WITH S2 fansubbing policy
by javabeans
The admins of the fansubbing group WITH S2 asked if I could post up a notice of their recent decision to stop subtitle releases temporarily, and I thought I’d also take the chance to explain the stance a bit. It’s quite frustrating to see people who don’t understand the situation just jump to the conclusion that WITH S2 doesn’t have a good reason for their actions. Trust me, it does.
I’m a member of the group, but I’m not speaking FOR the admins, just expressing what I hope clears up possible confusion. (Read: Please don’t email me to protest/complain/rant!)
The group’s announcement:
We have warned everyone repeatedly on the issue of hardsubbing & streaming our subs.
We sincerely appreciate everyone’s efforts to spread the drama love, but we’re growing increasingly frustrated, not to mention worried, over our repeatedly ignored requests not to upload our material to Veoh, Youtube and other streaming sites.
Perhaps you guys aren’t aware of the problems facing WITH S2, but the flagrant disregard for our requests puts us in an increasingly vulnerable position as a fansubbing group. We don’t want to be shut down (which is something we are in constant threat of) and if our rules are not honored, we may well be.
Therefore we once again make this request:
Please do NOT harsub & upload any of our subtitles to streaming sites.
If people do not comply, we will be forced to stop releasing our subtitles
for ALL our current projects until the request is met, full stop.We regret that we have to take such a drastic stance, but our requests have gone ignored for the past year. There’s not much more we can do to protect ourselves and to continue bringing these dramas to fans, but we believe that taking these precautions now will keep us operational for the long run. And we hope to keep bringing these dramas to English-speaking fans for a long time. Please help us by abiding by our rules.
Here’s the issue: WITH S2 translates and subtitles dramas, and releases “softsubs.” (Softsubs are text files that sync with the video, so you play both files simultaneously. WITH S2 does not put out “hardsubs,” which are videos that come with the subtitles already embedded into the file.)
Lots of well-meaning fans then take the WITH S2 translations, “hardsub” and upload them onto streaming sites like Youtube or Veoh. THIS IS BAD. The reason is not because WITH S2 is stupid or annoying or mean. (1) It’s disrespectful to the subbers’ wishes, but more importantly, (2) Fansubbing is not legal, and with the popularity of kdramas growing, legitimate companies have licensed the dramas for DVD releases outside of Korea.
That makes fansubbers a target — although fansubbers make no money, legally the companies have all the right to shut it down. Because WITH S2 is a prominent fansubbing group, it’s at constant risk and legal threat. When you put videos on Veoh, that exposes the group and makes it a big target.
To this end, WITH S2 has politely and repeatedly asked uploaders on many streaming sites to STOP UPLOADING their files. Many people assume that the uploaders have WITH S2’s permission, but that’s not true. The uploaders have basically ignored all polite requests to stop.
Which is why WITH S2 has decided that they will put a hold on their subtitle releases until the uploaders comply. (Personally, I think the fansubbers have been way too nice so far, but the admins are truly good-hearted people who just want to do their best to bring kdramas to English-speaking fans.)
WITH S2’s second-year anniversary is approaching (January 10), and the fansubbers would all love to celebrate the occasion by resuming sub releases. If you’re an uploader, please DO NOT UPLOAD WITH S2’s SUBS to any more streaming sites.
It might be annoying to have to figure out how to watch dramas without Youtube or Veoh, but trust me, it’s really not that hard. And some fans complain, “I don’t know how to do it! It’s too hard! I need Veoh!” Well, if we fansubbers can figure out how to download dramas, translate them, time them, edit them, release them, and provide the raw video files separately — surely you can learn how to watch them. (Soompi and d-addicts have detailed instructions.) Or buy the DVDs when they’re released officially.
WITH S2 is providing a SERVICE — a free, fast, reliable service. Fansubbers would like to keep providing the service, so we hope everyone can understand why this decision has been made. WITH S2’s wish is NOT to shut down drama-sharing — it’s to keep it alive for the long run. Please help by considering the bigger picture.
