With QUE SERA SERA ending this weekend, I had the suggestion from fellow fans ginnie and Xena to open things up for you all to contribute your thoughts of the series. If we get a lot of great responses here, they thought it would be nice to share this compilation of thoughts with the people behind the series over at MBC’s official site, where people affiliated with the show have been known to read and post.

So, what do you think? Of the series, of the stories, of the acting, production, anything? If you had the chance to address the people who worked to bring us such a great series, what would you say?

Post your impressions here! With any luck, maybe they’ll get to read them.

Edited to add: Now that the series is over, I’m bumping this so it displays after the last episode summary. Original timestamp is: 2007-05-07, 9:02:23 pm

Also edited to add: Here’s an excellent example from Xena:

a taunting, unbridled enigma.

To Whom It May Concern:

I have been earnestly enthralled with the K-drama ‘Que Sera Sera’ from the moment the first episode aired. The drama was refreshing, the direction bold, the story-telling ruthlessly brilliant and the characters divine. The performances from the two main protagonists; JUNG YOO MI and Eric Mun/MOON JUNG HYUK are flawlessly impeccable and their scenes together sizzle with all the right chemistry required to invite audiences to voyeuristically intrude and bask in these lover’s affairs, their arguments, their beautiful highs and their heartbreaking lows. ‘Que sera sera’ has moved me immensely.

JUNG YOO MI displays the same screen presence and sparkles with the same quirky quality found in international singer/actress Bjork, whom also seduces viewers, with a surreal woman/child demeanor. And Eric Mun/MOON JUNG HYUK portrays the damaged prince, anti-hero Casanova, contemporary Romeo beautifully.

Tae Joo being a tarnished protagonist is immensely appealing, for we see things through his eyes, which I adore. A character does not have to be ‘likeable’ or ‘safe’ in order to be appreciated and this drama has been courageous enough to display that. It makes no excuses and treats viewers with the curiosity of mature content without having to over explain itself. We are more than capable of filling in the blanks, no over justification needed. The love story of Kang Tae Joo and Han Eun Soo has been a taunting, unbridled enigma.

‘Que sera sera’s’ re-telling of the old love story of falling in love with opposites, it’s modern feel, topped with the edgy direction of KIM YOON CHUL have been a brave, dramatic and visual treat. And it has left me with an unquenchable thirst of always, simply wanting more!

I could go and on in praise of the serial but I shall not. I just wanted to thank the cast, crew and the production of QSS, for providing and sharing such a wonderful and addictive distraction in the world of ‘que sera sera’ and I wish everyone the very best of luck with their future projects. We look forward to experiencing new ventures from the QSS team and pray they shall continue to be as fearless in the execution of storytelling as this drama has been.



But first, a reminder of who brought us the series……


Kim Yoon Chul (김윤철)
Drama “내이름은 김삼순” (My Name Is Kim Samsoon)
Morning drama “짝”
Best Theater “늪” (Swamp), Monte Carlo Television Festival Prize Winner


Choi Chang Wook (최창욱)

“환상의 커플” (Fantasy Couple)
“발칙한 여자들” (Rude Women)
“달콤한 스파이” (Sweet Spy)


Do Hyun Jung (도현정)

“남자의 향기” (A Man’s Scent)
“삼총사” (The Trio)
“늪” (Swamp)

And of course, the series would not be complete without its stellar cast………

Kang Tae Joo
Han Eun Soo
Shin Joon Hyuk
Cha Hye Rin



(or Lee Eun Sung)
Han Ji Soo
Ji Kyung Sook
(Eun Soo’s mother)
Cha Hyung Min
(Hye Rin’s father)
Yoon Jung Im
(Hye Rin’s mother)


Some stills from behind the scenes……


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the best series ever!!! love u oppa eric!


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wat can i say that haven't been said wonderfully and eloquently by everyone here already? I love reading all the thoughtful comments.

