Boys Before Flowers: Episode 9

I was mightily annoyed that one of the big moments in this episode was spoiled by, oh, practically every site out there. You couldn’t go anywhere on the k-internets without running into huge headlines — with pictures! — of said moment. I know the news was probably released to drum up interest in the episode (like that was necessary) — but it’s one thing to talk about something after it airs, and another to spoil it before it even broadcasts. Booooo.


Like somebody commented, this show is like crack. Maybe not the best thing for your brain, but OMG NEED MOAR NOW.


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The morning after, Jun-pyo rises to a large (by Geum family standards) spread, and Jan-di’s parents urge him to eat up. Mom takes particular care in attending to him, but to the fastidious Jun-pyo, it’s a bit hard to swallow (literally) when she uses her hands to tear up his meat before serving it to him. Commoner-style living has some unforeseen drawbacks.

What’s cute is that they call him “son-in-law,” and while it’s not that unusual to use the term with a daughter’s (serious) boyfriend, it’s a bit early for that. Still, cute.

Breakfast is an entirely different affair at Jun-pyo’s estate, where Mom (Madam Kang) joins Jun-hee for a rare meal together and wonders where Jun-pyo is. (“Do you know how rarely I have breakfast with you two?” Jun-hee: “Is that our fault?”)

Jun-hee covers for her brother, saying he’s still asleep, having been out late with his F4 friends last night. Madam Kang grumbles that he’s outgrown those childish friends, reminding her, “Even if the Shinhwa Group successor has friends, he doesn’t need them.” His position, after all, “requires him to be so cool-headed that he is capable of even cutting off his family.”

Mom heads to Jun-pyo’s room to fetch him personally, looking around in annoyance to see that he’s not there. The butler gulps nervously, hesitating when she demands to know his whereabouts.

At the Geum household, Jun-pyo watches in fascinated curiosity while Jan-di’s family prepares a massive batch of cabbage to be made into kimchi.

He stays on the sidelines at first, but seeing how much fun they’re having together, Jun-pyo soon joins in.

At school, Ji-hoo visits the empty pool, probably expecting to see Jan-di there and disappointed that she isn’t. With a rueful (?) expression, he remembers their boat ride together during their trip to New Caledonia. He floats a paper boat into the pool, then walks away with a sigh.

I think this scene is supposed to be… sad?

(It’s just that it’s so hard to read Ji-hoo’s face. An expressive actor can let you know how the character is feeling without words, but I find Ji-hoo always requires explanation to understand.)

Jun-pyo joins the Geum men at the public bath, and participates in that grand exercise of male bonding: scrubbing dead skin from each other’s backs.

(Having never had his back scrubbed before, Jun-pyo is particularly sensitive to the abrasive scrubbing rag. The expression on Lee Min-ho’s face cracks me up — even the veins in his chest are protruding.)

They emerge from the bath and beeline for some fish-cake skewers from a street vending cart, which Jun-pyo tastes for the first time. He likes them so much that soon, a mound of little skewers sits in front of him.

Reliving the moments of his family outing later makes Jun-pyo chuckle to himself. And just in case we’ve forgotten what happened a mere five minutes ago, a whole series of flashbacks fills us in on his memories.

Yi-jung and Woo-bin wonder what has him so happy, to which Jun-pyo asks whether they’ve ever made kimchi, or had their backs scrubbed at a public bath, or eaten fish sticks from a street cart. Loftily, he tsk-tsks that they’re missing out: “What do you know about life?”

Yi-jung quips, “I liked him better when he was messing up proverbs.”

Ji-hoo finds Jan-di after her swim, figuring that she must have a lot on her mind to be swimming so much. After the last time they met when she ran off to avoid Jun-pyo, he guesses that’s the issue. He notices her wet hair and gives her his hat, followed by a spot of advice: “Don’t avoid him. Someone once told me that avoidance is cowardly. Don’t avoid him, and give him a chance.”

Jan-di admits, “To be honest, being dragged along into Gu Jun-pyo’s world is uncomfortable.” Ji-hoo responds, “There’s no such thing as Jun-pyo’s world or Jan-di’s world. We’re in the same world right now. If Jun-pyo’s world is too much for you, go along at your pace.”

Because Jan-di has been feeling uncomfortable, she’s been keeping her distance, which drives Jun-pyo crazy. He’s determined to wait for her to make the first move, and paces in agitation. Woo-bin, ever the voice of reason, tells him to call her, but Yi-jung reminds him of the player’s code. Relationships require a certain give and take and it’s better if he waits.

Thus when Jan-di does finally call, Jun-pyo tries to calm his reaction before answering the phone. I admit, I cried tears of laughter at Jun-pyo’s abysmal attempt to play it cool. First, he feigns disinterest: “Geum Jan-di? Who’s that?”

The guys sigh that he’s overdoing it, so he corrects himself, saying, “Ah right, I remember now.” But in an effort to pretend he hasn’t noticed her absence, he assures her, “I’ve been SO busy, I haven’t been able to recall that you haven’t called in three days and thirteen hours.” Yi-jung grimaces, “It’s embarrassing calling him friend.”