Without streaming sites, drama-watching may become less convenient, that is unfortunately true. But it’s better than shutting down fansubbing entirely — ’cause then you’ll have no dramas at all.
And finally, Emily from WITH S2 would like for me to extend the group’s best holiday wishes. On behalf of WITH S2:
Tags: fansubbing
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1 Lisa
December 23, 2007 at 8:17 PM
Just a question...is Lyptika a member of With S2, or is she one of these uploaders who is ignoring your policies?
Just curious because I think some people might be confused as to whether anyone has specific authorization to upload series, or if just everyone is NOT allowed.
I actually only download the soft subs and put it together myself, so I totally understand the fansubber's position. It's not a huge request considering how much time and effort they put in, not to mention how much money and time we are saved from buying and waiting for all these dramas on DVD (so freaking expensive).
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2 Javabeans
December 23, 2007 at 8:19 PM
WITH S2 has asked EVERYONE uploading its subs to stop. Lyptika is not a WITH S2 member or affiliated with the group.
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3 Suzy
December 23, 2007 at 8:20 PM
Yeah, I think WITH S2 have been AMAZINGLY patient with the veoh/youtube uploaders. I used to watch WITH S2's dramas on veoh because it was convenient and I honestly thought that the uploader was a member of WITH S2. Now I'm better informed and maybe this post will help inform more people. If you read the comments of the subscribers to those veoh/youtube offenders you will see that most of them are pretty clueless about where the subs originate. I myself am clueless when it comes to clubbox and bt but there are so many super-nice people out there that provide direct downloads links. I haven't missed any drama I've wanted to see since I stopped watching them streaming. Well, right now I sure am missing In Soon Is Pretty ep 10, lol, but I LOVE AND SUPPORT WITH S2 and will wait patiently for those rather thick-skinned uploaders to come around... and God bless us everyone!
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4 thunderbolt
December 23, 2007 at 8:22 PM
"...is Lyptika a member of With S2, or is she one of these uploaders who is ignoring your policies?
Just curious because I think some people might be confused as to whether anyone has specific authorization to upload series, or if just everyone is NOT allowed."
Lyptika is one of those uploaders blatantly ignoring WITH S2's constant pleas. She is NOT a member of WITH S2. Tell her to STOP.
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5 thua
December 23, 2007 at 8:28 PM
No wonder the progress report wasn't getting updated at all for a little while now. Lol.
I used to not understand why fansubbing groups didn't like hardsubbed files, and why it was THAT big of a deal to upload all these series onto streaming sites, but after I read about the legal conflicts awhile ago, I completely understand. I think most of the people uploading are just ignorant about the problems that fansubbing groups have to face. And, I agree, that they have given so many chances. I knew nothing would change, so this is definitely a good move (hopefully not too-too long though).
Everybody really needs to find out the real reason why fansub groups are pleading them to not upload the files instead of just brushing it off as "they're being so strict about it".
I really hope more people will get it.
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6 sammie
December 23, 2007 at 8:33 PM
Hi, I totally understand and agree. I watch my stuff on veoh, on Lyptika and was wondering why it got so cold. I would like to support WITH S2. Just one thing can some one please explain how I can get the episodes I want to watch, d-addict doesn't seem to work for me it's really confusing. But I think with some help I’ll get the hang. Love this site been reading coffee prince since the very beginning. And I still love it. The first drama I ever watch was one and a half years ago and it was "stairway to heaven".
Love k-drama
Sammie, from London. United Kingdom
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7 merriwether
December 23, 2007 at 8:36 PM
It's a shame that a small percentage of viewers have to do the wrong thing and ruin it for everyone else. As a fansubber, I don't think I like seeing the work I put into helping with subbing dramas going down the drain just because fans can't follow simple rules. The admins of WITH S2 are awesome people and it's terrible that they always have this headache, so please everyone, support us by not uploading our subs onto streaming sites.
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8 marzy
December 23, 2007 at 9:01 PM
i totally understand and support WITHS2's decision. they have been around a long time and giving us kdrama lovers a great service. they have been very good to us. i tried posting up a request too to pls help stop this. unfortunately not everyone listens. i hope people will because many other people are affected too. it's just sad. pls people stop the uploading. we will loose fansubs all together if this keeps and you wont be able to see them at all.