Thank you Que Sera Sera team for giving us this memorable drama, for sticking with the storyline and provide us with quality episodes week after week even though it wasn't doing well in the ratings battle. Again, props to the main cast, especially Jung Yoo Mi who gave such an honest and natural performance and Eric Mun who proved to us that he can do drama as well as comedy. I love the character of Eun Soo, whose straightforward and simple comments are always thought-provoking. Also, compliments to the people behind the OST for this drama.

What's my standard for a great drama? It's one that invites the viewer to think about a particular scene, song, character, quote, etc. long after the viewer has finished watching the episode and turned off the computer. Que Sera Sera is a great drama.


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I absolutely ADORED this series! The plot was so different from the traditional kdramas but yet portrayed the characters so realistically. All the actors and actresses were fantastic in their roles and made them so believable that I always could feel whatever emotions they were feeling. Everything about the drama draws people in: the acting, the music, the storyline, the suspense...This drama was truely unique and enthralling! Thank you for bringing us such a WONDERFUL drama!


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I love it. I love, love loveeee it.
It's different from most of the kdramas I have seen and yet I enjoyed it much!
It's more real. I would never expect the heroine to get married to anyone else other than the lead man but that goes to show whatever will be, will be. It's such a different step.

Eng yah! It's absolutely brilliant in my opinion.
And the music fits so well with every scene.

It's absolutely wonderful. Thank you so much!


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First, I watched this seri because of Eric. Later, I m in love with it because it's so good drama. Unpredictable stuffs make you more curious to see what happens next. I love TJ and ES as a couple and hope that after going through problems they can face their true love. It's not too late for doing things esp. for finding real happiness. Hope QSS writer will let them live together for the whole of their lives.
I love the chemistry between Eric and Yung Yoo Mi onscreen, just not fake, not acting...really COOL!


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It sounds like most of you watched a different drama from the one I watched. Que Sera Sera, I thought, was boring and draggy. I couldn't relate to any of the characters. They were too extreme. None of them were "mainstream" characters. It was hard to care about what happened to the characters when they were so disconnected from each other and the audience. In short, who cares? There was absolutely no chemistry between the characters and therefore, unbelievable.

It's hard to believe it was produced by the same producers as Kim Sam Soon. What happened to the down to earth characters? Characters you actually care about. What happened to the snappy dialogue?

In general, it was a lack lustre drama with lack lustre characters.


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To post 108, I think your opinion's entirely valid, and I can even see your point though my opinion is the complete opposite. I did say QSS is a drama that's not for everyone. But it is somewhat poor taste to leave that kind of comment in a thank-you message, isn't it?


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To Javabeans Post 109,

Point well taken. Didn't realize this forum was a thank-you message.

Post 108


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when TJ threw away his badge and walked out of the dept store,it was like YEaH!!!!!!! SO COOL! LIFE IS NOT ALL ABOUT MONEY.......So like his character..HR was becoming too bossy . JH was so right to let go of ES, the airport scene was very touching.Could see the great love of JH for ES. Like what ES say her love is like kimchi so finally they are back together.Lucky for them they have a second chance.And us a Happy ending.
what a great ending,,the writer of this story is cool. THank you for a very entertaining drama .


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To : Javabeans, THank you so much. Have enjoyed reading your summary and i think you are amazing to fully comprehend the plot of the story.To translate like you do and your comments.Have really enjoyed this show more becoz of your comments.Thank you for sharing ,truly enjoyed reading your writings.Keep it up...


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QSS is the most intriguing kdrama I've erer seen. I couldn't have guessed what would happen next with such twist & turn in each episode. It always surprised me. I think it serve the title "Que sera sera (What ever will be, will be)".
PS. I was spellbound by the cast esp. Eric & Jung Yoo Mi. They are so talented in their acting.
I've already added QSS in my all time favorite kdrama list.


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I don't remember exactly how many times I say thanh you to the QSS crew and QSS-ers who did a great job to let me enjoy and master this wonderful drama, and again, thanks a lot. a lot for that.