Jan-di makes a suggestion which Jun-pyo finds disagreeable, and he balks, “Why would I want to go there?” and hangs up. And then crows to his buddies, “Did you see how I hung up first?” LOL.

Asked what he found so unpleasant, Jun-pyo answers that Jan-di had suggested a double date with her friend. (Yi-jung plays it off, but he says with some coolness, “Ga-eul? Good for her.”) Since Jun-pyo finds the double date distasteful, Yi-jung offers half-jokingly, “Want me to go instead?” (His reasoning being that it would be interesting to observe how common folk date.)

The next day, Jan-di tries to pretend she’s not disappointed that he turned down the invitation. When Jun-pyo makes his appearance, he pulls the old “I was just in the neighborhood” excuse and offers to stay as a favor to keep her from being a third wheel. Seriously, between the two of them, they’ve got enough pride to make a third person.

Ga-eul’s boyfriend, Su-pyo, makes a bad impression right off the bat, arriving a half-hour late and mocking Jun-pyo with what he probably thinks is good-natured charm. But his careless remarks come off rude and when he makes fun of Jun-pyo’s hair and tells him to call him hyung, the girls trade uneasy glances.

Sensing Jun-pyo’s aggravation, Jan-di says they can leave, but Jun-pyo grits his teeth and is committed to seeing this commoner date through to the end.

Things only get worse when the foursome go out to eat, and Su-pyo taunts Jun-pyo for his uneasiness at the food (it’s gopchang, or cow intestines). Goaded by Su-pyo’s patronizing remarks, Jun-pyo forces himself to eat with difficulty. He misstates another proverb in an attempt to warn Su-pyo to check himself (before he wrecks himself), but the mistake causes Su-pyo to laugh harder.

Things improve when the couples split up to skate on an outdoor rink. Jan-di admires the pretty lights, having never come to a place like this before, which she describes as fairy-tale-like.

Seeing Jan-di’s bare hands, Jun-pyo gives her one of his gloves, then tucks her uncovered hand into his pocket. Perhaps thinking of the display of lights, he suggests, “Let’s go someday.” She asks, “Where?” Jun-pyo: “Champs-Elysées.”

At Su-pyo’s suggestion, Jun-pyo reluctantly joins him to grab some hot drinks. As they head off together, Su-pyo answers a phone call while the girls chat.

Ga-eul apologizes for her boyfriend’s rudeness, but admits that she was touched to see Jun-pyo trying so hard to accommodate everyone. It was touching, really.

Wondering where the guys went, the girls look for their dates. They find them almost immediately: A crowd has gathered to watch Jun-pyo pummeling Ga-eul’s boyfriend.

Jan-di is appalled — she knows he was struggling to remain calm but beating up the guy is unforgivable — and grows angrier when he addresses Ga-eul: “If you’re going to date, pick a decent boyfriend.” Jan-di insists that he apologize, warning, “if you leave like this, we’re over.” Jun-pyo stalks off angrily.

In the following days, a dejected Ga-eul can’t get in touch with her boyfriend despite leaving numerous messages. Jan-di feels responsible for her unhappiness, deploring Jun-pyo’s rash temper. But Ga-eul reasons, “I don’t think Jun-pyo sunbae would do that without a reason.”

Vowing to extract an apology, Jan-di drops by the F4 hangout. The other guys, having heard none of the story from Jun-pyo, are alarmed at their chilly exchange, sensing that whatever happened was serious.

Jan-di: “Please tell him that this is my last warning. Thanks to his fists, my friend is crying. If he doesn’t apologize, we’re really over.”

Jun-pyo: “Why would I apologize when she can’t be thankful that I got rid of that trash for her?”

At his unpenitent response, Jan-di retorts that this attitude is typical of him — it was clearly beyond him to adjust to suit someone else. But now Ga-eul has to suffer for his actions. She shocks the others with the severity of her words when she says, “Don’t act like you know me anymore.”

The next time Ji-hoo finds Jan-di at the pool, she’s on the verge of a cold from all the swimming (and walking around with wet hair). Jan-di cautions, “If this is about Gu Jun-pyo, I’m not going to talk,” then proceeds to complain all about him. Because this involves her friend, “This time, I really can’t forgive him.”

Ji-hoo hands her some cold medicine — he’d anticipated that she would need it — and leaves her with one last bit of advice:

“Guys don’t do things for no reason in front of the girl they like. There’s always a reason. I’m speaking from experience, so you can trust me.”

Su-pyo continues to ignore Ga-eul’s calls, so Jan-di proposes seeking him out rather than waiting for him to call. Arriving near the club where he works, they spot him walking with a pretty, older girl. From a distance, the girls overhear as he complains about his ridiculous double-date fiasco.

Su-pyo makes himself out to be the martyr, then proceeds to trash both Ga-eul and Jan-di, calling them unfashionable and dumpy. He’d suggested to Jun-pyo that they ditch the girls and offered to introduce him to some club babes — which is when Jun-pyo had attacked, saying, “If you call my girlfriend names, you won’t be able to eat gopchang anymore with that mouth!”