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9 vern529
December 23, 2007 at 9:16 PM
Sigh...kinda knew this day was coming. I have mixed emotions because I am grateful to those who upload subtitled dramas. As a Mac user, I have never successfully downloaded from clubbox. Access to the RAWs, for me, seems to be a matter of scrounging around and trying to get there in time before links expire.
However, as a person who knows copyright law (from my work in a publishing company), I understand WITH S2's rather dicey situation. Unfortunately, popularity invites scrutiny and fansubbers really need to try to fly under the radar. Their work is not always appreciated by the copyright holders, unless the producers of the program are complicit and view the subbing as free publicity for their project.
I have found that more people are now uploading the RAWs to kdramas on Veoh. Perhaps this could be a compromise for all concerned. Downloading from Veoh is fairly easy (much easier and quicker than any other, I have found) and you can use these files to view kdramas with the subtitles provided by WITH S2.
Javabeans ...I absolutely love your site. Should have said it sooner.
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10 lime9
December 23, 2007 at 9:53 PM
if people took the time to list instructions to work out clubbox and torrents then it's not that hard to google it and read it. if someone told me not to do something that they are putting out for free then i would at least put some effort into finding out why before bashing/disregarding the wishes. what it boils down to is laziness. not everyone starts out knowing everything but if there's detailed instructions and you don't even bother then that's bullshit and whatsmore those people are killing it for those who are respecting the wishes. aaaaaaaaaarggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i'm getting pissed just thinking about it.
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11 deeta
December 23, 2007 at 9:59 PM
Tho I fully realized how it ill benefits the fansubbers, I must admit that a couple of times I watched dramas through Veoh (and yes, Lyptika), simply out of negligence and laziness. However, let me just say that I fully support WITH S2's decision in not releasing subs temporarily. If you watch one of Lyptika's hardsubs, she clearly and boldly and repeatedly displays WITH S2's name (probably out of goodwill, to credit the group), but it actually exposes the group too much.
I agree with May, downloading through Veoh is very easy and the speed is really good too (especially with older dramas, total pains if you have to dl from CB). It would be a good idea to spread more and more RAWs through Veoh. I would make an effort to do this myself.
Anyways, all diplomatic talk aside, it's so sad that we've got to get by without subs.
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12 royalpoohtato
December 23, 2007 at 10:00 PM
I really think it's a good decision on WITH S2's part. I'm really really grateful to the team, having subbed almost all the dramas I watched and even subbed 'Person I Love' which is, in my opinion, quite a feat... given that the series was such a blah. (and this coming from myself, a Kim Dongwan fan. haha)
I hope the uploaders would take a hint and to remove the videos and stop uploading completely.
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13 dingdangdong
December 23, 2007 at 10:01 PM
I totally support With S2's move to temporarily halt productions!
It's just totally wrong to for some people to ignore warnings and continue to upload hardsubbed episodes to streaming sites.
If there is anything that we could do to help With S2 on this? I've been downloading softsubs and watching them with RAWs obtained from Soompi without problems for so long. I seriously don't understand why some people insists it's hard to do that and needs streaming hard subbed episodes. Either they are very very lazy or have an intelligence of a 6 year old. ( Heck, even a 6 year old could learn how to do what I've been doing ! )
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14 steff
December 23, 2007 at 10:38 PM
i hate to admit that i used to watch many of my kdramas on lyptika and veoh. since i was so impatient even to wait for hardsubbed videos i just began downloading the softsubs from d-addicts and i completely understand WITH S2's position on hardsubbing now. i used to be so ignorant and lazy about the whole subbing thing, but i'm glad i stumbled upon your website while watching coffee prince. now i have more of an understanding of fansubbing and all the problems and consequences that may occur due to ignorant and lazy kdrama viewers.
i tried downloading the program to sync the video and subs together but failed. even so, i just scroll down in notepad to follow along with the video and that's not bad either so it's another option for viewers to do if they don't want to download a program.
on lyptika's main page a lot of people have been requesting that lyptika remove all her hardsubbed videos so that's a good start. i just hope everything gets back on track soon! i really love WITH S2 and appreciate the work all the members do to spread the love of kdramas.. happy holidays & happy new year to you all! =)
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15 Ariel
December 23, 2007 at 10:45 PM
A question, I've been busy watching a lot of things from crunchyroll are they legit, becuase even if they have a lot of stuff that I really would like to watch I'll stop in the name of WITH S2.
