Lee Yeon-hee sings for Super Junior
by javabeans
Well, I suppose it isn’t totally out of line, considering that Lee Yeon-hee, who is managed by SM Entertainment, was almost in Girls Generation back in her training days. But I admit I tire of singers crossing over as actors with mediocre acting skills, as well as the reverse, actors crossing over into kpop with middling singing talent.
In any case, the East of Eden actress will feature her vocals on Super Junior‘s upcoming third album, having lent her voice to the song “Club No. 1.” The album is also drawing notice for featuring DBSK’s U-know Yunho and Micky Yoochun, who will rap on the song “이별… 넌 쉽니 (Heartquake).” (What, with 13 members — or is it 14 now? — is Suju finding it difficult to fill out their songs with their own talent?)
Super Junior will kick off their comeback with an appearance on KBS’s Music Bank on March 13.
Via Herald Biz
Tags: Lee Yeon-hee, singers, Super Junior
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1 fizzle
March 8, 2009 at 5:00 PM
Meh. I used to like Lee Yeon Hee. Then I watched East of Eden.
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2 Afflicti0n
March 8, 2009 at 5:10 PM
"What, with 13 members — or is it 14 now? — is Suju finding it difficult to fill out their songs with their own talent?"
I was thinking the same thing. That's just way too many people. It's bad enough that not all of them might get a part in the song but add two more people...?
Well, I'm still anticipating their comeback.
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3 Sue
March 8, 2009 at 5:10 PM
i used to like super junior when they were newbies. then i got too much of them. i think they're sick of it too, sadly.
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4 impatiently waiting
March 8, 2009 at 5:11 PM
Lee Yeon Hee's singing is pretty good considering she's an actress and not a singer. She did an opening performance for the MBC awards this year and it was really good. I think that people shouldn't judge til they actually hear her sing. I seriously can't wait to hear her sing!
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March 8, 2009 at 5:18 PM
I haven't hear about Lee Yeon Hee for a while. It's good to hear that she's helping out her SM family. I personally don't think Lee Yeon Hee is bad at singing. She's actually pretty decent compared to some other singers in the singing business. I can't for the track to be released! Lee Yeon Hee and Super Junior HWAITING!
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6 elmo
March 8, 2009 at 5:25 PM
she was in that movie "my love" ? or something like that
i really liked her in that movie
she was adorable with short hair
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March 8, 2009 at 5:28 PM
Is she finally moving on from her horrible acting? (prays)
To fizzle: LOL, I used to like LYH but then I saw her acting. After that I didn't like her so much.
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8 Biscuit
March 8, 2009 at 5:34 PM
Isn;t she just narrating? ohhhhhh is she really gonna sing??
meheheh, 14 members XD
Now... thankfully she is female... because if she happened to be a male and participated, I really dont want to see the "Only 13" thing again (even though I secretly agreed with only 13 members and no more >.> still.... too much things going on -_-)
speaking of 13, I just killed the 13th stinkin' fly -_____- Why does this area have so many fly's >:|
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9 love
March 8, 2009 at 5:36 PM
I love LYH! I don't know what people are saying. I liked her until I saw her acting? She was always an actress!!! Her role in EOE different than her other roles but I still loved it. People really do have problems. If you can't do any better then don't talk.
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10 shine
March 8, 2009 at 5:47 PM
Yea! LYH is singing with Super Junior? That's so cool. Lee Yeon Hee hasn't been doing anything with her fellow SMers for a while. It's good to hear they are still good friends and working with each other. I've always liked LYH. She's always been the girl next door type of girl. And I can't wait to hear her sing. Hopefully she'll get to shine on the track.
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11 Biscuit
March 8, 2009 at 5:54 PM
@#9 Love: please dont say that TT_________TT
As viewers, we have a right to express our opinions whether we like it or not TT___TT
If you heard a song and didn't like the way that person sang, does that mean you can't say you dont like that singer's singing? If you did say you didnt like it, it doesnt mean you have problems, but weren't you just saying how you felt? Of-course, it doesnt either mean you hate that person either... just dont agree with that person's talent.
It's not about being able to do something better (I mean, you have movie critics etc who aren't actors or never directed a film, etc XD) but it's about sharing with others and expressing one's opinion ^__________________^
I think that saying people who mentioned about her acting have problems was a bit mean TT_____TT
Some people might have seen her from cms and photoshoots and liked her, like for me, but when I saw her act.. for an actress I didn't find her that great, and I just simply didn't think highly of her as much as I did before :)
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12 henry
March 8, 2009 at 6:35 PM
ehh.. i feel like javabeans just dissed suju ... T_T
but... whatever... its javabean's opinion...
just glad that the sm family is supporting each other ...
btw... i think the SM Company choices to add collaborations to the album.... right?
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13 thua
March 8, 2009 at 6:48 PM
fizzle: "Meh. I used to like Lee Yeon Hee. Then I watched East of Eden."
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14 splendid
March 8, 2009 at 6:51 PM
I've always like Lee Yeon Hee. Before and after I saw her dramas.
Lee Yeon Hee is just an all round likeable girl. I can never ever dislike her.