At that point, Su-pyo glances over and notices the girls. Jan-di asks, “Is that true?” Ga-eul is hurt at Su-pyo’s dismissal — he tells her to stop bugging him, like some kind of stalker — which enrages Jan-di.

With a howl, Jan-di hops a fence, leaps at Su-pyo, and delivers her trademark spinning back kick to his face. Stomping on his chest, she yells, “One was for Ga-eul, and one was for my boyfriend!”

(Honestly, she and Jun-pyo really are two of a kind, aren’t they?)

Afterward, Ga-eul attempts to look on the bright side: “I’m glad. At least we found out that Jun-pyo sunbae isn’t a bad person.”

Though in a glum mood, Ga-eul urges Jan-di to apologize and make up with Jun-pyo, assuring her friend she’ll be fine on her own.

And now, Yi-jung gets his own storyline! He receives a hysterical call from a woman threatening suicide because of his father — who is also a ceramic artist and professor, who takes advantage of his position to have numerous affairs, presumably with his students. Yi-jung witnesses his father romancing yet another woman, and turns away in disgust.

In the lobby, he intercepts the woman as she’s leaving, attracting her attention by speaking flirtatiously. But then his voice hardens and he tells her she’s just one in a string of his father’s girlfriends — she’s too beautiful for that kind of treatment.

We can see where he gets his playboy tendencies, although I suppose Yi-jung isn’t so far gone as his father, because he still has a conscience.

Afterward, Yi-jung happens to be driving by as a depressed Ga-eul trudges along the busy sidewalk, then sits on the ground and starts to cry. Yi-jung tries to ignore her, then decides somewhat unenthusiastically to approach.

He teases Ga-eul for crying on the street, telling her, “Sometimes girls think they look pretty when they cry, but they’re wrong.” Unfortunately, his words push her over the edge, and her soft cries turn into loud sobs. Hilariously, Yi-jung uneasily pleads with her to stop, while insisting to curious passers-by that he’s not the one who made her cry.

At F4 headquarters, Ji-hoo asks if Jun-pyo has made up with Jan-di yet. Not noticing Jan-di’s silent arrival behind him, Jun-pyo vows that he wouldn’t make up with Jan-di even if she begged and insists on his innocence in the matter.

Amused, Woo-bin addresses Jan-di: “I guess you’ll have to go home then.” Jun-pyo looks up, startled, to see her standing there with a contrite expression.

Jan-di says, “I didn’t know you were so angry. I was just thinking of myself. I’m sorry, I’ll go.” Jun-pyo leaps over the couch to stop her.

Working up her nerve, Jan-di says haltingly, “Gu Jun-pyo… accept my apology!” and holds out an apple. (The word for apology and apple are pronounced the same.) Jun-pyo’s obviously pleased, but he’s got his pride to think of, so he keeps a straight face. He wants three wishes before accepting her apology. Jan-di reluctantly relents — but he has to name his wishes within one minute. Go!

Jun-pyo sputters that that’s not fair, all the while Jan-di counts steadily. Flustered, he instructs her to sit, then stand — which Jan-di counts as two wishes. With five seconds left, Jun-pyo blurts out his wish — she has to apologize while calling him “oppa.” In a baby voice. (Akin to saying, “Oppa, I’m sowwy.”)

Cringing, she tries to muster the words… then exclaims, “I can’t! Take the apology or leave it!” Woo-bin says wisely, “You should have accepted the apology when she offered.” Ji-hoo takes a bite of the apology apple, which Jun-pyo grabs back possessively.

Yi-jung takes Ga-eul to his pottery studio for some tea and sympathy. He startles her by dropping a ceramic bowl to the ground, but instead of breaking, it remains intact. “It’s stronger than it looks,” he says. Using a pottery metaphor, he asks if she knows how long it took for the bowl to get so strong, and explains the process for shaping it, then baking it in fire. But if, at the end of all that, it still isn’t right, “You have to let it go, cleanly, like this.” With that, he takes the bowl, wraps it in a towel, and smashes it with a hammer.

Yi-jung: “What I mean is, there are things we have to go through in order to become stronger, and to find our true selves. Like what you went through today.” Ga-eul answers, “I think I know what you’re saying. Thank you.”

He suggests going out to have some fun, since he had a bad day too. After taking her out for a makeover — which is frankly a little ridiculous since she’s so pretty to begin with — Yi-jung takes Ga-eul to a club.

But it seems Yi-jung has something more up his sleeve than mere flirtation, because her ex-boyfriend Su-pyo is there (which suggests this is the club where he works).

Yi-jung leaves Ga-eul by the bar and heads to the front of the club, where he makes a splash with a grand entrance. Even Su-pyo’s new girlfriend is impressed, recognizing Yi-jung. Thus she’s flattered when he addresses her, and asks if he can take the liberty of performing.

And then he busts out the saxophone.

It’s not often that I find an Yi-jung scene unwatchable, and yet here we are for the second time. Yi-jung makes the ladies’ hearts flutter by announcing, “There’s a person here who’s stolen my heart. I’ll perform this on her behalf.”