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16 hanna
December 23, 2007 at 10:46 PM
it's understandable. i honestly liked reading your blog posts with the episode summaries over actually watching the actual show (you're so good!).
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17 Minny
December 23, 2007 at 10:47 PM
I understand WithS2's standpoint, and I would rather download the dramas, but my computer doesn't support the flv files. I have tried many times to download those dramas, but I really can't. If there's no more streaming, then there are probably many people who wouldn't be able to watch kdramas.
But, I will try to download again. Can you please post the link of the site that tells you how to download the dramas and put the subs together? Or, can you please explain it in your own words on here? Thanks!
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18 bliss
December 23, 2007 at 11:30 PM
I completely understand WITHS2's decision for temporarily stopping the release of subtitles. I think they have been wayyy too nice to people who uploaders in streaming sites.
Honestly, it's not that hard to download through clubbox. First of all, I am not Korean and do not speak, write, or understand Korean but I learned how to work through it. There are great tutorials in Soompi and the internet on how to download. Also, I don't know how to download from Bittorent so I joined Soompi and found great resources there. You can find help everywhere if you just look and if you can't, just ask. There are many great people who are willing to help fellow drama watchers.
After downloading dramas, I can't stand watching dramas on streaming sites anymore. The video is way too small and the quality is just horrible. Plus waiting for the video to load is just annoying!
Once you have the downloaded the .avi file and the .srt (softsubs), just rename them so they have the same names like kdrama.avi and kdrama.srt. Once you play the .avi file, the subtitles should show right away.
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19 d0a2
December 23, 2007 at 11:37 PM
first of all, thanks S2. i totally understand you guys for doing this! I'm not a pro at this but just wondering, if u guys don't put s2 on the dramas, those companies won't know who to go after, is that better for preventing s2 from getting caught (with hardsub and softsub.)
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20 lea
December 23, 2007 at 11:51 PM
i completely understand the measures WITHS2 has to take.
its really sad that a few people ruin it for the rest of us ::coughs::LYPTIKA::coughs::
but thats how it goes.
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21 Bérénice
December 23, 2007 at 11:52 PM
In brief, WITHS2, fighting! I sincerelly hope the people this measure is aimed at will stop very very soon...
I'm very grateful to WITHS2 for the subs : without the team I wouldn't be able to enjoy all the k-dramas I was able to enjoy this past year.
I totally respect the decision that was taken and I support it, even if I hope it will be resolved shortly. I really don't understand how people think they can use the subs as if they belonged to them...
PS : As for the "easiness" part, for the peoples who have trouble watching the raws subbed with the soft subs : with the nice AND free software VLC player, you can play the subs synched with the wideo by just telling VLC where both files are : no renaming, no putting in the same directory, no instaling any codec mandatory. It fast, it's easy, it's free, and it doesn't go against WITHS2's wishes...
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22 Misskley
December 24, 2007 at 12:09 AM
Maybe we should all start learning Korean...
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23 merriwether
December 24, 2007 at 12:09 AM
ariel, crunchyroll still has some WITH S2 hardsubs and even if it's an old drama, if it's been done by WITH S2, it's best you don't watch it.
steff, there is a way of syncing the subs so that it matches with the video without having to use any of those programs made for timing subs like Media Subtitler. If you use GOM Player, you can right click on the screen>subtitles>subtitles explorer. Open up the srt file with subtitles explorer (file>open) and say the first line says, "Hello," click on that line and wait until the character says that, pause the video and go to sync in subtitle explorer and click on reset entire sync to the selected position. If the subtitles are still sort of out of place, you can use the two orange arrows to speed it up or slow it down until the subs appear the time you want them to.
