Bring It On, Ghost: Episode 1

tvN’s new ghostbusting drama is weird, irreverent, darkly hilarious, and I absolutely love it. The world it sets up is creepily funny and odd, the characters are strange and quirky, and yet I find myself immediately liking them. It’s hard to describe this show in words; you really just have to see it for yourself.


A young man saunters down a busy street, and happens to see a purse snatcher being chased by a policeman down an alley. Without hesitating, he runs after them, and he narrates that there are lots of different kinds of people in this world, such as cops and thieves. The cop is stopped by an overturned trash can, but the young man easily hurdles it and continues the chase.

But when the thief trips and falls, the young man jumps right over him and keeps going. Down the street people are being shoved aside as if by another runner, but… there’s nobody pushing them. Suddenly a black cloud materializes, and condenses into the ghost of a very angry-looking man.

He hisses a cloud of black mist at the young man and turns away, as the young man continues his narration: “And ghosts. There are even ghosts that exist in this world.” He follows the ghost into an abandoned warehouse, where he punches it right in the face.

The young man is our hero PARK BONG-PAL (Taecyeon), a struggling college student who not only can see ghosts, but can actually physically touch them. He tries to avoid letting a female ghost know that he sees her as he brushes his teeth one morning, but he has the worst poker face and she’s totally onto him.

She breathes her stink-breath at him and he smacks her, and all of a sudden she’s not so scary as she sits on his bathroom floor whining that that hurt. Pwahaha. She promises never to come back, even bowing respectfully before poofing out of existence.

Bong-pal explains that he doesn’t hit girls, he hits ghosts. He doesn’t make much money, so he hires himself out as an exorcist — but rather than employ any mystical tactics, he just beats the crap out of the ghosts until they leave their chosen haunting grounds.

We watch as he heads to a club room and finds himself face-to-face with a massive ghost who looks ready to rumble, and Bong-pal goes pale and flees. “Of course, I only beat up the weak ones.” HAHA. His goal is to make one hundred million won (about $870,000 U.S.), but he’s still got a long way to go. He considers taking on tougher ghosts and raising his rates.

An odd-looking monk, Myung-chul (Kim Sang-ho), rides the bus, scaring a small child with his smile, and getting off at a funeral home. He chants some prayers for one of the recently dead, but HAHAwhoops, he’s at the wrong funeral. After performing rites at the correct funeral he stays to stuff himself with food and soju, though the family tells him he won’t be needed in forty-nine days as is customary.

Monk Myung-chul overhears a table of women talking about him, how he used to be in such demand and even exorcised ghosts. He’s fallen out of favor now, though it’s unclear exactly why.

Bong-pal seems to be a confirmed loner, as he turns down yet another group project at school. He eats lunch alone, sighing and smiling as he watches a pretty girl studying across the courtyard. His reverie is disturbed by classmates CHUN SANG (Kang Ki-young) and IN RANG (Lee David), who notice the pretty girl and wonder what it would be like to date someone like her.

Bong-pal has never met Sang and Rang before (ha, their names crack me up), and just blinks at them when Sang asks if he believes in ghosts. Sang says there’s a lot of darkness around Bong-pal, and tells him in a spooky voice that ghosts are all around — in fact there’s one behind him right now. But when Bong-pal turns to look, Sang grabs his face and screams not to turn around.

They dramatically offer to bring light into Bong-pal’s life if he joins their club, Ghostnet. Bong-pal still doesn’t say a word, but just gives them a withering look and walks away.

Sang and Rang head to their club room anyway, only to find an eviction notice posted on the door. Nobody wants to join their club, so they can’t collect dues and thus can’t pay the rent on the room. Rang suggests they sell their ghost-filming equipment to pay the rent, but Sang is firmly against it. They just need to film one ghost, and that will bring in more members.

Sang suggests they take a shot at the holy grail of ghostly sites — a haunted girls’ high school, where six students have reportedly died. They head there at night, psyching themselves up to film some actual ghosts.

Bong-pal happens across their online live feed just as they’re entering the school, and recognizes the two oddballs from earlier in the day. They’re hilariously awkward and screamy, but when they prove that they really are at the famously haunted school, their viewership starts to climb quickly.

They start to creep around the school, hoping to see a ghost and film it live, but mostly they just scare themselves. As they let themselves into a schoolroom, a blurry female ghost watches them from down the hallway, but the boys don’t see her. They go into the lab where they spot the class skeleton and nearly have identical heart attacks, again completely missing the actual ghost in the corner.

Bong-pal watches from his apartment, getting so into it that he’s scared silly when Monk Myung-chul knocks on his door… oh, they’re friends. He rushes to use Bong-pal’s bathroom, while Bong-pal makes some soup to share. He asks why Myung-chul seems to be working less lately, and Myung-chul says he’s just taking a break.

Myung-chul asks if Bong-pal is keeping his promise to stay away from ghosts, and Bong-pal fibs that he is. Myung-chul delivers a letter from Bong-pal’s father, fussing at him for moving without telling his dad where he is.

Bong-pal excuses himself to answer a text requesting his exorcism services, to get rid of a female high-school-age ghost at a girls’ school. Bong-pal accepts the job, asking for more than his usual fee, and he’s asked if he can come right away.

It’s the same school where Sang and Rang are filming right that moment, and the person requesting his services even offers him ten times his fee. Bong-pal tells Myung-chul that he’s heading out to study, and he manages to get out without arousing Myung-chul’s suspicion.

But back over at the school, we see that whoever texted Bong-pal to come to the school, was doing it from one of the school computers…

Sang and Rang find the restroom where the ghost supposedly appeared to several students, and after a few false frights, finally make their way to the stalls. As they slowly push open one door, the stall door next to them opens all on its own, so they boldly move closer to investigate.

A cat jumps out and scares the bejeezus out of them (and me, whew), and they go screaming down the hall and all the way out to the school gate. They’re long gone by the time Bong-pal arrives, and he heads inside the school looking for the mysterious person who texted him. He sees a girl in school uniform standing in front of a computer in one classroom, and immediately assumes she’s the ghost he’s here to exorcise.

She startles him by appearing right next to him, and he warns her that he doesn’t go easy on female ghosts. He grabs her in a headlock while she hollers that she’s not the ghost he’s here for, but he ignores her cries and flips her over on her back.

She weakly whines that she may be a ghost, but that still hurt, then fakes chest pain when Bong-pal threatens to beat her up again. She’s good enough that he gets worried and bends down to check on her, and the moment he’s in arm’s reach, the ghost pokes him in the eyes and jumps up.

She declares it so on now, and easily dodges all of Bong-pal’s attempts to punch her. She flips him over her back and halfway down the hall, then jumps up to sit on his shoulders and whack him over the head. Bong-pal shoves her off, and they both end up rolling on the floor, fists in each other’s hair.

The ghost defies gravity by flinging herself up and over to sit on Bong-pal’s chest and smack at him, then grabs his hair again and bites his head. HAHA, I love her already.

She gets the better of him, and sends him stumbling out of the school bruised and bloody. She threatens to kill him if he ever comes back, but by the look on Bong-pal’s face, this isn’t over by a long shot.

The ghost, whose name in life was KIM HYUN-JI (Kim So-hyun), finds her ghostly friend KYUNG-JA (a virgin ghost who’s hanging all over the man she’s crushing on, hee) to complain about the weird guy she met tonight. Kyung-ja worries that she killed someone, which means she won’t be “chosen,” but Hyun-ji promises she just beat the crap out of him. Heh.

