1% of Anything: Episode 4

Just when Jae-in makes us think that rectifying his obnoxious attitude is a lost cause, he starts showing Da-hyun a softer side of himself — a side that’s probably been dormant for the last century or so. We get a peek into the past, which might explain why Jae-in’s as prickly and untrusting as he is, as well as why Grandpa thinks that there may still be some for Jae-in yet.

EPISODE 4: “It’s a Business Relationship: You’d better not fall for me!”

Intent on grabbing back her keys, Da-hyun barely notices that Jae-in’s focused on something else entirely until their eyes meet. He leans in for a quick peck, leaving Da-hyun shell-shocked as she immediately backs away from him. Jae-in tells her that it’s natural for them to make some progress since they’re dating, facetiously adding that he’s too conservative to spend the night with her after their first date.

Yelling that she never offered in the first place, Da-hyun snatches back her keys and stomps forcefully on Jae-in’s foot. She tells him that he’d better not mention anything about “progress” to her ever again, and starts to leave when Jae-in, still clutching his injured foot, asks if she’s going to go without even saying goodbye.

Da-hyun turns around with a sweet smile, and tells Jae-in: “Get home safe. Or not. I don’t care.” She gives the same foot another angry stomp before marching off, leaving Jae-in to reel in pain for a good while.

In the car, Jae-in thinks back to their kiss, slightly smiling as he wonders what’s gotten into him. He’s not the only one who can’t get his mind off the kiss; still in shock, Da-hyun wanders listlessly into her room and thinks to herself that Jae-in must be a player.

Jae-in calls Lawyer Park out to a bar, ordering him to block the incoming news reports about his date with Da-hyun at the concert. When Lawyer Park asks Jae-in why he appeared in public with Da-hyun if he knew the reporters would be following him, Jae-in just responds that he knew Lawyer Park would be able to take care of it.

As they talk, Lawyer Park catches Jae-in letting out a small, uncharacteristic laugh and points it out in surprise. Despite Lawyer Park’s prodding, Jae-in refuses to elaborate, leaving Lawyer Park to guess about what’s been going on in his life.

The next day, Jae-in chuckles to see that a few news articles about his date with Da-hyun have ended up on the internet, and over at Grandpa’s house, Employee Kang is currently getting grilled about those very same articles.

As Employee Kang tries to explain that he and Lawyer Park did their best to prevent the news outlets from publishing the reports, Grandpa starts laughing in amusement, thinking that this must be Jae-in’s way of keeping him updated.

Employee Kang asks Grandpa why he’s not worried, and Grandpa grins that this will just make it easier for Da-hyun and Jae-in to get married, which is exactly what Grandpa wants.

Meanwhile, Jae-in’s mother has also caught wind of the news reports and makes a worried call to Jae-in. The scene cuts to Da-hyun at home, telling herself to forget about the kiss, before cutting back to Jae-in, who picks up the call from his mom. He tells her that the articles aren’t completely false, but reassures her that he’s not marrying Da-hyun.

Right as he hangs up, another call comes in, this time from a young woman by the name of SOO-JUNG (Lee Hae-in). She demands, in English, to know if Jae-in’s getting married, and he snaps that he’s not. He asks after his aunt, and reiterates to Soo-jung that he’s definitely not getting married before brusquely hanging up on her.

Outside Jae-in’s office, his employees gossip about the rumors of their CEO’s new girlfriend. Employee Kang claims that he knows nothing about the girl, while Employee Han and Employee Choi wonder if Jae-in will change for the better now that he’s supposedly in love.

When Jae-in steps in to announce that there’ll be a meeting in ten minutes, Employee Han tests the waters and points out that lunchtime is in ten minutes. Unfortunately for her, Jae-in is as unsympathetic of a boss as ever, and as soon as he leaves the office, Employee Han curses Jae-in out, berating Employee Choi for even thinking that someone as compassionless as Jae-in could possibly have a girlfriend.

Meanwhile, at a study-café, Da-hyun gasps in shock when she reads the news article reporting on her date with Jae-in. Her first reaction is a sigh of exasperation, but then she preens at the article calling her a beauty, noting that at least that much is true.

Da-hyun recalls that back at the concert venue, Jae-in had told her to pretend like she didn’t know him, and she realizes that Jae-in had probably known there would be reporters around. As she fantasizes about burying him alive, she notices a comment on the article asking if this means Jae-in’s broken up with Soo-jung. That gets Da-hyun to do some research on Jae-in’s ex-girlfriends, who all turn out to be high-profile celebrities.