(To Kim Bum’s credit, he delivers this admirably with nary a grimace or smirk.)

Jun-pyo calls Jan-di out, and she grumbles all the way, still chafing at his treatment of her apology. She walks past the darkened park, looking up in wonder when an extravagant display of lights suddenly flickers on.

Jun-pyo stands in the middle of the playground, which he’s decorated with yet more lights: This is his version of Champs-Elysées. He asks, “Do you like it?” Happily, Jan-di nods, “It’s pretty. It’s like Christmas.”

(Okay, I get that this is a romantic gesture. But PD Jeon, ARE YOU KIDDING ME??? He has used this exact same scenario not once, but TWICE in prior dramas. (Clicky here for comparisons.) Seriously, the man must be in a creative slump, or maybe he just can’t work without the Hong sisters. COME ON. Way to ruin a perfectly nice romantic moment. I guess we should be glad Jun-pyo didn’t present Jan-di with a random cake, apropos of nothing.)

But back to the scene: Jun-pyo wonders what’s so great about Christmas, and she responds that it’s a happy day. Jun-pyo answers, “I’ve never had a happy memory of it.”

A flashback shows us a lonely Little Jun-pyo, being entertained by maids and his butler, delivered impersonal gifts from his parents.

Jun-pyo asks about the kimchi he helped make, and says, “I’d like to eat some.” Also, he enjoyed her mother’s cooking and the vending-cart fish sticks her father bought him.

Jun-pyo: “You know, I didn’t know what family was, but looking at your family, I think I have an idea. Can I drop by again?”
Jan-di: “Did you ever ask permission before coming?”
Jun-pyo: “I’m not joking.”

Jun-pyo rises from his swing and kneels in front of Jan-di: “I want to go. I want to, every day.”


What I particularly like about Jun-pyo is that while I think it’s pretty clear his feelings for Jan-di exist with or without family (or friend) approval, their relationship has now introduced an additional, equally meaningful, aspect: a longing for family which I don’t think he realized he even had. Little Jun-pyo definitely felt his parents’ neglect, but I don’t think he’s ever really recognized the longing in a clear way.

Jun-hee, as the older sibling, holds more of a grudge against their cold mother, but Jun-pyo’s understanding of his loveless upbringing remains at an almost childlike level. That’s why he looks on at Jan-di’s family interactions with a naive kind of wonder — it’s not just the activities like kimchi-making or sauna-sharing that are new, but the emotions that underlie those interactions.

(Speaking of whom, I really like the tense dynamic between Jun-hee and her mother, and I hope Jun-hee’s character sticks around for a while.)

One reason I dig this development of Jun-pyo’s character is because when the couple inevitably faces family opposition in the future and is threatened with separation, the loss is going to be felt on both sides. (This isn’t a spoiler, just speculation — but c’mon, we all see it coming, right?) It’s not just that Jan-di may lose her rich, caring boyfriend, but her boyfriend loses his source of familial rapport as well. Also, I have felt (particularly in episodes 5 through 7, for instance) that Jan-di has not really brought a lot to this relationship, aside from capturing Jun-pyo’s interest. She had until recently gone along with his plans, but never really initiated anything until this episode. Now, she offers him something that balances out their relationship, and I am relieved.


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Yi Jung and Ga Eul holding hands was AMAZINGGG!!! i had to repeat that part a gazillion times. And his expression when he heard that she had a boyfriend + when she was crying + when he saw how pretty she was ... is terrific! Why is their relationship protrayed so wonderfully? And at the club part where he plays the saxophone for 'the woman who captured my heart'...I do hope he means Ga Eul...even though she doesn't seem like she understands his intentions for doing all this.

I can tell he's falling for her!!! And even though she's one of the few who's not going crazy over him, I'm hoping for some more progress between Ga Eul & Yi Jung <3

And one more thing. When Kim Bum's tears were welling up in the car...I thought that was sweet. And some professional acting skills were there ^^ Well it's better than sitting around at the 'F4 exclusive' place doing nothing.


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Uh, Jo, 'overreacting alert' on...

By the way, was yi jung's expression really that of disgust? I didn't get the 'disgust' part. I thought that his heart was breaking to pieces (metaphorically). Like he was totally feeling sorry for his mom (Mom? I don't know if it's true. Just trusted other commentors.). Even his eyes turned slightly red (That, I was really surprised at. Kim Bum's too good an actor. Unlike my country's... Bleah, I cannot stand the drama series they show on TV here.)

Anyway, Javabeans noona, thanks for all your recaps! I always read them first before watching the actual drama clip/video.

Oh, this episode was good. I totally laughed out really loudly (my mom three levels/ stories below my room even heard me and labelled me as crazy. -.-lll) three times which is saying something as I don't laugh so loudly easily. Cool episode cann't wait for the next one.

Ai... Gotta wait till tomorrow afternoon to read it. I have to attend school in the morning.... bbbllleeeaaahhhh...........


