High Society: Episode 2

So cute. There’s an undeniable charm about High Society, one that perseveres despite the fact that our hero and heroine are both in friendships based on lies and deceit, no matter which way you spin their motives. I know Second Lead Syndrome is a real thing in our neck of the woods, but this show is the first to make me question whether Second Leads Syndrome exists—and don’t blame me if you catch it after watching this episode. Love is infectious that way.


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When Yoon-ha confronts Joon-ki by asking if he knows her, he flashes back to the times he saw her in the elevator. He doesn’t admit he recognizes her and instead rebuffs her for her rudeness, even though he throws in the monotonic “Hello” that she apparently wanted so badly.

Yoon-ha wants to continue their little tiff when he walks off, only to be stopped by Ji-yi, who tells her friend to listen to Joon-ki’s advice about controlling her temper. Only then does Yoon-ha realize that Joon-ki is the guy her friend’s had starry eyes over lately, which changes her tune.

Of course, Ji-yi is under the wrong impression when she claims Joon-ki comes from a rich household, and how that must contribute to his shining personality—lacking nothing while growing up makes wealthy people nice! Yoon-ha all but rolls her eyes at this: “Does having a lot of money mean you don’t lack anything?”

Joon-ki returns to his apartment that night to find his kindly mother there doing some household chores for him. He wishes she wouldn’t since that’s all she does all day, but she’s insistent that it’s the least she can do to help him.

It’s cute how Mama Lee gets so happy when her son drops to banmal and calls her “Mom,” though it’s funny to see how forlorn she becomes when he switches back to the more formal use of the word. Their affection for each other is apparent, as well as Joon-ki’s desire to rise up in the world so he won’t end up living like his parents.

“What’s wrong with how we live?” Mama Lee throws back, unperturbed. “There are times we have money and times we don’t… Well, I guess we never had any,” she adds with a laugh. The two share a “Fighting!” fist bump outside the elevator. Adorable.

The ever cheerful Ji-yi knows something must have happened between Yoon-ha and her mother for Yoon-ha to come visit her rooftop abode, and jokes that perhaps a birth secret could be involved.

Surprisingly, Yoon-ha had once wondered the same thing herself and had her DNA tested against Madam Min’s, only to find out that they were indeed a biological match. She’d cried at the results, but it’s hard to say whether those were tears of relief or sorrow.

Ji-yi may not know about Yoon-ha’s chaebol roots, but she does suspect there’s some money involved when she hears about the DNA test—it’s an expensive test, after all. Still, she jokes that the test lends a very drama-esque feel to Yoon-ha’s life. Hee.

That meta thread continues when Yoon-ha tries to offer advice to her friend regarding Joon-ki, claiming that Ji-yi could lead the good life if she were to marry him. Ji-yi’s quick to reply that becoming a Cinderella isn’t realistic—and besides, she’s comfortable making money off her own work and doesn’t want to mooch off a guy. Go her.

Still, Yoon-ha doesn’t seem to get it as she wonders what’s wrong with leaning on and depending on the man she loves. Ji-yi would be much more comfortable living off her man’s money, she adds, which is such strange advice to be coming from a girl who wants to marry for love more than wealth.

After an awkward moment where Ji-yi reveals that she’s following a rich chaebol socialite online—who happens to be Yoon-ha’s older sister—Ji-yi sighs that getting followed back by that unni means she notices “people like us.”

“What’s wrong with people like us?” Yoon-ha asks defensively. They work hard for their money, which makes them different from chaebol heirs who grow up thinking their parents will always give them money.

“We’re different,” she adds. “People like her will always be rich, and we continue to be poor even when we work hard and get insulted. We’re not always going to be poor. We save up because we know money is precious.” That’s commitment to a lie if I’ve ever seen it, and even Ji-yi doesn’t seem to buy it. She’s definitely suspicious about who Yoon-ha really is.

Still, it’s cute to see both girls smiling and laughing as they discuss their friendship, suspicions and all.

The next morning, Kyung-joon makes sure to catch little sister Yoon-ha on her way out of the house to ask if Chang-soo treated her rudely on their seon.

He wants to know because he’s acquainted with Chang-soo and can tell him what time it is on his sister’s behalf, but Yoon-ha keeps her answer diplomatic by claiming that her actions directly caused Chang-soo’s rudeness. Oppa doesn’t look convinced.

While on his way to visit Joon-ki at his new job in his family’s company, Chang-soo spots an excited Ji-yi waiting with snacks outside the door. Their back and forth banter (Chang-soo: “Are you looking for someone?” Ji-yi: “No. I mean, yes!”) is hilarious because of his straightforward questions and her rushed and confused answers, since she’s already nervous enough as is.

Based on her reaction when Joon-ki appears, Chang-soo asks if his friend knows her, and gets introduced to Ji-yi as an employee of the Yumin Department Store Food Market. Chang-soo stops Joon-ki from introducing him as her boss, covering instead by playing the lazy, jobless friend.

When Ji-yi presents her gifts to commemorate Joon-ki’s first day of work, the ensuing roundabout of confusion is priceless. “You must like Joon-ki,” Chang-soo notes. “No, I don’t like him!” replies an embarrassed Ji-yi, which backfires on her when Joon-ki asks, “You don’t like me?” Chang-soo: “Do you like him or not?” Hahaha.

Ji-yi finally loses her temper by muttering about what a pest Chang-soo is, before quickly apologizing and reverting to her usual sweet self. It’s even funnier how she’s dripping with honey when addressing Joon-ki, but seething when she clocks Chang-soo for using banmal with her.

Once they’re in the office, Chang-soo naturally assumes Ji-yi was just trying to get on Joon-ki’s good side because of his position, which is why he didn’t tell her who he really was—she would have been all over him in a heartbeat if she knew.

Joon-ki just shakes his head at his friend’s assumptions and muses, “I always thought that only poor people had victim mentalities, but rich people have the same mindset.” Chang-soo claims it’s actually just elitism as he chomps into the sandwich Ji-yi made for Joon-ki.

Chang-soo encounters Ji-yi again on the storeroom floor and makes it a point to formally ask her if she needs help, only to be brushed off coldly. But when he mentions that the sandwich she made was delicious, she whips around indignantly, then wonders under her breath how Joon-ki could have given her gift to him.

But Chang-soo overhears a word that sounds too close to “dog” and takes offense, which only heightens the offense Ji-yi takes at being overheard and being spoken to informally again.

They go back and forth like that until Ji-yi tells him he should do a better job at hitting on her if that’s what he’s doing, only to catch him on being disrespectful and clueless when he claims he didn’t pick up on the fact that she’s interested in Joon-ki.

She can only scoff indignantly before throwing out that Joon-ki really must be that good of a person to have a friend like Chang-soo, since he clearly didn’t pick him for his class. Slick burn.

It’s not over for Chang-soo, since Kyung-joon calls him in for a talking-to about his date gone wrong with his younger sister. He punches Chang-soo for insulting his sister’s manners to his face, warning him to act more appropriately from now on.

After a tense meeting between the idealistic Kyung-joon and his ruthless older sister Ye-won over some shady company matters, Joon-ki seems surprised to find Yoon-ha working in the Food Market, and even more surprised that she’s fluent in Chinese.

Ji-yi sidles up next to him to brag about her friend’s language skills, but has no good answer when Joon-ki asks for her sincere opinion on why sales have been so low. Maybe that’s what he was going for.

When Chang-soo returns to the Food Market he’s understandably reluctant to talk to Joon-ki about the bloody lip he’s now sporting, but he finds his day further soured when he tries to smile appealingly at Ji-yi only to get a sour face in return. Hah.

But that’s when he recognizes Yoon-ha at the tasting table, and rather than being discreet, he points her out. She takes him outside for a more private conversation, and swiftly debunks his initial theory that she’s working for his company as a spy—the company would have to merit being spied on first.

Chang-soo seems all too happy to show her the bloody lip her older brother gave him, though any attempt to pin it on her goes out the window when she says he has only himself to blame. So then he switches tactics: Is she working at his company to see if he’ll be a good match for her, since she can’t marry the guy she’s currently seeing?