While she’s reading up on Jae-in’s exes, her idol Ji-soo walks into the café and presents her with a small bouquet of flowers. Ji-soo thanks Da-hyun for helping him out with the slave-contract issue, and tells her that he’s planning to catch up on his studies during this break.

Back at the hotel, Jae-in leaves his phone in his office before going to his meeting, and subsequently misses several calls from Da-hyun. She notes that he must have some shred of conscience after all, thinking that he’s too ashamed to pick up her calls after the news reports.

Ji-soo suggests that they grab lunch together, and Da-hyun hesitates, telling Ji-soo that she was supposed to meet someone today — someone super annoying who needs a lot of help to become a decent human being. Thinking it over, Da-hyun decides that she doesn’t really have to meet him today, and agrees to eat with Ji-soo.

At the office, Jae-in comes back to see his phone filled with notifications from Da-hyun. He laughs to see the angry emoticon stickers she sent him, and Employee Kang clocks his boss’s unusual reaction, shuffling Employee Han out to give Jae-in some privacy.

Jae-in meets with Da-hyun at a café, and starts off by threatening that she’d better not stomp on his foot again. Da-hyun asks if he ever learned any manners as a child, and reminds him that he’s not in any position to be scolding her.

Just then, Jae-in gets a call from Grandpa, which he immediately rejects. Grandpa calls again, and this time Jae-in turns off his phone, right as Da-hyun slams her hand on the table, demanding to know if Jae-in knew about the reporters beforehand.

She orders him to take responsibility for this situation, and Jae-in retorts that he thought she didn’t want to get married to him. (“To take responsibility” is a term used for marriage, say, if the girl is pregnant.) He snaps that he doesn’t want to get married to her either, and an exasperated Da-hyun exclaims that she’s not talking about marriage.

She asks Jae-in if he’s ever thought of apologizing, or if he even knows what he’s done wrong. Like a petulant toddler, Jae-in turns away from her and says he doesn’t. Suddenly, he smirks and asks if this is about their kiss, and comments that she must’ve liked it too — that remark gets him a swift, well-deserved kick to the shin.

Annoyed, Jae-in tells Da-hyun that teachers shouldn’t be so violent, and Da-hyun just responds that this is what they teach students to do to perverts like him. She threatens to kick him where it really hurts, and Jae-in quickly backs his chair away from her to protect the family jewels.

Meanwhile, Grandpa has called Employee Kang out to report to him on Jae-in’s affairs since Jae-in keeps rejecting his calls. Employee Kang weakly complains that he’s supposed to be at work right now, but Grandpa just wants to know what his grandson’s up to, and Employee Kang says that Jae-in is probably meeting with Da-hyun right now.

Grandpa’s delighted to hear that, and curious, Employee Kang asks what it is about Da-hyun that makes her so great. Employee Kang argues that there are probably plenty of women who are smarter, prettier, and kinder than Da-hyun, but Grandpa tells him that none of those women are capable of changing Jae-in.

Grandpa explains that there are some people in this world who can change others around them just through their presence. Employee Kang has zero faith that Jae-in can be changed, but Grandpa remarks that Jae-in’s changing already, and he himself is the only one who doesn’t know it.

At the café, Jae-in beams as he tells Da-hyun that this is his first time receiving emoticon stickers in his texts. Da-hyun scoffs that those stickers are stand-ins for cursing — it’s not something to be happy about. She gets up to leave, grabbing her bouquet, when Jae-in forces her to sit back down and starts interrogating her about where she got the flowers.

When he realizes that some guy must’ve given it to her, he suggests that they rewrite the dating contract to include a clause about not cheating on each other. And while he’s at it, he tells Da-hyun that she’s not to meet with any other man – he’s sure that she doesn’t have guy friends, so any guy outside of her family is off limits.

Da-hyun asks if the same applies to him — is Jae-in not allowed to meet with any women outside of his family while he’s dating her? Jae-in nods that he won’t, and it looks like Jae-in’s won this argument… That is, until Da-hyun starts reciting the names of all the exes she had looked up just earlier, and asks if he’s going to stop meeting with girls like them just because he’s dating her now.

Gritting his teeth, Jae-in tells Da-hyun that she can only believe a tenth of the rumors she reads online, and she covers her mouth in mock surprise, asking if it’s true that Jae-in has a love child in the U.S.

Da-hyun tells Jae-in that from now on, he’d better keep his hands off her — she tells him to stop grabbing her wrist, and all skinship is off limits. Jae-in laughs at her request and remarks that she must’ve never dated before, condescendingly explaining that it’s natural for a man and a woman to have skinship when they’re dating.

