Open Thread #88
by javabeans
It’s Open Thread Friday! You know what to do.
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51 MEIKO**** ^-^
June 19, 2009 at 10:26 AM
"3. So Ji Sub…. coming to NYC on Tuesday and Wednesday… are we going??? Have to ask the wife… I’ll take cell phone pics of any stalkers whose hands are all over SJS’s butt. One of them should be bspanda."
LOL!!!!!! ^-^
How come they dont visit Boston.... : (
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52 lovenyc52
June 19, 2009 at 10:27 AM
@ 28 lb_tmi - thanks again! and yes i totally feel you on the time wasted watching a drama. Tokyo Juliet (a TW drama with Ariel and Wuchun) was just horrible. This was when I was determined to finish a drama though, regardless of how painful it was to watch. Now if I lose interest I'll just drop it rather than waste my time...but then I think back and am like I will NEVER get those hours back..EVER.... sigh. what are you planning to buy today? :) i truly believe that shopping is therapeutic
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53 langdon813
June 19, 2009 at 10:32 AM
I give up, I can't hold out anymore...I'm going to have to start City Hall this weekend. You guys are just making it too hard to resist! I'm only watching three dramas at the moment anyway so what's one more, right?
Someone upthread mentioned Attic Cat, has anyone seen it? Thumbs up/down? I'm intrigued.
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54 EndlessxBliss
June 19, 2009 at 10:42 AM
I just opened an article about a woman from Minnesota who illegally downloaded 24 songs and as a result, was put to trial and fined $1.9 million. I know illegally downloading is wrong, but a fine of about $80,000 per song is crazy.
@ 53 langdon813
Attic Cat is a pretty good show, though one thing that annoys me is the stupidity of hte male lead, but I guess his hotness pays off. *sigh*
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55 Samsooki
June 19, 2009 at 10:50 AM
@47 lb_tmi -
"don’t forget Mishane, she’ll be there grabbing SJS too! take lots of pictures if you do go."
If we go, I will protect SJS from Mishane's grabby grabbies and the hustle him out to k-town for some sullangtang and/or jjajjang / jjambong ban-ban and lemon soju. SJS and I will become best friends and he'll blue-tooth all of his cell numbers contact list to me. Then we'll get SJS, KJH, SYR, KSA and CSW to come by for a barbeque at my place. I'll send teaser pics to hjkomo just to torture her.
@49 epyc -
"BTW, where has Belleza gone? Haven’t seen her post for quite a while now."
Yeah, a lot of people seem to have gone, now that summer is here..... maybe they will be back in the Fall when classes start up again?
@50 MEIKO**** ^-^ -
"Hi! I have been waiting for The Return Of Iljimae DVD with subtitle….. seen it anywhere?"
The First Press Limited Edition DVD Box Set is on sale now, and it comes with 9 DVDs, outtakes and bloopers, and a special documentary. The boxset looks like this:
You can buy it from YesAsia for $93, but:
1. Region Code 3 only.
2. No english subtitles
3. very expensive.
I have no idea when an authentic Region 1 (USA) boxset will be released, if at all. It could be that they will never release an American boxset version, or maybe they are working on it right now. And there doesn't seem to be any Chinese bootleg DVD sets with English subs for this either. (I found only one, but that was with Chinese subtitles).
As for DL's, you can look for it on d-addicts forums and you should find it there, subbed and recapped.
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56 coco
June 19, 2009 at 10:59 AM
Glad to hear there's more "Oldies" out there! I'm a KDramaFanGranny! Should I make that my online name?
To all you City Hallers out there, ain't it great! Can't wait to watch Ep16 but don't want it to end.
CSW is so good in this drama, I wish he would do more in the future but he seems to concentrate on the Big screen. He also has a 20yr old son, so langdon813, you're not the only one to start young!
Everyone seems to be off to fun places, Paris London Vegas! Me, well I'm off work for 11 whole days and where have I been? No where! What have I done? Nothing! What am I going to do? Well, maybe paint my gate and watch dramas! Not to worry I'm off to England for 3weeks in Sept, my turn will come!
Happy Fathers Day to all the Dads out there! To all of you with Dad's, tell them you love them while you still have the chance.
