The most hypothetically marriageable Hallyu stars
by javabeans
Or rather, perhaps the headline should more accurately read: Rhetorically speaking, say you were theoretically a woman in China, and you had to take a poll — which Hallyu star would you most hypothetically want to marry?
But first, a ranty sidebar. Sweeping, generalized conclusion o’ the day: Koreans love polls.
Or rather, Korean media loves polls. I suppose media in general, Korean and otherwise, likes reporting on them because they supposedly “represent” the “people” and their “opinions” or blah blah blah whatever, but my inner cynic (remarkably similar to my outer cynic) believes it’s just ’cause polls are easy topics on a slow news day. I’m not talking Gallup or BBC or CNN, because those might actually carry some weight, but do we really need to see every small-scale poll conducted by women’s magazines, cable entertainment programs, variety shows, and the like?
Judging from the amount of poll-reporting I come across every day (and some are truly stupid — which female entertainer has the most appealing bosomly charms? Are you effing kidding me?), the answer is YES. And I’m totally guilty of featuring them too. At first, the headlines catch my eye (they ARE good for that), but then you start to see the same questions and same names over and over, and you’re like, “Guh, these are lame.”
But here’s a poll anyway. Hey, it’s a slow news day.
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At least this poll has a large response rate in its favor (some of the lamer polls only cite a few hundred respondents), with tens of thousands of votes cast online. It asked the question on major Chinese portal site, “Which male star would you want to marry?” and the top 50 answers included eight Hallyu stars.
Coming in first was the veteran actor Andy Lau with an overwhelming 12,000+ votes cast in his favor. Second place with 5,000+ votes was Wu Chun of Taiwanese boy band Fahrenheit, and third went to Tony Leung. However, the surprise came with fourth place with an unexpected Korean name thrown into the mix. If the picture wasn’t an immediate tipoff, that was be-dimpled cutie Hyun Bin, enjoying popularity in China from his role in 2005’s super-hit My Name Is Kim Sam Soon.
Other Hallyu stars included pretty familiar names:
- 6th place, Rain
- 12. Jang Dong Gun
- 15. Kwon Sang Woo
- 20. Lee Junki
- 23. Song Seung Heon
- 29. Bae Yong Joon
- 48. Ju Ji Hoon
Tags: Bae Yong-joon, Hyun Bin, Jang Dong-gun, Joo Ji-hoon, Kwon Sang-woo, Lee Jun-ki, Rain, Song Seung-heon
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1 its_trish
November 6, 2007 at 11:26 AM
Jiro beats Wu Chun any day.. 哈哈
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November 6, 2007 at 11:40 AM
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3 invisibelle
November 6, 2007 at 12:26 PM
Don't feel guilty, it's fun to read. :)
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4 Evey Helm
November 6, 2007 at 12:45 PM
Ahhhh!! Wu Chun! I was sooo disappointed when I found out they weren't continuing Hana Kimi! That ripped a little piece of my heart out (not really but it felt like it)!
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5 plumangel3
November 6, 2007 at 1:11 PM
Kang Sang Woo, Jun Ki, Bi, Hyun Bi.....
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6 plumangel3
November 6, 2007 at 1:12 PM
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November 6, 2007 at 1:14 PM
if it were japan, i have a strong feeling yonsama would take the lead by much ;)
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8 Di
November 6, 2007 at 1:17 PM
*coughs* excuse me >.>
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9 Linda
November 6, 2007 at 1:53 PM
all cuties... i agree w/ the others, it's fun to read, hehe. thank u!
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10 elbib
November 6, 2007 at 1:57 PM
i'll take lee jun kin any day... that kid is too hot for his own good
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11 rach
November 6, 2007 at 2:07 PM
wu chun looks like a bird
but he's still v. attractive!
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12 Miki
November 6, 2007 at 3:00 PM
That's a gorgeous picture of him by the way!!! :P
Oo There's all Joo Ji Hoon and Lee Junki on there! XD The girls have some good taste. (Though Joo Ji Hoon should've been higher!)
I wonder what japan's vote would've been......
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13 ripgal
November 6, 2007 at 3:09 PM
Sang Woo any time any day..
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14 La Plume
November 6, 2007 at 3:21 PM
Ahhhhhhh Hyeon Bin except from Kim Sam Soon I haven't enjoyed his dramas nor films really much but he's still my favorites, he's just tooooooooo handsome and the dimples... Ahhh I LOVE YOUUUUUUUUUUU
Ah I've taken a liking to Lee Jun Ki in his latest drama L'heure entre chien et loup, he was not girly but (pardon me) freakin' handsome. TROP BEAU MIAM!
But still...
It's normal he's fourth ^^ Should have been first but well ^^
did I said I wanted him to marry me?
BUt I'll be satisfied just drooling over his handsome face ( and his dimples)
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15 miggywiggy
November 6, 2007 at 5:29 PM
who wouldn't want hyun bin? Just by the thought that you would wake up in the morning with this gorgeous guy next to you....
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November 6, 2007 at 6:09 PM
japanese news loves polls too--seen whole nhk newscast with poll results and cute handmade charts, pies, graphs, with cardboard cutout pictures. this low tech bit is quite charming, and some say more personal than the computer graphics used in the us news. does korea use hand made cardboard charts on national news casts also these days?
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17 Marzy
November 6, 2007 at 8:10 PM
WU CHUN!! WU CHUN!!! omg drools... hahhaha well as much as i dont really put that much emphasis on these online polls.. cause one.. some flying voters.. two the sillyness of some topics.. hahhaha but i agree with this one.. except for maybe some of the older ones.. but ahhh Kwon Sang Woo, Hyunbin, Wu Chun anyday, anytime.. they take my heart away... hahhaha
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November 6, 2007 at 8:38 PM
I will take Hyun Bin please!
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19 varms
November 6, 2007 at 9:09 PM
Wahahahhah, you'll probably get a lot of replies from fangirls in this post... And yeah, I'm not ashamed to admit it, I wouldn't mind marrying Hyun Bin! And neither would a million other girls... Bae Yong Jun doesn't seem to be as popular in China as in Japan... Wu Zun is definitely major hot stuff in Taiwan now after Hana Kimi (Heck, people are nuts about him over here in Malaysia too...) True, polls are pretty useful for filling out holes and people don't mind reading about them...
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20 Bored therefore I Blog
November 7, 2007 at 6:49 AM
Andy Lau??? What a surprise!
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21 cherryxpnai
November 7, 2007 at 7:19 AM
i'd take hyun bin over any of them ANY DAY! go sam-shik!
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22 ruzan
November 7, 2007 at 8:58 AM
I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks that there are way to many such polls and that most of them are lame and repetitive (and very superficial too).
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23 Mai
November 7, 2007 at 7:21 PM
maybe it's just me. but i don't think i've ever desired to marry a superstar. i would just admire them from afar :)
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24 coffeewhore
November 7, 2007 at 10:44 PM
Ok so I'm going to be a traitor to my people and say that Hyun Bin totally should have been first. Because seriously, that boy is just insanely hot and cute at the same time. I would marry him in a second, the top three may need 5 seconds :)
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25 xsx
January 24, 2008 at 7:28 PM
i am so much older than hyun bin but his look so melting on kim samm soo and snow queen drama but is for my daughter hhah hahh
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