Yoon Eun-hye sings again
by javabeans
As always, Yoon Eun-hye sure knows how to get people talking.
A recent video clip surfaced online on August 23 of Yoon singing a “Salad song” (which indie-electronica band Humming Urban Stereo first recorded; song below).
The new video showing Yoon Eun-hye singing the upbeat song cheerfully in the recording studio has given rise to speculation of whether this indicates that she’ll be returning to the pop-music scene, after retiring from girl group Baby VOX to pursue acting in 2005. She recently recorded another song for rookie hip-hop group Mighty Mouth, providing vocals for their track “I Love You” — but although she’d denied the possibility of coming back as a singer at that time, the statement hasn’t done much to curb hopeful fan speculation.
Check it out:
Via Star News
Humming Urban Stereo – “샐러드 기념일” (Salad days/memories) [ Download ]
Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or above) is required to play this audio clip. Download the latest version here. You also need to have JavaScript enabled in your browser.
Tags: comebacks, Yoon Eun-hye
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1 Jae Young
August 24, 2008 at 4:59 PM
Yoon Eun Hye has good management, because she's managed to make the transition from singer into actor pretty well, so if they think she can go back to singing, I would trust their judgment. I really did hate all the chatter about YEH's weight, I preferred her when she was not totes anorexic, all the delight over her thinness by Korean public aside. She's managed to grow up pretty gracefully, all things considered.
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2 Sarah
August 24, 2008 at 6:17 PM
i will never be able to understand what's so buzz-worthy and amazing about this girl.
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3 triple6
August 24, 2008 at 7:03 PM
^ same
on another note, i miss Humming Urban Stereo.
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4 viv
August 24, 2008 at 7:28 PM
She doesn't sound that bad but I think she'll only guess star. I don't see her being solo.
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5 Amy
August 24, 2008 at 7:47 PM
Bleh, I don't like YEH's cover. Her soft singing sounds more to my ears like it's weak vocals, whereas the soft singing in Humming Urban Stereo's version is actually the style and what makes the song sound good.
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6 fighting...
August 24, 2008 at 7:54 PM
she definitely has a 'quality ' about her...i mean if she didnt she wouldnt b so popular...
but i luv the song from HUS...for meeh her vocals dont really add a new twist to her version...if ur gonna remake something improve on the original
she sure is one busy girl...
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7 Honeymae
August 24, 2008 at 8:04 PM
She's not making a comeback.
She's only singing this for her Samsung Zipel commercial.
I think there's a big chance that she'll be singing in the Samsung Zipel with Lee Dong Gun, because a picture of them singing together at a recording studio leaked out.
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8 kpop
August 24, 2008 at 8:43 PM
shes olwais so bright and cheerful!
dats y I like her.
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9 ed
August 24, 2008 at 9:21 PM
her star quality seems to take up where moon geun-yung's left off. wonder if they'll keep her starring on TV - because it's hard to see where she'd fit into movies except rom-com or "all-star ensemble". (or go the nam gyu-ri scream princess path?)
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10 2008
August 24, 2008 at 10:19 PM
thats just for a cf. she's not gonna sing again. zipel just released it for fun. no need to make a mountain out of a molehill. she doesnt even think she can sing even though she totally can.
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11 bjharm
August 25, 2008 at 12:01 AM
Agree her voice seems a bit weak for her to go solo, though if they pick the right songs with her voice range in mind and put in some supporting singers put it through those magic mixing machines and given her popularity it may work.
Can not see her singing any solo ballads though.
I mean considering some of the some called pop singers and girl bands around these days, Anyone with a pretty face and a good body can make a hit song.
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12 ar_arguably romantic
August 25, 2008 at 12:30 AM
I think she's a better actress than singer. Her singing back in the Baby Vox days was decent but weak. And too much competition in the music business nowadays. It's good that she switched to acting when she did.
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13 michi
August 25, 2008 at 12:44 AM
she should just stick to acting which is her forte ;)
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14 yeppoyo
August 25, 2008 at 2:08 AM
I like her voice. It's not strong but sweet and charming. xD
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15 guest
August 25, 2008 at 5:00 AM
OMG, shouldn't she know by now that she can't sing! Hopefully she'll be smart enough to stick to acting!
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16 daydreamer
August 25, 2008 at 6:36 AM
money's def much better in acting than in singing in korea...so i've heard. anyways, i think she's mediocre in both. she's just lucky that she is loved...right place at the right time.
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17 Mel
August 25, 2008 at 11:28 AM
I really Like YEH! wish her the best of luck!
Loved the beat of the song <3333
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18 rebecca
August 25, 2008 at 12:08 PM
This girl is so multi-talented and so versatile.
I love her voice, it may not be ala Mariah Carey or whatever, but it sure puts me in a great mood. I've been watching the clip over and over again. I love the song!
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19 Iranian Espresso
August 25, 2008 at 1:40 PM
Thank you, interesting.
But I think her voice here is a little different from her real voice but it's nice I like it.
Love her.
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August 25, 2008 at 3:12 PM
love her!
loved her in the xman variety show tooo. paired up with kimjongkook :).. isnt he back from army by now?
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21 bei
August 25, 2008 at 6:04 PM
i love YEH but her nose looks different these days. i hope she not like those other actresses who are hooked on surgery.
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22 marcel
August 26, 2008 at 12:19 AM
i don't get it...she seems to have passable vocal skills but she just sounds weak here...for a former pop artist this recording sounds a bit like fluff...
i don't know...i think the appeal of YEH is her bubbly personality but i'm never impressed by her music...she's usually able to carry off her performances with minimal artisty...which could indicate the presence of more vanity than talent...
i've been noticing her nose too but i didn't want to mention it for fear of getting bashed...don't kill me :(
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23 bei
August 26, 2008 at 2:12 AM
i like YEH as the boyish type in coffee prince. i guess ill forever be fixated with that role of her there thats why seeing her all girly with extremely long nails makes me just wanna go ugh. Stop the surgeries please.
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24 lol
August 26, 2008 at 5:41 AM
That's just funny!
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25 tiff
August 26, 2008 at 6:57 AM
i like YEH but i dont think her vocal is strong seriously. apart from that, i really like her cheerful personality though :)
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26 nurse.v
August 26, 2008 at 10:09 AM
i love YEH...not so much as a singer (a little too high and nasally for my taste...) but, really, that doesn't minimize her other artistic talents ;-)
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27 ????
August 26, 2008 at 4:59 PM
COME ON! When will she just stick to acting? Her singing is so weak!
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28 leyla k.
August 28, 2008 at 8:03 PM
Awwwww...she's absolutely the cutest thing ever!
I really like her voice...YEH can do anything that's what's so great about her.
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29 anonymus
September 4, 2008 at 12:05 PM
funny.... I can almost sure that this doesn't sound like her? I see the clip and then come back to compare to this again , and it's still not the same.
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30 me
September 4, 2008 at 10:24 PM
ohh.. she's always so fresh, cute and adorable! her voice is sweet and cute. how can there be such a cute person like her!!
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31 powpowchan
September 22, 2008 at 6:07 PM
i love her so much........
her face is very cute.
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32 sky love
October 16, 2008 at 3:30 AM
i don't care what other people said bout her..
I think she's pretty and adorable..
Keep up the gooD work my-cHan !!
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