I love this serie, love so much that I couldn't express myself in such simple words. I laughed, cried, got angry, depressed, pleased,....again and again so many times when I saw it like a circle of emotions come to me suddenly and then go away. I am so happy because at last, I can smile, feel peaceful and continue to hope for a beautiful life. Actually, I didn't expect the ending will be such cool , lovely way. Thanks, thanks a bunch, QSS writer, you didn't make us-the suppporters for ES-TJ love disappointed; many thanks because you did a great job for us.^^

Now the drama is over but I still remember clearly the scenes between Tae Joo and Eun Soo (I re-watched like 20 times). I love the chemistry between them, they are great onscreen. I love the way TJ grown up and cared about ppl around him. I love the way HR and JH faced their problems, stood up by their on foot, let go all the sadness, started a new life. I love how ES came back to TJ side after hard time in her life. Yes, I love all about QSS.

Love all the casts esp. Eric^^.

Good luck to all QSS members!!LOve you guys all!


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Oh my GOD ... finally happy ending ... I sleep with smile last night... Thanks PD for make the ending like what we want...^^;

Same comment with Doremi02... I don't know how many times I said thanks to QSS PD, QSS crew and QSS-ers who did a great job to let me enjoy and master this wonderful drama, and again, thanks a lot. A lot for that. *kiss and Hugs from me **

The love chemistry in between TJ and ES really drag my emotion in just like I'm the one who in love and have love relationship problem... I cried, sad, in love, happy, etc.

Eric's acting improve a lot ... hope in the future he is not take a silly man act again like he did at unemployed and KSA but move forward to challenging acting.

Good Luck to all QSS actors and actress... hope you all the best on your new drama and movie and thanks for makes this QSS drama wrap up with nice ending.

Once again ..everyone FIGHTING!!!


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to keep things short and sweet...
i loved the character development of all the main characters - taejoo, yoomi,joon hyuk and hyerin.

the acting was extremely well done for each main character.
eric: i think he has improved drastically from his previous drama KSA. there were many favourite scenes. But I especially loved the little hand shaking when he was talking to eunsoo after the incident where he hurt himself from the glass.

yoomi: i loved her the most. Her acting is the most consistent throughout the episode.

Kyu Han: I really did hate this character when his jealousy ate him up. Kudos! You've done your job well.

Ji hye: good portrayal of the character.

To the scriptwriter, a great job was done! I loved the sweetness of nectar from the love scenes between taejoo and yoomi, the calm before the storm and yes the ending with a rainbow of hope, peace and joy for all the characters.

I'm on a mission to spread this drama to my friends. :)


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I started to watch Que Sera Sera without any expections. Though I knew Eric from Phoenix and Super Rookie and Lee Kyu Han as the two-timing ex of Kim Sam Soon, I had no high hopes nor expectations about QSS. I had never heard of Yong Mi Joo and the actress playing Hye Rin. Although QSS has the same PD as My Name is Kim Sam Soon, which I liked very much, I was careful, because I had been disappointed before by other PD's. I was just looking for a good drama to watch and was willing try out everything.

However, as soon as I saw Jung Yong Mi I was smitten by her performance. So real and natural. I would almost say that you do not need to understand what she is saying, just read her face and eyes and you know what it is about. Yong Mi Joo was my first reason to watch Que Sera Sera. What a gem. I am so happy that she was casted for this role.

Then Lee Kyu Han came into the picture. My first thought was: hey, is this the same guy from My Name Is Kim Sam Soon? Is this really the same person? Wait, the same name and face. It must be the same person then. But how come he is so totally different here? So appealing. And I am not only referring to his looks. Now I am looking forward to a drama with Lee Kyu Han in the lead. I hope I won't have to wait too long for this.

And Eric. His performance here made me totally forget that he is a member Shinhwa.