Da-hyun retorts that people have skinship not when they’re dating, but when they like each other. Jae-in notes that she must not like him then, and Da-hyun’s “Of course I don’t!” has him threatening that she’d better not fall for him and make things complicated.

Jae-in gets up to leave, jealously grabbing Da-hyun’s bouquet as she chases after him. He dumps the flowers into the trash can, and when Da-hyun tries to retrieve the flowers, he grabs her by the wrist and roughly drags her out of the café (did we not have a conversation about this just five minutes ago?!).

As Jae-in and Da-hyun make their way outside, Da-hyun asks if other people know how horrible of a person he is. He says that they do, but he doesn’t care, and Da-hyun can only futilely throw an imaginary punch behind his back.

When they arrive at the entrance of a concert hall, Da-hyun is reluctant to go in. Jae-in tells her that they’re here because his hotel is sponsoring the concert, and Da-hyun comments that Jae-in must’ve been the type to always get dumped.

Jae-in scoffs at that and tells her proudly that he’s never been dumped in his entire life, and Da-hyun responds that he probably got dumped without realizing that he got dumped, wiping the smirk right off his face. She tells him upfront that the girls probably only liked Jae-in for his status, and when he asks how she can be so sure of that, Da-hyun points out that he’s trying to work in the middle of a date.

Jae-in tells her that this is just killing two birds with one stone, and asks her if it’s so wrong to want to save his time. Da-hyun says that it’s a relief then, because this means he definitely hasn’t fallen for her; people in love don’t try to save time when hanging out — if anything, they go out of their way to make time to spend with each other.

She tells him that since they went to the classical music concert last time, it’s her turn to decide what to do for their date, and she pulls Jae-in away from the venue. Jae-in follows her, but flings her arm away, grumbling about how she has the audacity to grab his arm.

Jae-in’s cousin Tae-ha watches this exchange from afar, a calculating look crossing his face.

Da-hyun brings Jae-in to a store for assembling toy models, and he asks in disbelief if she’s ten years old. She reminds him that her students are ten-year-olds, and she’s doing this for them.

As Da-hyun pores over the toy model, Jae-in notices a little boy nearby begging his mother for one of the models on display. It triggers a memory in Jae-in’s past, when he had attended the funeral of a young boy who had been about the same age as him.

While Jae-in’s relationship to the boy is at best ambiguous, it is clear that this boy was the son of the woman whom Jae-in calls his mother in the present. At the funeral hall, Jae-in had been tossing around a handkerchief when he noticed the boy’s mother sitting despondently against the wall.

He had then walked up to her and offered her his handkerchief, letting her sob into his shoulder as he soothingly patted her back. Grandpa had been watching the two of them from afar, and heaved a heavy sigh as he looked on.

Back in the present, Da-hyun snaps Jae-in out of his daze, and he tells her that he’s going downstairs to buy some drinks. She watches as Jae-in buys the toy model for the boy who had been pleading with his mom, and turns away when Jae-in catches her gaze.

Tae-ha’s mother and Jae-in’s mother are having tea with Grandpa at his house, when Tae-ha’s mom snidely brings up the news of Jae-in dating yet another girl. Jae-in’s mother defends her son, commenting that it’s normal for someone his age to be dating, and adds that Jae-in is just exploring his interests before going back to the main SH Group branch.

Tae-ha’s mom is shocked to hear that Jae-in has plans to return to the main branch, and Jae-in’s mom just says that it’s expected, since Jae-in is the eldest grandson, after all. Indignant, Tae-ha’s mom responds that Tae-ha, too, is Grandpa’s direct blood relative, and Jae-in’s mother tells her that she never said otherwise — after all, the important thing is his skill.

Tae-ha’s mom scoffs, and reminds Jae-in’s mom that Jae-in isn’t really her son — the two of them don’t share a single drop of blood. It’s not like they’ll become mother and son just by hanging around each other, Tae-ha’s mom says condescendingly. Jae-in’s mother isn’t one to back down, though, and she reminds her sister-in-law that she, too, holds shares in SH Mall.

Grandpa stops the catfight, and Tae-ha’s mom leaves in a huff. Jae-in’s mom apologizes to Grandpa for the commotion, but not without reminding him that she considers Jae-in her true son, and that therefore, Jae-in is also the grandson of Daehan Electric’s chairman. Commenting that Jae-in sure takes after his mom, Grandpa tells her not to worry.

Back at the toy store, Da-hyun is still struggling to put together the pieces of the model. Jae-in comes up behind her, and seeing her futile attempts, he envelops Da-hyun in his arms as he assembles the pieces for her.