Minny, flv files can be played with GOM Player. I don't think you need any additional codecs to play flv files once you've installed GOM Player as it has internal codecs that work for it already. With a raw flv file, just rename so that the srt and flv files have the same name (or you could use the method described for steff in the above paragraph).
I highly recommend GOM Player as a video player or Media Classic if you've got the right codecs installed.
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24 Gégé
December 24, 2007 at 12:34 AM
Thanks to the group for its hard work. I am a french fan and i have a blog on the subject.
I was allowed to bring in your article to warn french also french fans that might go against your rules : http://lifeofgege.over-blog.com/article-14911653.html
I hope to see your releases soon and we see stop its broadcasts without permission. A question for the site Soju and AZTV, this is also a diffusion ilégale your subtitle?
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25 Philippa
December 24, 2007 at 12:35 AM
so we're only allowed to post it on aznv.tv????
because seriously I tried downloading episodes from d-addicts,, but it never works. lmao.
Thanks for the info!
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26 merriwether
December 24, 2007 at 1:01 AM
Philippa, not even azn.tv. The idea is that you DON'T POST HARDSUBS ANYWHERE. No one had permission to do it and no one should be doing it.
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27 mizune
December 24, 2007 at 2:14 AM
Philippa, there's a Tech Support Forum to help out those having problems downloading from D-addicts. Feel free to make a post describing the exact nature of your problem so that it can be resolved. We have a very open tracker, so the problem is most likely something related to your network setup.
BTW, why isn't there a more obvious announcement at D-addicts? Or did I miss something....
I feel that Kdrama fansubbers have always had it tougher than the Jdrama crowd (fewer translators, the lack of timed soft-subs, etc), and it's even worse now with the new complication of licensing. As an alternative to the ppl who watch through streaming sites, maybe LQ raw files can help them transition into the whole idea of actually downloading the file. I think one reason many ppl don't like downloading is because of a lack of computer resources (bandwidth, HD space, computer speed, codecs, etc...). Offering smaller of files of decreased quality, but are readily playable on older systems might be good transitional option for that population who favor streaming. I don't know how effective this hold-out is going to turn out, but I wish you guys the best of luck!
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28 hellaakon
December 24, 2007 at 2:27 AM
It's about time WITH S2 put its foot down. I say let them learn the hard way.
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29 abcde
December 24, 2007 at 3:15 AM
they have my support. seriously, WITH S2 has been so nice to us yet many still ignore their polite requests. I used to message those who uploaded hardsubbed WITH S2 files because I know WITH S2 policy but they just ignored my message.
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30 La Plume
December 24, 2007 at 3:20 AM
Personally I don't think it's only a matter of laziness or ignorance on the part of viewers who go to streaming sites ( again I'm speaking about Lyptika [Gosh I'm so fed up with that name!] ), maybe you've got some that are simply ignorant as some of you said they were, but some are simply like ALL THE UPLOADERS on streaming sites, completely disrespectful of the team members.
If you've got a Mac you should know that Bittorent is available for Mac as well. Azureus which I use for instance has a Mac version. THERE'S ABSOLUTELY NO EXCUSE. Xvid files can be played easily if you can't watch x264 ver as for the lack of space, just buy a an external Hard Disk. Yes, If you don't have lots of money, you'll have to sacrifice other things but at least no problem any more and you'll finally be able to watch quality files.
Concerning the matter of resynching, I personally use "SubtitleEdit", there's an option that on the left that allows you to make all the sub lines appearing earlier or later.
Codec? Best I found is the CCCP Pack used by the anime community, they usually have the new codecs available first.
Feels I've been repeating that a lot lately, but I give my full support to WITH S2 and will wait patiently for the team to get back on track.
Here I'm quoting a little anecdote I wrote on In Soon's thread on Soompi :
"That's why they need to do forced vacation. You know if WITH S2's members are contacted by companies because of streaming sites there won't be any WITH S2 no more, meaning they'll really be forced to stop their fansubbing activities. This may seem harsh but it is the only way to avoid being shutting down for real. So just be patient even if you've got to wait for a year, they wait.