She sets that rumor straight by dropping down to banmal with him, since he won’t move up to formal language with her. Explaining matter-of-factly how she needed a job where she wouldn’t be recognized as a chaebol’s daughter, she ended up at the Food Market after trying everywhere else. It’s just a coincidence that it’s Chang-soo’s family’s company.

He presents other alternatives to her, like rebelling by spending her family’s money lavishly, but she replies that she has another dream. As to what that is, they’d have to be closer for her to share it. For now she just wants him to pretend that he doesn’t know who she is—after all, he told her on their first failed date that he usually grants a woman’s request.

“It depends on the woman,” Chang-soo says smoothly, taking a step toward her. “You want to be my woman? I’ll grant your request then.” Yoon-ha: “I’ll just quit.” HA.

He’s still so riled up when they return to the storeroom floor that he marches right up to Yoon-ha and Ji-yi to announce that he’s not unemployed, but is in fact the executive director of the department store they’re standing in.

Ji-yi takes a while to digest that but then responds meekly with the respect of an employee to her superior, which isn’t exactly what Chang-soo wanted either. He just stomps off, exasperated.

Not long after Ye-won tries and fails to get her father’s support against Kyung-joon and the potentially damning documents he has on the family company, her father visits his mistress. Unfortunately for Lady Kim, her visit with chairman gets cut short by a news report on Taejin Parmaceuticals’ not-so-secret overseas slush fund. Ruh roh.

Ji-yi is still as suspicious as ever of Yoon-ha’s bank account, since all her talk about being poor and saving money doesn’t add up with the kind of clothes she wears. Yoon-ha adamantly denies Ji-yi’s claim that Chang-soo must be her sponsor, and listens as her friend croons over how perfect Joon-ki is.

Yoon-ha can’t understand why Ji-yi won’t just ask him out if she’s so in love with him, finally concluding that Ji-yi is just that shy. So she takes it upon herself to ask Joon-ki out for a weekend date, though he questions her motives: “Do you like me?”

She says it’s not her but Ji-yi who likes him, only to be taken aback when he flatly answers that he already knows. When she says yes to whether she’ll be joining them on that date, he returns with, “What if I start liking you instead?”

Now Yoon-ha is really out of her depth, but Joon-ki’s angle seems directed at Yoon-ha’s interference and how easily that can backfire. He doesn’t want anyone getting into his business—and besides, he’s not free this weekend. So there.

Yoon-ha and Kyung-joon meet at one of the family villas to avoid any unwanted prying, where they discuss what’s troubling them. In the case of Chang-soo, Kyung-joon defends his actions because any insult to his little sister is an insult to him.

“Why are you so good to me?” Yoon-ha wonders, thinking of how they weren’t this close when they were younger. Kyung-joon sighs before admitting that age changed him—plus a divorce and a few failed business ventures.

Even so, Yoon-ha doesn’t want him to be so nice to her, believing that she’s under a curse where the people who love her always end up disappearing. “I’m trying really hard not to love you,” she admits, though he knows that her saying that means she already does.

She also supports her brother wholeheartedly, sure that her brother won’t be like their father when/if he comes to power. She knows he’s a good person, despite his worry that good people don’t make it in business. Yoon-ha doesn’t buy it, and promises to use what little familial power she has to back him.

That, and the secret savings account she’s been squirreling money into. She’s saved every penny the family’s given to her and has even bought some company stocks, and hopes to use it to leave the house as soon as next year. Maybe she’ll even start a business with Ji-yi too, which seems to impress Kyung-joon. It’s nice that they form an alliance of good people in a family of questionable ones.

Chang-soo and Joon-ki talk on the phone about Yoon-ha, and Joon-ki hints that despite Chang-soo’s complaints, he’s just itching to see her again. Chang-soo can tell that Joon-ki’s been riding his bike and jokes that he won’t be able to beat him even if he practices.

But in a forlorn flashback, we see Joon-ki stealthily apply the brakes during his earlier bike race with Chang-soo. He let him win.

While the prosecution heats up on Taejin Group, Yoon-ha gets herself in hot water when she defends Ji-yi against being terrorized by a snobby customer, landing both friends in the police station for questioning.

To their surprise, it’s Joon-ki who comes to their rescue with proof that the customer dropped the charges… on the condition that they apologize to the lady. Ji-yi may be willing, but Yoon-ha is not.

“Are you going to keep causing trouble?” Joon-ki asks Yoon-ha, his patience running thin. Unafraid, Yoon-ha defends that she can’t “keep” causing trouble when this is only her first time, to which Joon-ki asks why he’d think she’s always causing trouble then. “Probably because you have a prejudiced opinion of me,” Yoon-ha fires back.

Joon-ki’s jaw flexes as he tries very hard to remain civil and patient against Yoon-ha’s absolute stubbornness, but he doesn’t succeed. Any points he makes are quickly shot down because Yoon-ha knows the law and, more importantly, refuses to apologize when she didn’t do anything wrong.

That turns out to be the last straw, as Joon-ki declares that she’s fired—the company won’t protect her any longer. Yoon-ha fires back that the company never protected her as a part-timer anyway, and asks if she was supposed to just throw her pride away for that.

“Do you know what real pride is?” Joon-ki growls. “It’s when you don’t get hurt by others. Your pride is just for show.” He turns to Ji-yi, who’s forced to make a decision between siding with her friend and her job. At Yoon-ha’s insistence, Ji-yi chooses her job.

Kyung-joon updates his father on all the goings-on regarding the prosecution case, since it’s been left up to him to handle all the cleanup. The ungrateful Chairman Jang demands that Kyung-joon also cover up Ye-won’s secret fund/embezzlement issue, and the fact that his father already knew about his daughter’s underhanded dealings takes Kyung-joon by surprise.

He presents his case as being unfair, since he’s doing all this work to fix the company’s image and now has to fix his sister’s mess. Chairman Jang reminds him that he’s still being tested to see if he’ll be able to become the true heir, to which Kyung-joon asks frustratingly if the test will ever end. Short answer? Nope.

After apologizing to the butthurt customer, Ji-yi asks Joon-ki if he might reconsider firing Yoon-ha. She tries different tactics to convince him, like claiming that Yoon-ha is a good person even if she has a lot to hide (Joon-ki disagrees with that), and that things haven’t ended well for anyone who’s crossed Yoon-ha before.

Joon-ki knows Ji-yi’s trying anything at this point and simply cautions her to worry about herself instead of others. Yoon-ha is still fired.

Turns out that Ji-yi may not have been telling tall tales about those unfortunate enough to mistreat Yoon-ha, since Yoon-ha sends a picture of the butthurt customer in mid-slap Kyung-joon, asking him to take care of it.

Joon-ki meets Chang-soo after dropping Ji-yi off, and asks how he knows Yoon-ha. “Don’t you know?” Chang-soo wonders, but when he figures out that Joon-ki doesn’t know, he covers by acting like she was just some fling he got bored of. It’s a telling sign that the second he’s gone, Joon-ki brushes his shoulder as if to rid it of Chang-soo’s contact.

But Chang-soo, unable to get over how Ji-yi walked past him without acknowledging him, chases her down to demand an answer. She breaks down the second she turns to him, still torn up about the lady customer’s insults.

Cut to: The two of them at a street stall, where Ji-yi’s already drunk. She wonders if he can even comfort her when he’s likely never even been insulted before, to which Chang-soo defends that he’s just as human as she is.

Filled with liquid courage, she asks him outright if he deceived her when he first met her because he was afraid she’d try to date him, which is probably the truth, though he claims that he did it so she wouldn’t feel uncomfortable.

“You’re not that bad of a person if you know how to tell white lies,” she muses. But now that she’s put all the pieces together, she’s figured out that he’s the chairman’s son.

She reaches out to touch him giddily, excited that she’s met an actual chaebol. Even cuter, she all but jumps out of her skin in delight when Chang-soo takes her hand to lead her.