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i am now convinced that this version follows the taiwanese version more than the japanese one. and i am loving the fact that they seem to summarize the lengthy (and oftentimes unnecessary) episodes from the taiwanese version.

you're right. it's always junpyo who somehow gives more in their relationship. thankfully, some light has been shed on jandi's part.

ang O-M-G! i am really loving the gaeul and yijung interactions! hopefully, hopefully, they'd be given a proper ending unlike the taiwanese version. but regardless, they really have a stronger chemistry than jandi-junpyo (though these two act well. especially the latter).

thank you so much for this episode recap!

***i didn't and still doesn't understand the jihoo. i hate his pool scene. pointless. or maybe not, but it was unbearable for me.


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WHAT!?! When I was writing my comments I was DIRECTLY under Jo (#92).
And now I'm far far behind?????

By the way, Tangy (#100), what do you mean nby 'stalker', 'potato' and 'pootato'?
What Potato? What Pootato? And also, I agree with your comments though.


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I appreciated Jun-hee's role a lot more in this episode - in the previous episodes I felt the plot contrivance that was her role was a little too far-fetched; but in this episode I really appreciated her role as the resentful and protective older sister. I have to say though, these words

"It’s not just that Jan-di may lose her rich, caring boyfriend, but her boyfriend loses his source of familial rapport as well."

bring me back to my original gripe with Jan Di. The fact that through being with her, Jun Pyo gets to experience true family life is sort of coincidental - she didn't invite him into her family life and she seemed uncomfortable while he was around. Whereas whatever Jan Di has enjoyed/appreciated from being with Jun Pyo has been a result of direct exertion on his part (by "exertion" I clearly mean him giving some orders - but still, its the thought that counts!). Of course she did apologize this episode (at Ga-eul's prodding) - but I'm hoping we see more signs of her actually going that extra mile for him.

And of course, the Yi-jung/Ga-eul story was great - Im just hoping this doesnt go the way of the Japanese version and they dont end up together!


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I don't understand a word of Korean, but I too read it as Yi-Jung's mother on the phone. A girlfriend would have required some back story or explanation and less emotion fron Yi-Jung, I think.

The show being like crack is the only explanation for my looking forward so much to each episode, because there's certainly a whole bunch of stuff to criticize. That, and the fact that I'm a big sap.

Thanks for the awesome recaps and the space for discussion, Javabeans!


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awgh, i'm like squealing like a lil girl while i read this! eee~ can't wait to watch. this drama is a drug! not good [for you], but want moooore~!!


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I was mightily annoyed that one of the big moments in this episode was spoiled by, oh, practically every site out there. You couldn’t go anywhere on the k-internets without running into huge headlines — with pictures! — of said moment. I know the news was probably released to drum up interest in the episode (like that was necessary) — but it’s one thing to talk about something after it airs, and another to spoil it before it even broadcasts. Booooo.

I AGREE! Yes, I was excited--at first but then I got annoyed because the *surprise* factor is no longer there.

I laughed at loud during the 'Oppa, I'm sooo sorry' scene. LOLZ!




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I heart Jun Pyo. The character is fabulous. And LMH is doing a great job portraying him.

You're right. At least now we can see what JD is going to bring to the relationship. And finally admitting that she IS in a relationship! I was wondering for awhile there whether she had any feelings for the boy.

Thanks for the recaps.


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I feel EXACTLY the same way abt that first paragraph you wrote!! seriously!! i went to akp, and popseoul, and i find SPOILERS! on the day where we crackhead fans go out and watch the dang episode. they've never done this before..... and cant they wait at least a day before busting the news?


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thanks for the recap!


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This is leading to the perfect set-up in the grand tradition of k-dramas. ... by episode 12 Madam Kang will have succeeded in separating Jun-Pyo and Jandi and they will thus be separated for X years. They will reunite during the college years... but not without some long-standing glances, moody silences, and of course the classic hairstyle changes (probably courtesy of Jandi, given that Jun-Pyo's hair is perenially curly).

At least this is keeping in tune with the spirit of the manga... I've lost count of how many times I've watched a what-i-perceive to be an unncessary separation in a kdrama. Is it supposed to make us feel good to see fated lovers be apart for a number of years?

BTW, thanks for the recap; I've seen this story in how many formats so many times now that I can't be bothered watching it, but I'm enjoying the story through these recaps.


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@ #100 Tangy....

i agree with you 100%.
i love KHJ so that is how i choose to view his JH characters and his acting. makes the JH character more sympathetic and his story more alluring....

and YES!!!!!! totally agree that he is the typical manga Ice Prince archetype...heh..heh..heh... ("Ouran high school host club", anyone?)

sorry, i am an otaku.....


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This episode, i must say, turns out to be well worth the wait.

Another element has been added in this series, so this aint just about love, friendship and broken hearts, but additionally about the importance of having solid family ties.

I'm kinna scared, honestly, of what would happen next...now that JPyo has embraced the Geum's family. There are 3 more important people that he has to protect against his momma's fury. *Madam Kang/what's the actress' name again?--anyway Madam Kang is really perfect for her character. Her aura emanates that of the evil "QUEEN" momma *truly hair raisingly-scaweeee*

If Kim Hyun-joong still needs to unleash a supercalifragelisticexpialidocious effort just to make the viewers feel what he's feelin' *that often than not fails anyway*... well Madam Kang is totally a different story. Looking at her makes me quiver in terror already--dang it...her impact is sooooooo soooo BOMBASTIC! i really feel like jumping of my seat...her stare is truly heart piercing...if stare can kill...boo mee im dead!