They worry that time is running short for Hyun-ji, who needs to find… something… that she’s been looking for for five years. She wonders why she’s stuck on earth, going neither to heaven or hell, and Kyung-ja exposits that she either has unfinished business, or was wrongfully killed.

But all Hyun-ji knows of her life is her name, and even that’s only because it’s on her uniform name tag. She’s been trying to find the high school she attended, but hasn’t had any luck. Kyung-ja thinks maybe Hyun-ji’s unfinished business is taking her college entrance exams — they originally met when Hyun-ji arrived to take the test, unaware she was dead.

Monk Myung-chul complains about the lack of meat at breakfast, and notices Bong-pal’s bruised-up face. Bong-pal skirts his questions, but asks his own about female ghosts… why are they so strong? Myung-chul says that female ghosts are usually here for vengeance, but before he reveals their weakness, he figures out that Bong-pal must have been beaten up by a ghost.

He fusses that Bong-pal promised, but Bong-pal retorts that if Myung-chul hadn’t messed up that one time, this wouldn’t have happened. Myung-chul complains that the ghost was too strong, so Bong-pal urges him to help him defend himself.

They head to an abandoned apartment building where Myung-chul finds a drunk male ghost, and he tells Bong-pal that you have to look closely to see their weakness. HAHA, he’s not even looking at the ghost, who just stares at him as he says it must be a child by the feel of its energy. Not even close.

Myung-chul starts tossing rice, and when it hits the drunk ghost in the face it seems to burn him, and he gets angry. He starts to snort black smoke, and Myung-chul screams for Bong-pal, but Bong-pal’s already left in disgust.

Sang and Rang delete all the negative comments on their website after last night’s fiasco, and decide to try the school again that night. This time they put up some stationary cameras and hide in a broom closet, promising their viewers that they won’t leave until they see an actual ghost.

Bong-pal also arrives at the school (with a gigantic sword, ha) prepared to do battle. Hyun-ji is inside the school, looking through yearbooks to see if she attended here, with no luck. She smirks when she hears Bong-pal storm into the building and bellow a challenge with a flourish of his sword.

She pops to his location and beckons him over, and goes ~poof~ when he lowers his sword at her head. She poofs back behind him and kicks him in the butt, then appears behind him again and kicks him to the ground. She toys with Bong-pal for a minute, then proceeds to thoroughly own him.

At one point they grapple and tumble together down the stairs, stopping with Bong-pal on top of Hyun-ji and their lips pressed together. Bong-pal jumps up looking unnerved, while the accidental kiss seems to have stirred something else in Hyun-ji.

She suddenly remembers lying in the street, rain falling as blood pools under her head. She hears screams and sees a building with a sign that says “Academy for Language Arts.”

Bong-pal misunderstands her shock and starts stammering that he didn’t mean it, but when he says she’s probably kissed a lot of people, that snaps her out of it and she leaps up, indignant. He sneers at her — was that her first kiss? Hyun-ji gives a wry grin, and snaps, “That’s right. It was my first kiss, you bastard!” And with that, she flies across the room and plants her knee right in Bong-pal’s family jewels.

Sang and Rang hear Bong-pal’s agonized shriek, but when nothing else happens they go back to their vigil. They do some research on the people who have died at this school, so they aren’t looking when an angry-looking ghost finally shows up on their cameras.

In the broom closet Sang feels something on his neck, and turns to see a menacing black mist seeping into the room. He looks up and yelps as the ghost appears right in his face, and the boys run screaming with the ghost in hot pursuit.

The run right past Bong-pal and Hyun-ji, who also scream when they see the frightening female ghost. Hyun-ji veers into a hall while Bong-pal follows Sang and Rang into the elevator, and they only barely manage to get the doors closed before the ghost can get in.

The boys wilt with relief, but only for a second, then the ghost’s hand comes through the doors and grabs Bong-pal by the throat. The elevator doors open again and Bong-pal punches her right in the face, which seems to anger her even further. When she sits up, she’s got the face of a man. What now?

With a frightening look on his face, he turns to look at Hyun-ji, who’s peeking at them from a nearby hallway. Bong-pal can see her face, looking pleadingly at him, but the elevator doors close and there’s nothing he can do.

The boys finally escape the building, and Rang says that the male ghost was an English teacher who died in the school eighteen years ago. He’d been peeking at a girl in the bathroom, and when she threw something at him, he fell and hit his head. When Bong-pal hears this, he runs back into the school.

It’s a good thing, because Hyun-ji is no match for the strong male ghost, and he easily lifts her by the throat and throws her down hard enough to break a table. He hovers over her, but before he can touch her again Bong-pal turns the lights on and calls out, “Hey, pervert bastard!”

He flings his sword and rushes the ghost, but finds himself flipped and tossed across the room. Next thing you know he’s on his knees begging the ghost for mercy, ha, and he even helpfully points out where Hyun-ji is hiding. When the ghost looks over, Bong-pal tries to kick him between the legs, but the ghost snaps his knees shut on Bong-pal’s foot and lifts him into the air.

Seeing Bong-pal losing this fight, Hyun-ji jumps in and this time, her well-placed foot lands exactly where she planned. The ghost yells so loudly it wakes the napping security guard, and inside the battle rages on.

As the ghost throttles Bong-pal, Hyun-ji sees a red glowing spot on the back of its head — its weakness. She and Bong-pal work together to throw him off, and at one point Hyun-ji tells Bong-pal, “Hit the back of his head!” Bong-pal grabs his sword and manages a solid hit right at the ghost’s weak spot, and he vanishes in a puff of black smoke.

The fight over, Bong-pal and Hyun-ji exchange names, and each grudgingly admits that the other isn’t so bad at fighting. Bong-pal asks if Hyun-ji knows who hired him, and she looks shifty-eyed as she says she has no idea. Riiight.

Bong-pal figures out right away that it was her, and demands his payment. She whines that she has no money, she just promised him whatever he wanted because she was scared of that ghost. She argues that he didn’t catch it by himself anyway, and they peevishly bicker and split up in a huff. Bong-pal finds himself facing the police when he leaves the building, and yikes, the damage their fighting did to the building does look bad.

When Kyung-ja finds Hyun-ji later, she can see something different about Hyun-ji’s lips. Hyun-ji says she bumped into something and suddenly remembered some things, but now she’s forgotten them again. Kyung-ja advises her to just bump into whatever-it-was again, ha.

Bong-pal has a hard time explaining why a male college student was at a girls’ high school in the middle of the night with a gigantic sword, and he swears the online videos of the girls’ bathroom aren’t his. His healthy bankbook doesn’t help — it looks like he’s been selling naughty videos.

Myung-chul springs Bong-pal from jail, though he wonders why the police called him and not Bong-pal’s father. He hands over Bong-pal’s bankbook, noting that it’s clear evidence he’s been exorcising ghosts, and Bong-pal pouts that he needs the money. He’s saving to get his eyes “fixed” so that he can’t see ghosts anymore.

Myung-chul warns him that he could end up a ghost himself this way, but Bong-pal doesn’t care — it’s not like he lives a normal life anyway. He leaves Myung-chul, discouraged.

Everything reminds Hyun-ji of that accidental kiss with Bong-pal, and she spends some time walking around his college campus (she previously saw his yearbook) enjoying the beautiful day. She hears barking and sees some students crowded around a storm drain where a dog is trapped (squee, it’s Barasshi!), and sees a handsome young man trying to get the scared and snapping dog free.