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57 MEIKO**** ^-^
June 19, 2009 at 11:02 AM
: ( aaaww..... my korean is bad. Need to have subtitles. I hope they are making one with subs.... I want it so bad!
i guess ill check d-addicts then....
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58 lidge_fan
June 19, 2009 at 11:02 AM
*counting down the days, hours, minutes and seconds unitl I see Wookie again*
Happy weekend to everyone!!!
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59 MEIKO**** ^-^
June 19, 2009 at 11:07 AM
"If we go, I will protect SJS from Mishane’s grabby grabbies and the hustle him out to k-town for some sullangtang and/or jjajjang / jjambong ban-ban and lemon soju. SJS and I will become best friends and he’ll blue-tooth all of his cell numbers contact list to me. Then we’ll get SJS, KJH, SYR, KSA and CSW to come by for a barbeque at my place. I’ll send teaser pics to hjkomo just to torture her."
LOL!!!!!! can a apply as your personal assistant for that particular event? or photographer? Youre in NY right.... yup, ill suffer the 4 hour drive....
No pay needed! Pictures with them is gooooddd enough....*drooling*
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60 sari
June 19, 2009 at 11:11 AM
@langdon183 Attic Cat is a popular drama in that time,kind a like Full House.@samsooki lol How many dvd did you have?Is there still room for up coming dvd?What a great explanation about City Hall which i agreed.@all I dunno if i may ask this question,are you all asian or not?and for not asian why you all so addicted to kdrama?^^
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61 lei
June 19, 2009 at 11:15 AM
Does anyone know where I can stream or download triple with eng subs? Tried viikii but the subs are incomplete. Can't find them anywhere else.
Thanks and apologies if this has been posted elsewhere
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62 Samsooki
June 19, 2009 at 11:24 AM
@60 sari -
How many do I have? A lot. LOL. Almost everything I have is authentic except for DVD sets that are not available in the US. It can be expensive, but I've also cut down (or eliminated completely) playing golf, buying video games, and going out to expensive places to eat.
Now, I think - if I go out with work people for an expensive meal after work, that's the same price as Star In My Heart (별은 내가슴에)! So, for the price of one expensive meal that I won't even remember the next day, I can have the boxset with Ahn Jae Wook and Choi Jin Sil, and be able to share it with my friends and relatives for a long time.
If I play a SINGLE round of golf, dinner at the clubhouse and a few beers aftewords with my friends, that's the same price as the cost of the ENTIRE box set for Jumong (삼한지-주몽 편 / The Book of Three Han) or Jewel In the Place (대장금 / Dae Jang Geum).
You know?
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63 Kender
June 19, 2009 at 11:30 AM
@60 sari - I'm not Asian, I'm as white as white can be (German/Scottish/French). I literally glow in the sunlight, and I can be quite favourably compared to blank sheets of paper. I'm probably about as close to albino as you can get without actually being albino.
As for why I'm addicted to Korean dramas.. I'm not quite sure. I ask myself this quite frequently. I think it's a combination of (a) my love of the language/culture, (b) attractive actors, and (c) interesting/different storylines.
I just got back from watching "Victor Victoria" on TCM. I'd never actually seen it before, although I'd heard of it, and I think it's now high on my list of favourite movies. Julie Andrews is absolutely amazing, and I LOVED the guy who played Mr. Toddy. So much fun.
Now I'm going to go watch a few more episodes of That Fool, then perhaps some more Shiroi Haru. Wheee~
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64 Joshee
June 19, 2009 at 11:33 AM
Samsooki, thank you for your review of City Hall. I am now at Episode 3, and I'm enjoying it so much. KSA is hilarious and adorable - I forgot how brilliant she was in MNIKSS until I began to watch City Hall, and I'm so glad I did! Haven't yet warmed to CSW but I'm glad to know he gets better and better. I had my doubts about this drama at first since the synopsis sounded a little boring - but I'm glad I gave it a try!
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65 coco
June 19, 2009 at 11:43 AM
@ sari.... No we are not all Asian and I'm sure if we took a poll we'd find people from all over the world viewing this site. Btw JB have you had a viewer poll recently? The results are always interesting to see.
Our common bond is Kdrama. While channel surfing one evening about 2yrs ago I found Coffee princes, it reeled me in and I've been hooked ever since. It's a refreshing change from the normal US TV fodder we get served up as entertainment.