Another thing i like in this epi. is way they give the spotlight to the other characters, it didnt seem like they were only fillers or sidekicks, yunno, so the viewers wont get tired of too much JP-JD exposure. I so liked the part where Ga-eul changed once and Yi-jung agreed already *btw, the dress is a winner! unlike the CHEESEBURGER-inspired dress that Jandhi wore in New Caledonia*. *in asome dramas ive seen, the girl has to change thrice or n times, then the male would give her a thumbs down until...ALAS here comes the jaw-dropping-moment* i know yunno what i mean!

@ Javabean i really love yer style of writing. It's sarcomical=] like i'm drinking humor on the rocks with hint of sarcasm *wink*


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ichigopan I'm right there with you.. I haven't watched this show yet, but from reading Javabean's episode summaries, I can't help but want to watch this show. I'll jump onto this bandwagon pretty soon


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hehe...this episode did quite a good job of delivering the story....

i personally loved the part where yi-jung looking at his father with his hurtful eye expression...he did quite a job of showing he's holding back his rage and sadness at the same time...when he walking away from the woman, i love to see him doing his finger thing...
at the same time, he's quite funny where he talked to ga-eul who's crying silently on the street, he made thing worse and have to deny to the bystanders...he made me and my fren laugh so hard when he's begging her to stop...

haha....way to go, BOF!!!

p.s: can't wait for tonight!!!


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i've been waiting for your recap the whole day... thank you so much for posting it
unfortunately i cannot watched any streaming sites because my office blocked them last saturday (darn you office IT people), and the internet on my home are so pathetic, that's why i depend on your recap as my primary source of entertainment...
yeah i dig your comment on the spoiler, i've seen the pictures from like sunday (or is it yesterday) and beside made us can't wait to watched the episodes, they kinda make me lost the surprises on the show...
and about the light thingy, i prefer the witch yoo hee one, i think it's too much in BBF and it's not enough on Chun Hyang. i know junpyo supposed to be rich that's why he make it so grand, but on witch yoo hee, the lighting made it more romantic...


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Also: "I'm more afraid of Geum Jan-Di than his mother"? Pure gold.


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Lee Min Ho is amazing as Jun Pyo as usual. His acting really touches me, especially the last scene when he said that he wanted to go visit Jan Di's family everyday. This young man is really serious with his craft.

And Kim Bum can really act. His eyes are also very expressive. Even Woo Bin is improving when he delivers his lines.


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Although I stoped watching this drama, I like reading your reviews. And through what I read I can't help but say : BRAVO TO THE PRODUCER AND DIRECTOR FOR YOUR WORK!!!! Indeed they deserve a lot of Aplause!
I mean People think about it : simply a drama (supposed kversion of HYD) where most of people care about the supporting couple than the lead couple because of lack of chemistry, where the F4 have no chemistry and the group is non existent, where the triangle love falls flat, where the acting is mediocre (especiallly the lead actress, no comment about the off characterized lead actor), the soundtrack is terrible, the storyline is rushed, forced and get cheesier and cheesier...


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YiJung/Gaeul - I have my fingers crossed that they get a happy ending! Their storyline is so cute and just as loveable as the two main characters. I don't want them to ruin it by making Gaeul into a lovesick stalker. And please, could we get more WooBin? He's going to waste in the background.


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You are definitely smitten by the drama ;) Dramabeans. I feel the love, man, I feel the love...


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Javabeans. again Thanks for your recaps! You're quick as always.

I thought the episode was good but i was having another "HUH?" moment when Yi jung pulled out his saxophone in the club because seriously.. was it necessary to do that again? I thought there's going to some additional stuff like last time but since there weren't that many minutes left in the episode, i'd figure it'd be a cliff hanger. I'm hoping the story will continue on in the next episode because i'm curious to what Gaeul will feel after his grand gesture.. he never really stated who he's dedicating the song to but we all know who its for.. :D

Ji-Hoo looks so sad and lost.. i mean i love how he waits for her at the swimming pool just so he could run into Jan-Di.. i totally wish that it was me.. (ok. i'll stop with the high school giddies)

let's see what tonight's episode has in store for us.


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Aigoo... Lily... Still super anti-BBF. But I must comment that you have improved the way you convey your message. At least now it's covered with a thin layer if sarcasm.
By the way, 'Aplause' is spelt A-P-P-L-A-U-S-E. (I am NOT being sarcastic or criticising you. I unnderstand that everyone has their own views and beliefs.)

Anyway, (about to go off topic here...), I just found out that Kim Bum and So Eun go to the same University and are in the same level (Yeah, I'm so slow right?). So, they must meet on campus quite a few times a year right? So they know each other better and thus, I am no longer surprised at the chemistry they have. I wish I were in their classes. That way, I believe I can improve on my acting. (These days, I just can't get whatever I want from my parents like I once used to. They totally see through my acting all the time... aiya...) They act so well!