Despite being bitten, the man manages to rescue the little dog. Hyun-ji admiringly notes his name — he’s JOO HYE-SUNG (Kwon Yul), from the Veterinary Medicine department. She grins at Hye-sung and decides that she likes this school a lot, ha.

She finds an empty computer and looks up Bong-pal, noting his home address and smiling wickedly. She waits for Bong-pal to come home and seems unperturbed when he reminds her that he told her never to show herself to him again, but she says she’s not here to fight. She just wants to confirm something.

She tells him not to misunderstand, that she’s not doing this because she wants to, steeling herself for what she has to do. Hyun-ji flies through the air towards Bong-pal, and his eyes widen as he realizes that she’s about to plant a kiss on him.


So cute. I really like the tone of the show so far – it’s a little dark and spooky, but it doesn’t go so far as to be actually scary. It undercuts its own frightening moments with unexpected humor, and tempers the horror aspects with a fun sort of morbid, almost comic-book silliness that I find engaging. The balance is very even — it’s scary where it’s supposed to be scary, but it’s never truly frightening, if that makes sense. The show hasn’t created a very big or complex world at this point, but I’m not complaining because it could work if it keeps the focus on the characters and their personal issues. The one thing I’m left anticipating is learning more about how all the ghost stuff works.

I really like Taecyeon in the role of Bong-pal, which seems to use his sense of comic timing in such a way as to cover for his acting weaknesses, and maximizes his natural charisma very well. He’s not the strongest actor, that’s no secret, but I’ve always found him engaging when he wasn’t asked to do too much on a dramatic scale. His strength is his likability and personality (not to mention those adorable ears), and this character seems tailor-made for him so far, using those qualities to best effect. I kind of love that Bong-pal has such a fighting spirit, though he’s not really that good of a brawler, but at least he knows it and doesn’t get himself into tussles with ghosts he can’t handle.

Hyun-ji is also a great character, though I’ll admit I’m disposed to like any character played by Kim So-hyun just because she’s so good. I love that Hyun-ji is a strong female both physically and in “spirit” so to speak, and I think she and Bong-pal have a fun sort of frenemy energy right off the bat. I love their bickering, and their knock-down-drag-out fights even more, and I hope they don’t become friends too soon. Watching them argue is the best — though the twist of Hyun-ji remembering things about her past when they accidentally kissed is a cute twist, and an interesting way to bring the two of them together again.

I’ll address the elephant in the room just this once, because I know some people are bothered by it, then I plan to put it aside. There are ten years between Taecyeon and Kim So-hyun, but given that the characters themselves are close in age (Hyun-ji is listed as being 19 when she died, and Bong-pal is in college so he’s at most 24), I’m making the conscious choice to consider them as their characters and not the actors themselves. I was hoping the plot would skew more towards the friends/partners angle, at least at first (not because of age concerns but just because I think that dynamic would be fun), but the show does seem to be going straight to romance. But I’m personally not that bothered by it because actors play characters, and the characters are close in age, and I prefer to judge a show on its merits and not on the actors personally.

Speaking of characters, Sang and Rang may just be my new favorite thing. They’re utterly ridiculous and nerdy, but they’re committed to their passion of hunting ghosts and and for that I adore them. It was so hilarious, how they got each other so would up in that school over things like a water bottle, but you could tell that underneath the bumbling they really believe in what they’re doing. They may be cowards, but they’re determined cowards. I can’t wait to see them team up with Bong-pal and get to kick some real ghost ass.

So basically, my first impression is very good. I like the world though I think it needs a bit more building, and I feel bonded to the characters right off the bat. I find myself holding back a bit, possibly because of the lack of information about how all the ghost-stuff works, and I feel like if the next episode gives us some more information on that front then we’re good to go. I’m ready for some solid, no-holds-barred ghostly battling!


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I love how sassy Hyun-ji is, Kim So-Hyun never disappoints. I was also really surprised how watchable I found Taecyeon to be. Here is hoping I do not at anytime feel the the 11 year age difference between them.


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the teen queens,all surnamed Kim and having problems with the age of their leading men. Kim sae Ron is half the age of Yoon Shi yoon so they are really careful so as not to offend those who are squeamish about it. But Yoon Shi Yoon can be so youthful so let's just concentrate on the drama. same thing with Taecyeon, I don't remember him in anything except Dream High but he's visible in a lot of variety shows, did some dramas that I don't watch so... this is a good reintroduction and very apt for his personality.
What's with a kiss when they just fake it anyway, right?!
Now, Kim Yoo Jung is paired with Park bo Gum who is six years older but in reality, I think they have the same mental age. he is such a softie, so no worries here and again they will just fake it anyway, --angles.


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Are they not confident to cast same age bracket main leads? or at least with just a minimal age gap.For example - Kim Yoo Jung and Yeo Jin Goo. they would really be so cute together.

kim sae ron with Yoo seung hoo, more suited for their dramatic flair.

And hoping for a reconciliation, since he didn't get the girl in 2015--Yook Sung jae and Kim So Hyun, now that would be nice.


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Might very well have to do with the talent level of teen actresses such as Kim So-hyun, Kim Yoo-jung, Kim Sae-ron, Seo Shin-ae, Jin Ji-hee, etc. compared to the dearth of actresses with such acting talent in their early-mid 20s.


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well he did starred alongside So E-Hyun in Who are you?

Detective Shi-On (So E-Hyun) can see things that ordinary people can not. With her warm-heart, she tries to help ghosts that have unfairly arrived in their situations due to their complicated stories. Meanwhile, Detective Shi-On's partner, Detective Gun-Woo (TaecYeon) only believes in what he can see and touch. The two detectives solve cases related to the lost & found center.


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Well now I have to watch it. damn you LP! I was just getting back sleepy times. ;)


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By the way for those turned off by the squick factor it takes a full episode and a half. Just wait it out. you almost forget. Almost.


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This is my favorite premiere in a while! Taec's charm is on full force, So Hyun is hilarious, and the vibe is both funny and creepy. The age difference doesn't bother me as much this time around, though I'll still side-eye it a little.


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I'm side-eyeing right along with you lol, but I have to admit it. The casting is spot on!


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it is weird entertainment only show for now... will need to wait and see if it has any content as well or not. pure eye tricks and action.


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You are right LP!! I just can't describe this show in words.... You just have to watch it!


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Haven't watched yet, but glad to see this positive review. Hope it will be a fun summer show. And apparently the ratings were high too. It premiered with 4.3%.


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This is one of the most promising beginnings I've seen in a while, but I could use less of the Ghost-Net boys and more of Kim So-hyun. Who needs that pair for comic relief when we can have her trying to deny that she's the one who summoned Bong-Pal to the school, and trying to explain to her friend what happened to her lips :)

Plot holes:
If the Ghost-Net guys are so scared of ghosts, why are they trying so hard to find them, instead of maybe trying to find girl-friends? Not that I want the show to actually answer that, because that would mean seeing more of them instead of less. Maybe because girls willing to be seen with them are harder to find?

If Hyun-Ji wanted an exorcist to drive off the scary evil ghost, maybe she shouldn't have been so eager to drive him away and tell him never to come back? Granted, she seemed to be trying to explain at the start of the first fight, but I think the PD and writer wanted a funny fight scene more than they wanted logic. Funny, me too.

