Ji Sung goes from sham to sincere for SBS’s Entertainer

I do hope this drama is gonna be as cute and funny as the promos are making it seem. Entertainer has released a set of teaser posters featuring its five main cast members, and the show continues to look light and bright. Perhaps more importantly, Ji Sung continues to look like he’s throwing himself into the comedy with gusto, playing an entertainment manager who used to work for hotshots and now reps nobodies, who has his work cut out for him putting together a new band.

In Ji Sung’s poster, he’s introduced as a sham manager where the word “sham” has been crossed out and scribbled over with “real.” Growth story, check. Hyeri plays the heroine who works part-time jobs and is described as smart. Plucky Candy, check.

Kang Min-hyuk, meanwhile, is a mysterious musical genius and the first “gemstone” Ji Sung discovers, while Chae Jung-ahn plays a “golden spoon Venus,” meaning she’s beautiful and privileged (proud, perfect second leads, check check). And Teen Top idol L. Joe dorks out his image top playing a drummer who’s a student at Seoul National University.

Okay, so the setup and characters may feel familiar, but it doesn’t matter because you gave Ji Sung an outlandish comedic character to play so I’m going to watch it regardless. It isn’t like he’s never done anything light and funny before, but it does sort of feel like Kill Me, Heal Me opened the floodgates, and now I’m eager to see what new personality he brings out of this role.

Ji Sung will have a loveline with Hyeri’s character, and while I don’t necessarily think it can’t work, I also find myself liking him with Chae Jung-ahn, who plays a manager at a different company who’s been friends with our hero for the past decade. Maybe we’ll get something like Coffee House, where the young heroine’s loveline is mostly on the surface, and the real relationship is with his longtime friend?

A couple of stills below also feature idol Gong Myung (of Surprise) on the electric guitar; he’ll be playing a genius guitarist who went to Juilliard who plays with abandon and enjoyment. Feeling cramped by school life, he quits and returns to Korea, though he finds it harder to make his way than he’d anticipated and ends up joining Ji Sung’s band. You know, I think the show did a pretty good job casting idols to play its idols, from Hyeri (Girl’s Day) to Kang Min-hyuk (CN Blue) — I don’t know about the others, but at worst they’re minor roles, and at best they could pleasantly surprise. Even Chae Jung-ahn started out as a pop singer (remember her techno queen days?). Now, all we need is to unearth embarrassing old tapes of Ji Sung attempting to bust a move to some old-school Kpop…

Entertainer kicks off on April 20 on SBS.

Via Donga, Hankyung, Ten Asia


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It sounds like fun! Really looking forward to this drama!


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At the very least, I want this to be as entertaining as the teasers and posters are suggesting. It'll start right before my final exams so I probably won't be watching it until a few weeks in, but I could really use a laugh-out-loud comedy right now!


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He looks so good with CJA, they should just, well, change the pairing really.


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They do look great together. Really hoping they pull a Coffee House with this one.

And this is partially because I actually think Hyeri and Ji Sung could make an adorable team, just not as a romantic one. I'd rather see the relationship play out without romance.


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Ahhh, Coffee House! I really liked that drama and was so happy he ended up with Park Si Yeon's character. So, yes, hoping for the same thing to happen here!


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I agree. I've always liked Chae Jung-ah, since Coffee Prince, as frustrating as her character was. She was super adorable with Lee Seon-kyun there, and I just feel like dramaland needs more of those mature, cool, normal romances, and as outlandish as Ji Sung may seem in this drama, I could see that relationship playing out to being on a more realistic level.


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Never understood why CJA's character in CP got as much grief as it did.

While CJA's character had her issues (if she didn't, would have been one heck of a boring character), she was in no way the one-note, stereotypical "baddie" 2nd female lead/potential romantic rival.

Her character was among the 1st to learn of Eun-chan's secret and to give EC support.

And the writer did a good job of not going down the K-drama trope of the 2 female leads being romantic rivals.

While there was a hint of that at the beginning, the 2 never really were rivals.

As for "Coffee House" - it had its moments (esp. w/ Park Si-yeon's character), but the writer couldn't quite decide which direction to go (kinda was like 2 diff. dramas in 1).

Hope this has that comedic feel of the aforementioned, but w/ the heart of CP (and yeah, Ji Sung and the CJA pairing seems more natural).


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Couldn't agree with you more.


