Artistic inclination or pretension?

First it was Park Jiyoon’s photoessays, then it was Jung Ryeo Won’s sketchbook, then it was Yoon Eun Hye’s collection of her artistic pursuits.

Next is the sexy movie star Kim Hye Soo, who has posted up photos of her own hobby on her mini-homepage, looking decidedly unglamorous — I wouldn’t have known it was her, but for the last photo — as she paints. (Side note: Would a serious artist perhaps be painting on an easel and not the floor, or is that just me being ign’rant?)

Fans wrote in response: “You’re really multi-talented,” “Having only seen your glamorous side, this side of you looks even more beautiful,” etc.

I’ve got nothing against actors choosing to pursue other artistic interests — it only stands to reason that creative people can be creative in more ways than one — and in fact I think Park Jiyoon’s collection had some interesting photos. But so far from what I’ve seen, these are really just vanity projects — some better than others, but perhaps not terribly interesting if divorced from the fame of their authors. Well, at least Kim Hye Soo’s not trying to sell it.

Her next (professional) project is Modern Boy, a period film that takes place in 1930s Seoul that’s set to release in April.

Via Yahoo Korea


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well if they're famous and one of their hobbies is a form of art...you get to showcase it and get money out of it...who wouldn't do it? And prove that you're not just one-sided...multi-talented artists are great to encounter. Even though I wouldn't really enjoy her piece of artwork...I guess it depends on the person. it's nice to see celebrities doing other things than sitting around eating and drinking i guess?


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She is painting on the floor because she is doing the little paint droplets, if she did that on an easel she wouldn't be able to get that effect because of gravity, it would all drip down.


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Yeah, it depends on what you are doing. Looks like she's doing a mix media collage so sometimes you need the work to be horizontal in order for some of the effects to work. Like the scratch out and paint droplets. However, i agree with you that she is not very developed as an artist in terms of her theme and execution.

Still, it is a 100 times better than Jung Ryeo Won.


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Well at least she's not making money off it. Pollock painted with his canvas on the floor and it has been interpreted that he was the superior authority controlling the movements that appeared his canvas. Not that that's what KHS is doing and I'm not trying to over-analyze her hobby but I don't think it's very unusual.


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dramabeans' endless cynicism never fails to amuse me :) if you ask me whether i think celebrities are being pretentious with their "artistic" pursuits, i would have to say yes for several reasons: 1) they're celebrities- vanity and narcissism come with the territory; 2) i have yet to see a "work of art" produced by any of them that has any real interest or represents any extraordinary beauty; 3) they blatantly promote themselves by spreading photos on the internet & profit shamelessly from the sales of their projects, hardly the behavior of "artists" truly devoted to their work... i have nothing against these people having their crafty hobbies, but i just wish they would spare themselves the embarassment of promoting themselves as artists... it's an insult to people with real talent...


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Kim Hye Soo did make a sketch of Lee Min Ki while the 2 were on the set of 'A Day for an Affair'...


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Dramabeans: It's not unusual to see painters painting on the floor instead of using an easel. Being comfortable is most important. Plus, like what Kenzo pointed out, she was making the droplets effect so that was needed.

Marcel: I'm sorry if I had to say this, but I'm a bit offended by the last part of you comment. You see, I am an artist myself though I'm perfectly aware that I'm not at my best yet and still far from it. But still I promote myself as an artist even if I still lack the skill that I aim for and still very far from it. There are people that appreciate my art now and that's what keeps me moving forward. There are also people that sees my potential to improve. I cannot keep hiding my art until I reach the level that I want to be at right? The only difference between me and these celebrities is that they have immediate access to a fan base that will appreciate their art even if they don't dig the style. I don't think they're embarrassing themselves by doing art that they want to do. If a simple black dot on a big red canvas means something to you as the artist and to others as the viewer then that already means it's art. Art is subjective after all. The artist him/herself is the only one that knows if he/she still is not at his best as an artist. Especially with abstract art. In pure realism it is much more evident to the viewers if the artist is still not good enough because it will show on how he paints his subject. They (celebrities) are just fortunate to have a fan base that immediately appreciates their art quickly, but if they chose art as a way to unwind or another way to express themselves then that's good too. We won't know anyway if they're just doing it without their hearts in it and just for the money unless they tell us right? And also, the people with real talent that you're referring to also started from the beginning with lots of mistakes and just worked their way up to become what you'll call a real talent =)