I'm a sucker for a romantic comedy in any shape or form so kdrama is right up my street.
Watched "Last chance Harvey" last night and cried my eyes out! Wonderful little movie. Well written and acted. Touched my heart!
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66 mishane
June 19, 2009 at 11:49 AM
@ 44 Samsooki
--3. So Ji Sub…. coming to NYC on Tuesday and Wednesday… are we going??? Have to ask the wife… I’ll take cell phone pics of any stalkers whose hands are all over SJS’s butt. One of them should be bspanda.--
Haha, I'm still going. To both! And to Gong Hyo Jin's movie also.
I'm getting my wisdom teeth extracted today though, so I hope my face isn't all swollen when I see him.
ALSO, spent a VERY LONG time mulling over outfit choices. I'll be the one dressed outrageously. Hey, it's NY! I can dress however I want!
(And I'm STILL planning on a butt touch, maybe a nice little butt graze)
And if you take him out for soju, I will be following you. If you look over your shoulder, you'll see a tiny Asian girl ducking behind buildings and people.
In other news, I really hope you like 9 Ends 2 Outs. It's on my top list of all time. It's not like all the other k-dramas that have crazy ridiculous plot devices. It's slow, nice and intimate. The chemistry between the leads is amazing and it's the ONLY best friends drama I've seen. It has a special little place in my heart.
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67 mishane
June 19, 2009 at 11:50 AM
At all the non-Asians in this community, how come you're not on the East Coast?!?
I'm Asian but grew up completely and totally 'white' to the point that the only Asian person I know is my mother.
The reason this sucks is that NONE of my friends watch Asian dramas and I have absolutely no one in real life to discuss them with. How horrible is that?!
Sometimes there's nothing I'd love to do more than relax on a Sunday afternoon, on a couch with Ben & Jerry's in my hands, watching an Asian drama and talking with a friend. Alas, being an only child and the only Asian drama lover I know, it's only me on that couch.
(Wow, that sounds mega pathetic!)
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68 cecee
June 19, 2009 at 11:53 AM
@ samsooki and epyc
the past few episodes got me crying! I felt their heartache and their pain. It was so said. I love that she understood the nature of things and yet she remained grounded to her intergrity. I wanted to hit BB and his stupid fiance! The episodes keeps getting better and better.
It was sad when she left and he didn't grab a hold of her but yet he is always near her. It was beautiful when he cried. These past few episodes were really heartbeaking for them two. KSA and CSW are really really great actors! I felt the emotions even when they are just looking at one another.
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69 hn
June 19, 2009 at 11:54 AM
I just finished watching "Goodbye Solo" on KBS World yesterday and I really really think that this is such an awesome and underrated drama. I am not good with words but I read this article and thought that it did say all the things I want to say:
btw, I don't know why but I'm starting to fall in love with the so-called mania drama. "Sorry I love you," "Soulmate," and "Goodbye Solo" are all mania dramas and I enjoyed all three. What do you guys think?
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70 langdon813
June 19, 2009 at 11:54 AM
@63, Kender
Are you sure you're not my child? I only remember having two, but you sound a LOT like me, so just checking.
I have the weird combination of dark hair with pale skin & eyes, so in addition to the reasons you listed for loving kdramas (which are also my own), there is the added benefit to not having to go outdoors, something I avoid as much as possible unless I'm traveling to a new city or country, in which case I pile on the highest possible SPF and head out the door.
I am just not that into reality shows or crime procedurals and it seems like that's mostly what we have to choose from with American TV shows. Kdramas just offer so much of what I love most about TV. I was raised watching soaps, so I guess this isn't too much of a stretch!
I'm also a huge fan of BBCA - can't get enough of Doctor Who, Torchwood, and even Primeval, which is the cheesiest show ever but I like it a lot. I'm still suffering mightily over the loss of Battlestar Galactica and before that, Veronica Mars (we were ROBBED, I tell you!). Love British comedies like Vicar of Dibley, Blackadder, Gavin & Stacey,
Victor/Victoria is hands down one of the best movies of all time. I make it a point to watch it at least once a year, along with Raising Arizona (well, any Coen Brothers movie really but especially that one) Dances With Wolves, Pulp Fiction...I'm sure there are some I'm leaving off but these are at the top of my repeat viewing list of films.