I have watched quite a few K-drama's and was starting to loose interest due to the predictability, but Que Sera Sera managed to surprise me continuously upto the last second and yet keep it realistic and logical.

When I watch episode 1 again, I can clearly see the change and growth of Eun Soo. Such an amazing actress.

These are so far my thoughts about Que Sera Sera after having watched it only once and mostly without subs.

As for the PD Kim Yoon Chul to make My Name is Kim Sam Soon and Que Sera Sera as well, I think, he must be a genius. My Name is Kim Soon Soon was made in 2005 and Que Sera Sera in 2007. Does this mean that we have to wait another two years in order to enjoy another drama from this PD?

Mr PD Kim, do we really have to wait at least another 2 years?


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I truly love to watch this drama. With both the good storyline and superb performance of the cast, and of course credit to Mr PD, make this drama the best I have ever watched so far for the year 2007. I hope the production team will create another or more drama series like Que Sera Sera.......definitely earns my two thumbs up!!!!! Bravo!!!!


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I love how this series took such good care of their characters. They took the time to really develop the people so that we would care about them. I hated that one girl a lot at the beginning, Hye Rin, but toward the end even I started to like her. She was foolish, but it is true what Tae Joo said to her about not selling herself short. She does have way too much to offer instead of lying to herself that she would be happy with someone who doesn't love her fully. I also thoroughly enjoyed Tae Joo's transformation at the end of the series; he started to do everything for the two women instead of looking out for number one. He broke up with Hye Rin because he realized the relationship would hurt her too much, and he decided to stand aside and let Eun Soo go because he realized he had hurt her too much to even hope for a third chance. In the end, he finally realized that the choices he had made were from fear and greed; there must be something better out there like honesty, love, and innocence. However, he doesn't get ES immediately because how could he be redeemed as QSS's hero if he didn't pay for his misdeeds. (maybe they should make a QSS II so that we know for sure TJ and ES ended up together!)

Thank you QSS again for giving us an honest show about the human condition and the many different ways people grow up and learn and live.


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This was such a great drama, and i really appreciate the fact that it wasn't one that continuously kept you in the cycle of the two main lovers going back and forth to each other. Instead it had other important and not so important events that shaped and helped to develop the series into my very own addiction. Even after the series was over i was always going back to wondering how things would have worked out if TJ and HR or ES and JH had worked out. I just wanted to say thank you to the director, the actors, and all others affiliated with this drama; it was a fun ride and a bittersweet ending. And also Javabeans for the detailed and well thought out summaries to which i owe much of my understanding of the series to. Thanks =}


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watching this drama over and over again..
i have never feel enough of it
i just love this drama soooo much!
a combination from all people working for this drama makes this drama a PERFECT (for me!)
yeah, know QSS is not for all kdrama lovers
as people who prefer light-hearted, simple uncomplicated, comedic, romantic, kind of drama might not like QSS
so thanks a lot to QSS team, to the writers of this drama,knowing this type of drama is not for all which will make it difficult to get much ratings, u guys still proceed, passing across the typical kdrama boundaries, just to produce one good product thats totally different with others. For kdrama lovers like us, we love and appreciate your product so much...keep producing good dramas like these and we'll surely looking forward to your next project!

QSS will always stay in my heart
although i know its imposibble, but i keep hoping for a second season of QSS :P
i cant just feel enough of it!
i want to see more!! and i really want to know what happen next
please mr pd, make a QSS II


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eric is hotter here in QSS than in super rookie coz' he has style in QSS....btd i've made an acct. in friendster for eric...it's [email protected]...he has a lot of pics there


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i finished watching qss yesterday and all i could say is just... great. everything is great. the casts, costumes and storyline! it has those modern life-style that you could see nowadays, great characteristics which are so real, great chemistry, aa~ actually this drama is the first drama i've seen that the main actress tells that she loves him and didnt even lie when taejoo asks her the next day whether she really meant it or not. well..a typical drama i notice is, if the girl does that, she would bashfully said that she maybe was drunken and couldnt recall what she said the day before. thats what i think, though. ^^ anywayy......qss is on my toplist drama so far!!