If Hyun-Ji was so scared of the other ghost, why didn't she just leave that school as soon as she didn't find herself in the school yearbook? Especially since it seems she plans to check every high school in Korea. BTW, if she's been dead 5 years, is she smart enough to check 5-year-old yearbooks or is she checking current ones? Since she can access computers to summon a ghostbuster, did she try googling herself???? Did she check school uniforms to see if they match what she's wearing? Just because she studied hard doesn't mean she has a brain. Until the show says otherwise, she's dumb enough to zombie-walk in front of a truck.

(I mention these mostly to say that we have enough going on without the Ghost-Net guys. Did I mention I could use less of them?)

How did Hyun-Ji die? I mean, "truck of doom, at night, in the rain", but why? Whodunnit?

What's with Bong-Pal and his dad?

What did the monk fail to do right that led to Bong-Pal's problem?

What's so funny about Park Bong-Pal's name reversed? Can someone who knows Korean please explain.

Does Hyun-Ji play piano? Does she have a twin? A blind missing twin who plays piano??? If, as I saw somewhere off in internet-land, Bong-Pal wants to have his eyes removed (!) to stop him from seeing ghosts, maybe Hyun-ji can fix him up with her blind sister :)

What was the cat doing in the restroom?? No litter box?????

What's with being "Chosen"?

How many times can how many shows get away with trip-kisses and fight-kisses? Can you get herpes that way?


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Every single though I had to avoid in order to get thought he first episode.


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From what I've seen:

1. GhostNet dudes were trying to make GhostNet hot to keep the club alive so that they wouldn't have to pay for room and board. Both must be living on campus.

2. Hyunji yelled at Bongpal to never come back because a. he pissed her off and b. as an exorcist, he's not that strong since she beat him up anyway. After calling him in and seeing the guy tripped himself over, she didn't think he would be valuable to fend off the creepy ghosts.


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True, true


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With your first "plot hole"....these guys have been described as nerds, "outcasts" of some sort, maybe because they couldn't find anywhere else to fit in on campus. They decide to open their own school club, maybe because they believe in ghosts, maybe because they needed somewhere to belong. But i doubt that finding girlfriends would be at the top of their list....or that any 'normal' girl would want to date them. As for their choice of the Girls High school. Why, the show already answered that for us! There would be a whole bunch of vengeful female ghosts to find, what with 6 recent deaths and all...


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Yes, somebody please explain that joke about his name?


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Bong pal is a old fashioned country name. Kind of like bubba.


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Thanks! I have been trying to figure out what was so funny about the name thing. I have searched and searched and could find anything about Bong Pal. But, sh also said " good thing the syllables, weren't reversed"?


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The ghosts actually freaked me out!! But I class that as a good thing! Not sure how I feel about the show as a whole, there were some things I liked, and some things I didn't.

I found myself nodding off during the parts which didn't quite work for me, like the two college lads and their whole club shenanigans, and the weird exorcist ajusshi. On paper, they're the kinda characters I usually adore in dramas. But here, I found em rather lackluster. Then again, I did tune in at a random hour - doesn't help that I was extremely shattered. I may need to give it another shot.

But, I liked Taec, and I adore KSH. So I'll definitely be tuning in to see whether its my cup of tea.

Many thanks for recapping, Lollypip!


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@Lord Cobol, you don't expect them to answer all these in just one episode. If you do, then we are looking at just 2-episodes worth drama. Be calm, they'll answer your questions soon enough.


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the kdrama is a lot better and quirky than i thought


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Thanks show for clearing up the will they or won't they (kiss in the drama) from the get go. Definitely something I didn't expect already in the first episode but we'll see if she'll really remember more about her past when kissing him (storywise this would be hilarious - comparable to Master's Sun - but considering KSH's real age, they won't take it very far and just keep it at pecks...if there are more to follow at all, we shall see).

I'll try my best to ignore their rl age gap and focus on their character's age and if she's been dead for 5 years they'd actually be around the same age.

Oh, I'm also curious about his name, what's so funny about Park Bong-pal (or the reversed version) in Korean?


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They kissed and I groaned - not for any reason related to the drama, just because I envisioned things absolutely blowing up over it. But I'm with you, happy that they just got it out of the way before the issue could get traction.

I'm not worried about an onscreen matchup with this age gap. It's a kdrama so it's not going to get racy, we don't have to worry about KSH being taken advantage of. Taecyeon does look like he could be in college (mostly). KSH's character is five years older than she looks, and KSH's acting skills make that a completely believable leap. It's not a casting that's taking a role from an older actress (like when mothers of teenagers are cast with 32 year old actresses). There's nothing there to fuel outrage, at least for me.

No alarm bells are going off onscreen, and given the nature of the broadcast, no alarm bells should be sounded offscreen. And besides, they're really cute in these roles and it works!


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yep I was very comfortable with it and I compliment KSH's acting skills for it as much as the directors/writers defusing the situation early.


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So, i decided to pass this drama because of i was so bothered by the age difference. But then, it was so hard because dang it, it's kim sohyun and she's a full time lead who doesnt love kim sohyun. But decided to pass it nevertheless. Then this recaps came and (duh we always trust dramabeans) it says good review so i was about to try untill i saw the last caps of kim sohyun about to kiss taec............. And decided to pass again. HELP ME KSNDJSIJSNA DOES IT BOTHER YOU A LOT? THE AGE DIFFERENCE?


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Yes. It bothered me a lot at first but I determined to watch it for Kim Sohyun. I watched episode 2 already and I love it because I think the PD know about the age different concerns. They didn't filmed 'romantic' scene like they directed it with adult actors.
You will know it of you watch episode 2.


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Yeah, I agree. From a character stand point, it's not squicky and,


From a real life stand point, you can totally tell his lips never got near hers - they just used camera angles/tricks. So I'm cool with just enjoying it, and I'll trust that any romance is handled considering her real age in the future as well.


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Should have been a real kiss. Don't watch to see actors act, watch to see characters, and a real kiss would've been better. Love the show.


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I'm with the "should have been a real kiss" crowd too. It's ridiculous to pander, especially when there's no problem within the drama's universe. It's intrusive and weird to take a real-world casting issue and try to jump through hoops when filming the actual show.

It's literally lips on lips, nothing beyond that. This is not Oh Hae Young.


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AGREED. It's even weirder that they're trying to make a fake kiss look like a real kiss. I think it would have been better if it was a real kiss that was just the innocent lip-barely-touching-normal-k-drama kind of kiss


I constantly find it SO odd that k-drama audiences seem to be so bothered by a ten year age difference between male and female co-stars. In real life this works very well but if you're under 25 or so, it might seem like a HUGE gap. Believe me, it isn't. Women are usually far more mature than men and an age difference like this is really normal and works very well. Even Noona to younger men works well in real life but it doesn't seem so unless you've passed the age of 25 and are all grown up -when adulthood evens out. Relax and enjoy it. A lovely chemistry in age difference is clearly visible in Doctors and was wonderful in Marriage Contract. When you're all grown up and over age squeamishness what matters in life is compatibility!


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10 year+ age gaps between leads are perfectly fine as long as the younger person is legally an adult, which is the case in both dramas you named.

Underage though? Nope. And that's exactly what we do have here.


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Speaking from personal experience. The difference between someone who is 16-19 dating someone tens years older vs someone 21+ doing it is vast.


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yeah, dating is a different matter, and I agree there's a huge gap between even 18-19 and early twenties, but it seriously squicks me out when dramas (and movies) can't even wait until teen actors are legal adults to present them as viable love interests to much older men (who are in their turn presented as the ~same age~ as these girls when in character).