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71 sari
June 19, 2009 at 11:54 AM
@samsooki What a solid love or addiction or obsession for kdrama!(honestly same with me ^^).Kdrama i though it sucks at the end is:ALuv2Kill (why the brother didnt just die when he jumped of the building?),PowerfullOpponent(always wrong if only two men and one woman),LoverInParis(what LDG got?nothing and above all 'the bad ending ever'in kdrama.(the second is ALuv2Kill).
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72 coco
June 19, 2009 at 12:00 PM
@ mishane
I know how you feel! I'm non-Asian and no one I know watches Kdramas. They all think I'm crazy! Even the Korean guy I work with laughs at me and my addiction. He told his parents [drama watchers!] and they also think its strange and funny.
For the record I'm West coast.
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73 Kender
June 19, 2009 at 12:00 PM
@67 mishane - I'm on the lower East Coast, if that counts.. :P
Our Asian population here is 4--my Dad's coworker, his coworker's wife, and their two sons. The wife had a Chinese restaurant for awhile that her sons and I always used to hang out at, but that's about the extent of my experience with Asian things up until high school. Then in high school I met a girl who had just discovered Japanese rock, so we explored it together.. And then I fell into Jdramas, then Twdramas, then Kdramas, and the rest is history. (I'm the one responsible for the underground J-rock wave at my old high school, though. My brother says it's still there, and they're still passing around the original mixed CD I gave to some classmates. XD)
@70 langdon813 - As far as I know I'm the blood child of both my parents, but I could be wrong. After all, they lied to me about my sister (turns out it's not just my brother and I after all, heh.. I haven't met her yet, though), so maybe they stole me from you? :P
I've recently become a huge fan of BBC period dramas. North & South is probably my favourite, but Wives & Daughters and Cranford are quickly rising in the ranks. (Or maybe I'm just an Elizabeth Gaskell fan? Hrmmm..)
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74 mishane
June 19, 2009 at 12:00 PM
Aw, no one liked A Love To Kill?
That holds my number one top favorite drama spot. I was on an emotional roller coaster during the whole time.
And I didn't hate the ending. Yeah, it left me depressed for the rest of the week, but after I read other peoples views on it and thought about it a bit more, it made sense.
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75 kb
June 19, 2009 at 12:08 PM
sent an email your way through soompi. PM doesn't work for whatever reason.
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76 Samsooki
June 19, 2009 at 12:10 PM
I think I got it, you'll have your dramafever invite shortly. I'm at work, and it ain't easy juggling telephone calls, billable hours, soompi and dramabeans. UGH!
(note to others, I only get a certain number of invites to (so that's why I didn't just give an open call for everyone who wants to be invited to (KB dongseng had to come first...LOL), but I think each person who gets an invite also gets a certain number of invites I think. If I get more invites later, then I'll let y'all know if you guys can't find a way to register for the site....)
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77 LOL
June 19, 2009 at 12:22 PM
It's my first time posting a message here. And I have to agree that City Hall is an excellent drama. It is so worth the hype. it's the best kdrama I've seen so far. And yes, I've seen so many drama's to last me a lifetime of entertainment. Every episode just makes me go gaga crazy. Seriously, my week perks up during Wed. and Thur. It's two thumbs up. And if I have more thumbs, it's going to go up! ^w^
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78 Nodame
June 19, 2009 at 12:28 PM
@ News-s: I just recently caught Soul Mate and loved loved Shin Dong Wook and Lee Si Kyung too! The secondary stories were alright. I agree that Tian Mi Mi was a cute story.
@ Samsooki: I agree "City Hall" rocks. I love Kim Sunah and I like her chemistry with Cha Seong Won. YEAH! I cannot wait for more episodes to come out. I rely on subs especially for this drama. My Korean is good for simple conversation (from all the dramas I have watched) over the years. When the moment happened in the car between the two of them I was HAPPY! I loved how he said I am going to do something and get slapped for it! I have watched up to episode 14 so far.
I love JUMONG and JEWEL IN THE PALACE (Dae Jang Geum).