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Hi Sarah!

First of all, I just want to say that I think you are a really great writer. There are may websites and blogs out there and some of these bloggers are horrible writers. It's refreshing to read the summaries on your website because they are well-written, analytical and thought provoking. I love your website and I enjoy reading your summaries of kdramas tremendously!! Please keep up with the fantastic job.

Now on to my question... I finished watching Que Sera, Sera the first time about a month ago and I absolute LOVED it. I'm now watching it for the second time. I love this show as much as you do. I was wondering if you could recommend a series (or two or three!) that is similar in style to Que Sera Sera. I love everything about Que Sera Sera! The storyline, the characters (even with their flaws), the feel of the series, the realism of it, etc. I love that the relationships in Que Sera, Sera were portrayed quite realistically and that the characters have their flaws. Not everyone is perfect, you know?

So would you be able to recommend something for me?

Thanks so much!!


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I finished watching Que Sera Sera this morning. It was an excellent drama! I didn't want to and didn't watch this because I heard this was supposed to be "MNIKSS2". I wanted to watch it only after I read your summaries. I ruined it for myself because when I read the summary on episode one, I ended up reading all of them (I just couldn't stop). I walked into this drama with my eyes opened, knowing what was going to happen, and I still found myself mesmerized. As much as I loved your summaries, it was definitely different (in a good way, obviously) watching it for myself. I would really like to congratulate the actors for doing such an incredible job, especially Eric. I think I finally acknowledge him as an actor.

I loved this drama because-- well, I loved everything about this drama. From the characters to the directing to the plot to the music to basically everything. It's now one of my favorite Korean dramas. Korean dramas have truly evolved. Que Sera Sera, and now Coffee Prince.

I love how they didn't make Jisoo's health problem the reason why Taejoo (the unhateable asshole) and Eunsoo (the unfortunate innocent) broke up, as in if he left her for Hyerin, she'll cover the hospital bills (the typical Korean drama reason for ending a relationship). But then of course, this isn't your ordinary Korean drama. Kang Taejoo is actually a real person. The whole package. He's good and bad. He's handsome and charming, but is also a man with greed and fear. I don't think I've ever seen a drama with characters this well-developed.

It was heartbreaking to see that lively spark in Eunsoo's eyes go out when Taejoo (I really wanted to hurt him here) broke up with her because he was to afraid to live poor, possibly forever. It scared him to make a commitment to a girl who only came with baggage so he ran off, using the pathetic excuse that he didn't like not being able to do anything for her. Sheesh, what a coward. She changed after that. I think that's when she stopped calling him ajusshi. It was saddening to see the change in her. She was no longer the girl that wore her heart on her sleeve.

It broke my heart everytime I heard Eunsoo call her ajusshi, Kang Chajangnim, but I think it was even worse to hear Taejoo call her Eunsoo sshi and speak formally. I liked how he was talking to her like he always did at the end, but I would have loved to hear her call him ajuhsshi one more time. I loved the ending regardless.

I enjoyed watching the four main characters grow... the struggles they went through, the mistakes they made, and in the end, obstacles they overcame.

I also noticed that Taejoo and Eunsoo had similar/same phones and Joonhyuk and Hyerin had similar/same phones. Ooh, and I loved the elevator motif because many of the conversations between the characters happened in an elevator.

When Eunsoo was just working for the Sangmoo at his place, it was brightly lit and she looked comfortable being there. When they started to "date", the atmosphere in his apartment became dark and gloomy. It was always dimly lit and Eunsoo looked more out of place than ever. After they got married, it looked like she was having trouble sleeping in their "home", while she slept well on Taejoo's bed, his couch, and even in front of his door. In the morning after their wedding night, she didn't linger around and contently watch the Sangmoo sleep like she did with Taejoo.

