by javabeans
Gong Yoo, Jo In Sung
As Male Stars Enlist in Military Service En Masse in 2008… Will It Leave Behind Another Void?
A Korean man cannot avoid his military service, and stars at the busiest time in their careers are no exception. Male stars generally reveal their thoughts on military service upon reaching the appropriate age, and fans accept their absence as a disappointing but inevitable truth.
However, because most of these actors who must leave at the height of their careers are around the same age, they tend to enter their service at around the same time. Moreover, their mass exit from the film and television world leaves a gaping void behind them.
And now, trying something new…
For instance, a string of young men began their military service, including Song Seung Heon, Jang Hyuk, Han Jae Seok in 2004, and Ji Sung, Hong Kyung In, Park Kwang Hyun, So Ji Sub, and Yeon Jung Hoon in 2005. That created an empty space in the entertainment realm for a while following their departures.
For that reason, it was easier for male pop singers to make the transition to acting, and gave a chance for new stars like Hyun Bin to rise to stardom.
The time for the next wave of male stars to leave the entertainment world arrives in 2008. The group of A-list celebrities dominating the film and television world will enlist en masse, including Jo In Sung, Gong Yoo, Kim Rae Won, Jo Hyun Jae, Chun Jung Myung, Yang Dong Geun, and Lee Dong Gun.
Lee Dong Gun, Kim Rae Won
Take Jo In Sung [What Happened in Bali, Dirty Carnival, Spring Days], a superstar with many overseas fans who is planning to appear in director Yoo Ha’s next film next February. He’s still considering whether that film will be his last before beginning his service, or whether he’ll take on one more project. He plans to enlist by the end of next year.
Gong Yoo [One Fine Day, Hello My Teacher, She’s On Duty], who’d solidified his status in the drama Coffee Prince Store #1, had initially received his papers for an October enlistment. However, he’s postponed his enlistment to continue working, and it’s very likely he’ll enter his military service next year.
Kim Rae Won [What Star Are You From?, Love Story in Harvard, Attic Cat], another actor in his career prime who appears in the drama Gourmet, plans to enter his service next year. Because he has film he’s waited to work on since before taking on Gourmet, he’s carefully considering whether to work on that film after the drama ends.
Jo Hyun Jae [Seo Dong Yo, Only You, Tale of the Nine-Tailed Fox] of the recent movie G.P. 501 intends to enlist after finishing with that project. He impressed people when the filming for G.P. 501 was interrupted, and he’d steadfastly waited for work to resume so he could participate, even despite his approaching enlistment. His management company stated that if that movie wraps early, he might have the chance to work on one more project.
Chun Jung Myung, Jo Hyun Jae
It’s expected that Chun Jung Myun [What’s Up Fox?, Goodbye Solo, Fashion ’70s] will start his service sometime early next year. He’d initially received his summons for November, but he pushed it back to appear in the film Hansel and Gretel.
Singer-actor Yang Dong Geun [I Am Sam, Dr. Kkang, Ruler of Your Own World], who’s just started promotional activities on his new album, is considering beginning his service in the middle of next year.
Lee Dong Gun [Smile Again, My Boyfriend is Type B, Sweet 18], who’d successfully changed his image in the movie Are You Living With the One You Love?, will start his military service next year. It appears he’s thinking over whether he will take the break following the film’s release to decide on his next project, or just begin his enlistment then.
Aside from these actors, there are a line of singers who will also be enlisting next year.
Jang Woo Hyuk starts his service on the 15th, and early next year Tony Ahn will, too. Excepting Shin Hye Sung, the members of Shinhwa also plan to begin their service next year. HaHa, who’s been extremely active in the entertainment world, will also begin next year.
Already, many speculate over the various ways in which the departure of these male stars in 2008 will change the lay of the land. The result may be similar to the ‘backup’ celebrities who rose quickly in the void left in 2005, combined with the stars who are being discharged from their duty now to seek a return of the fame of their heydey.
One source said, “With a few exceptions, singers who attempt to act have not been able to meet with favorable criticism, and therefore it’s not easy for singers to make the transition to actor. As there aren’t any outstanding new stars, it’ll be very likely for stars who’ve been discharged from service, such as Won Bin and Song Seung Heon, to resume their busy schedules.”
Won Bin, Song Seung Heon
Tags: army duty, Chun Jung-myung, Gong Yoo, Jo Hyun-jae, Jo In-sung, Kim Rae-won, Lee Dong-gun, Shinhwa, Yang Dong-geun
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1 Stawr
November 14, 2007 at 9:17 PM
Kim Jong Kook is in service, I think he still is. I remember I was watching FC Shoot Dori (I think that's what it was called) and he was crying because he had to leave during the middle of the season and all the kids were...gahh! I was crying!!
=( I hope after they serve, they'll be able to transition back in very smoothly. I know that my cousins had to take some time to settle back in, lol.
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2 Tears...
November 14, 2007 at 9:32 PM
Im sad that a lot of great actors are leaving....but at the same time would be interesting to see how much they've changed once they come back to their positions in the entertainment industry
...i wonder if the US did something like that huh? just for thought...
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3 addicted
November 14, 2007 at 9:42 PM
How and where can a non-Korean gal like myself sign up? I certainly wouldn't mind spending two years with all those dreamy men...