@Langdon813--Oh Dal Ja's spring I loved Chae Rim in it! I liked it so much I did marathon sessions and finished quickly getting little sleep while still going to work! Originally did not care for Lee Min Ki but I grew to like him. I liked him and Eugene in "I Really Really Like You".
@Bobbie---I went to Seoul once and it was 3 years ago now. I had a blast and visited my friend while there. Depends on what you like to do, see and eat. History go visit Changdokgung and Gyongbok gung the two palaces the former is smaller and visit the secret garden and the latter was rebuilt but worth visiting. If you are fan of Dae Jang Geum/Jewel in the palace got to visit the MBC Park set where it was filmed---I did! Also for cute tea houses and souvenirs go to Insadong, Myeong Dong for hip cool shopping (think Harajuku in Japan), Pojang Macha's the food stalls were awesome! I got my hair permed, colored and cut for a reasonable price $60 USD (but had my Korean friend help me) and got cool shades too that got me alot of compliments. The food is great and visit Sinchon to see Ehwa and Yonsei ---if you like visiting college campuses both are well known schools in South Korea. Visit a day trip DMZ or take side trips to Jeje Island and Pusan. Nam San where Seoul tower is a great view especially at night of beautiful Seoul. Dong Dae Mun is a good place for clothes/window shopping. Nam Dae Mun is good to get everything sold in that market to bargain from souvenirs, clothes, housewares, luggage etc you can find it here and it never really sleeps. I found the Kimchee museum in Samsung Dong cool and interesting. I even went outside of the city to go to The Folk Village to get out and check out houses around the country and the museum and Korean drum performance there too. (Also the site of a few movies and dramas-ie Hwangjin and King and the Clown.) Good luck and have tons of fun!
Randomness: Yeah I love DRAMAFEVER! It rocks. I started watching "Boys Over Flowers" I hesitated getting sucked in while it aired. Now I can watch it after work and at night when I am ready. Loving it so far and I had just finished Meteor Garden and Soul Mate last week too! Having read the manga, I appreciate all the plot twists and turns that move away from the manga.
Many I am jealous there are some Korean actors/actresses at the Asian Film Festival and I am in Boston but have to work! So Ji Sub is coming wah! Wong Kar Wei too from HK the famed director, my close college friend's fave director at that too!
@Mishane: I think it is cool you like Kdramas. I am Chinese American but I get jokes from my Korean friends about my viewing dramas (67 and counting) along with movies and knowing Kpop songs. The other day, I had lunch and I recognized all the Kpop songs coming on the speaker. (I cannot do that anymore with American songs or even HK/Taiwanese songs. Luckily here in Boston, there are free Korean classes at MIT taught by grad students! I LOVE it!
I am from EAST COAST and grew up in Cape Cod. My brother and I were the only asians for a LONG LONG time. Now there is a bit more asians.
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79 Nodame
June 19, 2009 at 12:29 PM
@ Priki
Wow speed scandal was awesome! I saw it with my Korean tutor last weekend! The boy who places the grandson was ADORABLE!
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80 ar_arguably romantic
June 19, 2009 at 12:33 PM
wow Samsooki, your post #15- such an eloquent description of City Hall and just what makes it so fascinating for its viewers! I've only watched up to episode 15 and read up on episode 16. There was no preview for 17 and it would kill me to watch 16 (and the crazy cliffhanger) without episode 17 there to comfort me. I love Mirae! Just when it looks like someone has really trampled on her and she has the defeated expression on her face (and then I start thinking, omg...this might really be the last straw!), a few moments later, she bounces back to fight! I think one of the big attractions to the City Hall couple is that they're shameless without losing their dignity. and omg, the image of Jo Gook's campaign- with his fanclub and him posing for the camera like a member of a boyband!
I know a lot of people here watch korean dramas, but I was wondering if anyone has started Chen Qiao En's new drama, Easy Fortune Happy Life? It's a taiwanese drama. Wanted to start it last night, but I've been having this stubborn headache.
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81 langdon813
June 19, 2009 at 12:46 PM
@ 73. Kender
Yep, that clinches it, you're mine. John Thornton and Margaret Hale are one of the best couples in literature for me, perhaps even more so than Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth Bennett. And if there has ever been a better BBC production than Cranford; well, I haven't seen it yet.