He asks when they plan to leave since she’s been at this for an hour already, and Da-hyun complains that there must be something wrong with the instructions. Jae-in just tells her not to ruin her perfect image in front of her students by attempting to assemble the model when she’s with them, and he begins to put it together for her.

After a while, they decide to leave, only to be met with a sudden downpour as soon as they step in front of the exit. Jae-in has another flashback, this time to his teenage years.

A middle-aged woman (Jae-in’s biological mother?) had been waiting in front of the airport, looking for someone. Clearly excited to see her, Jae-in had been about to run across the street to greet her, when he saw a Caucasian man and a little girl get there first. His face falling, Jae-in had watched the woman pick the little girl up as the happy family of three got inside the taxi.

In the present, Da-hyun gifts Jae-in with a new toy model package, and suggests that he try making it in his free time. He shoves it away, saying he’s busy, but Da-hyun insists, and he relents. She starts to wonder if they should just make a run for it through the rain, and Jae-in decides instead to borrow an umbrella from the store.

Da-hyun says that he should’ve borrowed an additional one then, and Jae-in just asks, what for? Hugging Da-hyun close to him, they walk through the rain, joking and laughing with each other.


Watching the first two-thirds of this episode, I was ready to recommend Da-hyun for sainthood — how could anyone have the presence of mind to tolerate someone as rude and obnoxious as Jae-in? He’s not even remotely apologetic when Da-hyun points out the wrongs he’s done to her, and his utter lack of respect for her private space is absolutely demeaning.

I couldn’t believe that he had the gall to suggest that Da-hyun enjoyed the kiss when she had clearly been so upset by it the night before (in what world would two painful foot-stomps imply pleasure?), and I was flabbergasted once again to see him grabbing her wrist right after Da-hyun had explicitly told him to stop.

What’s the most problematic about this is that in dismissing her concerns and invalidating her very valid objections, he’s essentially depriving her of having a voice in this relationship, business or not. I’m proud of Da-hyun for being able to speak up for herself, and I love every moment when she takes Jae-in down a notch, but if he’s only momentarily chastised and not thoroughly humbled, then Employee Kang is right — Jae-in will never be able to change.

Nevertheless, I’m on Grandpa’s side in that I don’t think Jae-in is a total lost cause; given the snippets we saw of his past, it’s clear that he used to be a very compassionate, loving boy. In fact, he was surprisingly mature at the funeral, possessing the sensitivity and kindness to comfort a grieving adult in a way that nobody else could.

I’m intrigued by Jae-in’s past and what events brought his current mother to adopt him as her own, as well as what caused his birth mother to leave him for a new family. It was pleasantly surprising to see Jae-in’s current mother defend their relationship against the barbs of Tae-ha’s mother, though I’m worried that Jae-in’s mom will start causing trouble for Da-hyun when she learns of Grandpa’s true intentions, considering how worried Jae-in’s mom had looked when she asked if he would marry Da-hyun.

So although Jae-in still has a lot of work to do in the personality department, his date with Da-hyun at the model toy store had all the beginnings of a cute relationship — for once, his teasing was good-natured, lighthearted, and not at all meant to provoke. Jae-in’s growing crush on Da-hyun has its moments, but it usually materializes in the form of possessive jealousy or obnoxious demands, which makes it pretty hard to root for him sometimes. Thank goodness he finally showed a side of him that’s worth rooting for, and I can’t wait until that becomes his one and only side, period.


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I'm enjoying this drama so far, mostly because of the actors playing the two leads. I like that Da-hyun mostly treats Jae-in as a misbehaving school boy at this point. I think that is exactly what he needs - some lessons in manners and behavior. I think you are right in that he already has a crush on Da-hyun, and even in that he acts like a school boy.

I also think that her dismissiveness of him and unwillingness to let Jae-in's poor behavior get to far is why he is attracted to Da-hyun in the first place. Whether he admits it or not, I think that Jae-in really believes now that Da-hyun has no interest in his money. It seems like all of his previous relationships had that element.


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+1, spot-on!


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I like this drama. It is easy to watch after wearing day. I miss this old fashioned drama. Hope to see more drama like this. Thanks for recap HappilyEverAfter ^_^


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It seems to me that he likes messing with her on purpose to get a reaction out of her. He enjoys the response he gets when playfully teasing her, like when he tells her to go ahead and admit she liked the kiss etc. So when she tells him to stop touching her, the very next moment he puts his arms around her to fluster and annoy her in a flirty way not done with malice.


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I think Da-hyun got it right, Jse-in is a total player. I think he's going to find out that to really woo her, and not just tease reacting out of her like a boy, he's going to have to change.

