZai---he has definitely improved since his Meteor Garden days)---I've been missing C/Twdramas...maybe I should just re-watch Prince Turn to Frog (Ming Dao was pretty awesome as Dang-ou)
I wish I had known earlier that Wong Kar Wai was coming to the NY Asian film festival, I'm a big fan of his work (especially In the Mood for Love) and I was just in NYC this past weekend (though only for a couple of hours in Chinatown---seriously one of my favorite places). Also the fact SJS will be there ::sigh:: and he's one of my favorite actors...I'll be looking forward to pictures if y'all decide to post them :)
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136 Samsooki
June 19, 2009 at 9:41 PM
@120 bbm -
"Jumong + Dae Janggeum??? that’s like 200 something episodes, right?? once, i am tempted to buy Dae Jang Geum from YesAsia (with subs) and the total cost is about $300-400, and finally i cancel my intention to buy it…out of curiosity, like how much is the difference between subbed and non-subbed drama"
You can buy the authentic complete set of Jumong (28 DVDs, 81 episodes, 4 box sets) for $224, and the authentic complete Dae Jang Geum (18 DVDs, 54 episodes 3 box sets) for $145. Waaaaay cheaper than YesAsia. There is an eBay store called "Thinking DVD" that sells these sets (Region 1, authentic).
I've bought many of my DVD sets from these guys with no complaints at all. You can save a ton of money if you do a bit of research.
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137 djeedjes
June 19, 2009 at 10:03 PM
When people said they were watching too many Kdramas, I wonder, how many dramas have you watched?
I am an avid Asian dramas' lover - I watched Chinese,Korean,HK,Japanese and Taiwanese dramas, and already finished over 100 titles in my life time.
I have to admit I mostly watched the pirated copies of them, but now that I have better internet connection, I download them, and no longer buying the pirated DVDs.
It makes me getting slower in watching dramas, but the feeling, the satisfaction when I get high quality videos and proper subtitle is unchangeable.
My coworkers know my love to Kdramas and they keep teasing me about it all the time - but some of them also borrow my collections, so I am in the middle of brainwashing the colleagues' journey, trying to convert them to Kdramas' lovers. :D
They printed me a birthday card with Jang Dong Gun's picture recently, and when I saw it my first reaction was "HEY Can't you choose a better picture of HIM???" :p
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138 langdon813
June 19, 2009 at 10:07 PM
@ 134, Taohua
I'm watching Black & White and it is really good! I've just finished episode 20 out of 24 and I can't believe how many twists and turns the show has taken. I'm going to miss it when it's over. Vic is his usual darling self in this and Mark Chao is fantastic; I'll be watching out for him in the future.
I completely agree about Wong Kar Wai; if I'd known he was going to be there I would have figured out a way to get there myself...all the way from Mississippi! Fallen Angels, Chung King Express, In the Mood for Love...I'd be hard pressed to say which one I love most; but I think my favorite scene of all is this one from Fallen Angels:
And this from Chung King Express:
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139 Samsooki
June 19, 2009 at 10:21 PM
@127 ripgal -
You might find it a bit hard to watch the first 3 episodes or so of City Hall. Just fast forward if you get bored, and read the intro page on Soompi forums of City Hall to learn about the various characters. Starting with episode 4, though, you sort of have to pay attention. CSW is really something else.
There are your typical bad guys in City Hall, but CSW is not a bad guy or a good guy. CSW as "Jo Gook" is just a guy, and he's a guy that has it all, but wants what he knows from his knowledge, intelligence and experience will end up being very bad - he will hurt Mirae, he will hurt the people that Mirae has sacrificed everything for, and/or he will destroy himself and everything he has worked his whole life for.
And Mirae is no fool, she knows that she needs Jo Gook, and just as Jo Gook will use Mirae, she will use Jo Gook. And she knows that the feelings that she is starting to have for Jo Gook can only lead to problems in the future, she knows this. She knows that Jo Gook told her to protect herself from him as he will probably betray her, and yet her heart tells her to trust in him? She knows that Jo Gook is engaged to be married to someone else, and yet her heart tells her to go to Jo Gook? But what will happen if she is forced to choose between her love for Jo Gook, and her love and integrity and duty to her people?
The love story is so complex, with KSA and CSW characters both understanding, on some level, that they are on a collision course, with CSW already foreseeing all the possible scenarios as to what will happen and KSA fearing what will happen, and yet Mirae's duty to her people and Jo Gook's ambition and lifelong aspirations are keeping them firmly on this collision course.
And all around them, various characters of varying ability (ranging from inept to frighteningly powerful and smart) are plotting their downfall - enemies of Mirae, enemies of Jo Gook....
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140 bbm
June 19, 2009 at 10:28 PM
thank you for the reply, i really do need to do some searching for those places...
one of the local TV channel is showing MNIKSS but they're dubbed in our native language... it's soooo strange, hearing Samsoon and Binnie fight in Bahasa :P
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141 chajjye
June 19, 2009 at 10:35 PM
hehe. well. he's in crew cut though. :) enjoy! but no guarantee if tears will not flow.
one night away from the computer and the thread becomes 138 thread long! wow. open threads are seriously addictive. :)
@138, bbm:
btw, they are dubbing BOF in that's weird.