I mean, I LOVE Yoon Shi-yoon but can't watch Mirror of the Witch - he and KSR are both amazing actors and granted, the MotW team have kept things chaste but even the fact that KSR is in that role and in that position just sets my squick radars wayyyyy off. Like I said below, I would have less of an issue if this was a story where the leads actually were 30 and 16 - if the age gap is so not an issue because this is art, then acknowledge it!

Maybe someone is going to see this as me raining on the parade but idk, this is a line I can't cross in the name of being entertained though I totally understand LollyPip's perspective too. I could live with several '93er-'99er pairings since they're close enough in age to at least have been in their teens (early/late) at the same time, but age gaps bigger than that for the underage...nope.


Well Suzy and Lee Je Hoon also had a 10 year age difference while filming Architecture 101. She was 17 when it was released (and 16 when filmed I believe?) and he was 27. It's basically the same thing. And that movie was received very well and both actors were fine. They even had a kiss scene that was more than a peck, but it was just deleted from the final movie. I think Taecyeon and Kim So Hyun have a lot of great chemistry together and Kim So Hyun is very mature for her age.


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yeah, and that huge age gap still wasn't right.

One movie with a large age gap between leads who play supposed same-age characters doing well, doesn't mean casting underage girls with much older men should be SOP - it just means there really are no limits when it comes to such casting, and the audience (i.e. us) chooses to ignore it.


So if the laws changed and tomorrow a legal adult is, idk, 17, you'd be ok? If I'm not mistaken her character in this drama died when she was 19 and five years later would make her 24. So, she's legally an adult. Why bother watching entertainment if you so willfully take yourself out of it and purposefully see the actors rather than the characters?


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Honestly, I'm glad the show itself is good on its own merits but the age gap bothers me way too much to keep watching.

I can understand how others might make the conscious decision to ignore it (or Mirror ofthe Witch) and see them as their characters, but I couldn't do that with Kim Yoo-jung and Lee Je-hoon in Secret Door, and neither can I do it here - yes, the actresses themselves may be well protected against exploitation and the romances may be chaste but I'm still not cool with normalising the idea of presenting underage actresses as viable love interests for men over a decade older, or twice their age.


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If these were straight-up contemporary dramas I'd be more inclined to that argument, but in this case we've got a sageuk covering a time period when 12 year old girls were routinely married to 40 year old men and a supernatural story where there's a completely logical reason that a 21 year old woman would appear to be 16 (or whatever the teenage ghost's death age is meant to be).

Those conditions are different enough from anything with a modern comparison for me to be okay with the age gap.


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Sure, 12-year-olds married 40-year-olds all the time in Joseon Korea but that's not what we're being presented with onscreen – when was the last time you saw a fantasy sageuk with an acknowledged massive age gap between the hero and heroine? It's a real-life contemporary underage actress being paired with a real-life contemporary actor, not two sageuk characters.

And that said, if they have to cast actors with a large gap in their ages, I can have some respect for a drama where the gap is actually acknowledged onscreen - Painter of the Wind, My Spring Days, One Sunny Day, even Entertainer cast couples with huge age gaps and had no issues with making the characters the appropriate age. Same with the innumerable noona romance dramas. But Mirror of the Witch has the two lead characters at the same/similar age, Secret Door did the same thing, and now here we have this drama shrinking the age gap because of the human/ghost thing.

Which begs the question, if these minor-adult pairings were really totally ok, why the need to shrink the ages of the characters onscreen? I'd have slightly less of an issue if they stopped trying to front like the issue of casting underage actresses with much older actors can be solved by simply pretending their characters are the same age.


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I'll admit I don't listen to the sageuk dialogue as closely as I could, but I don't recall anything said about Joon's age. I've always taken it as a given that he's older, much closer in age to the King and Yeon Hee's brother than Yeon Hee herself. We meet him as a well-establish conman, while she's a kite-flying girl. I'd mentally pegged them as around 25 and 15 (her actual age) and then after the 5-year time jump, she's 20 and he's 30 (HIS actual age).Within the drama that leaves a 10 year gap.

I don't think the knock-on effects in real life exist. The actors are cast in roles where the ages are explained or in-context. The scripted scenes do not endanger or influence the younger actors in any way. In both dramas we're talking about, the casting works and viewers are enjoying the story and the acting. I do get that some viewers will be watching and their real-life knowledge of the actors' ages and their own personal views of appropriate age-gap work relationships will make them recoil. I just don't think it's a large segment of the viewing public.


Also, I get that some stories NEED a large age gap between the lead actors - Lost in Translation would simply not work if it was between two people close in age (Bill Murray and Scarlett Johansson were 52 and 18 respectively at the time of making it). Neither would, say, Harold & Maude (23 and 76).

This, though? Was not one of them.


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but the story is surprisingly good,so I'm eating my own words right now it seems.


The first episode was plesantly entertaining...What are the odds that the Veterinary dude was there that night when she had the accident,that hand that touched her in her vision...
I'm curious how Bong Pal got his gift/curse,it looks like the Monk has something to do with it,more like something went wrong back in the day he was in demand and with power and the victim was Bong Pal as they hint,curious if the ghst will re-appear...also i'm curious what happened between him and his father,i see he doesn't want to talk to him at all even if he sends numerous letters to him via the Monk...
That Perverted Ghost was sooooooooo creepy,and not because of the looks but because the whole back story,like real freaky...And while the ghost was creepy i cracked so much at the stupidness of those so called ghost busters


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I felt so horrible because the second the vet dude came on screen I was thinking in my head "this dude murdered someone". Mostly because the actor plays two types of characters. the oaf or the perfect guy with secret death/murder/kill.


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I totally thought he was going to kill that dog. Heck, I STILL think he's going to kill that dog.


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OMG you made me laugh HARD


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Nonononono, if they dare to kill Barassi I'm going to stop watching this straight away. He needs to appear every episode at least once and they better take advantage of this little guy's acting skills. :-D


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So Sang and Rang can also see ghosts? Seeing as they ran away frightened from the pervert ghost and Rang was able to identify him as an ex teacher.
But the way they act makes it seem as though they can't see ghosts. Like, is it necessary to go 'ghost hunting' if they can already see ghosts in general?? Can't they film ghosts that appear in their everyday life?


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From what i saw based on the ep 2 teaser they can't see our sassy heroine...I'm curious if ghosts can make themselves seen by humans,even more those vengeful ones and only the gifted can see them when they don't feel like...


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I think the narration said park bong-pal can see the ghost and touch them physically as well. It may mean that others can see the ghost also but he is the only who can physically touch them.


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I don´t care about the age gap between the actors and characters.
After 20+ years of watching all kinds and genres, it would be awful for me to care about some extremely minor issue when the story does not involve disgusting relationships.

The first ep was awesome. I just watched the second.

I´m loving it all but I don´t know if I´m missing potholes.

This drama is proven to be pretty good so far.

I hope they don´t mess up the script.


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Was it wishful imagination, or was Park Bong-Pal's early morning bathroom visitor a cameo by Kim Seul-gi? If it was, I enjoyed the brief reminder of how great she was as a ghost in "Oh My Ghostess" last summer. Maybe TvN was trying to remind us of how great that show was...


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That's not Kim Seulgi. That's the comedian Lee Seyoung, who's best known as one of Deoksun's girlfriend in AM1988.