Now, for the really serious part. While I was ( doing something...), I suddenly wondered what the difference was between a NOONA, and an UNNI.
NOONA = Elder sister right?
UNNI = Some female older than you?
If so, then what is AHJUMMA? (I know AHJUMMA means Auntie... like really older females.) What I'm trying to say is can't we address all older females (other than your own sis. I'd kill my younger sis if she calls me an unni or ahjumma. ) as UNNI? AHJUMMA seems to be a bit rude... Like how all females cringe at being called Aunties.

Then, I went on to think some more. OPPA means........???? What? Some guy older than you? Then SUNBAE is also senior, right? If so, why did GaEul call her BF OPPA and JiHoo SUNBAE? It's not like they go to the same school. (See, I do learn something when watching BBF. It's not a BIG BIG waste of time here.)
Oh, and AHJUSSHI means Uncle right?

So, bottom line is, what's the diif between NOONA, UNNI, AHJUMMA, OPPA, SUNNBAE and AHJUSSHI???? Appealing for help to all the Korean Experts out there. Help me please! Thank you in advance!


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By the way, WHY IS A WOMAN OF AGE 26 CONNSIDERED AN AHJUMMA???? Isn't that a bit young?

I thought maybe when one hits 33-35 are they then considered an Ahjumma.


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omg i as well really do hope Ga eul & Yi Jung has a happy ending ! they're just too perfect of a couple. ^____^


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LOL this episode was funnyyy
i especially laughed hard at that part where after doing her whole kick thing to GaEul's ex, she turned to glare at that woman...and she yelled at her: "Who are you! Go home!"


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Yeesh... Spelling mistakes in all my comments... Sorry, I'm a perfectionist and so I don't like mistakes. Sorry also for all the many comments/posts I sent up there. I keep forgetting what I wanted to say.


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noona = a male uses with an elder sister, or a girl he feels close to (Jun-pyo uses noona with Jun-hee because she's his sister, and with Min Seo-hyun because she's a close older friend)
unni = a girl uses with an elder sister or close friend (Jan-di uses with Min Seo-hyun)
sunbae = "senior," used by both genders for someone older, as a mark of respect (Jan-di calls the others in F4 sunbae)
oppa = what a girl calls her older brother, or a close male friend, OR her boyfriend (therefore Jun-pyo wants to hear Jan-di use it with him)
hyung = what a guy calls an older brother, or a close male friend (which is what Su-pyo wants Jun-pyo to call him, which is annoying because he hasn't earned that respect)
ajumma = anyone uses with a middle-aged woman. a married woman may get called ajumma at a younger age, while single women may cling to their "young lady" status longer.


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Oooh... Thanks so much Javabeans! Thank you! Thank you! *Bows* *Bows*
Now, I know. The Korean language is so complicated.


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Gah, I really wish I could watch this right now. Damn work and adult responsibilities (even though I don't feel like much of one, haha)!

Thankfully, I get to read your recaps! I'm not at all worried about spoiling myself since I already read the manga...and they don't seem to be straying too far from that, so I've got a pretty good idea of what'll happen. I did watch an ep of the Japanese version, just to see what that was like, and I have to say that on a very superficial level, the F-4 are much more appealing in the Korean version. (And, I'm afraid that I've caught Lee Min-ho fever too!) Now I've got to find the Taiwanese version -- strictly for research, of course.

This drama really is like crack. I can't tear myself away from things like this! (Now, if only they'd bring out another Coffee Prince caliber drama!)

Thanks for your work :)


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I like how Yi Jung sort of ran his fingers through his hair when he passed by the crying GaEul. Like "Darn! Wwhat to do about this woman(GaEul)!?" The kind of frustration guys sometimes have when they cannot fathom out the thoughts of a woman.

I had almost forgotten how young Yi Jung (high schooler?) was supposed to be until that. Despite the adult image that he portrays, underneath it all, Yi Jung is still a teenage boy. :)

Kudos to Kim Bum. His acting is pretty good, considering that he's a newcomer.

Thanks Javabeans for the recaps! Like #63's Sweetsorrow, i read your recaps and watch the episode at the same time 'cos the comments just double the laughter!



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LMAO @ Angela when you say "on a very superficial level". I can't be more agree with you. Expect F4 is that exist in the korean version because it looks like thye don't care about each others especially supposed Rui and Domyoji.


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LMH cutest guy ever! Hot! Hot! Hot!