One thing I really, really liked about this drama was that there weren't any scenes (I think) that were filmed on a set. I never liked seeing dramas filmed in a partly built box that could be taken apart and put away until it's needed again. I liked knowing that this drama was filmed in real places. It just made it more real for me.

I know I'm going all over the place (and probably mentioned things people have already mentioned), but I just typed my thoughts as I thought them. I'm sorry.

I'm really picky about the dramas I watch, and it's really rare when I go past the tenth episode of the usual sixteen episode drama. This one is definitely a keeper. I'm a bit sad that QSS didn't get the recognition it should have gotten even though it's hypocritical for me to say that because I didn't watch it when it aired, but I'm just glad I watched it. I would've missed one of the best dramas I've ever seen. I'd also like to say that I love the translations you've done (the bits and pieces of conversations). It was very nice. I've seen some really truly crappy translations, and your translations weren't one of them. I enjoyed reading the connections you made and your thoughts on the drama.

Thank you for your great summaries. ^^

By the way, this has nothing to do with Que Sera Sera really, but I just wanted to say that because I was listening to Tear by M.C the Max (awesome song) while I was reading your summaries and now whenever I listen to that song, I'm reminded of this drama. I also loved the OST, but I especially liked the W&Whale songs.

I think I blabbered on for too long. Eeps. I should stop now.


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I just finished watching Que Sera, Sera last night and I must admit it that I fell in love with it. I knew that this drama was out for awhile but I didn't want to watch since it had low ratings and not many people liked it. Later I thought just give it a chance...and I did. I have no regrets. I have watched many Korean dramas and got tired of them because they all had the same feel to it. And this is where Que Sera, Sera is unique than most dramas. It made me feel; I laughed, cried, shouted, cursed, I was uncertain and scared, sometimes I was in shock, and other expressions were elicited as I watched it. I enjoyed watching the story play out and how the characters changed throughout the drama. I was a pair of observant eyes in the world of Que, Sera and the moments varied in rhythms and emotional intensity. There was depth. It showed a vision of life and it forced me to define my views of life. But somehow I just wanted to watch more yet I'm glad it's done. QSS had a special place in my mind. I won't ever forget it.

A great deal of thanks goes out to the people who have worked on this drama.

BTW Javabeans love your site this is my first time posting in it and thanks for your hard work and dedication.


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OK, I just finished it this morning, with the help of fast forward button.
I believe some of the readers would say, how could I hit the button?
because I've read your summaries, Javabeans. No no, I'm not blaming you.
I am glad I did it. Because your summaries is more entertaining, at least for me.

I like this drama. I always have something to dark bitter dramas, and I've mentioned in the other post that my all time favorite drama is What Happened in Bali.
Que Sera Sera is dark, beautiful, full of emotions drama, but maybe it will affect my emotion IF it has tragic ending..:P ( I told you. I like WHIB. See? :) )

But one thing I should ever forget to praise, Eric Mun's progress in acting. I only watched him once in "Super Rookie", and I believe he himself won't say it was his best performance..
Eric is the one who responsible giving the soul of this drama. He's just awesome.

And Lee Kyu Han, well, I like him wayyy better than his previous projects, "My Name is Kim Sam Soon" ( and he's a jerk. We shouldn't like him, no? ) or "Love Needs Miracle" ( I never finish watching it. Maybe never. I gave up long time ago )

For the actresses, they did a great job.

Anyway. This is the drama I would like to recommend to anyone who COULD appreciate GOOD drama.


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Javabean, can't say enough for a wonderful summary of Que Sera Sera. It was well done! I'm so glad to find your blog.

I watched QSS a while ago and really miss it when it comes to an end. Eric's acting was excellent in this drama. It's a very hard character to portrait. A good, caring, talented man vs. a greedy playboy, all in one character and he did it!