@74, mishane
I thought Rain was fantastic in a Time to Kill, I really did (athough I've read some rather scathing opinions to the contrary). I thought he and Shin Mina had great chemistry, too. While I didn't hate everything about it, it was one of the first dramas I ever watched, so I wasn't prepared for the unbelievable amount of suffering and despair (see also, Tree of Heaven). I could never watch it again because I just can't live through the agony of the whole "we can't EVER be together even though there's absolutely no REAL reason we can't be together."
And I really sympathize with your situation because it's the same for me. I have absolutely no one in my real life who has any clue what this is all about, which is why I sort of live for Open Thread Fridays now! ;-) But in all seriousness, it's tough when my husband constantly tells me that I need therapy for my "ridiculous obsession". And friends & family, who for years have had the utmost faith in my recommendations of books and films, suddenly act like I've lost my mind when I describe this wonderful new world I've discovered, And the sad thing is, they're the ones who are missing out...I couldn't be happier, LOL!
Samsooki, your wife is one lucky woman, that's all I can say!
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82 quantumvis
June 19, 2009 at 12:51 PM
Hello everyone!
Please, would someone help me with some translation? (I'm sure lots of people are experts at Korean!)
I'm going to Korea on a tour (in about a week?), and I'm very allergic to peanuts. Are peanuts very common in Korean food? Judging from the dramas I've been watching, I don't see large pieces of peanuts sprinkled everywhere, but I still don't know. Could someone please translate "I'm allergic to peanuts" and "Do you use peanut oil" into Korean for me, in case English does not suffice? Or, is it possible to say this in Chinese? Are there foods I really have to avoid? I think this is in Seoul, although we'll probably be staying in other areas b/c this is a tour.
Thanks soo much! When I went to Thailand, I had to look up the words in a Thai-English dictionary in a bookstore before lunch, and it was a rather frantic experience!
On one more point: has anyone ever been to an island where one feeds seagulls? Apparently, this is featured on the tour. I sort of wish I could have just gone by myself?
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83 glitzyglam
June 19, 2009 at 12:53 PM
@8 Bobbie
hi! First off, I hope you have a wonderful trip to Korea! I just wanted to suggest one of my favorite places to go in Seoul.. Samchungdong has this cute little street area with little cute and hipster cafes and boutiques and it's also an excellent place to take pictures (if you're into photography) because it's such a cute little area!
It's by Insadong so you can also visit that area.. which is kind of tourist-y but so fun because it's very artsy!
And for night life and shopping I'm sure you've heard of the Shinchon area, Dongdaemoon, Ahpgoojungdong (which in my opinion is very overrated.. it seems to me like a place people just go to be SEEN ::coughh:: celebrities ::cough::), Myungdong, etc. etc.!
But yeah, Samchungdong is a place I would definitely check out! :D
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84 glitzyglam
June 19, 2009 at 12:58 PM
OH! and to add for @ 8 Bobbie..
Also, if you like amusement parks.. go to the Jamshil area and go to Lotte World! :D
btw.. if you go to the COEX mall.. I just want to warn you that everything there is like twice as expensive -___-;;
good luck and have fun!
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85 Samsooki
June 19, 2009 at 1:08 PM
@82 quantumvis -
Remember, Korean is like German, so sentences are Subject-Object-Verb. I am going to assume you can't read Korean, so I won't type out the Korean for no reason.
Allergy - al-rae-ruh-gi
Peanut - ddang-kong
Peanut oil - ddang-kong gi-reum. goes:
Juh-neun ddang-kong gwah, ddang-kong gi-reum-ae, all-rae-ruh-gi ga issumnida.
(I) (peanuts and) (peanut oil) (allergy) (have).
Jung-mal appoo-do wee-tohk hal-soo-do issumnida.
(really) (hurt) (sick) (possibly make) (be this way).
Jae-ga joo-moon-ha-nun um-shik-ae, ddang-kong it-sseul-guh-na jae-ga al-ryuh-joo-sae-yo.
(my order of food) (if it has peanuts) (let me know).
(thank you).
I am allergic to peanuts and peanut oil. They can cause me to be really sick. Please let me know if anything that I order has peanuts. Thank you.