That reminds me... There was an anime of 62 episodes I wanted to watch. The fansubbing team had asked people to stop asking when would be the next release. Nobody listened to them so they said each person asking equals 3 days of delay. You know what?
No leechers believed they would do it for real but they did. And no luck, I'm not the kind who complains, nor ask when is gonna be the next release... No other fansubbing team was doing that project. I waited and waited but there was always a new idiot asking when when when.
They still finished it... And do you know how long it took them?
6 Years.
But If you like you wait and you must be grateful because It may have been 6 years but it could have been NEVER.
So please be patient with WITH S2 they're doing their best. Count the number of projects they do, two episodes a week to translate by projects, time, check. It's no small work it's ENORMOUS. You won't see any anime fansubbing team doing that much.
Based on the speed subs usually come out, I'm pretty sure they don't really know what private life means any more. It's all for leechers and downloaders, that's sacrifice for you.
Actually this decision was made at a good time, at least it allows them to rest for real during Christmas and the New Year."
So here's how to become really patient ^^
Merry Christmas and a Very Happy New Year to all team members ^^
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31 snoopy
December 24, 2007 at 3:39 AM
I support WITH S2! All real drama fans should do the same! I use torrent to download raws and wait patiently for subs releases. I do not see the advantage to watch online as quality and streaming are not great. I can put my downloaded raw+sub files up to watch on my big screen TV. Better right?
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32 wandergirl
December 24, 2007 at 4:32 AM
I support WITHS2's decision. It's sad some people ruin it for us who follow the group's rules, but if they have to learn it the hard way, so be it.
When I first started downloading dramas I was so confused. I forced myself to understand how it all works--downloading RAWs, waiting for subs, etc. Once I got the hang of it I went on a downloading spree. Frankly, I don't mind waiting for torrent or clubbox downloads. They might take a little long, depending on the number of seeders, but I really don't like how videos look on streaming sites. Also, sometimes my connection is not good and waiting for videos to load takes a long time. It's better for me to dl from D-Addicts and leave my BitTorrent client download then just watch when it's done.
mizune has a good suggestion, and I agree with what she/he said: "As an alternative to the ppl who watch through streaming sites, maybe LQ raw files can help them transition into the whole idea of actually downloading the file. I think one reason many ppl don’t like downloading is because of a lack of computer resources (bandwidth, HD space, computer speed, codecs, etc…). Offering smaller of files of decreased quality, but are readily playable on older systems might be good transitional option for that population who favor streaming. I don’t know how effective this hold-out is going to turn out, but I wish you guys the best of luck!"
Another suggestion: some people might not be bothered at all to go to D-Addicts and I'm not even sure if the Tech section is updated (the one about downloading and watching torrent files, using softsubs, etc). I think someone else suggested you also put up a section on how to dl raw files and use softsubs. You do explain things clearly and maybe some people need a guide using simpler, less techie terms.
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33 docmitasha
December 24, 2007 at 4:52 AM
I owe a lot to WithS2 for all their hard work and dedication, and their generosity. Which is why I joined and have tried to give back what I can myself. And now I feel firsthand the frustration of asking people not to misuse our work and force us into a precarious position! The admins of WithS2 are wonderful, enthusiastic, patient people, and by repeatedly ignoring WithS2's requests, these uploaders are doing no one a service :(
When I first started watching kdramas, I was no techie but it didn't take me very long to figure out how and what to do. Its really not that difficult when you consider the HUGE amount of resources on Soompi, DAddicts, etc. Anyone will be willing to help you in the LARGE community of k-drama lovers. You just have to make an effort, fiddle around and be willing to learn. Even Javabeans has a wonderful resource page on where to watch. There are many different ways that one can stay loyal to fansubbers and still watch all your favorite shows, and just a little playing around will bring the most convenient method.
That said, if anybody is having any problems using softsubs, I'd be happy to help as much as I can, just email me via my blog. As a non-techie person, I've learned stuff the layman's way and will be more than happy to pass on what I know to dissuade anyone from streaming sites.