I love everything of this drama, the casts, the plot, the music and the beautiful settings. The only thing that bother me was when Hye Lin & Tae Joo were dating and they were at an out door market in Malaysia/Singapore?. She were overdressed in that formal evening gown. Don't get me wrong the dress was very beautiful and looked great on her but at a market place? It's over dressed and out of place!!

The most memorable scene for me was when Tae Joo and Eun Soo were together at his apartment the next morning. Eun Soo was up at the bed side watching Tae Joo sleeping. He finally awoke and playfully search for her on the bed with his eyes closed. Eun Soo gave in and put her hand down for Tae Joo to reach her, his face bright up instantly. It was so TENDERLY SWEET!!!

And off course, the many genuine, affectionate kissing scenes are bonuses! Eric, you are the man!

Javabean, again keep up the good work in providing insights to these "hidden" gems (despite their low ratings!). I'm counting on you!!!!


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hey.. thank you man


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Wow! What a wonderful series! I'm still blown away by it and want to watch it all over again (but alas, i cannot due to my freakin uni assignments being due in next week)! At first i was a bit hesitant to watch this series as i wasn't familiar with any of the actors, but after reading some viewer comments online i decided to give this series a try - and boy was i hooked from the very beginning! The acting was superb and the characters so DIFFERENT and flawed. I especially loved the dialogue between the main characters that at times gave us a philisophical insight into love and life. What a refreshing series this was - so different and unique in many ways! I LOVED IT! The series didn't too well ratings wise, which was disappointing as i think it deserved so much more, but i'm glad that there are people like us who appreciate it. I applaud the cast and crew of QSS for their outstanding work - it truly was a superb series that should be considered as one of the best!

PS. Eric is hot! I'm obsessed with him now!
PPS. I Love your site keep up the great work!


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I've seen a bunch of kdramas already and usually I know or can predict what the story is going to unfold into - this one is the only exception! It kept me on my toes the whole time I was watching it! I was skeptical to start this drama but I'm truly glad I gave it a shot :)


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So I've finallly decided to watch QSS, and I truly regret that I didnt watch it earlier.
One word, AMAZING.

QSS now is in my top 3 Kdramas, along with Soulmate and Coffee Prince.
I am not a fan of MNIKSS, but QSS makes me become a fan of Kim PD, I shall follow all his works from now.
And thank you the brilliant script writer, the stellar casts - esp. Eric and Yoomi, all members of QSS's staff for making this outstanding drama.

I know I'm late, much very late, but still want to thank you Javabeans and all readers of QSS, really enjoy reading your thoughtful comments.


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QSS was one of the best dramas I've seen. It was a totally pleasant surprise to see such a good kdrama. I've seen many poor and forgetable dramas lately so it is always a pleasure when I come across a good drama as QSS. I especially like Jung Yoo Mi. She was very well suited for the role. Eric Moon was delightful and together with Jung Yoo Mi, made this a pleasure to watch. Eric has a lot of charisma for each role he plays.

After I had watched this drama, I read about the fact that another actress was suppose to play the role Jung Yoo Mi had. I think it was best that JYM got the role. If it wasn't for her, the drama wouldn't have been as delightful. EM and JYM had very good chemistry. I can't believe this drama was not highly rated. I think it is better than Coffee Prince. It had more depth.


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The ending is poor. The drama starts off well and then it drags on as it goes on about unnecessary business story lines which come to nothing. After all the pain the guy has gone through it deserved a better ending. A celebration of their love. I felt cheated at the end after watching all the way. I was waiting for a powerful scene but it was really lousy.


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I've been haunting your site for a while and during the whole BOF craze, it was my go-to after every episode just to see the different takes on interpretation and whatnot.

I also started watching QSS because it was one of your picks as a recommended drama and I have to say I'm not disappointed at all. During the last few episodes, I think my heart actually began to physically ache when I saw TJ and ES going through the pain of lying to themselves. It was so thoroughly intriguing and sexy. Yes, sexy. I'm a little sad about the ending since I'm a sucker for happy endings and I do wish she had done a gesture like a hug or something. But then again, that wouldn't really have fit into the pace, direction, and overall feel of this story so I will have to just maintain that it was reality and that this is a brand new start for the two of them.