(some help from more fluent speakers would be nice)
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86 lovenyc52
June 19, 2009 at 1:13 PM
@78 funkster316 - i am chinese american too but totally love kdramas, kpop, kculture... ktown :) haha. and my korean friends are always like 'wow you're so much more korean than i am'.. sigh. i only have one other friend (who is also chinese american) who is as into asian media as me, but she's into jdramas and jpop and jculture haha. but she recently told me that i was turning her korean cuz i show her all the kpop clips i find :)
So I am taking Shining Inheritance slowly because I don't want to catch up with the subs... every ending is an OMG moment for me and it makes me want to watch the next one immediately. I just finished ep 10 and forced myself to stop so I could get some sleep before work. It's getting so good though. Sigh. I need to be more multi-lingual....
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87 Jem
June 19, 2009 at 1:17 PM
@80 Asianromance
I like Easy Fortune Happy Life so far. Ep 3 is coming out this weekend.
Happy friday everyone!
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88 hjkomo
June 19, 2009 at 1:42 PM
@ Samsooki
"I’ll send teaser pics to hjkomo just to torture her."
I see you are still living in your delusional fantasy world and have forgotten to
You're so close to the awesome culinary delights of NYC!
It would be hard for me to choose between memorable meals and dramas.
I'm glad I don't have to 'cause I choose both. ;)
Btw, when does New Heart play on MBCD?
Unfortunately, I have not found a way to get an accurate schedule online.
The one on the website is completely wrong.
@ langdon813
I love BBC America! When I'm not watching kdramas, I'm usually catching up on all the British shows piled up on my dvr.
...and Masterpiece Theatre on PBS! (though I missed the recent airing of Little Dorrit. :( )
@ Kender
Thornton & Margaret!!!!
I actually liked the drama better than the book....something about Richard Armitage's portrayal of Thornton *swoons*
So, when's the next season of Robin Hood starting? :D
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89 toki10
June 19, 2009 at 1:43 PM
@langdon813 - cranford? i haven't heard of it but when you said the characters beat out mr. darcy and elizabeth bennett, my ears perked up. i'm a huge fan of the bbc (fawlty towers and black adder started me on my way to brit humor love) but don't have much time to watch it. anytime someone recommends something as being better than pride and prejudice, i'm all over that.
@everyone - out of curiosity, has anyone seen terminator salvation or the proposal? trying to decide on one or the other. not thrilled about either but that's the way it goes i guess when you try and see movies with someone. compromise - where you don't get what you want and i don't get what i want and neither side is happy.
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90 Priki
June 19, 2009 at 1:49 PM
@funkster316 I KNOW! I love how he kept smiling to bow to his grandfather and then, as soon as the bow was over, we'd close up the smile and just go away!!!! hehehehehehe! Too cute!
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91 han cougar
June 19, 2009 at 1:51 PM
I am watching Princess Ja Myung Go. I really like this series. I can't understand why the ratings are so low. The story is interesting, acting well done by both the young and older actors and production is top-notched. I must be smarter than these Korean housewife in charge of the remote and appreciate a good series when shown.
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92 hjkomo
June 19, 2009 at 1:53 PM
@ lei
WITHS2 is subbing Triple. Be patient. :)
@ toki10
Cranford is a great story with memorable characters (and awesome actors), but if you're looking for the "matches and even exceeds P&P romance", watch North & South.
I haven't seen Terminator Salvation, but The Proposal is a fun romantic comedy, especially if you like Ryan Reynolds and are looking for some laughs. The naked scene had me spilling my popcorn and in tears (of laughter).
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93 quantumvis
June 19, 2009 at 1:56 PM
@ 85 Samsooki
Thank you soo much!!! Nope, I can't read Korean. I'll just hold the piece of paper. Thanks!!!
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94 huh?
June 19, 2009 at 2:07 PM
I'm a middle school teacher which means my summers are pretty much free. I use this time to catch up on k-dramas and gossip I've missed throughout the school year. Dramabeans is the first place I go to when I wake up. I'm sure you already know this but your site is a god send.
I've watched every single drama you've suggested and found that I mostly agree with all your reviews. I am curious about how you feel about Korean reality shows like "We Got Married." Are they scripted... like....I don't know..."The Hills?"
I normally don't watch variety shows like that but my friend was watching it and I caught a few episodes. I wasn't a big fan of Kim Hyun Joong in BOF...his acting was a bit stiff. However, I really liked the chemistry between him and Hwangbo. He was much more natural on that show then it made me he a better actor given another role or perhaps that particular show genuinely is a reality show?