There are some ways in which Jae-in is really insufferable. Unfortunately (or maybe fortunately for us) Ha Suk Jin really gives him a cutely appealing aspect. It's a lot like Seo In-Guk's portrayal of Louis, but with more naughty boy than innocent boy.


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"Ha Suk Jin really gives him a cutely appealing aspect".. This is what the original was missing..


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Since it's being recapped, I don't suppose they could add this show to the "Currently Airing" side of the DB home page ?


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Yes, please. I wondered why this show is not in the column. I kind of forgot when to watch it! LOL!


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Jae-In’s mother is AWESOME! The way she schooled Tae-Ha’s mom reminded me of DaDa. I think that I now have a better insight into why Grandpa believes DaDa can handle him. Grandpa found a woman that was a younger version of Jae-In’s mother. DaDa found a hurt "homeless" man and proceeded to take care of him as if he was her family. In addition, DaDa has a fiery personality and knows how to standup for herself. Grandpa is probably an expert at noticing that type of woman because apparently his wife, Jae-In's grandma, was the same way. The best part is until Jae-In's mother realizes that DaDa is perfect for Jae-In, the sparks are going to fly! However, once they come to an understanding, Jae-In is in serious trouble.


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Ok, I know that Jae-In can be a bit obnoxious and rude, but let's face it, that's part of his charm too. He's so cute when he ticks Da-hyun off.

And even if he kissed Da-hyun without her permission she was the one kinda all over his body LOL. Also she DID enjoy it a bit.

Either way I don't see his lack of respect for her private space as a huge problem. She does cut him off when he goes overboard, so it works out fine. Also it's not like she hasn't dragged his wrist. Anyway, their bickering relationship is so adorable.

Therefore, even if this drama does give off a slightly older vibe, I find it so fun to watch. I'll be looking forward to next week.


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I feel the same way about the wrist grabbing. Jae-in is a little obnoxious about it, but if Da-hyun keeps turning around and doing the same thing to him it's all good. He'll either realize that it's annoying, or it will become their "thing".


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Really enjoying this show right now ❤❤❤


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Me too.
He reminds me of hyun bin as a rude jerk in my lovely kim sam soon and secret garden.


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rather jerk with a heart of gold- trope.


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I like this drama, it's fun, cute, light, relaxing, with storylines/relationship problems that are significant without necessitating that I cry the whole day, chop my heart into tiny little pieces or drop my soul to the pits of despair & frustration.


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Yes.. This is such a light watch.. I can simply have fun without worrying of "what will happen next"

"I cry the whole day, chop my heart into tiny little pieces or drop my soul to the pits of despair & frustration." This is what MDBC is doing..


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Even though this is a remake, this drama is so cute and heart-fluttering on its own.

The only problem is, it is only 30-40 min per episode. =p


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I'm loving and enjoying watching this remake the more I watch it. This episode was very good, and though short, still manage to keep it light, fun, and breezy to watch. I'm wondering if Jae-In's mother in this remake is his stepmother or adopted mom, since his aunt mentioned that they are not blood related. It's interesting because in the original, she is her real mother and he has a younger sister too. I can't wait for this week's episodes (5&6)! This is now in my top 3 current favorite K-Dramas to watch with Drinking Solo and FantastiC in the top 2. :-)


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She is a pseudo-adoptive mother. She is the mother of the boy being morned at the funeral. Jae-In gives her his handkerchief and comforts her. Apparently, he has already lost his parents so she "adopts" him. The families must have been extremely close to begin with and her decease son may have been one of Jae-In's playmates. She must have played a very active role in raising Jae-In because Grandpa says that jae-In takes after her. This actually may help explain why Jae-In is spoiled. Having lost one son, she indulged him a little too much for his own good.


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He retracts from sleeping with DaHyun saying he had a strict upbringing so he will not sleep with her on the first day. (Well atleast thats the subtitles said)
And he is a monster with strict work ethic.
So i am guess his mom raised him right. But as his grandfather said he takes after him so the pigheadedness and arrogance came from there.


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I think he is the illegitimate son (or am I wrong)
His biological mum drops him off to the dad's family and that's why he is still the oldest grandsone if the family.


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Jae-In makes a huge deal out of the fact that he is the rightful heir to his father's company. If he was illegitimate, he would say something like he was the best qualified. The tone of his argument would be different.