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Thank you! I wasn't certain because it was brief seeing her, and some features being obscured by her hair and the ghost make-up. I knew I recognized the voice.


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Thanx chiisan, i think i remember her for somewhere but can't quite pinpoint it where...ur answers light me up...she's hilarious here, love her at AM1988 too


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Ha ha.. With those lips, I first thought it was Jung Eun Ji. But then the voice doesn't add up to Eun Ji's, so it can't be her. Thanks for clarifying!


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i think i watched a different drama.

i don't get where all these positive views coming from. because i find it weird boring.

i'll wait a few more episodes before i'll start watching this again.


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weird and boring i mean..


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me too, the first episode make me disappointed tbh, that so far from what i imagine after watch the trailer, i think the editing team didn't good enough to make it more fun and entertaining, but i endure it to watch the 2nd episode cause i can't resist to watch so hyun, thankfull the 2nd episode is more watchable for me


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I still don't feel it. Somehow I think Taecyon is overact. And the show seems try so hard to be quirky and hillarious. Maybe just not my taste.


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I'm good with Taecyeon here. He's kind of regular oafish everyman, the straight man more than the star player. It's a good fit for him.

I'll admit I was a little charmed by the way he tolerates Hyun Ji's presence. It's not a particularly layered performance but it works here - like he truly is ignoring her except for the 5% of his mental energy is takes to deal with her, and in that 5% of time he actually finds her a little endearing.

Their relationship dynamic works for me. He treats her like a mixture of a little sister, colleague, pest and pet, while she treats him like an older cousin who tolerates almost anything she does. Though more than anything I really like that Taecyeon's characterization seems KIND. That might be a drawback when it comes to complex acting, but in this role it's very endearing and takes the edge off any romantic undercurrents.


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I think the vibe of the show is leaning towards having Taecyeon play a complete straight man. The acting/comedic heavy lifting will come from the side characters (considering the people they packed into those roles) and from KSH. The show feels like the flip flop of the strong male lead and weak female one. It reverses in a lot of ways.


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And bonus points to Taec for seeming to be able to carry off being the sidekick of a strong female lead without projecting any negative vibes. (Stupid to have to praise that ability, but hey, it's a thing)


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Oh god yeah! A lot of other actors would have completely overwhelmed KSH. I think from that perspective I get why they picked Taec.


Thanks for the recap LP. I just marathoned both eps n LMAO and came to DM to see if is recapped!

LP u seem to have gotten good assignments with Squad 38 n this ghost cappers!


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Damn LP, you made my day!!! Love!love!love!
I just love KSH as a young actress since page turner & she nailed it again. Never watched Taecyeon before and I'm very critical abt his acting, I should watch more. Maybe he's a kind of person that grows on you unlike Jisoo or RJY who just right away charmer. This drama is fun! I was stucked when he first greeted by the female ghost in the bathroom. So funny! That mond ajusshi really look the part.hahaha. Can't wait to watch ep 2 today.


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After witnessing Yoon Shi Yoon and Kim Sae Ron's electric chemistry in Mirror of the Witch, I am careful not to write off pairings with huge age gaps. Granted, TaecYeon is no Yoon Shi Yoon, but he is serviceable as Bong Pal, and I like their bickering a lot. Since kisses are guaranteed as Hyun Ji tries to remember how she died, I can try to get over their age gap.

I don't understand why Hyun Ji didn't flee if she was so afraid of the teacher ghost. It is a bit jarring how Hyun Ji is not pale like the other ghosts. Kim So Hyun honestly looks human. I was super confused when Chun Sang and In Rang could see the teacher ghost when Monk Myung Chul couldn't see the drunk ghost. I thought only Bong Pal had special abilities to see ghosts.

Thanks a bunch for the recap, LollyPip!


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second episode explains why Sang and Rang could see the ghost and why the Monk couldn't.


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Yay, it is recapped! Am on board of this train, love the quirkiness and the comic-like fight scene, a lot of LOL moments. The OTP's banter is cute and so all out :D
Always love the mystery thread, but hoping they will have a clever twist for the cliched finding-why-i-died plot, and not making the sweet, kindly Professor the ultimate bad guy like everybody and their mom guessed after watching first episode...


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Loved the Answer Me 1988 cameo!


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What cameo?


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The ghost in Bongpal's bathroom in the morning is comedienne Lee Seyoung, best known as Deoksun's friend in AM1988


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I really enjoyed it!!!!! I think Taec and Sohyun match A LOT better than I thought they would. The age difference doesn't really bother me either. I think Taec really fits the role of Bong Pal well. I'm curious to see how the storyline will go. I'm not a webtoon reader, so no idea on the plot line at all. I just don't see how a romance is plausible with a human and a ghost. But yes, I am pleasantly surprised with this drama!


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Added to say- I think the only way this romance could be plausible is if hyunji isn't really a ghost, but her soul is "wandering". Just like gonghyojins character in masters sun, where she was in a coma for 3 years and spent that time as a "spirit" with chunhee and afterwards came out with the ability to see ghosts. Hyunji could come out afterwards with the ability to see ghosts and could be partners with bongpal...and he wouldn't be so lonely.

haha these are just my theories. :)


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I place all the bucks i don't have that she's in a coma...it is a rom-com so from all the stories i've read till now all this years(this one excluded) they are all in coma without them knowing...maybe she needs to remember what happened to her for her soul to return to her body,when she knows what happened and who she is more likely she'll awake


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hehe, i will concur with the placing all my money i don't have that she's in a coma..and bong pal is soon going to help her figure out what happened to her.

Also, the professor vet guy is giving me 'alarm' vibes. Feel like he's not up to any good...


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All my money's on coma as well. Acts like a ghost, looks like a girl - she's astral projecting.


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Master's Sun meets Oh My Ghostess


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They went that route too in another drama but it's less well known so I don't want to lob a spoiler. But let's just say just because a "ghost" is actually "just in a coma" it's not a guarantee there will be a happy ending.


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Bong Pal could die and they could be ghosts together. Another path to a happyish ending.


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I held my breath hoping you guys would recap this, and again to hope you'd love it (because I know I did). Thank you!! :) :)

This drama was everything I hoped for and more besides. I love the ghosts, I love the characters, I love the musical cues... and the sword. That's another sword I wish I owned (the other is in MotW). The humor is spot on for me, a little morbid and sarcastic/flippant? It reminds me of Arsenic and Old Lace, if anyone's seen the movie--although the plots are totally different.

I actually really like Taecyeon's acting in this, I think it suits the tone of the show perfectly. Anxiously awaiting more and to hear what you have to say about it, LollyPip (we seem to have very similar tastes/thoughts on shows).


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Arsenic and Old Lace? One of my favourite films ever! Now I definitely have to watch :-)


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I love the movie. So much. Cary Grant is just... the best. Haha it's been a while since I've watched it, though, so the tone might not be smack dab on--this one's a bit more youthful, definitely. But yes! Watch it!


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I am a fan of the grannies :-) "Yes, I did poison the gentleman, but you don't think I'd stoop to telling a fib!" :-p . If the drama has that kind of deadpan dark humour, I'm on it :-)


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Cary Grant...

*wipes drool*

ok lets move on people nothing to see here


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I'm perplexed by some ppl's "ick" factor due the age difference when other are okay with the age difference btw the OTP for the Mirror of the witch drama... The actress there is 15 and the actor is 29... which i think pushed the envelop over the edge whwn compared to the age difference in this drama...