A befuddled Chang-soo asks if she’s trying to hit on him, and she sighs, “Even if I wanted to, I can’t. It’s unrealistic. You’re just a chaebol I see in dramas. I don’t want to shoot a drama, and I don’t have time to shoot one. I’m too busy living my life.” This gets a smile out of Chang-soo at least.

Yoon-ha can only put up with So-hyun’s needling for so long before she asks her sister why she hates her. It’s jealousy, or a really strange form of it—So-hyun envies the fact that their parents ignore Yoon-ha and let her do whatever she wants.

“Do you know what it’s like to not receive love from your parents?” Yoon-ha asks, but So-hyun just snaps that Yoon-ha attached herself to Kyung-joon’s side so she’d have an ally when their father passes. A physical catfight ensues with both sisters spitting hateful things at each other. Yoon-ha texts Kyung-joon after to stop him from taking any action regarding her job, since she’s been fired anyway.

Chang-soo is at a loss for words as he drives a passed-out Ji-yi home, and wakes her up with a hard stop. He’s suspicious that she’s just trying to touch him when she can’t even unfasten her seatbelt, only to give in when she starts crying.

Then she smiles, “It worked!” Hahaha. He wonders how she can go from tears to laughter so quickly, and also how she can be Yoon-ha’s friend without knowing her real background.

They’re interrupted by a knock on the driver’s side door—it’s Yoon-ha with a brick, ready for use in case Chang-soo’s been terrorizing her friend. Chang-soo’s defense goes unheard as Ji-yi reaches over him to hold Yoon-ha’s hand and apologize for earlier, and he’s caught in an awkward spot as the two women seem to forget he’s even there.

When he’s finally had enough, he gets out of the car… and rrriiiiiiippp. He looks down to find most of his shirt gone, having torn in Ji-yi’s hand.

“Daebak,” Ji-yi says of the view, before promptly passing out.


Daebak indeed. I can’t remember the last time I loved a non-villainous second lead as much as Chang-soo, but here we are in just the second episode and I’m head over heels for him. What’s more amazing is that he’s not stealing hearts because he’s the best guy ever and sure to be way better for the heroine down the line—he couldn’t be further from that actually, and is instead childish, naive, and simultaneously both a little dense and strangely astute.

But therein lies the charm, because while it’s not unusual for young chaebol characters to be a mixture of all of those things, there seems to be a propensity in dramaland to turn that mixture into something more testosterone-fueled and borderline dangerous. Too often we see this character type take the pigtail-pulling behavior they should’ve already gotten out of their systems into adulthood, giving us heroines pushed into swimming pools (Heirs), terrorizing pranks turned even more terrifying (Boys Over Flowers), most of (Secret), and any other drama with spoiled chaebol heroes who don’t understand how to be people. Chang-soo may not win any awards on personhood anytime soon, but he’s trying, and boy does that count for a lot these days. Plus, he’s absolutely adorable.

At the same time, I could be lauding Chang-soo’s virtues without knowing what kind of person he must be for Joon-ki to despise(?) him the way he does. Joon-ki’s a much harder nut to crack, and the picture we’re getting of their relationship as friends seems much more fractured than the first episode would’ve had us believe. And though Joon-ki having to swallow whatever-it-is that he truly feels makes him a somewhat tragic figure, it also makes me wonder what game he’s playing at. Clearly he’s able to manipulate Chang-soo into letting him think they’re friends, so much so that he even loses just to make Chang-soo feel better, but why? Is he doing it just to move up in the world, which would make him ruthless? What could Chang-soo have done that would make Joon-ki brush off any part of his clothing Chang-soo’s touched?

Yoon-ha’s not necessarily an open book either, and it’s strangely fascinating that she’s also manipulating a friend of hers. It’s bizarre hearing her give advice to Ji-yi like she’s lived a lifetime in her shoes, but since I can’t imagine that Yoon-ha’s just pretending to level with Ji-yi, for now I’ll choose to think that Yoon-ha legitimately cares about the plight of the poor despite being filthy rich. Trapped in her loveless family the way she is, it’s hard to blame her for wanting a life of her own—and if she wants to attain that life through hard work, more power to her.

I’m really curious to know whether Ji-yi’s warning about bad things happening to those who cross Yoon-ha has any truth to it though, since Yoon-ha was rather quick to text Kyung-joon after the Food Market fiasco. And try as she might to tell Chang-soo that she can’t get a job anywhere else, she’s still in a much different position than Ji-yi when she can afford to lose her job to protect her pride while Ji-yi can’t. She’s met an ideological opponent in Joon-ki though, because if he’s even half as ambitious as he seems to be, I can’t imagine he’ll like Yoon-ha any more if he finds out that she’s just itching to give away what most people can only dream of. In the meantime, I’ll take more drunken antics from these two.


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SO onboard this show! I'm super biased (towards Sung Joon) so I love the reserved OTP a lot more. :D

Thanks for the recap! Off to read (:


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Sung Joon does the silent brooding act quite well. For me, he and Uee improved 10 folds in the first 2 episodes. He was never a bad actor for me but sometimes a bit too serious...

Uee is an okay actress, quite charming and effective... but this time I felt that she improved a lot. She has the habit of yo-yoing between good acting and poker face. She needs consistency but I didn't find any such this time. She is giving her all.

Yes, Sung Joon all the way!
Love the little looks he gives Uee and one can tell he has been straight away smitten by her from day one. Just that he tries to be pragmatic but it is not long before his rigid exterior crumbles... can't wait for the next episodes!


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this episode was so hilarious! i love Chang Soo~ he's really funny with his expressions, being all cheeky but getting turned down hilariously. Park Hyung Shik is indeed a good actor. i like seeing Chang Soo and Jiyi interaction. they'd make a cute couple with their bickering.

so far, i dont really feel the two leads' chemistry. they're good actors/actresses, but the chemistry isnt there yet. maybe coz their interaction is still minimal.

anyway, UEE looks very thin...


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i want UEE to put some fat too! She looks older when thin.


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Contrary to you, I find Uee to be really pretty now. She was indeed thin in Hogu's Love, but seem just right now.
Her eyes are also more normal looking these days. They were so unnaturally big before, like she was staring hard at the camera, in the days of Ojakgyo Brothers.


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I agree... Uee is looking quite pretty i this drama... I think it is the make-up and also she looks soooo young here. I've checked she is like 2 years older than Sung Joon but she looks quite young here, maybe around 17/ 18 years of age.
I think it is the pink shade they added to her clothes and make-up... can't say. She is definitely looking prettier than before and younger than she is.


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This episode got me hooked!


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<she’s just itching to give away what most people can only dream of

Is she though? If she were, she could just walk out already and start from the bottom (or even with some money saved up as a cushion). She wants happiness, but I'm not so convinced she totally wants to let go of her rich, comfortable life, or even her family (her brother and, yes, her mother – I think she more so wishes the mother would change).

I hope there'll be more insight soon why she hasn't walked out yet because just her saying she wants to be "fully prepared" is too vague.


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I am in complete agreement with you, alua. I also don't see her rejecting the rich lifestyle. I feel that if she could hold onto all her wealth and the benefits that accompany it, she would do so in a heartbeat. She just wants to be loved in addition to holding onto her wealth.


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I don't think she hates 'being rich' rather hates her present unloving circumstances and wants to break free. So she is saving money and even bought stocks which shows she needs money and she plans to do some other business with her best friend...she is just waiting for the right time to break away.

It is her family who is basically driving her away (into marriage).
When she is bad mouthing the chaebols', she is doing because she actually knows the difference between them and the working class esp. she knows her family and how dysfunctional they are.

Glad to see a realistic and complicated character like hers. Feels easier to root for her. She is strong and independent and has a 'dream'. :)

I hope Sung Joon's character doesn't break her heart because we all know he is already attracted towards her from day one...it's just that he might now pursue her for his selfish intention... She's been going strong and independent for now and even saving up to pursue her dream, the last thing we need a man to ruin her dreams.