The point of this long diatribe is to thank you belatedly (2 years late) for doing reviews of this drama and for giving a place for kdrama fans like me to come to discuss our love of them. I look forward to checking out more of your recommendations. Thanks Dramabeans!


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It's rare these days that I can get through a drama without rolling my eyes. But this drama was different.

The plot didn't fall into cliche even though it followed classic storylines. The characters were complex and compelling. And the soundtrack rocked.

I don't know. I loved it. It's one of my favorite dramas.

Thank you, dramabeans, for recommending the drama. I wouldn't have watched it if you hadn't reviewed it.


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Thank you cast, crew, and Javabean for this excellent drama. Although it finished in 2007, and Eric is serving in the military, this was a wonderful piece of work. I loved how the emotions and characters were so raw, and did not conform to the hum drum kdrama plots. It was so awesome to see the drama tackle the issue of how people do not die without love, but can continue living... albeit not as fulfilled. On that same note, love can miss its timing without spelling the end for a person. It makes a person want to treasure it all the more when they have it in their lives. It was a step that kdramas do not typically take, too often the story ends up twisting to maneuver all characters to have a "happy ending", when in life "ending up together" is not really the end. I can see how the intensity and realism of this drama can turn off some viewers. These qualities were its unique points, but they are also hard to digest for the casual kdrama viewer looking to escape reality for several hours. Kudos also to those that watched this and rode the emotion rollercoaster of these characters!


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I agree with several of the posts. Many of you described this complex piece of art, beautifully. Every episode felt like a movie, excellent cinematography, writing, directing, and acting.
On another note, I can see why some dislike Que Que Sera and how it wasn't popular in Korea. It's dark, dirty, and offensive. You won't get any "fairy dust," "teen bubble gum pop," or "pink covered cinematography." This one is rated R.
Watch it, if you need a break from the air head dramas. If you want more, I recommend Silver linings playbook(movie), Bad Guy(kdrama), and Kono yo no hate(jdrama). Which have a similar spirit to Que Que Sera.


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Unlike the comments here, I thought this drama was pure Melodrama, with a capitol M, with such pathetic characters. The writer did such a poor job on Eunsoo. She started out as a strong and independent young woman, joining her younger sis so that she could take care of her and even managed to pass tests to qualify as a Merchandiser/Buyer. Yet, her emotional development left much to be desired; I found it hard to believe (and seriously annoying) how she could still keep her feelings for TaeJoo after he left her for the "Good Life." I have watched close to 80 K-dramas and there is nothing that annoys me more than a weak Protagonist and/or poor character development (= poor writing). Herin was a spoiled rich brat, but at least she knew how to go after what she wanted ... more importantly, she stayed true to character till the end. Yes, I did finish the show only because I had to see what all the hype was about. To me, it was all noise and no substance.


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just finished QSS. I gotta say, this is one of the best dysfunctional love story I ever experienced. almost flawless. the cast is great, and everything is just unpredictable.


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Best korean drama ever. All characters look real and the storyline was so realistic. The actors, director, OSTs, wardrobes, setting, etc…were superb. It was more like watching movie than drama. No character described as 100% good person as no one totally bad. The drama left a message that everyone could make different decision in our life, but as long as we could escape, face the fact, give the responsibility and try to solve it, another better solutions could be appeared. I hope k-dramas and other dramas too, will take this an example for making a great drama. Eric guy who portrait Kang Tae Joo, was the highlight in this series. He's hot, handsome, sexy but also has kind of swaggness and arrogant elements which indeed match with Kang Tae Joo figure. Looking forward Eric and other actors project in the future.


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The longest and ultimate foreplay of a piece of art! Thank you Dramabeans for your excellent call in this drama. 2017 and I am still revisiting the drama.


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