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People weren't ok with with MotW age gap either, but were quickly won over by the chemistry of the actors and decided to put the whole thing behind them and view it as it is....which is acting. I think that'l be the case here where people will decide to watch and see it as what it is...acting. Or decide they can't watch it because of the age gap.


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A lot of people are not ok with either MotW pairing or this, one being like this doesn't make the other ok.

Both dramas have minors paired with guys 10-15 years older, it's only that for some of us it's more important to be entertained no matter what.


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Art is one area where minors working is not child labor.
At times I think issues are blown out of proportion for no reason.

a) How do you define minor.. 16 yr old in USA is adult for most purposes..

b) Are these actors making out for real or doing something (I am sure in school.. bf-gf concept starts by the time they are 14-15)

c) You need rules and policies only to ensure there is no abuse happening.. not to curb or have artistic interference for the heck of it

d) If someone is cast because they fit the role.. or based on talent.. then what is so wrong about it..

e) On one hand we want to say gender, age should not matter be it career, education, being in love whatever.... and on the other hand have issues regarding non existant 'issues'

If someone doesn't find the casting right - they have all the right to crib, If someone feels that there is a misconduct or abuse happeming..raise voice..
If you think a child is being objectified..sure raise voice..

But i just don't see any of this happening in any of these two series..
Therefore, I just fail to see the reason what is that ticking off people..

they are 16 and 17 resp - that's high school or 11th/12th or junior college based on different country... what are these kids doing which is not right????

( Infact team takes care there are no kiss scenes nothing and it is all camera work)


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Maybe 14-15 year olds start dating at that age but they date other teenagers, they don't go date freaking 27-28 year old men.

Any society would side eye a guy that age who tried to get with a 16-17 year old. And casting a 16-17 year old actress as the love interest of an older guy and then saying it's ok because the characters are the same age.... that is objectifying, no? To show her romancing this much older guy but it's ok because the drama says they are the same age....why cast the actors with such an age gap then?


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And in Secret Door the 'romance' had no kiss scenes either but netizens found it so inappropriate that 15 yo Kim Yoo Jung playing 30 yo Lee Je Hoon's concubine in a future storyline, that they replaced the actress.

And these are Korean audiences, the people for whom kdramas are meant. Obviously even they don't think that just because the character's age is whatever, it's still ok to present a minor as a much older man's LI. So not everyone is fine with this.


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You know, I don't have an issue with people enjoying this show, or consciously ignoring the age gap+Kim So-hyun's underage status to be ok with the romance.

What I do have an issue with, is people dismissing the concerns some of us do have with the practice of casting underage actresses with actors 10+ years older. This is not the same as kids dating each other, and neither is it the same as legally adult actors being paired with much older leads even in a 'chaste' romance.


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I dismiss concerns that are unwarranted.


I also chuck it to the fact that YSY is a better actor. Although I know some would argue. He's gotten a lot more grounded after his military service, tbh.


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The romance on MoTW is VERY chaste even for a Kdrama. I still have to take a minute and sometimes skip the romance scenes and watch later. I love YSY and KRW has won me over with her acting but god damn it's still icky.


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Yup, we're in the final week and I still feel icky about their romance and enjoy everything more than their quiet moments together (I blame YSY's sparkly eyes lol). If MotW was set up primarily as a love story I'd have stopped watching ages ago.


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As a matter of fact, the actress is NOT 15, she was born in 4th June 1999 and she is 17 now :)


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I think Cherry was speaking of Kim Sae-ron who is just about to turn 16 end of this month.


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I Love It!

Its cute, funny and scary at the same time!!! Arhh the perverted ghost really scared the heck out of me!

And what age difference are you talking about????

I didn't see or notice their age difference


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You know what Ginger? I don't think we want to know. I wasn't able to watch MotW knowing the actress was only 15 and until I saw all these comments I didn't know the actress in this drama is also "underage" - whatever that means, I don't think I want to know or this drama will be spoiled for me too. On screen, Taec looks like he's in his early twenties and the girl looks like she's eighteen (and has been a ghost for five years subsequent), plus she's got strength of character. So I am just going to enjoy the fantasy onscreen.

But what is up with Korean dramas? Why are they casting child actors in romantic relationships with adult actors? Is it a trend?


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I don't want to believe it's some kind of nefarious trend to cast teen actresses with older actors. Rather the industry is short on female talents that can bring in the audience and money. So from production's point of view, why delay years of good acting when actresses or actors are in demand. I mostly agree with them, as long as minors aren't exploited and have good sense of their rights and what is appropriate.


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Seriously, at the end it is a professional paired with a professional in a work setting. I think that professionalism at the end trenscends any sort of social preconceptions at the end (unless there is huge backlash.)

Yes, the numbers and the idea is quite creepy. But lets just appreciate the professional work presented from both sides. Cultiating young talent.


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Can easily rattle off extremely talented teen actresses (age 15-17) - Kim So-hyun, Kim Yoo-jung, Kim Sae-ron, Seo Shin-ae, Jin Ji-hee, etc.

Have a much more difficult time coming up with equally talented actresses in their early 20s.


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But isn't that kind of strange in and of itself? Normally you've got older actresses playing younger ones not the other way around. There's a youth culture in dramaland right now, I think, that's being taken a bit to the extreme.


First episode and I was dying with laughter! The part where Hyun-ji tossed the book out of the window and whacked Bong-pal upside the head is easily one of my favorite scenes! LOL!

I have been really excited for this show and I am glad they delivered with a solid first episode. Hopefully, they keep them coming.


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And that scene where he erased his name from the group and made another one just by himself? That scene was all of us who hates group projects. All. Of. Us.


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I'm really loving this new drama! I knew I would love it from the previews, but I didn't think Ok Taek-heron would be so watchable, like the role fits him SO well! Also Kim So-Hyun, I absolutely LOVE her, she is just an year older than me, but she is a GREAT actress, wish I could be as pretty as her.


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I quoted this somewhere else also..

Suzy 21- LMH 29..

8 years..

and still people have issues with Doctors pairing ( forget actors..even for the characters - which is again a diff of 8-9 yrs)

KWB - 26, SM- 32
Are people icky abt that too??

Noona romances and romancing older woman is exciting and men not?? I fail to get a logic..

The deal really should be.. you are watching a story and does that story make sense, tugs your heartstrings or not..


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Every single one of those people you named is over the age of twenty.

Comparing them to a MINOR actress being cast as the love interest of a late-20s/30s actor is false equivalency.


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A noona romance between a 29 year old and a 15 year old boy would be awful to watch as well.


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you know, i was pleasantly surprised by how much chemistry kim so-hyun and taecyeon seemed to have, just going by the first episode (haven't watched the second yet). taec actually looks like a college kid, and i already love his terrified screaming face. it's hilarious. the scene where he and KSH start sprinting down the hallway (KSH hilariously flapping her hands as she shrieks) cracked me up in the teasers and during the actual episode as well.

i was originally pretty bitter that KSH got paired with taec when she's such a great promising actress (while kim yoo-jung gets park bo-gum!), but the teasers started to change my mind and i'm glad that the first episode at least delivers, for me. i just thank god taec is holding up his end of the acting stick, so far.

the story itself, i'm hoping it holds up too and delivers on originality. we already saw oh my ghostess and how that "rules" worked in that world. i don't want this show to be a mirror of that world. obviously there's a conundrum to be solved with hyun-ji's early death, but it's really gonna feel a bit old hat if it ends up that she died wrongfully under criminal/shady circumstances.

another thing—LOVED the action scenes. i'm sure it was all cut and edited to make it look fast and slick, but kim came across totally badass. i want to see her in a female spy agent role in a few years!