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4 Marzy
November 14, 2007 at 9:48 PM
its so sad the time has come when they have to leave again. i was so sad when the last batch left, cause they were really good. this batch, even more of the favorites and good ones are leaving. i feel its opportunity for others, while its hard for the rest. but its a must so yeah. i know other countries have the same, taiwan, singapore, indonesia im not so sure about others. im really bummed by the fact that SHINHWA will be away.. i really will miss them the most.. they really are my fave... via drama or kpo scene... ahhhh... i know they will have their last tour and concert for fans before it happens.
also, i think Jo In Sun, Lee Dong Gun and Gong Yoo in the list of actors...
i think of it as the sooner they leave the sooner they can be back in full swing and they are leaving in good fashion...
like the ones before, who came back better than ever. i cant wait for them to be back and they will be missed.
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5 Radhika
November 14, 2007 at 9:49 PM
lol I completely agree with addicted. I heard that if Gong Yoo wasn't going into the military then a 2nd season of coffee prince would have started filming next year?
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6 hellaakon
November 14, 2007 at 9:50 PM
"Won Bin, Song Seung Heon"
I'll take those two any day. ;)
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7 Noemi
November 14, 2007 at 9:57 PM
i think i'm gonna cry... my fav guys will be in hiatus for two years!!!
my Shinhwa boys ... Gong Yoo... oh my...
tissue box please...
can i enlist too? even though i'm not korean... hehehe
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November 14, 2007 at 10:07 PM
Since Gong Yoo postponed his enlistment, what is he currently working on? Is there a chance for Coffee Prince 2? Or maybe not :( And about Won Bin, I heard he was injured but I would still like to see him do another drama.
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9 connie
November 14, 2007 at 10:17 PM
Season 2 of Coffee Prince please...
since Gong Yoo will do his enlistment next year...
MBC should know that they will make a lot of people happy if they
do a sequel of CP b4 Gong Yoo leaves for military service...
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10 Aivoxora
November 15, 2007 at 12:01 AM
Isn't Goong Yoo already enlisted ? I think this article is a little bit old. ^_^
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11 Javabeans
November 15, 2007 at 12:29 AM
Aivoxora, this article was just published two days ago, on Nov. 13. You can check by clicking the source link. In case you missed it above:
He has not yet enlisted.
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12 Cat
November 15, 2007 at 12:42 AM
Don't forget So Ji Sub is back too! :D
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13 knuts
November 15, 2007 at 1:19 AM
o my two whole years
I think they should leave asap, so that they will be back asap
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14 Linda
November 15, 2007 at 1:24 AM
Oh nooo!! So many more people than I initially realized! T__T Kim Rae Won, Lee Dong Gun, Jo Hyun Jae, Woo Hyuk, Tony, Shinhwa, and Haha!!! T__T Wow, that's a big loss. Ahh~~ Thanks for the report & heads up though, Javabeans!
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15 onigiri
November 15, 2007 at 1:44 AM
it will be sad to see all of them go on hiatus for 2 years but i guess during that time those who are discharged can come back into the spotlight. plus maybe they'll come back even hotter LOL like Jang Hyuk =P
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16 heyleadinglady
November 15, 2007 at 1:44 AM
the world will be bleak and at a loss without HaHa
the world will be so very unattractive without Gong Yoo
the world will be so empty and undeserving without Shinhwa
lets go cry in a corner now... :(
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17 Jamie
November 15, 2007 at 2:35 AM
;___; My poor HaHa!! Every verity show is going to be so boring without him.
Though it's funny, HaHa is going into the military, Kim Jong Kook is coming back in 2008 (Eun Hye will be happy).
I'm really sad about Gong Yoo also, and a few other of the actors.
On a separate note... I read that some of you said there will be a Coffee Prince 2, is that true or just rumor/hopeful thought?
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18 ripgal
November 15, 2007 at 3:35 AM
Not really a fan of the actors up there..but I think I will miss Shinhwa the most, because they're really adorable. Love it when they're on shows and when they act crazy and all.. definitely going to miss their crazy antics.
Lee Dong Wook is also enlisting next year..this one I'm definitely going to miss - and really badly too. =(
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19 nileey
November 15, 2007 at 3:38 AM
i will miss Gong Yoo...
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20 kjjang
November 15, 2007 at 5:07 AM
aww, i want to see MORE of Chun Jung Myung... but now his enlisting!! 2 years is sooo long.
looks like 25-27 is a popular age to enlist. they should've done it when they were much younger.
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21 Livvie
November 15, 2007 at 8:02 AM
My Shinhwa oppas *cries* T T I'm going to miss them soooo much!!!!
and HaHa and Gong Yoo and Chun Jung Myung too!!
2 years...its going to be a long and hard 2 years or so..but then, they shall come back bigger and brighter than ever!!! and us fans will be here waiting to welcome them back!
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22 Yuki_Muto
November 15, 2007 at 9:27 AM
I have always had an irrational crush on Jo Insung since Nonstop. I will miss him very much.
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23 Jo
November 15, 2007 at 10:11 AM
I hate it when actors/singers are in the peak of their career and suddenly they have to go to the army. I HATE that, because you are always expecting them to make more movies but they just disappear for like 4 years.
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24 invisibelle
November 15, 2007 at 11:47 AM
"now we'll have to get our requisite homoeroticism from Super Junior, boo" --- I LOLed
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25 cg96
November 15, 2007 at 1:45 PM
I am so glad Gong Yoo is not leaving yet.I really want to see more of his upcoming projects.
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