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ok here's a thing...I know this is out of the blue...but there is something that is a little irritating about this drama...and it's concerning Woo-bin....I mean the guy barely says a couple of sentences each episode....and I don't think it's fair for the character. ...dramabeans mentioned right from the beginning that he's the question mark among the four...and it turned out to be just the case.....the question is WHY?....don't get me wrong, I love what's going on with the other three members but I think if the group is called F4 and the whole drama is about F4....then I, as a viewer, should watch what's happening with F4 and not F3!!!!!!....or F3 and a half...LOL...if u get what I mean!!!
other than that, I'm so thankful for the recaps....they not only tell you what happened but they're also entertaining (especially the comments between brackets).... : )


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@#136: Woo-bin's character is right on target with the manga, as the "#4" character has always been a VERY small role. The manga writer said her editor actually wanted it to be F5....she just could'nt squeeze all 5 in the manga...he he he. I think Woo-bin is doing a great job. His portrayal is the most noticeable out of all the 3 versions. Partly because the writers made his character bigger and partly because as #95 gracelee said: "He is charming in his own way and seems the nicest guy. The actor playing him actually seems to get better with each episode." I too hope he gets a storyline of his own.


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I watch episode 1-4 but once I found your recaps I don't anymore. I find your recaps to be to the point and a nice summary without all the fillers,scences I don't care to watch, taking up my time.

Thanks a million now I too can enjoy this drama. ^_^


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Jandi is too hot-headed! She needs to calm the heck down sometimes and works on her apology. I'm not one to pick at a little thing, but she apologizes to him like she doesn't even mean it. She was in the fault anyway. I'm amazed at how calm he is.

Nothing ever gets resolve if they just keep yelling at each other. I hope from now on, they TALK it out like normal people and stop hiding feelings. It's cute, but then it's just annoying.


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junpyo and yijung are amazingly attractive in this episode *fan girl mode*

haha unfortunately still can't help wishing that jandi should just go with jihoo..


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anyone else noticed and thought it seriously hilarious when Jan Di skipped (??) away from Ga Eul on her way to apologise to Jun Pyo? how old does she think her character is o.0


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I read that Jang Geun Seok was a first choice for Jun Pyo,but really wanted to play Ji Hoo. Now I keep wondering how it would have turned out if he was to play Ji Hoo. Maybe if JGS got casted as Jihoo, then the rooting in the love triangle would have been a bit shaky. Wouldn't it be great to have fans swoon from JunPyo to Jihoo, and feel bad for the latter for he doesn't get the girl???

KHJ is a nice choice in terms of looks, but he must be the worst in terms of acting as of now, even Woobin who's got like side comments and 'yo-yo bro' kind of lines is doing so much better. Lots of fans, from what I read, are interested in Woobin, they want him to have his story as well, so that must say a lot. Although KHJ acting is getting better ith each episode, his character is weak and blank, and that's what I personally get from him... blank emotions, i mean no emotions...


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this episode was filled with loads of CHEESY GOOD STUFF. hahaha.

too bad they didn't put enough emphasis on jandi feeding joon pyo.
but the scene of him thinking about it the next day at the F4 hangout area was so cute!
as usual i love his friends reactions to his actions. ^^

however, the ending totally won all of the scenes though!

the way joon pyo looked at jandi and said, "I really want to go to your house...actually everyday."

OMG that was so beautiful!

can't wait for the next episode.


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Shrimp, i agree with you, jun pyo's mom is one scary momma. if looks could kill! she really looks like a witch. i hope she softens up in the end.


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BTW, that first photo makes me want to make kimchi with my mom and grandmothers!


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i still think the whole light-scene is xtremely romantic!!
and give the peoples sum credit..they did vary it a bit~AND on different locations at diff cicumstances..ryyt??


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Thanks for the recap! I always enjoy reading it.

I love this episode! It's filled with fun & sweet moments. I can't help but giggle & smile all the way through the episode. I love the family bonding moments, the double dates, the HILAROUS apology scene, and of course the sincere talk at the end and the romantic kiss! LOVE THEM ALL!! Lee Min Ho is as awesome & expressive as ever with both his childish and serious looks. Jandi is growing on me too since she doesn't exaggerate & yell as much in recent episodes.

I do agree with you javabeans:

"It’s just that it’s so hard to read Ji-hoo’s face. An expressive actor can let you know how the character is feeling without words, but I find Ji-hoo always requires explanation to understand."

I too find Ji-Hoo hard to understand. What is he feeling? What is he thinking? I keep on wondering. I wish KHJ would do a better job emoting so we don't have to speculate what his character is feeling all the time. Am I asking too much? Although I think his acting has improved since the first few episodes.

Can't wait to watch Ep 10!! BOF Fighting!!


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Awesome recap, as always ! Thanks so much... A very sweet episode, I was giggling like a 10-year old when Junpyo was demanding the "oppa, I'm sowwwy" from Jandi ! ;o)

By the way, I have a question that I hope someone can answer for me: From what I can hear, YiJung is calling Gaeul 'Gaeul-yang'... So, I know that to show 'affection' or friendship to a younger person, you can add -a or -ya at the end of their name, so is this -yang the same, or is there some other meaning to it ? Thanks in advance !


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Bérénice, "Ga-eul yang" is a bit formal, and not usually used by people as young as Yi-jung. It's like saying "Miss Ga-eul." I'm actually looking forward to the day he drops the "yang" and calls her "Ga-eul-ah" instead.


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Okay, so YJ was not showing affection (yet), and I'll be hoping with you for "Ga-eul-ah", now ;o)

Thanks a lot for the explanation, Javabeans!


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