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I feel you too, when Taecyeon was casted I felt it was so unfair for So Hyun. But Taecyeon seems to be a very likable and nice guys, I started to like him more and more. His acting was not that great but at least he played his Bong Pal role fine, and he made me believe in his caring toward Hyun Ji. So Hyun can carry the whole show with her acting and her totally adorable Hyun Ji scenes have stole my heart


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The ghosts (aside from Kim So Hyun's character) are bearable, I can still watch the drama without covering my eyes every time the ghost showed up (unlike Master's Sun).

And the first ep is so funny :-DDDD


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Thanks LollyPip for the recap.

What an easy watch! I'm 2 episodes in and and already it's my new go-to drama.


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Been refreshing this site just to read the opening comment to know how good or bad the show was. And voila!!! I just love the show. I didn't notice the age gap between Taecyeon and Kim Sohyun neither I care. When everyone in the drama delivered their line so well, what's more to say? love it or leave it.


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I love it!!!!!

The chemistry between the main leads is sizzling. And since I didn't know about the age gap prior to this recap, I didn't have any prejudice beforehand unlike with MOTW (Don't get me wrong, I love MOTW but I just can't help think about the age gap everytime the main actors are together on-screen.)


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wow! this drama turned out to be so good. The age difference is not visible at all to me that means the actors were convincing enough playing their roles. He looks and acts like a college guy and their chemistry is adorable. We are watching and shipping the characters and not the actors so the age difference is irrelevant to me. If they are delivering and convincing, it is enough for me. They turned out to be so cute. Shipping hyunji and bongpal already. Ep 2 was even cuter. Now, waiting every week for next episodes is going to be traumatizing TT


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Oh... and the vet scene. Creepy. Reminded me of the villain in YFAS. What's with the creepy vet vibe in k-drama? This profession sure is famous for psychopaths in dramaland.


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First 2 episodes were pretty nice and light hearted. I like it a lot.
Actors are good and the plot line is engaging so far ^^


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I'm happy to see good comments about this drama, especially about Taecyeon's character.. I read a lot about how bad is he and everybody wish that he back out from this drama.. So sad until i start to scare to read the comment section. Thank you for everyone who change their mind, fighting Taecyeon!


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Well darn, it probably wasn't my smartest idea to watch this at night. Now I'm more than a little spooked. But man, I thoroughly enjoyed that first episode. Quirky cute and morbidly hilarious.

Sassy Kim So-hyun is the best Kim So-hyun. <3 Whaddya know, she and Taec actually have good chemistry. I thought they were adorable. I'm liking Taec's character so far - a complete dork but has a pragmatic and no-nonsense attitude. It brings out his charms.


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The most funny in the comment section is the regular users who keeps harping about the age issue since article #1 and saying that they won't watch but still trying to make their presence known by harping about the age issue and saying that they won't watch. And keep replying other ppl by harping about the age issue and saying that they won't watch. Like dude, we get what you are concerned about that age issue and you won't watch it, WE GET IT.?


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HAHA! This is so true.
And those who said they won't EVER watch but then are here saying they watched but they won't watch again.


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Always had a soft spot for taecyeon....and have to say he's finally found a character that works for his natural charms. So much better than his,other ghost detective drama fron ages back I found myself actually really enjoying all the quirky humour and,comedic beats.

Taecyeon should only do variety and comedy!


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Love it! Sang and Rang are great as a duo, never miss.
I'm surprised to say I like Taecyeon here. His character is great and T's deliver is great! Last but not least Kim Soo hyun is so lovable! haha sometimes I imagine here having two split personalities from Who are you School 2015 lolz
She alternates between Eun bi and Eun byul in my eyes <3


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Can someone clarify what's funny about the name Park Bong Pal, please? Whether straight or reverse. Don't speak the language and I don't get the joke, but I'd love to get it. Ha ha..thanks. :-D


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Me too! Google translate didn't help with 팔봉팍 or 팔봉. I hope someone can let us know...


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i love you kim so hyun


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I like this show so far, but I find the supporting characters (especially the ghostbusting duo and the monk) incredibly distracting. They are overly dramatic and take up way too much screen time for side characters.

I do like Taecyeon. He's not the best actor in the world but I do agree that he is incredibly likeable (I will forever ship him and Park Shin Hye after watching them on Three Meals a Day 2) and I hope that KSH's acting skills will help his along.

I know that there is an age gap between Taecyeon and KSH but it doesn't bother me too much because she's 17 and that makes her an adult in the U.S. I know we're talking about Korea but it's not like she is 14 and he is 30 (I won't mention a recent pairing of THAT age gap). He's still pretty young in his 20's and she's not a minor. So in my book, that's not too creepy. As for the drama age - he is supposed to be a freshman in college so that actually makes him closer to 20 rather than 24. That's why she says she's his "Noona" because she was 19 when she died five years before - which makes her 24.

I really like both KSH and Taecyeon so I hope the drama does well. "Fighting! Ghost!"


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Thanks for the recap, LP!

Thought I was gonna get freaked out by the spooky ghosts, so I watched it earlier in the day while waiting for subs to be done for MOTW. It turned out not to be so scary after all when mixed with humour and I like the balance. XD

Taec is pretty good in this role since I can believe that he is just a college student, Bongpal, trying to make some extra cash through exorcism in order to "correct" his ghost-seeing condition. I'm already curious what happened between him and Dad to result in the estrangement. Also, what did the monk do wrong to cause him to see ghosts?

KSH in sassy, badass roles is perfect. Love Hyunji showing Bongpal who's boss. =P The ex-teacher was freaky, but so glad those two teamed up to defeat him. The red glowing light indicating the teacher's weakness was interesting. Makes me wonder where is this spot on Hyunji, and if Bongpal will end up protecting her so that no one would be able to get to her weakness. Of course, Hyunji can hold her own just fine in a fight, but you'd never know who could happen in the company of fellow ghosts.

The LSY cameo as the bathroom ghost was funny. XD Probably my fave ghost out of the lot in this ep. besides the female lead.

I don't mind Sang-Rang too much. They deliver the comic relief just fine. But probably not necessary to focus so much time on those live ghost-hunting streams. Would be better once this duo teams up with Bongpal. =P

Ep. 1 went by pretty fast and it felt like a breezy watch. ^^


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If I were to watch it without knowing their ages, I'm not bothered. They both seem very natural (in a comic book humor kind of way) with each other. However, since I do know their ages, I can't help but cringe when they kissed. It isn't the age gap that bothered me, but the fact that she's underaged, and he is a grown man. If the age gap was between two adults, I wouldn't mind, even if it's a huge gap.


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Same. I don't like feeling uncomfortable with my dramas for reasons such as this. I watch K-dramas for escape. The teacher-student relationship in Doctors made me squeamish even though nothing happens between them at the time. Knowing the actress was only fifteen made me squeamish in Mirror of the Witch. The writers and directors should be realizing that some viewers might feel legitimately uncomfortable with these decisions in plot and casting, and that they might be losing viewership because of these choices. I know Doctors is doing well but it might have done better, and I'm pretty sure Mirror of the Witch lost viewers (including me) for reasons such as this. Not all viewers feel the same, obviously, but some will, and it makes no sense not to maximize your audience if you don't have to.


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Does anyone understand the joke about Bong Pal's name?


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