Just to clear things up: The tone of my comment here is not anger just in case it might feel like that. I'm just explaining my side =D


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There are a vast difference between fine art type of art and crafts. Crafts is definitely different from painting on canvases and etc.

It's still possible to paint dots on an easel, that's what i think. I myself am studying art currently. I do not care whether they are famous artists or that, what's important is that they are showing some interest in painting, drawing, and photography, aside from fashion and acting. That is still amazing to me. Art shouldn't be something used as ignorance.


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Very well said Mics....
Hmmm.. dramabeans.. such a cynic.. :P


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sorry to have offended you, mics: i understand what you're saying.. i was just thinking about how these celebrities are always under scrutiny & in the case of some (like jung ryeo won, above) might be ridiculed by people for not seeming to be serious about what they're doing.. it was also mostly a comment against perceived pretentiousness among celebrities who sometimes appear to use anything and everything just to advance themselves in the public eye.. if they choose to do art for their personal enjoyment & simply want to share it then i'm not one to judge what they produce.. unfortunately, when it comes to evaluating their general actions, i tend to err on the side of cynicism considering the business that celebrities are in.. i apologize if i offended you regarding your abilities as an artist.. no need to take my rants too seriously...


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Hi Marcel =) It's ok and thanks for understanding my point. I also understand what you're saying about being cynic at times especially with the business these celebrities are in. I also do that sometimes ;D


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This reminds me of that wonderful phase where I was so obsessed with Russell Crowe, I started listening to 30 Odd Foot of Grunts. After many years being entertained by this Actor's heartbreaking works of staggering genius, I finally realize his truest expression -- the project that really spoke to me from this Actor's soul -- was him beating up random strangers around the world on Russell Crowe: Fightin' Around the World (by way of South Park.)

Cheers to creativity. But double cheers to vanity. If we didn't take celebrity seriously, who will?


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Ya, I spent my 5 years of high school painting on the ground, so it's not uncommon.


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I like Kim Hyesoo, loved her in Tazza, and Eleventh Mom and also in Red Shoes. and I'd love to see Modern Boy.
I've been to her cyworld numerous times (except nowadays) and from the many pix she posts of herself, I can really say she's vain (but then actors are vain arent they)
and one thing I can say, I think she's art-inclined because there's one album in her cyworld that's all about paintings, arts and photography and even movies she likes and I think she must know the arts and craft well so painting must be one of her hobby. And even if she is vain, judging from her 'cyworld' there also this photo album there that's about poverty and world issues so she's not the kind of actress that's "vain" vain but actually knows what there is in the real world. She's not being pretentious I think she's just being herself and she wants to show it to the world, vain as it may seem she's not doing it for the money. And celebs are just like us, live and eat and breathe like us and do 'normal' things they like.


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maybe hyesoo would get less cynics about her pursuit, if she opened up her cyworld (or whatever it is), soliciting criticism and suggestions about her "artistic progress." still, i can't hate a woman who said she finally found courage to do whatever she wanted, when she entered her 30s. it's a light case of jane fonda, but better silly, vain and restless than sedantary.


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She paints very cleanly and orderly. I have never worn gloves while painting before. I'd make a mess even when I try not to. I noticed how the bottles and utensils are arranged neatly and even the newspaper is almost spotless. It seems somehow artificial to me or perhaps it was for show. Maybe that's just her style.


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