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Well you know, it's pretty typical for a drama to outright lie about what it's premise actually is because it's a ~twist~. Having the loveline actually planned to go differently than what they're saying isn't that much of a stretch.


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Perfect, they're the same age. If the plot really has to have a love line, it should be between those two. If Hyeri requires a love, then the idol is available.

Who knows, if a piano is involved , the romance might switch horses mid show.


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They won't. She'll end up being crazy second lead who gets upset the guy she likes is going after the cute young girl instead of her.


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Second this.


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Hyeri and Minhyuk look so cute together as well and they have good chemistry from their photo stills

I would say hell yes for the pairing switch


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You know, I was also hoping this would be like Coffee House (still one of my favorite dramas ever, top 2 for sure). I was sort of rewatching it the other day, and I was reminded of how different that drama was in its approach to having unconventional characters with unconventional romantic setups, and no one was hateable at all in that show. I really, really wish this will be like that. There's just something about the older-man-falls-in-love-with-his-young-protege story that always makes me go "Hmm." The age difference isn't the problem for me. It's the power difference, if that makes any sense. And I know it's gonna be a comedy, so that issue won't be so heavy-handed, I hope. I'll still watch it anyway because it'll be light-hearted enough, and I always like an underdog story.


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Even Chae Jung-ahn started out as a pop singer (remember her techno queen days?)



*goes to google*


*starts techno party*


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So true!!!

But this is an even better back in the day clip of Chae Jung-Ahn:



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Oh my GOD. Everything about that performance is so 2000. The music, the dancing, her outfit, the dancer outfits... also, she can NOT dance at all. I LOVE IT.

Was she really popular back then?

Man, now I'm on an early-2000s nostalgia kick. And I was only 5 in 2000! Lol. Takes me back to my dancing-to-Britney-Spears-in-my-bedroom days.


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This video is a work of art. XD


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Loved this video!!

I agree with Mindy, she CANNOT dance lol


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Ohh myyy... Hahaha! I did not know about her pop singer past.


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"...but it does sort of feel like Kill Me, Heal Me opened the floodgates..."
I thought I was the only one who thought way.

Looking forward to this new show!


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I discovered the awesomeness that is Ji Sung in Protect The Boss. In KMHM,I discovered he's THE ONE. Hope the script is good and hope the rest of the cast is good too. It's not pre produced right? That's my worry that it goes to crazy town in a bid to win the ratings war.


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That's where I discovered him! I loved Protect The Boss mostly because of him and his man-child character. Gave me a good laugh. And then I saw both Secret and KMHM and discovered how amazing of an actor he is. He plays vastly different characters in each of the dramas I've seen. He is both great in drama and comedy.

Definitely looking forward to this!


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For me, it started with Royal Family. He was just so intense in that drama. The relationship between him and Yum Jung-Ah's character had this crazy crack factor to it... and the most we ever saw on screen between them was him with his head in her lap.


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Ugh, kind of bummed about Hyeri and Ji Sung's love line. I guess k-drama land is just as egregious about female-male age differences as hollywood. It's not that it can't work or that relationships of a large age difference are detestable, but the double standard (men can grow old and have relationships when they're older but women are only lead material if they're super young). Yeah, there was Witch's Romance, but that was only an exception to the rule. (Even looking at Lee Seo Jin and UI's romance right now...) I just wish there wasn't this kind of double standard in the media, US or Korea.


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I don't know why but it seems to be happening even more this year. Soo many lovelines with a 10+ age difference. It baffles me when people comment on actresses being older than their male leads by just a few years and saying "She's too old". I've seen people here say it. When Hwang Jung Eum and Ryu Jun Yeol's drama was announced, I saw someone call her old when she's literally only two years older than him! People said the same about her and PSJ when they only have a four year age gap.

But of course, when it's the man that's older, no one cares. But for some reason an actress being 2-4 years older than her co-star is too old.


Thank god for noona romances? Lol.


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Yeah, I've seen people saying that the female lead's too old A LOT OF TIMES, and it's ironic how people are all for such a pairing. When JNR was cast in IRY, they said she was too old even though she was cast before SIG and the original male leads choices were all 81-ers. People said they were going to pass on Remember because PMY is apparently an ahjumma compared to YSH. And I've read countless "I hope he gets a younger female lead this time round" in all the different threads when the age gaps were no where as big as this really. In fact, I've never seen a noona romance with age gaps bigger than 10 years (unless the main premise for the drama itself is a noona romance).