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34 julier
December 24, 2007 at 5:24 AM
When I first went to d-addicts several years ago, it was because I had heard about Kim Sam Soon and wanted to see it so badly. I knew absolutely nothing about downloading video files, playing them, or using softsubs. I spent a day or so reading all the FAQs, figuring out how bittorrents work and also how clubbox worked, then once I actually got the file, figuring out how to play it and use softsubs. Sure there was a learning curve, but within a few days, we were watching KSS, and I’ve been dling dramas ever since. If an ajumma like me can figure it out, certainly this younger crowd can handle it. LOL All the info and outside links you need are on d-addicts FAQ and tech threads. Plus, more and more I see links to direct dls for the video files on soompi. Really, it is not that bad!
I too used to think that streaming sites were awesome, and I was thrilled when they first started showing up on youtube, but reality really hit home for me this past year when YA very quickly brought a halt to licensed dramas being available on d-addicts. In a flash, fansubbing could be gone as well. I think #9’s comments are right on when she said that fansubbers need to fly under the radar. Obviously they know we exist, but our best hope to co-exist is to be as low-key as possible and stick to the softsubs. Thanks so much supporting WITH S2 everyone! And, as always, thanks javabeans for your blog.
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35 mariowinans
December 24, 2007 at 5:47 AM
Just wanted to say good on WITH S2, I also agree with everyone that they made the right move at this time. It might make the rest of us wait but to secure the future of fansubs it is all worth it in the end. Merry Christmas to all and speacial thanks to With S2 and javabeans for all the great work u guys do.
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36 Di
December 24, 2007 at 6:23 AM
AAwww Why is it always a stupid bunch who ruins the fun for the rest of us?? *sighs and pouts*
But I support WITHS2 and hope that more people will start following the rules. :(
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37 Lena S.
December 24, 2007 at 7:46 AM
I feel sad that it seems there is anything we can do to stop this, because unfortunelly is up to the uploader decision to remove the videos...
Like everybody else i support WITH S2, and i hope people should really take this seriously and respect the fansubber decisions this time.
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38 lingling22
December 24, 2007 at 8:09 AM
we can all help.. by spamming uploaders like lyptika..
how can one be so thick skinned?
getting praised and all by other users by uploading subtittled vidoes...
how pathetic... i am continiously monitoring her account ...
i vow i will not stop until she stop...
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39 Lear
December 24, 2007 at 8:17 AM
I agree with everything everyone else had already said. It is frustrating to realize that the general populace doesn't understand the ramifications of ignoring WITH S2's request. There are always legal consequences, and it's unfortunate that no one thinks about it. Someone mentioned the 'big picture' up above, and they're right, it is generally ignored.
Yeah, it's time to start learning Korean.
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40 pixie
December 24, 2007 at 8:19 AM
Oh, that's really bad news...
Even a computer dummy like me have figured out how to use Clubbox, BitTorrent and play the videos with soft subs. I bet everybody can learn the stuff to enjoy the dramas without relying on the streaming sites. "When there's a will, there's a way!"
Thank you, WITH S2, for your awesome service all this time.
I wish you all a Merry Christmas too.
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41 thistle12
December 24, 2007 at 8:23 AM
I can think of one "excuse" for preferring the hardsubbed versions: if you use a friend's computer or a public-access one, viewing someone else's upload to YouTube or Veoh (or other Flash/.flv purveyor) is about all you can do. Imagine a public library or a school letting someone install a BT client. :P
I'm not in that position (I recently initial-seeded most of one show, ffs) but thought I'd mention it. I do agree that WITH S2's activities need and deserve courtesy from us consumers.
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42 breezy
December 24, 2007 at 8:49 AM
all my love and support to WITH S2... being a viewer i appreciate your hard work and most importantly the qualtiy of your translations... though we will lose out by you guys pulling out for while, i totally understand your stance and fully support it... i think everybody means well by trying to share with others, but theres no point in doing so if the source itself is going to be in danger... so guys, though it may be hard *sniff sniff *, i encourage you all to nicely "coach" anybody that isn't complying to WITH S2...Don't gang up on them either...virtual Insults and threats are immature no matter the reason...Take it easy guys and WITH S2 fansubbing team FIGHTING!