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"Glad to see a complicated and realistic character like hers."
Actually I'm not sure how realistic it is. It doesn't bother me 1 bit if she isn't. That'd be half the fun. Guess I've long stopped expecting KDs to be realistic.


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>I hope there'll be more insight soon why she hasn't walked out yet because just her saying she wants to be "fully prepared" is too vague.

I hope she talks more about this too but I don't think it's exactly vague. I got the feeling she didn't want to become poor so she was making a nice money pile before leaving so she could keep some of her comfortable lifestyle. I'd do the same. :)


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She totally lost my vote when she sent an SOS to her elder and powerful brother to 'take care' of the woman who had insulted her. And it sounded like it was not the first time! Sooooo, she is only playing at being a commoner. She wears expensive clothes (sans tags), calls upon her brother to avenge the slights she receives and extols the virtues of the plebian life she aspires to. Seems like she wants to have it all and lives in a warped world of mixed sensibilities. Real common people don't have that luxury.


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>Sooooo, she is only playing at being a commoner.

Yes, but what is the surprise? :) That was her very first line at the first episode, that she was happy that wasn't her life all day long, her real situation. That was what I liked about her btw, she was realistic about what she wanted. What's wrong with trying a different lifestyle but not embracing it fully? It's like we've been thought it is a sin for a rich person to pretend to be poor unless she was willing to fully commit.

If someone poor played at being rich for 8h a day I doubt people would be upset.

What's wrong with wanting to have it all, real common people SHOULD have the means to defend themselves against lunatic customers, just because they don't doesn't mean she shouldn't either. :)


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thank you! u said what i was thiking. she was using her connections, which u can argue about the ethics of doing so while "playing at" being a commoner. but the fact is that lady was WAY out of line, her ass should be sued or smth for her actions. even if yoon ha is rich, ji yi isnt and the lady was insulting ji yi. using her power to help protect or avenge her friend is imo totally understandable?

idk i feel yoon ha, she doesnt hate being wealthy, who could hate money or privilege? she hates her FAMILY and part of the suffocating situation she is in, is related to their wealth and being a chaebol family. so yeah she wants to breakaway, doesnt mean she's gonna run out with nothing but the shirt on her back like a loon if she can avoid doing so. girl is just smart/savvy.


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I'm enjoying this drama thus far but I definitely agree with you! I was very thrown off by the text she sent to her brother! It's like she's dipping her feet in the pool, but not going all in... At some point, she'll have to leave or dive in there.

Can't wait to see how this all unfolds!


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have you ever tried to live a toxic hostile living situation with no outside support or money? cuz if u have i'd p sure you'd never say that lol. you cant just leave cuz you want to leave.
she would legit have nowhere to go and nothing to live off of and she has her pride so either she'd completely break or she'd go back home as a failure which would be worse than dying to her i suspect.
If she goes against her parents openly she will get the treatment her mother got. her mother is p much a living example of the hell yoon ha could easily get sold into and thats i suspect why she refuses to marry on their terms and is insistent on not leaving until she has her own resources to live on. so she can TRULY cut ties with her family. she's in it to win it. no half measures. you dont have to agree with her methods. but she's been pretty true to her main goal. she's not doing this for charity or good will or justice. she's doing it for HERSELF and her HAPPINESS. she said so many times. i respect her for that.

(and yeah she has ji yi as a sort of support but jy has no money and yh burdening her friend with her own self imposed exile would not be cool of her. esp since she'd have to keep lying to her to do so or tell her the truth which involves admitting she was lying to her up to that point.i can def see why yh would rather reward jy for her friendship with money and security instead of turning her friend's home into a makeshift rich girl refugee camp)


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Especially because you know her parents would ruin JY in order to get YH back home and under their thumbs. So I totally get why YH is keeping her situation to herself. JY is already giving her what she needs most: A friend. Someone to talk to, who cares what happens to her.

Who knows if YH has anyone else that cares about her in her life besides JY and her brother? We don't even know how long her brother has been feeling kindly towards her. Could be the last 6 months or the last 5 years. It is still new enough that YH remains at least a little bit skeptical. And that comment about people that she loves - sounds like some backstory to be revealed there. I will be curious to find out how YH got the idea that she should apply to a plebian job and what all she hopes to accomplish and if that ties in at all.

I just hope her brother doesn't end up using her for the stock she bought in the family company (and why didn't' YH receive stock if some has been given to all the other kids?) . That would make me so sad for her.


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Second LeadS Syndrome, Heads?

It's not new...Surely you saw Boys Over Flowers.....though the SoEul couple there was more like Third Leads Syndrome.

I find Park Hyung Shik really likable and charming in all his acting projects, he looks really cute when he has a girl.


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It IS not new. I loved Lee Bo Na and her boyfriend (lol i forgot the guy's name) from The Heirs. They're so adorable and was the only reason that kept me continue watching that overrated drama.


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They were more like third leads actually...

but Heirs still have me major Second Leads Syndrome for Kim Ji-won and Kim Woo-bin, their characters were far more interesting and the actors had way more chemistry than the bland oatmeal main leads.

It's a real shame they didn't get together in the drama despite flirting constantly.


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It's not new, but here in High Society, it's pretty obvious that the second leads are outshining the other two.

I find PHS and IJY (especially the latter) surprisingly likable. And they have amazing chemistry as well. To me, they feel more like a main couple rather than second couple. Very, very entertaining to watch.

UEE doesn't have the aura nor the looks of a chaebol daughter to me, her acting doesn't impress me either. Sung Joon is doing alright, but it's Park Hyun-Sik's Chang-Soo and Lee Jin-Yi who steal the show.


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Thanks for the recap. And like you, while waiting to get the full picture, I'll take more cute from our second leads.


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Yup, this episode got me hooked good.


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Just finished watching this episode and was wondering when this recap would be out so i refreshed db and bam here it is hahaha.

Thanks for this! Sungjoon's role isn't doing much for me thus far, unfortunately. Idk but he doesn't make me want to root for him as much as i want to root for changsoo (flaws and all) y'know? Anyhow, loved the interactions between the second leads like why are they so adorable ;w;

Looking forward to the next episode! (and more shirtless scenes of park hyungsik, thank you very much hehe)


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JK has been too standoffish and rude for me to root for him yet, especially since all we've seen of him is his loving family and pseudo-friendship with CS. I get that it would totally suck having your pseudo friend blatantly succeed off your hard work just because of his name, but I'm not fully convinced that CS does it maliciously rather than obliviously and might just stop if his friend spoke up and corrected him. Who knows, maybe he would stop doing crap like stealing his sandwiches and might even be a good loser in a bike race if given the chance.

But then again, we saw what a douche he was at the marriage blind date, so maybe not. Can't let how cute he is when chasing after the girl rejecting him erase his other behaviors.


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I died at the ripped shirt! HAHAHAHAHAHA.

The second leads are so adorable and fun together, I hope they don't get caught up in any form of love geometry and just be together. I am already so intrigued with Joon-ki and Yoon-ha especially the depth of their characters. I hope they can be as cute as the second leads. Show, please don't be too melo?

On a side note: Sung Joon does those forlorn expressions best, really. I don't know why some people say he's "just a pretty boy," when he's all sorts expressive. Also, UEE doest not look thin to me AT ALL. Why do I keep seeing comments about that? :(

I hope this show fares well and gets more interesting. It's a familiar plot, but I look forward to its fresh approach.


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I agree with you about both Sung Joon and Uee! Uee might have lost a lot of weight lately but she isn't THAT thin. And Sung Joon, I might be really biased because I find him hella attractive but he does brooding really well. And when he does those longing gazes at Uee, gahhh. I think their romance will lit up pretty soon, just that the second leads are really adorable together (!) doesn't mean the less cute (just more melo, intense) couple deserved to be left out right? Let's be patient, everyone. It's just the second episode. :D


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i think the second leads also will be melo, cause im sure his family wont be too thrilled at her being a high school graduate working in a grocery store. i still havent any chemistry for the first leads yet whereas for the 2nd lead it was bam from the moment they talked.