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Jae-In's biological mother is not dead, as I implied with the statement "lost his parents". She is seen later in the episode at the airport with her new family, Jae-In is a teenager. She must have abandoned him and remarried. I refuse to believe that Grandpa would prevent a caring, loving mother from seeing her son. I can not remember having been provided with any information about Jae-In's father. I still do not believe that the woman at the funeral was Jae-In's stepmother, making the boy his stepbrother. It does not seem realistic for Jae-In's father not to be present at his stepson's funeral. My best guess is that Jae-In's father had died prior to the funeral. Another odd thing is that Tae-Ha’s mother makes a big deal about her not being blood related. Wouldn't a more biting comment be that she was just his stepmother? Having been abandoned by your mother so she can create a new family also helps explain Jae-In's trust issues. I also bet his parents had an arranged marriage, and they were never really happy together.


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when jaein wrist grabs dahyun it is not okay but when dahyun does it jaein it is okay.lul


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Not quite that, more it's okay if they do it to each other, or maybe that's not quite the way to say it. I think that it is, at a minimum, deplorable that Jae-in grabs Da-hyun's wrist and drags her somewhere she doesn't want to go. It would also be deplorable for a woman to do the same thing to a man. That being said, I would find it acceptable for Da-hyun to do that to Jae-in if it is a way to show him why it is not okay, sort of a learn by seeing what it is like situation. If it then became a thing that they did to one another, not in a demeaning way but in a teasing way or as an acknowledgementioned of their growth together, it would then be acceptable.


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Am I the only one who got swoon everytime Jae In called Dahyun as Dada???

From That sly woman to teacher-nim to dangshin and know Dada...

hmmm I know what you did there Jae In shi...


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He enjoys it, he enjoy being close to her and it's somehow cute,.also when he enjoys the emoticon...


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That emoticon scene was hilarious!

He thought they were texts of endearments from her. Gaaaah....this is why I can't get angry for long with Jae In.


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If you look closely, they are not emoticons that can be mistaken for endearments. What made them special was that nobody had ever taken the time to send him emoticons before. Sending something like that actually states that you care about him. DaDa did not send just one, but a bunch. Sometimes scolding someone is more powerful than praising them.


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Did anyone notice that she sent the last emoticon as he was talking about it.


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me!me! I swooned too, when he stored her phone number as DaDa, i was like..awwwww..too sweet!


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Awww....look at them cuddling under the umbrella! The cutest things ever :D

As I said previously, it's to Da Hyun's credit that I can stomach some of Jae In's obnoxious behavior. That both actors are terrific and cute in their roles help too.

The stolen kiss is not a forced kiss which is an absolute no-no but it's one which can come off wrong. Thankfully, it came off as cute and Jae In got his comeuppance in getting his foot stomped. That was more refreshing than a shin kick and easier too, hahaha.

However, I was really dismayed at Jae In throwing the flowers into the trash bin. I know that dramas love to use fits of jealousy for laughs but this is not funny.

Anyway, there are a lot more funny and cute moments than the frustrating ones. Plus, this couple has really nice chemistry. That last scene of them snuggling under the umbrella made them looked like they are totally in love.


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The flower is super rude,
the funny thing is in 2003 ver, he shout really loud to annoy the whole restaurant,
I think the show wants to keep rudeness...hmmm


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I like this drama; I hope it doesn't really drag like the original where the female lead essentially turned into a doormat after about 8 episodes.

I am really happy that HappilyEverAfter has highlighted her displeasure, and mine, with the forced wrist grabbing and skinship (and maybe especially if you've been following US election news).

It's a weird kind of tension I think a lot of us who enjoy romances have to face: on the one hand, in fiction there's something a little exciting about a physically dominant man; on the other hand, we wouldn't enjoy this at all in real life, at least I know I wouldn't because it's happened to me and I hated it. I felt bullied not attracted.

But this is fiction so for right now I'm going to go with the little bit exciting about a physically forceful man while trying not to feel guilty about it.


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I think the charm for the show is Dada keeps saying she doesn't like it and keeps mention that he is rough. When she did it to him, he also hate it, then we have the glimpse of hope that he'll realised that he needs to changes that attitude.

It still can't counted as abusive/dominant relationship cause mentally they aren't inside it or thought that the other person loved them. It's like having group project than relationship cause they don't tolerate each other solely because of love and attractions.


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I'm talking more about how I feel rather than how she feels. You're right she tries to stop him so I hope he gets the message sooner rather than later. In the original I don't think he ever does and she says something about her attraction to his dominance. Let's hope ten more years of feminism and changing attitudes have changed that up a bit for this version.