Honestly, I'm not comfortable with it either way. I think if they do intend to showcase a May-December relationship, it's fine. I really don't like it though, but that's just my personal preference. I'm automatically out if the age gap is > 10, no matter which party is the older one.


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Yeah, that's seriously so annoying. Nobody cares if a male lead is 10 years older, but god forbid the female lead is even a little older than their oppa. Then you have people so against "noona romance" even if an older woman does not always translate into a noona romance, but again have no problem with a much older man.


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Umm I don't think apart from kdramas I have much seen noona romances anywhere else,in that wide sense.If anything,korean drama genres at least do much experiments with different age zones of actors and actresses.Don't know what double standards have got to do with this.


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I agree with sky's comment. Korean dramas have honestly had the most noona romances I've ever seen, with far moreolder woman-younger man relationships than the US. I Hear Your Voice's main leads were 11 years apart (which I seriously had such a hard time believeing because Lee Boyoung looks so young) You From Another Star's leads were six years apart, even Song Joongki and Song Hyekyo have an age of four years. Meanwhile, every US blockbuster I've seen usually always has the man as older, or significantly older, than the lead actress. Not saying there isn't sexism in Korea, but as a whole they seem to be doing better with ageism among women than the US does.


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I think the double standard is in how they're perceived. When a male is older, it's considered the norm. But when a female is older, even in noona romances when it's supposed to be that way, the initial reaction at least tends be something like "ew, what's she doing with him."

Of course noona romances can be extremely popular, I just don't think they're accepted as readily.


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Well, I'm a tad disappointed in the Hyeri-Ji Sung pairing too, but not for the same reasons as you. I honestly have no problem with older actors getting paired with younger actresses, especially considering the amount of noona romances in dramaland (Witch's Romance is definitely not an exception, believe me). In fact, for a while, there were so many noona romances that I actually felt an absence of older man- younger woman pairs. I do wish that more dramas had a 6/7-year gap a la Coffee Prince, instead of 12-20 year gaps though.

Honestly, what bothers me more than anything is that we term 'noona romances' as such, and not the other way around. As if it's standard for older men to be romancing younger women, but when it's a women it's some big deal. But, in the end, I recognize the term partially came about because of the sheer amount of them in dramaland and that softens my reaction to the term.

That said, my issue with this pairing has more to with her not being able to hold-up her end of the romantic chemistry. I look forward to seeing Hyeri improve in this project and do think it's possible for her to be cute with Ji Sung. And, who knows, maybe her character will actually get a chance to show us her feelings for her love interest and that will make all the difference. But, as for feeling a 'spark' between them...I'm not all too sure about that. Willing to give it a chance though!


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@Chandler thanks for bringing that up, you have a totally valid point about noona romances not being rare and Witch's Romance definitely not being an exception. (ie Biscuit Romance, Flower Boy Ramyum Shop, I Need Romance 3, ...yeah the list is pretty ample with examples) In fact, that was something I really liked about K-drama when I first started, the plethora of noona romance options, a category that doesn't as much exist in other countries' media and definitely not with a selection the caliber of K-dramaland.

I guess how I should have better phrased my annoyance was how "natural" and "normal" people and the media seem to take it when a man is 15-20 years older than the female in a romance, whereas if the tables were turned it's a special category of its own, a noona romance, as you also pointed out. It's actually not that number age matters, but this idea in the media to portray an aesthetic and "beautiful" couple the woman must look young whereas the man can be at whatever age he may be.

Hyeri might be hot right out of Answer Me, but I wish a female lead of a closer age difference could have been casted (I don't see how that should heavily affect the story either). Giving the opportunity to an older actress would have also touched on and answered another problem in media and Hollywood, the pay gap that grow as men and women age because older women are less likely to be casted and have to choose to settle.

For me personally, when I first saw the preview, it felt a little weird because I'm familiar with both actors and KNOW of the size of the age gap before having to look them up or anything so looking at them together in a love line feels a bit unnatural to me though I'm curious if they seem to go well together to someone who saw the preview without knowing their age gap?


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Looking forward to this. Should be fun!


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I'd be okay with the loveline if it was like: Hyeri pines for Ji Sung, while Ji Sung pines for Chae Jung Ahn, while she pines for XYZ...

Sorta like an everybody is in love with the wrong person scenario.