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UEE is thin but she's no thinner than 99% of all other korean actresses and idols.
and im really SICK of hearing ppl comment on her looks in every freaking post even remotely related to her or this show. like....wth is so offensive about her losing weight and having some PS on her face in a society where both of those are very common and encouraged? and Why do these people think their opinions on UEE's looks are interesting or needed? I havent told anyone to shut the hell up yet cuz there's so many it would be pointless.
Seriously, if all a person has to add to the discussion is UGH UEE IS SO THIN PLASTIC UGLY NOT PRETTY NE MORE OLD LOOKING etc etc. then how about they go take that shit to a uee anti fan cafe instead of cluttering the comment section with inane blather and needless negativity? hmm???


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I keep crossing my fingers, too, please don't be too melo…

The drama poster had Joonki with "I can be evil" and Yoonha with "Don't be evil." What's going to happen??? I can't wait! But I hope it's good. And not too heart-wrenching. I'll take plot holes over cold-blooded betrayal any day. Romance over revenge, okay, drama? Do you hear me? Please, don't be evil. And, if you're going to be evil, Joonki, don't be evil to your girl, okay?


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I watch this drama because of Uee and Lim Ji Yeon. I think their acting in their previous projects are really well.
I was pessimistic about both of PHS and SJ. I've never believe in their characters in their previous projects.
And now, I still feel can't believe SJ's character in High Society. But PHS is quite hilarious here :)


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Abt Uee and Lim:
I super love the friendship between the girls right now. I hope 2nd Fe lead won't get all jealous and nasty when she finds out that her crush has his eyes on her BF and that later things heat up between the OTP.
Love that 2nd Fe lead is kinda dim and simple-minded. So refreshing. Pls keep her that way.


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Been on the Changsoo&Jiyi ship since ep 1. The leads had better chemistry in the teasers..but now I am now doubting that as I don't particularly like Joonki as what we have been shown so far has really turned me off..only positive thing about him was his interaction with his mother in this ep.. Anyway, completely love Changsoo!!!


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Hahahaha that ripped shirt scene! I bet gummi was jealous you got to recap ep2. XD

Damn that Hyungsik is sekshi. And an ass. I enjoy his confusion and being knocked down a dozen pegs by Jiyi.


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Jealous doesn't even begin to describe all of my feelings. Heads definitely got the cuter episode :)


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Chan Soo & Ji Yi are the leads now, because they have more screentime than the leads xddd.


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The second leads are cute but I still find Joon-ki and Yoon-ha so intriguing, and crackling with chemistry already. I'm glued to the screen everytime they come on. It's very exciting to watch them interact because you don't know what each is going to say. I can't wait for this romance to develope. This is the right kind of melo, where it gives you these feels. Why is a week so long?!


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this is how i feel. chanyi is a cute diversion from the main angsty plotline and otp. but if this drama was just them i'd be bored alrdy. they are hitting all the familiar beats for any rich man/poor woman rom com set up. chansoo is himself a mash up of various chaebol leads in recent years. which is fine imo, second otp is cute but im glad they arent our main otp.

yoonjoon has alot more going there for a more meaty intense romance. and im interested in their dynamic as people not just as a couple. i can forsee her giving him what he's been wanting by that i mean a real opinion on why the food market is failing, which even director chansoo cant seem to conjure up. (he seems about as suited to business as a seal is to formal wear but that's a different topic) which i can see as the start to something. also am curious as to why Joon Ki keeps eyeing her. i dont think its love or infatuation but i dont think its purely curiosity either. hard to say for now.
nutshell: chanyi are both open books and yoonki are the more reserved calculating ones.


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I think he is suspicious and attracted and that makes him curious. She was obviously dressed down at that ritzy hotel...but she was at the ritzy hotel. She and CS know each other...but neither are forthcoming about why which suggests that maybe they had a fling or something like. Her attitude and apparent education conflict with her position - and if there is one thing I feel like I know about JK it is that he is very status-conscious - so that would also make him suspicious of her.

I'm wondering if he will either 1. start romancing her because he figures out she is rich or 2. will start romancing her because he wants her to admit she only wants a rich guy.


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So weird, I was feeling like Hyunsik and the other 2nd lead were not doing great acting in their roles (which doesn't bother me much, I'm only bothered by the horrible newbie Australian actors that show up in dramas playing Americans) but when you put them together, bam! everything works.

Hyunsik isn't convincing to me yet as a chaebol jerk, but he sure is purty. And Sung Joon and Uee I like a lot. Thanks for the recap!


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+1 totally agree with your comment


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Chansoo and Jiyi are so funny and cute! I'm actually more invested in them than the main leads, though I find the actress acting Jiyi kinda awkward at acting at times.
For now I'm just watching it randomly, not so into it yet because I find the story quite boring.


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SJ character is just nasty, he is driven by wanting to be rich and chose PHS character to get him to the inner circle, while resenting what he has to do to be his friend.

Uee character seems to enjoy the perks of being rich but does not want to be controlled by her family because of money so she wants to make her own.


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Actually I liked the episode 2 but the last scene left me blank. I kept repeating and laughed like crazy , it was a DAE TO THE BAAK scene :D :D he he he


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Glad DB has decided to recap this series for good. Thank you gummimochi and headsno2!

I think Uee is a doing a good job here. She's expressing her character's hurt well, without being overdramatic. I've kept my eye on her since the days of Ojakgyo Brothers - she showed so much potential then. From this episode, I was especially moved by her scene with Lee Sang Woo.

Sung Joon... Well, I will give you some more time. It seems that he doesn't have that much screen time as compared to Uee, so I'm hoping he steps it up next week. The scene where his mom dropped by to do some cleaning in his home - that for me, was his most memorable scene in this show yet. Joon Ki actually smiled and I felt sincerity in his character.

Park Hyung Sik was the reason I tuned in to High Society. He still is :) That charm, that childishness, those expressions and that hair. Not forgetting that ripped shirt. I'm glad his chemistry with Im Ji Yeon is keeping the show going. All that aside, I do think he is becoming more natural with his acting. He was a little green in Nine (remember him, guys? Lee Jin Wook Junior) but he's progressing nicely.

Patiently counting down the days till episode 3 comes out...


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Thanks for the recap, HeadsNo2!

I enjoyed this ep more than the first one. Jiyi and Changsoo are just too cute. Drunk antics and ripped shirt! LOL Their convos were funny as well.

I like the dynamics between Joonki and his mom.

Yoonha seems to have this sense of justice and pride, not willing to back down despite being supposedly poor and need to have a part-time job. I wonder if it comes from years of living in an oppressed family where she's expected to follow orders and not speak her mind. So now, in this alternate identity, she's not willing to make any compromises no matter the consequence.

At least Yoonha has a great relationship with her oppa out of her whole family. That scene with her unni was hard to watch... That feeling that everyone who is related to you hates you and neglects you... =( I think it was really hard for her to understand why her mom acts that way to her since she truly is the biological mother...


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Yoon ha's mother is right about one thing: Yoon ha is just too damned confrontational. It makes sense that she feels she needs to have a say and be acknowledged since she has practically no voice or presence in her own home. Still, it's bad for business or any future employer she may have.

I also don't like how she runs to Oppa to solve all her problems for her. If she's gonna wear her big girl pants, then she should do so all the way, and not pick and choose what aspects of being poor that she likes while still holding on to the trappings of wealth whenever it is convenient for her to do so. I didn't miss the nuance behind Ji Yi's warning to Joon ki not to fire Yoon ha, that anyone who messes with her either finds themselves bankrupt or hurt in some way. In the end, despite Yoon ha's persecution at home, she's still a chaebol's daughter.


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  Re; I also don’t like how she runs to Oppa to solve all her problems for her.

I totally agree. She wants to have some independence from her stifling family but when it comes to her own crises, she asks Oppa to do dirty problem solving for her. This is a method that an immature girl would use. But since she is a Chaebol's daughter, her begging comes with a big price to whom meddled with her.