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I think I've said this already but wrist grabbing vs holding hand, skinship vs no skinship is different for each other.
There was scene when da hyun complaint about wrist grab and he said : it's a normal holding hand gesture. Then there also scene when Dahyun dragging him by hand to go to the toy store and he said he doesn't like her holding his hand.
Then he thinks it's okay to be close with her after they start dating, they have each other personal space and Dahyun doesn't because she thought they aren't dating. Jae in thoughy it's okay to sleep as long as you are officially dating but Dahyun doesn't take that way if they didn't have feelings. So they clearly define anything differently and they need to reach the term.

I like that this story is about grandpa who want to change his rude grandson into a good man by having someone the grandson can't control. Other people will behave as he wants because they afraid of him but Dada is nice girl who had nothing to do with him and slowly teaches him what to do.


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I know what you are trying to say but it doesn't really excuse Jae In. But like you said, no one has been able to tell him off or punish him for wrong behavior because of his status. Instead he just finds himself without friends and girls who are more interested in his wealth than him. It takes a rare girl like Dada who don't give a hoot for his wealth or his status and can stand her ground against him.


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No, it doesn't excuse him at all,
what I like is her doesn't excuse him and he still doesn't realise that he doesn't like the same attitude,
It gives me hope that they can see that and make him realised what a rude guy he is and he changes his way.
Sometimes we didn't know how bad it is until it happen to us and I hope the show can shapes him also give him a scene when he knew he did wrong before,

I like the execution that a grandpa saw something wrong about him and want to changes him for the better,
a lot of chaebol grandpa somehow portrayed as the ultimate baddie and never found love to realised how his grandson changes,


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Loved this episode. Jae-in makes me smile and roll my eyes, sometimes simultaneously. I can't wait until Jae-in really falls for Da-hyun. I'll love seeing him try to get her to fall for him too.


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+1, I can not wait until Jae-In gets a taste of his own medicine.


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Jae-in's mother is his stepmother, he is probably his father's son with another woman before or after marriage. His stepmother's own son died and she took Jae-in in. That's why the sister-in-law pointed out that Jae-in is her brother's son and not hers.

His biological mother left and re-married someone else, the little girl is his stepsister. Remember earlier on where there was a Caucasian-mixed girl who made the video call to Jae-in to ask if he has a girlfriend in English. That must be the grown-up stepsister. At least we know that he is in touch with her.


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The girl in the video call is his cousin, not his stepsister. Previously Grandpa asked Jae-In if he still kept in contact with his aunt in the US. During the video call Jae-In asks about his aunt's health. She is definitely his cousin.

She is not his stepmother, but rather informally adopted him after she lost her son. Jae-In's father was not present at the funeral. As his stepfather, he would have been next to her greeting the mourners. Grandpa was a regular mourner at the funeral. If the boy had been his step-grandson, especially with his son absent, he would have been glued to her side. Jae-In did not behave as if he knew her very well. Tae-Ha's mother states:

"He won't become your son just because you keep hanging around him"

Not something you would say to a stepmother, but something you would say to a woman who had informally adopted a child.


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I guess I'm still confused since on the official relationship chart posted by the drama staff on the official website, she's listed as Jae In's sister.


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Well, Jae In didn't ask Soo Jung how her mom was doing he asked how Aunt was doing so the aunt could be her aunt too. It would seem that the aunt is his mother's sister because if it was his father's sister, Tae Ha's mom would have referenced her somehow when talking with the grandpa and his adopted mom. Going that route, Soo Jung could be his sister. Sharing the same mom makes them full blooded siblings. Same father, different moms makes you half siblings. Siblings by marriage makes you step. Hope that helps.


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I disagree about Jae In and his behavior. Yes, the guy needs to learn some basic manners and is obnoxious. But he is annoying her on purpose now. He is a little school boy around her who is stealing kisses and hugs while riling her up by trying to pull her pigtails as a token of affection. The little smiles that breaks out in his face is enough to confirm that. And wrist grabbing is happening both ways now . Da Hyun successfully picked it up from him so it doesn't bother me that much right now.


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I liked the bit when Da Hyun grabbed Jae In's wrist to take him somewhere instead of him grabbin her all the dang time.
That's probably how they would have to get dudes to go to Wrist Grabbers Anonymous meetings-which is where he should go.


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Love their cheeky interactions. Fluffy and light, easy on the eyes ?


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wish people would stop having so many hang ups over this wrist grab thing. I have been wrist grabbed myself so many times which is why it never bothers me to see it in dramas. no, it isn't offensive in anyway because in asia, you don't want someone holding your hand unless you are actually a couple. so a wrist grab is actually a way of slightly moving someone without breaking into their physical space... and if you are helping elders out (getting them up from the sofa, helping them up the stairs, crossing the signal, moving you from ongoing traffic), they will grab your wrist. .. just a few practical examples.