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142 djeedjes
June 19, 2009 at 11:09 PM
have you guys seen this : ???
Right, where is belleza? ;)
TOP looks soooooo damn cool, right??!! :P
Ahhh, please please September, come faster!!
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143 bbm
June 19, 2009 at 11:12 PM
@139 chajjye,
since i live next to singapore, my TV can catch all the neighbouring countries TV channel (Malaysia and Singapore), i have watched BOF, CP, Jewel in the Palace, Hwang Jini, and many other KDrama (and sometime even JDrama) in Mandarin... it's kinda weird, but i think almost all countries are like that...
Idk, i think only Ch 8 (malaysian channel) often airs drama with the original language, coz i remember seeing Nodame and Attention Please in Japanese, but since i moved to my current place, ch 8 is so blurry i can't watch anything
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144 D
June 19, 2009 at 11:56 PM
@138 bbm..
i assumed you're a fellow malaysian? well, i avoided watching any korean drama on the local channels - dubbed version kills!
and i cried buckets too at that episode of my too perfect sons.
i love watching the variety shows on kbsw eventho it's shown way much later due to the sub. my fav is star golden bell.
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145 bbm
June 20, 2009 at 12:34 AM
@D, hehehe, i'm indonesian actually...
and i also looove SGB, too bad KBSW changed their subbers coz the part with Nicole (level with me S2), the subtitle came out rather weird...
Quick question to all:
is there any MBC or SBS english channel like KBSW??
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146 Jessica
June 20, 2009 at 1:05 AM
@ all the pale people who sunburn easily
As a fellow pale person (albeit Asian) I would like to reintroduce something that can help us all... the "parasol" or "sun umbrella."
It's still widely used in parts of Asia (like Taiwan) but for some reason no one uses it here in the States. So whenever I go out during the summer I'm always embarrassed to bring one or else people will look at me funny.
So please, start using them and if we can make this a trend then I can start using it here as well and not have everyone stare at me and think I'm crazy :)
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@ djes #136
I also watch C / J / HK / TW-dramas and if I were to count them all I'm sure it would be over 100 as well :)
When Buffy and Angel both ended I think that's basically when I stopped watching American TV shows.
At that point I felt too tired to invest 5+ years of my life in another series. So Asian dramas were the perfect fit for me. Even those 100+ daily dramas are fine for me because at least they have a set ending.
I'm glad you're able to infect others with Asian drama fever. I'm lucky in that most of my friends do watch Asian dramas, however most of them are more specific. Some only watch C-dramas while others only watch J-dramas. So it's tough to find someone that has a more diverse taste.
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147 demonwolfie
June 20, 2009 at 1:18 AM
#120 bbm
i just have to say i feel SO sorry for you.
but i bow down to you, you are a true kdrama lover/addict. ^.^
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148 mead
June 20, 2009 at 2:10 AM
my first post here... :) shout out to all fellow kdrama-lovers
@samsooki #137, do join us in the discussion of CityHall on soompi.... =) the more people discussing the show the merrier... i especially like how the writer links together every detail, it makes the show very interesting as audiences are kept guessing whether each detail matters. For example (spolier):
JoGuk calls MiRae his hamster when he asked her out on the camping trip... he used to call her kingkong, shrek... and it turns out that MiRae called herself his hamster to the other beauty contestants and one of them said that on tv which JoGuk saw
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149 mookie
June 20, 2009 at 2:12 AM
@ Jessica, haha my mom brought hers when she visits and she'll attempt to shade me as well...AND I'm talking about the walk fr the car to the mall. I took her hiking in Muir Woods to see the redwoods once, and for those who've not been there, it's totally decked and shaded, but yup, her parasol tagged along and I think she's wearing a 2 inch sandal thing? But it's a fine dress code there with the abundance of Asian tourists who can hike in a 4 inch and cute skirts.
I went to a Korean fried chicken place, 4 of us, and we decided to order soju. My hubby cant drink , he'll totally get the Asian flush with a sip of beer, so we ordered 3 bottles, I'm the only one there who's had it before and I told them it's not hard stuff. THEN those 2 dudes don't like it and I ended up with 2+ bottles of soju in my system now. It's a bit much and gosh how can u drink the kdrama amount for real?!?!?
@ djes, I've been watching dramas all my life. My mom used that as a bait for me to finish HW on time since grade sch. Then she thinks drowning me with BBC dramas r good for my English. College, I roomed with 2 drama majors one is Japanese, another Korean, and they r both serious hardcore drama/movie nuts. Add my own addiction to TVB stuff (esp the old sch JinYungs), I think I easily have 200+ under my belt?!
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150 D
June 20, 2009 at 3:17 AM
hi.. im right smack in kl and the only reason why i still suscribed to astro is kbsw. i agree about the SGB sub. lately it seems a bit weird but then i mostly concentrate on the interview parts, hehehe...
cant remember when was the last time i watch 8tv, but only japanese drama is shown in original language. korean drama is subbed to mandarin. they're showing zettai kareshi at the moment.
looking forward to partners (wookie!!!!!) on kbsw altho it'll be another months or so..
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