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"I also don’t like how she runs to Oppa to solve all her problems for her. If she’s gonna wear her big girl pants, then she should do so all the way, and not pick and choose what aspects of being poor that she likes while still holding on to the trappings of wealth whenever it is convenient for her to do so."

I don't I think it might be something he follows through with on his own, I'm thinking she might ask brother for help in the heat of the moment and then she sends him a follow up text to tell him to forget it like she did here, but he just goes through with it on his own.


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My point is that she shouldn't run to Oppa to solve her crises for her. If she's going to be a big girl, then she should take care of it on her own and deal with the consequences, even when they are not to her liking. That's what being a responsible adult means.


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She's what mid-twenties? That's still in the age range of people who's first impulse is to go to their parents for help when they encounter a problem. No matter how mature they try to be outside of that.


Why being a big girl should mean she should do everything by herself and never ask for help? If she is being wrongly accused by someone who is counting on her fragile economic situation why is it wrong to use her money to defend herself?

Being a responsible adult should mean you know the right thing and is willing to do it even if it costs a price. She liked the job she liked her friend's company but being humiliated because a crazy customer demands so and your boss is happy to comply is not the right thing. Getting fired is the price a responsible adult could be paying for doing the right thing and she accepted that.

Sorry if I'm rambling on about this, just thought it was an interesting take on the situation. :)


>Yoon ha is just too damned confrontational. It makes sense that she feels she needs to have a say and be acknowledged since she has practically no voice or presence in her own home.

Are you talking about the way she got fired? What could or should she have done? Apologized?

I'm not sure I understand her character very well yet or if she is even consistent, after all she had a mild reaction to getting slapped and splashed with water but a strong one to lead ignoring her. I think it's just lazy writing and means nothing, however in that customer situation at the market and later at the police station, I don't imagine how she could have dealt with it differently.


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Not just with the customers, but also with her sister. If I were her and my home life as terrible as Yoon-ha, I would avoid crossing paths with people that I'm just going to clash with every time I see them. It's just to much energy and not worth it.

But then if I were her, I'd be out of that house already – there's too much emotional and physical abuse piled onto her on a regular basis. And she has the means to leave!

And I do think she could have reacted differently. We'd have a lot of fights everywhere if people reacted like Yoon-ha all the time. Diplomacy is not a skill of hers.


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She does seem to avoid them as much as possible. I don't think she was particularly confrontational with anyone so far but when family members slapped and insulted her, she didn't ran away.

It feels very odd to me to be defending a kdrama lead.:) I'm usually annoyed at them for being so meek and kind to all the crazy people around them. I find her so normal it is quite refreshing, for once a girl that dares to speak up for herself and people find her too confrontational.

I understand the abuse on her is more than enough that she should have left already but she did say she doesn't have enough means yet to leave. What enough means are for each person can only be determined by ourselves, we cannot judge that. For a girl who was raised in luxury I imagine she means a little more than an average girl would need, mainly because she also talks about starting a business with her friend. Again I understand that, nothing wrong with planning ahead.
What happens when every chaebol threatens his mighty mom or dad wanting to marry Candies?:) They throw a big poverty scare at them and nothing happens.

I really hope the knetizens reaction to her is nothing like this. I'd detest if the writer is made to transform her into yet another passive woman just because of ratings.


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"for once a girl that dares to speak up for herself and people find her too confrontational."

IKR? Yoon Ha is such a great character and UEE is so good at playing these kinds of heroines. its concerning that people interpret her intense personality as meaning she should be gone by now or shut up and take it quietly. the fact is even tough girls can be in abusive situations and its clear that she tried the meek approach and it did nothing. instead it made her hard and ruthless. she's essentially where joon ki is but with the reverse issue. she wants to escape a chaebol life and he wants to rise to that level.
Leaving her uber rich family is not equivalent to wanting to live poor. at no point did she ever claim she wants to be POOR but that she wants to be FREE. and part of that is trying to live as a commoner cuz once she leaves her family. she wont be rich anymore or part of their powerful estate. she wont be poor, she might even be upper middle class but its not the same as being an Elite with powerful familial pedigree. she wants to cut her family out of her life the way they have cut her out of their hearts. (its good she's close with her brother tho. hopefully he can help her a bit but its telling imo that she doesnt ask him for way more help than she has already. which ppl are also castigating her for. girl is using all the tools she has to get her life, i cant hate for it no way)


I agree with you! I'm glad she's confrontational, if that's the closest thing to call her as. Like you, I hope the writer remains consistent in keeping her like that, not suddenly change her into a meek girl in the middle of the run. Honestly people completely break free when they have nothing else to lose. It seems like in her case, she still has something to lose. She has her dreams and goals that she wants, and in order to do that, it seems she needs to hang on a little longer. I understand that. Sometimes we withstand complicated and hard conditions because the alternative is scarier.

All the rich customers and their insults in the store remind me so much about that incident of that chaebol woman who went ballistic upon receiving nuts not on a plate while on the plane. I can't help to feel sorry suddenly for part-timers who have to work at dept stores frequented by the rich in Korea. They seem to be a bigger pain in the a** than middle social ranks.


I actually thought her confrontations with the lead and the first customer were because she felt dismissed by them, which is pretty much her issue. She wants to be seen and valued. Having strangers, in addition to her family, make like she is nothing is just a hot button for her.

The slap was just normal family drama for her, and the water thing - CS was retaliating (something she seemed to understand), not ignoring/undervaluing her.


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I agree. I think since she is the young one in the family whose screams, sadness, happiness, frustration goes unnoticed in her own family, she uses confrontation to make people notice her. Honestly UEE's character Yoon Ha may look sorted out on the surface but is childish within. She wants small things in life, to be noticed and loved by those around her. And I am also calling her childish and a hell of a lot immature because she does use the I'm a chaebol daughter/Oppa card when she is in trouble.
When her friend Lee Ji Yi said she wants to earn money on her, she countered with the fact that it is not wrong to depend on a loved one. Then again, she called her Oppa to fix the fact that she got fired from her job and refused to apologize while her friend had to because that job is way more important to her than her pride.
I think she doesn't even realize that she is enjoying the perks of being rich at certain occasions.


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Being noticed and loved by those around you is no small thing. :)

Also don't get people thinking is childish to consider using her power to deal with the crazy customer. Yes, it is an easy way out and not something her friend could do but she never showed any wish to fully live as a poor person so it is not cheating, she made no promises.

>I think she doesn’t even realize that she is enjoying the perks of being rich at certain occasions.

Of course she does, how could she not know why she could refuse to apologize when her friend couldn't? She even apologized later to her for not going. The drama doesn't have to show this.


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[Then again, she called her Oppa to fix the fact that she got fired from her job and refused to apologize while her friend had to because that job is way more important to her than her pride.]

Actually she texted him BEFORE she was fired. Later, she texted again to cancel it because she was already fired anyway.


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I had the impression that she texted her brother to get back at the ugly customer on behalf of her friend Ji Yi and not for herself. When she was in trouble (just herself), she did not run to oppa as when Chang Soo insulted and poured water on her ... she downplayed it.

Knowing when to fight and when to ask for help is a good thing, since we cannot manage everything alone. I wonder though what her brother would have done.


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Thank you for the recap. I am eager to read what everyone thinks.

This is the first time I've repeated the 2nd leads scenes in a drama. That Yi Ji is so darn adorable. And her chemistry with what's his name is so good. I cannot believe this is the same actresse who I saw in that awful movie. She was so repressed there. Her voice, her acting is so natural and spot on here.

And I laughed and laughed at the obligatory ab scene done so diffrently at the end. That's just ingenious.


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I understand all of your references, except for the awful movie. Would you tell me what awful movie you're referring to?


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Obsessed 2014.

I actually don't like SSH but checked it out because of LJY. Anyway Korean movies when done right are gritty and realistic. Plus have great writing.

This movie... ergh. I prefer to forget it, it was stiff and not believable.


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Oh, That movie. It had bad rating among people who watched it. SSH acting was unbearable to me.