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43 Nonbirira
December 24, 2007 at 9:37 AM
Need to confess - I followed Lyptika from YouTube to VEOH quite a while ago and was one of her biggest supporters... But that was before I became a member of d-addicts and learned about the soft sub/hard sub issue and finally understood that Lyptika wasn't part of WITH S2 even though her name was in the credits. (She edits the credits when she hardsubs.) Now I completely support WITH S2 - especially now that I understand how vulnerable they are to legal action if their soft subs are made into hard subs.
My experience is very similar to julier (#34) - one day I just decided I didn't want to depend on others to supply me with the dramas I was watching. I wanted to get them from the source myself. So, I spent several days figuring out bittorrents and subtitles files with only support forums for help. (No one around me uses macs or knows anything about bittorents.) Yes, there is a learning curve but if I can do it, then it is most certainly do-able for your average computer user. You just need to be willing to spend some time, effort and energy - which is a very small price to pay for accessibility to countless raw videos and WITH S2's great subtitle files.
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44 Nonbirira
December 24, 2007 at 9:53 AM
(Oh, and thanks, Dramabeans, for explaining the issue so clearly. Will be encouraging all my Kdrama buddies to read it!)
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45 Minny
December 24, 2007 at 10:05 AM
I have another question.
When you go to the page of a certain drama, which is being subtitled, they only have srt files there (those are only the subtitle files, right?) So, where do I download the actual episodes? Do I have to download the ones that says RAW on it, and combine those two? How does that work?
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46 tealeaf
December 24, 2007 at 10:09 AM
I understand and support WITH S2's decision. But unfortunately, in reality, it is difficult to have uploaders abide by the request. Imagine my surprise when i spotted WITH S2- subbed DVDs being distributed in underground markets. Argh!
Would it be less of a file-sharing liability if WITH S2 include disclaimer in the body of the file? You know, something like a tag stating "Not for public distribution" (or something applicable) on the screen. Similar to the ones i have seen on movie copies for film critics. How about asking people to sign on-line disclaimers to not publicly upload hard-subbed copies onto streaming sites when they download the soft-subs (that it is for their individual use only)? It does not negate what you do (or prevent them from doing it) but may lessen what you are responsible for - action by mass-distributed hard-subbed uploaders.
Always appreciative of all fan subbers works. I hope that you are able to resolve the issue soon. I can't even remember how it was before WITH S2 appeared on the K-drama scene. Thank you for all your works. Merry Christmas, everyone.
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47 angeldluz
December 24, 2007 at 10:22 AM
I agree with everyone!! I fully support WITHS2, I have already posted a comment on a certain VEOH user to ask her to stop! I know she means well...but I much rather figure out on my own how to watch softsubs then to not find ANY subs at all!!
THank you WITHS2 for all of your hard work! THank you Javabeans for your blogs...you're awesome!! ^_^
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48 (^_^)WITH S2 supporter
December 24, 2007 at 10:35 AM
WITH S2 i support you guys!
TTT___TTT how long are we gonna have to wait until the madness STOPS?!?!
not too long i hope....
i'll learn how to upload what ever so that WITH S2 can still be able to release the k-dramas...... WITH S2 thank you for all of the hard work.....
aja aja fighting ...^_^V
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49 Ruth
December 24, 2007 at 10:44 AM
I truly appreciate this notice and I really thank WITH S2 for subbing the dramas for us, english-speaking fans who are really addicted (when I say addicted in my case, I sleep 3 am during weekends and holidays just to watch them hehehe) to korean dramas.
It's no problem for me they temporarily stop the subbing, I totally understand :)
by the way, I have a question, how about azntv, are they allow to show the subtitled dramas in their website? because I watch there everytime
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50 :9
December 24, 2007 at 10:46 AM
this is proly gonna take a while rite?
would the ppls frum chruncyroll and others have to take down the dramas a well...?
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