Anyways, have a great Friday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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95 Jadielaw
June 19, 2009 at 2:12 PM
I need to make some choices regarding Sageuks (to buy) and would appreciate some help.
Would you recommend:
Iljimae or Return of Iljimae
Painter of the Wind or Kingdom of the Wind
Emperor of the Sea or Immortal Lee Soon Shin
Strongest Chil Woo (yes or no)
@ 33 Anh Rohrbach
Do you know any of the actors names in Winterbird? Or what is the storyline?
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96 Samsooki
June 19, 2009 at 2:13 PM
@88 hjkomo -
"Btw, when does New Heart play on MBCD."
Actually, it is almost random. I have no idea. We just set our U-Verse DVR to record New Heart whenever it comes on, regardless of whether it is "first run" or "re-run", regardless of time of day or whether it is a multiple. Because who knows whether it has been coded correctly.
Then if we have seen an episode already, we just delete it. Like Cinderella Man seems to come on randomly too, so we delete 2 repeat episodes for every new episode we watch.
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97 langdon813
June 19, 2009 at 2:18 PM
@88, hjkomo
I have Little Dorrit on my DVR; I'm saving it for a rainy Sunday afternoon!
@89, toki10
Actually, John Thornton and Margaret Hale are the two main characters of a wonderful BBC production of North and South, based on a novel by Elizabeth Gaskill. It is a must see if you're a Jane Austen fan and enjoy that particular genre. Richard Armitage is VERY swoon-worthy (Robin Hood who?? Give me Sir Guy of Gisborne any day of the week)!
Cranford is another Gaskill novel that was made into a BBC production and I think it is one of the best shows I've ever seen. I can't recommend it highly enough. If anyone is a fan of the original BBC show "Life on Mars" (fantastic show with a killer 70's soundtrack), then you'll recognize Phillip Glenister (the inimitable Gene Hunt) in Cranford. This guy is an amazing actor. These two characters could not be more dissimilar, and he's brilliant at both.
I have not seen the Proposal and I'm not sure I'm going to. Sandra Bullock is MY age, and seeing her naked might destroy what little self esteem I have left.
I did see Terminator Salvation and if you're a fan of the series then you should see it, but be aware that it's very big on action and very short on plot. And loud. Extremely loud.
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98 that guy
June 19, 2009 at 2:24 PM
With all these "great" dramas... coming out. There's no time to watch them all. I got bored with City Hall, Cinderella Man, and That Fool. One of my rules is that if a cliffhanger after 3 episodes doesn't pull me in, then I just drop that series.
This is why I'm still watching Brilliant Lagacy. I just want to know what happens with Eun Sung's family. It gets redundent, and it gets boring... but I just want to know if "this is the episode where Eun Sung finds his brother". Damn it, I should of quit watching this drama 8 episodes ago. It's like the only exciting parts of the drama is the freakin' cliffhangers.
I joined the bandwagon and started watching Triple. It's entertaining. I also started watching The Man Who Can't Get Married.
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99 mookie
June 19, 2009 at 2:38 PM
@ Langdon, O M G Life on Mars is <333!!! I'm biased towards BBC dramas. I don't rem one that sucks honestly. It just depends on my mood, what I want to watch atm. I'm savoring Prime Suspect last couple months.
I've just started Mad Men, I know it's good, but I didnt know it's THIS good. It's interesting to see ad men at work when I'm watching that and Triple.
Now I'm debating whether I should pick up City Hall again thanks to all the rave by Samsooki and other City Hallers. I've stopped at 3 and frankly I really labored thro those 3 hours in the name of my love for KSA. So, if I'm really bored by ep3, should I still give CH another go?
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100 trixicopper
June 19, 2009 at 2:40 PM
I dont comment here very often but I do enjoy reading everyones posts. On the topic of how and why we watch Kdramas, Im like a lot of others who found them by accident. Channel surfing one night beause I was bored I came across this asian drama with subtitles, didnt have a clue what it was,it caught my interest and an addiction was born. Found out later that it was the first episode of Jumong. I suppose if your going start being a Kdrama fan its best to start with a good one.
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