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Second leads syndrome here I come. At least in this drama, they will most likely end up together. So cute. That ripping if the shirt was awesome fanservice. Way funnier than brooding shower scenes.


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Are we going to see many more shirt-ripping scenes in various dramas from now on?
Don't mind if I do. ;)


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Lee Sang Woo ssi, long time no see.

Happy to see him in this, but is he being demoted to a 3rd lead role now? He did so well as leading man in First Wives Club. Alas, his projects were mostly lack-lustre from there on.
He seems to keep choosing the same roles over and over tho. That's rather boring.


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I read somewhere that LSW is only a cameo :)


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NOOOOOOO .... that cannot be good... the only nice person to Yoon ha in that horrible family....


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Ack, didn't she say that bad things happen to people she loves?


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I liked how his role seems to be trying to be a nice guy in an awful rich family, but.... is it me or his blue jacket at the start did not fit him well? It made his upper body look disproportionate to the rest of him! The dark navy jacket at the end when he went to the airport to meet his mum, looks much better...


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That's my problem in believing he can act...his roles are pretty much all the same, and he delivers them exactly the same way too.


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Thank you for the recapping gummi and headsNo2.... ♥

FINALLY!! 2nd leads that are not annoying, or plotting, or being vicious to the leads... I rewinded that drunken rant scene 3 times and its still so cute ahhahah

When i watched ep1, Yoon ha seems to be doing part time jobs as a form of therapy. She keeps reminding herself ( the subs does at least ) that this is why she is glad she is rich, since she is suffering at a normal job... in a strange warped way, that is both funny and sad... I do like the fact that she is not doing all this to find a man to love her for who she is, like the promos had said, because she seems like she just want independence from her family for now. Yet she is very pragmatic and realistic in that she will only do it when she is ready, not just leave without a penny and go crawling back...

The tone of this drama is strange. We fluctuate from a cute funny scene to a out of place cat fight that I found dreary. I also found Yoon ha's mother being so mean to her very tiresome. Why is this show trying to be a makjang with all the business backstabby stuff and a fluffy rom com? Sometimes I felt like I was watching two different shows.

I love Sung joon, and so far his parts are all very small...he seems to be genuinely loving to his parents, despite being angry of their poverty. He did break up with that rich b*tchy girl in the hotel when she was so insulting about his family background. That was a satisfying scene. Give us more Sung joon please! I had to go watch Shut Up boy band to tide me to ep3... gaaaah his deep voice...♥


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Okay, I'm in, I wasn't sure after episode 1 but this convinced me.

Honestly I don't blame Yoon-ha for not telling Ji-yi about her chaebolness as I wouldn't want to be associated with those horrid people either plus usually when people know you have money either they want something or things get awkward because they start treating you differently. Also unlike say Joon-ki and his dislike of Chang-soo, Yoon-ha seems to actually like Ji-yi and value her friendship, to a point at least.


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I forgot, why are the clothes men in K-dramas wear, especially chaebols so easy to rip?


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Silk is a delicate material...?? lol lol


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To show off their chocolate muscles? lol


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it makes sense to me she wont tell ji yi about her bg, esp when ji yi has some serious delusions about what rich people are actually like lol. she clearly thinks they live charmed lives and are angels. think of how awk it would be for yoon ha to tell her HEY IM RICH BUT I HATE MY FAMILY AND I DONT NEED /ALL/ THIS MONEY U KNOW? yeaaah...wouldnt go over well i think lol. im glad she adores her friend and is willing to brick chansoo in the head on her behalf.


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Heads ~

Thanks for the recap. I wasn't sure after Ep 1. Much better after this ep. Keep the cute and down play the corporate shenanigans and this show could be decent.

UEE, fighting! ♥


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I love the silent and yet strong chemistry between Sung Joon and Uee's characters.... Sung Joon exceeded himself. He does the silent brooding acting the best and he did it quite well here and I love how he pays the little attraction he has for the lady...one can actually feel underneath his cold exterior, there is some warmth inside and that he is quite attracted to the lady already!

Can't wait for the next episodes!


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I'm not over the moon w Sung Joon's acting here, but I don't find anything wrong w it either. I'm enjoying it just fine. So I don't really get all the negative comments on it.

Wonder if Yeo Jin Goo could do a cold chaebol and emote better to ppl's liking when he is all grown up and given such a role, like in 2 years?!


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Yeo Jin Goo i an excellent actor but I think he will make the character look darker than it is …he looks ‘angry’ like real angry when he does the serious face…

I like Sung Joon’s subtle nuances… makes him look fragile too…

YGG would have given the character more stronger appeal I guess… like someone who is unbreakable and a force it itself… He wil do well in action films…he must try it.

Sung Joon on the other hand is quite effective so far. Yeah, I don’t get the heat about his acting because I am enjoying his acting here than before…he looks more comfortable here.


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I am somewhat confused, does Joon Ki know who Yoon Ha really is, is he playing dumb or he really does not know she is a chaebol? It seems like he does since he did a background check for Chan Soo then during their interactions they are condescending to each other. There are moments where it seems Joon Ki is taken back by her personality and knowledge of language.


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He hasn't it quite put it together yet but something is obviously needling him since he keeps asking his buddy how he knows. From the previews he'll put it together in ep 3. But what I find interesting is that the girl chaebol is going to be pursued for her money because that is one of Joon-ki's criteria. Usually it's the other way around. Anyway I wonder how it'll turn out when you-ha falls for him but discovers that his original reason for approaching retirement her was her money...I know he'll eventually fall for her too but let's call a spade, a spade. He's an undercover gold digger...that being said, I love the drama already.

Yoon-ha's mom is another character that is intriguing. She abhors her own daughter. How bad must your life be to need a Dan test to at least explain the wickedness and absolute viciousness she experiences only to cover they share the same DNA. No wicked stepmother here, dear. I think based on the fortune teller's predictions, she sees her husband's traits in Yoon-ha and since she can't crush her husband, the next best thing is her daughter. Sad. She's an interesting character and I hope we get more insight into her character as the show progresses.

As for the brother, it's clearly foreshadow that she commented that everyone she loves leaves. Something is going to happen him and I suspect it may even be at the hands of their vicious father. It may actually be what propels her to become her real self.

So many ways this drama can go, I'm excited and hoping for the best.


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yeah he doesnt know yet, but he's really sharp so he's half way there already. tbh if the set up is he'll trick her into liking him when all he wants is her money then thats kinda a non starter since she's made it clear she wants to cut family ties. she wont be poor but she wont be a chaebol's daughter ne more. would be more interesting if he finds her personal stance both obnoxious and intriguing at the same time. and then offers to date her in a sort of mutually beneficial deal like set up he had with the other rich woman he broke up with. and THEN love happens. gradually and for both.
we'll see tho. i like how i dont totally know what to expect from this drama yet.


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At this point he doesn't realize it. He found a preteen photo and a group family photo of Yoon-ha and he might not have paid attention while sending it to his friend. Also in his wildest dream he wouldn't guess that a chaeobol daughter is working in their departmental store as a part time worker so he didn't even connect the name.
Ep.3 I guess he will work it out as seen in the preview and may pursue her for his selfish ambition.


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Yeo Jin Goo i an excellent actor but I think he will make the character look darker than it is ...he looks 'angry' like real angry when he does the serious face...

I like Sung Joon's subtle nuances... makes him look fragile too...

YGG would have given the character more stronger appeal I guess... like someone who is unbreakable and a force it itself... He wil do well in action films...he must try it.

Sung Joon on the other hand is quite effective so far. Yeah, I don't get the heat about his acting because I am enjoying his acting here than before...he looks more comfortable here.


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Sorry double post. Moderator kindly remove it.


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Anyone else feel like this is a fluffier version of Empire of Gold? The ruthless ambition of goosoo and soon jung looks very much the same. Manipulate the rich to climb up


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Empire of gold was ruthless. I think this may have some of the wheelings and dealings but it won't be as intense. Empire of gold was the ultimate chess game.


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May ship is sailing towards Ji yo and Chan soo. I love their interactions. And i think Chan soo is already interested or attracted to her personality.