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Thank you, i don't see what the big deal is.
I loathe being touched and i'd rather you hold my wrist than my hands, i don't know where your hands have been and sometimes instead of giving my hands in a handshake, i give my wrist, pretending my hands are dirty, i even gone as far as putting a fake band aid so i don't shake hands. I should get over it , but im shy, i feel rude outright rejecting an outstretched hand without a legit excuse.
On that note i should move to asia where bowing the head is enough.


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I would rather have my wrist held rather than my hand which to me is a personal gesture....having my palm touch the palm of a person I'm not close to would make me very uncomfortable. By the way, I'm Asian.


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Eh, I have less of a problem with wrist-grabbing than the fact that he's DRAGGING her by the wrist. It doesn't matter which part of her arm he's holding, be it the wrist or the hand, but the fact that he's pulling her along while she's clearly resisting (at least in the cafe scene). It's also different from the way Da-hyun "wrist-grabbed" Jae-in later on in the episode, because when she was pulling him along, it wasn't in a controlling way, whereas Jae-in's wrist-grabs tend to be pretty controlling.


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did she really not enjoy the kiss? O_O


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I think the reason she stomped on his foot was because she did enjoy it. It was a spur of the moment peck that made her feel something for someone that she wants to dislike. So the foot stomp to me seemed more along the line of protesting too much.


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I was just asking because the recapper insists that dahyun did not enjoy it all. Because I thought that dahyun actually enjoyed it a little. I thought I did not watch the same show with the recapper, so I asked.


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She felt something.... I won't use the word like but it definitely made her heart flutter in a way a person you like makes it beat. He was teasing her with the key, he was holding her, he waited and then gave her the kiss while not once breaking eye contact. She still wants to not like him just as much as he claims he won't fall for her. This is a courtship from both side in progress. This is what I felt. His claims that he doesn't care enough is just as weak as her claims of disliking him. They are falling for each other. I think I may have a simple viewpoint for this drama cause I just don't seem to read so much into the scenes mentioned.


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I know that Jae In should be taken to task for his behavior but why is it ok for Da Hyun to kick him for mentioning the kiss? That was not ok. She's an elementary school teacher, doesn't she teach the kids to use their words not their fists? When she said that's how they are taught to deal with perverts, I was thinking so mentioning a peck is perverted? Then she threatened to kick him in the nuts. If she was going to do that it should have been done when he kissed her. But that isn't really an appropriate response to a light peck. It wasn't a forced kiss, which is never ok, but a spur of the moment I find you cute and irresistible kiss. She could have just told him she didn't like that and not to do it again. Instead she stomped on his foot. That kick in the shin wasn't well deserved it was a double standard. If you point out how he needs to respect her then you have to point out that she needs to learn a better way to convey her displeasure.

As someone upthread mentioned, they need to get some understandings of each other's definition of things. They agreed to seriously date each other but she doesn't think that includes skinship? She also didn't realize that dating a chaebol might show up in the news or that that would lend credibility to their dating in the grandfather's eyes? Is this supposed to make her seem innocent to the world of dating? I guess it could be what they are trying to convey. Even though she goes on every marriage meeting her mother sets her up with she hasn't actually dated anyone. Idk, it just seems like she's being naive in her expectations of dating a 32 yr old chaebol.

All that aside, I absolutely love this lighthearted drama. It's cute and romantic. Something I desperately need after UF and Scarlet Heart. Not to mention the heartbreak of having to drop JI.


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Aw I like Jae In. He has this adorably charming side and he's such a choding at times that makes me melt for him. I wait for when he falls head over heels with our good girl. I wonder why this negativity on him

I just don't think he deserves so much dislike. I find him cute with his hidden smiles and secret? growing? kindness (buying that kid the toy). I know Da Hyun catches glimpse of it and for that, had stayed with their deal. I think with her braveness, she could've decided to stop if she really hated what Jae In was doing. The kiss was sweet and light and I doubt Da Hyun hated it so much. I mean, I wouldn't have. I think.

I watch this drama for it's lighthearted feel and I don't mind things pointed out that are against him. I don't think they should be taken so seriously watching this drama, just to enjoy it as it is cute, sweet and light. Well, that's for me.


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Okay so for anyone coming here to read comments, I got extra info to share with you.
That kiss is almost an adlib. The script said kiss after the date but the actors felt like a kiss won't feel natural in their non-romantic stage and so when HSJ was circling the key and when it went behind his head, Somin's and his eyes met and he just went for the peck.
Ah, and the actors said they had almost no NG scenes for the kisses.

Ah, this is why the chemistry and comfortability b/w actors are important.


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