I give LYH props for continuing her role as YR on EOE despite criticisms and such from viewers. LYH isn't afraid to take on roles whether they are likeable or annoying and immature as some other actors and actresses may be afraid to take on such roles.I must say I think highly of LYH more now than before.
Looking forward to hearing Lee Yeon Hee and U-Know on SJ's album!
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15 jam
March 8, 2009 at 6:57 PM
Love EOE! So sad it's coming to an end!
Good thing we get to hear LYH featured on a track on SJ's new album.
I have a feeling it's going to be a great track with LYH on it.
And we're also going to get to hear U-Know rap!
Hope the album doesn't disappoint.
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16 blahblahblah
March 8, 2009 at 7:05 PM
Whenever you see someone in magazines or photo shoots, you automatically think highly of them? And now that you have seen her act you don't think highly of a person as you did before? That's really nice of you to say that.
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17 Me
March 8, 2009 at 7:23 PM
So this time around the boys will get how many second per person. If Gee is 7 sec per member how bout SJ.
I never watched LYH movie or drama nor intend to watch it But just heard that she supposed to debut in SNSD. but dont' so maybe it good. iono
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18 Biscuit
March 8, 2009 at 8:34 PM
@#16: ah. I didn't mean it that way.
I think "highly" was a completely wrong word to use, and since I'm not great in English I often use the wrong terms to express my opionions TT_____TT sorry. and I dont automatically think highly of people... but if what I said gave that meaning..I'm sorry for that too >_____.>) so I apologize for saying anything mean or offensive.
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19 aloneinthedark
March 8, 2009 at 8:59 PM
Isn't it a celebrity who would lend their vocal to an unknown/new vocal grup, so the group could be heard & known by listener/viewer (like YEH for Mighty Mouth, or LJK for Sori). But Suju did the reverse. So why did they do that for, they're famous enough without have to invite another famous singer/actor ? Isn't it a new strategy from SM entertainment to compete with DBSK & Big Bangs ?
Apart from that, I think Yunho & Micky are credible to be a guest singer in Suju's album since they're real singer, but I don't feel the same with LYH. I've heard her voice at the opening of MBC awards last year, & frankly her voice not that so special (just decent). Her voice seems fit as singer in vocal group, but as a soloist...I don't think so. It isn't that strong enough...I think, I feel the same as Javabeans, having tire of singers crossing over as actors with mediocre acting skills, as well as the reverse, actors crossing over into kpop with middling singing talent
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20 belleza
March 8, 2009 at 10:11 PM
This is not surprising at all. Lee Yeon Hee and SuJu go way back, having done various videos (i.e. Timeless) opposite Han Geng and Si Won. She seems good friends with them, and this seems like a club track.
LYH's kinda nearing "Leave Britney Alone" status for me. Sure, Lee Yeon Hee's been cast opposite Song Seung Heon, Park Yong Ha, So Ji Sup (grrr!!!!), Hyun Bin, Gong Yoo, Kang Dong Wan, Yoo Ji Tae, Jung Il Woo, Jesus, Buddha and Mohammed before she could legally drink. Sure, she's been the focal point of various EofE conspiracy theories (BTW kids, EofE is ending this week! Will Dong Chul and beat the crap out of his emo fake bro "Shin" Dong Wook? Will Shin Tae Hwan make it out of the show alive? Will we see Rebecca ever again? Will Dead Mike show up at Dong Chul/Grace's wedding? How many licks does it take to get the center of a tootsie pop? Tune in for the final -- MBC promises!! -- week of Al Este Del Eden)
All the same, she is still 21 years old and she's taken enough lumps for EoE, when she wasn't originally projected to be the lead.
"But I admit I tire of singers crossing over as actors with mediocre acting skills, as well as the reverse, actors crossing over into kpop with middling singing talent."
That's what makes Koo Hye Sun so scary. Exhaustion? Accident? Stitches in the mouth? CONCUSSION? Ain't no thang girlfriend!!
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21 ar_arguably romantic
March 8, 2009 at 10:42 PM
"What, with 13 members — or is it 14 now? — is Suju finding it difficult to fill out their songs with their own talent?"
definitely agree with you!
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22 michelle
March 8, 2009 at 10:53 PM
i love you for that second to last sentence (:
Harsh? Nah.
I guess I can understand Lee Yeon Hee being featured because she's a girl, but DBSK? I thought Suju had rappers.
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23 candy
March 8, 2009 at 11:41 PM
"But I admit I tire of singers crossing over as actors with mediocre acting skills,.."
i do also hate actor/ress trying to sing when they have mediocre voice but i like it if they really have the talent. and LYH, she do have a very sweet voice. when i heard she's going to sing i tend to accept her like YEH ang GHS (they were a singer).
LYH fighting!
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24 BSSfan
March 8, 2009 at 11:54 PM
to fizzle:
My first impression of LYH was on EOE LOL
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25 cosmopolite
March 9, 2009 at 12:43 AM
Omg...you actually have suju fans as readers? I pity you :(
But, seriously, it's a bit too ridiculous to have a million members and still feature other people. that should be illegal.
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