Side note: i know im weird, so if they will never be a couple, i hope Ji yi will be paired with Kyung joon(yoon ha's brother) that guy need some time to relax and be happy. Or maybe they'll be come good friend too.


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I was anticipating this show because of sung joon. because I love his cool poise acting. but he has SUCH a less screen time as a lead. moreeeeee of sung joon would be real nice


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Oh my god !! The ending was just hillarious.. You rip a hancy's shirt, say "daebak" and just "faint".. LOL


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I watched this drama for Sung Joon... but now I definitely have SECOND LEADS SYNDROME. Totally rooting for Chang Soo & Ji Yi!!


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Although I read dramabeans every day, I rarely post. I decided to chime in today because I'm strangely attracted to this show and melos are usually not my thing. I'm enjoying the Chan Soo and Ji Yi interactions and hope for many more as the drama continues.

However, what's really drawing me in is the potential I'm seeing in Joon Ki and Yun Ha. I feel like Sung Joon and Uee are really bringing a lot to their characters. I don't like Joon Ki (and we're not supposed to), but I like that fact that he's not pure evil and have hope that he will be redeemed by love in the end. Sung Joon can play both sides of this role effectively and I look forward (fingers crossed) to seeing this if the writing allows.

Do I have the right to be proud of Uee? I am loving the strength and sensitivity I see from her in this role. She's more more than a pretty face. There's some significant depth to this character and from the first two episodes she is very convincing and genuine.


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Uee acting is superbe. I ship her more with hyungsik then the lead actor


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I didn't know why people keep saying that uee is thin.i think she's so pretty and her body is no kidding. It is true thzt she lost a lot of weight in her last drama hogu love due to the smal face of woosik but now she gain it again. Uee fighting and your actinv is so touching


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Too bad this follows in the slot of Grapevines. It's hard to watch in contrast, I have to say.

The story-telling is heavy-handed and preachy, and so far, there is very little the writer hasn't already done before.
The acting is rather poor (Lee Sang-woo, Uee; and Lim Ji-yeon in scenes that aren't straight comedy), and even the strength of writing great scenes for the middle aged and older characters doesn't really get through yet.

I really, really miss the kind of spark that "Can We Get Married" had.


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I expected a lot from this drama because of a good cast but first episode was just solid in my opinion. But now I watced the second episode and I love it!!!
Sung Joon and Uee's characters are still hard to figure out but I already love their interactions but what really does it for me in this drama is the second couple!!!
I loved Hyung Shik in Heirs and I'm sooooo happy he's back with such an amazing role!!!
I watched the actress that plays Yi Ji only once before in a very serious movie soooo I was completely suprised with her acting her character!!!
Yi Ji and Chang Soo are one of the cutest and funniest couples I've ever seen in a drama!!!
Can't wait for next two episodes!!! :D


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I was going to keep watching anyway because Sung Joon is love but now I'm sticking around to see how Chang Soo and Ji Yi play out. In the synopsis it says Chang Soo falls for Yoon Ha but I'm hoping that's wrong because they are seriously adorable already and full of chemistry. Also, if they don't actually have their own separate love line then it'll ruin Ji Yi and Yoon Ha's friendship which is another big reason I'm sticking with this drama.

I'm curious to see how the leads will get together because right now neither seems to be particularly interested in the other. Also, whether he approaches her sincerely or not, like some others are speculating.


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Really?? Chan Soo is supposed to fall for Yoon Ha??? I though there will be separate love lines !!! In posters Chan Soo and Ji Yi are a pair and also in ep 2 Chan Soo was attracted to Ji Yi more .... Oh no !!! I don't want love triangle plz Plz NO :(


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I wonder why there aren't more love relationships like the ones in Gloria, with two SEPARATE lovelines where none of the four leads fall/crush on different OTPs.


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I'm almost very positive Chang-soo will end up being paired with Ji-yi.

Just take a look at Hyungsik's instagram, he's posting pictures with Ji-yi, not Yoon-ha :)



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I still like it, despite its flaws.

I don't even understand myself right now.


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LOL! @Danielle
It's called being human. We are a contradiction to ourselves at times and full of contradictions more often than we want to admit! :)


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I'm hear because those trailers 4 this showed killed me ?


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That drinking scene was painful to watch. The girl doesn't know how to act drunk. Hope she improves as the show progress as I'm liking her with Hyung Sik.


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I can't even with my feels for this show. <3
I'm a big fan of Sung Joon - That voice, guys. When he first opened his mouth in I Need Romance 3... I became a puddle of goo.


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When watching ep 1, i have always thought that ChangSoo is first male lead and that Yi-ji is a supporting character and i kept wondering who is 2nd female lead. (Yeah i didn't read the synopsis xP).
When i found out, i was glad that Yi-ji is da 2nd female lead. It's so rare for 1st female lead's best friend to be 2nd female lead in dramaland, that's what i thought.Anyway, totally on Changsoo-Yiji ship! The last part with the ripped shirt was hilarious! ?


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Heads, you're the reason I will start to watch the drama. Don't get me wrong, I love all four lead young actors and I have seen their previous work (no, in Sung Joon's case I don't mean Hyde, I mean Discovery). But you're one extra point to convince me to begin watching High Society (though it's a period I'm watching too many dramas) since you have infallibable instict about dramas. And the other "point" is Yoon Ji-Hye whom I love ever since No Mercy for the Rude.


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I'm intrigued by this show from these first 2 episodes. The characters seem to be or think they are in touch with reality, but they actually may not be... or they are judging from insufficient information or happen to be mis-interpreting what they see/experience ... and they are contradictory (ie contradict themselves or what they say).

And although it was not really played up big... the thing about clothes fitting... there was a comment about clothes that did not fit Yoon Ha's brother, Yoon Ha changed her dress up to dress down for the date, Ji Yi notices Yoon Ha's clothes looking expensive (but had no labels? hmmm she cut them off?) which was at odds with her poor person image, and we have the funny silk shirt that tore off too easily?

So subtly are we looking at a bunch of people who think they are fine and who believe they know what to think but who are actually mistaken and are not fitting in as well as they think they are?

These intrigued me... the Victim Mentality. The poor have it and the rich have it and neither party thinks the other has it? (came out in attitudes of Chang Soo, Joon Ki and Yoon Ha)

Being Happy/Being Successful - so the grass is greener on the other side. Yoon Ha thinks working hard and saving money will lead to wealth and happiness for the non-Chaebols, Joon Ki thinks only wealthy people who do not get looked down on can be happy, Ji Yi thinks the privileges of a rich family makes Joon Ki nice. Strange misconceptions or rather simplistic,maybe.

Using People/Pretending - I like a saying that I saw years ago..."We too often love things and use people, when we should be using things and loving people."

Ji Yi refuses to be a Cinderella to catch and use a rich man.
Yoon Ha refused to be caught as a chaebol to be used... but she says Ji Yi should be a Cinderella (contradiction as HeadNo2 says). In the meantime, is she using Ji Yi to appear to not be a chaebol?
Joon Ki may be pretending to be a friend to Chang Soo, hoping perhaps for a way to rise quickly and become rich with friend's backing?
Chang Soo objects to Yoon Ha pretending to be a rude girl to put him off marrying her, but he pretends to be a bum at first in front of Ji Yi. Towards Joon Ki... Chang Soo is sometimes boss and sometimes friend... even calling him servant first before calling him friend...

I'm just so eager to know how they get themselves out of their misconceptions, and communicate well, ... please show, they must!!! Or it will be such a bummer if they never figure out who and what's real and true and worth pursuing.


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Your observation on the four characters "using" each other is a pretty spot-on and interesting insight! I didn't see it that way before.

I'm glad the writer is putting effort into these characters.


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Thank you.

"I’m glad the writer is putting effort into these characters."
Yes, absolutely... I truly appreciate it when I can see that the writer and production team care about putting together a quality show and respect us, the viewers. :)


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Yey for cute friendship i'm always longing for true cute friendship s in kdramas..:-)


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Thanks for recap


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