Idk, Ji Sung and Chae Jung Ahn just look good together.


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Those are my favorite lovelines which might be why I love She's the Man so much.


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Are they who i think THEY are?!
Since am a human and grey il have them both. My DEVILICIOUS ANGELS <3

And yes the Show looks interesting! It better be what it seems to be, coz no trapped Cheese again! ^_~


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..it does sort of feel like Kill Me, Heal Me opened the floodgates..

I saw the glimpse of Perry Park in his dance moves in the teaser, can I expect to see a glimpse of SSG as well? And sweet CDH.. Ahh, I could always hope right?

Just like you, ultimately, I'm looking forward to seeing the new personality.


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I did see some SSG when he yelled "DDANDARAAAAAA!" in the second teaser...


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I think Kdramas are a bit better than western dramas when it comes to age differences between men and women .In American films men are almost always cast with younger heroines. At least Koreans cast older women even in roles that are not specifically described as noona romances ,to be honest the double standard problem is more with the audience which makes nasty comments than kdrama land itself. I'm not opposed to big age differences myself whether its a much older hero or a much older heroine but I adore noona roamnces .


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Hmm.. Why do I have an eerie feeling that this one will be like My Lovely Girl in the making.. might work some, might not work for others..
Pairing seems odd in the beginning, hopefully they will make it work.
Have no faith in this one until at least the first 4 episodes..


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I don't see it. Rain and Krystal were devoid of chemistry and it was just weird as hell he would date her in the first place given their past history. That drama had more problems going for than the age gap.


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i think ji sung and hyeri look SUPER adorable together—as a platonic oppa-dongseng pair. i'm really not thrilled by the idea of a loveline, not only because of the major age difference, but sheriously must every primetime drama have a loveline between the leads? can't they have lovelines with other people?

and ji sung will be trying to turn hyeri into an idol star or something, isn't he? just the story alone implies that he's old enough to "create" celebrity careers, and that she's young enough to actually have a shot an idol career. doesn't seem appropriate for a relationship of that nature to turn into something romantic... but this is coming from someone who generally as a rule disapproves of large age gaps in romantic relationships.

or maybe—and i find this more palatable—hyeri will be the one with a crush on him? which is completely understandable, and has the potential to be very cute. but unless hyeri is supposed to be playing older than her age, i'm not really into it.


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No, from my understanding the group Ji Sung's character works with is a boy group. kang min hyuk is the younger "brother" of Hyeri's character, and the idol. She'll be player older than she is I'm assuming.


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Ji Sung! My beautiful and wonderful and talented Ji Sung who is part of one of my favorite real life otps. I am so excited about this. Then again, the teasers could be playing with us to expect a happy and funny rom-com drama when in actuality it's a show that makes us spend every episode worrying about our favorites and if they will live or not.

*re-reads previous sentence*

Okay. I think I watch way too many dark dramas. Suggestions for dramas that will not require me to think/are so cheesy it's horrible are needed right here folks.


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Honestly the plot isn't super refreshing or anything. I just hope it does justice to the actors. Because it's Ji Sung we're talking about! Man... he's Daesang-worthy actor, so please SBS, please produce a good show!


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that moment when the actual drummer doesn't get to be the drummer


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I love musical dramas, no matter how klichéed. The combination of my two loves, music and moving pictures (yes, I am apparently from the jazz age now), is just too much to resist! So I'm excited to see what this is going to be like. I loved Kill Me, Heal Me, but abandoned Protect the Boss early on, so Ji Sung is not a guarantee for me. I don't think I've seen any of the others' work before, but musical drama is at least a genre where it makes sense to cast idols. They usually pick ones who can actually carry a tune, so as long as they're not as wooden actors as Kim Hyun Joong, it's often better than casting actors who can't sing.


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I might run into the same problems with this drama that might happen for Namgoong Min's upcoming drama. Where the female lead feels more like a younger sister than a love interest. We'll see, though!


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Ji sung Ssi stated in sbs interview that it had feel of Jerry McGuire. So looking forward to it since Signal and SFD ended. Btw, lets not compare to trot lovers or my lovely girl nor dream high please ?


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How can Ji sung still looked so damn fine, excited for this


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We're so close to the premiere. . . i'm so excited i just can't wait. I hope it won't dissapoint. But as long as i have many scenes with ji sung i'm fine
Ddanddara fighting! !!


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Please post drama recaps for entertainers soon!! :(


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