Three Days: Episode 5

And I’m back in the rotation! Just in time to catch a sharp upswing with this episode, which really amped up the intensity and made me care about what happens to people (even if I still can’t care about the timeline in which it happens, whether it’s three days or three years). We find out more about the bad guys and the good guys, although with added clarity comes added confusion as to just exactly what makes a bad guy a bad guy, or a good guy a good guy. So many details to work out, so little time. Guess it’s a good thing that three days to us is really two months.


Gummy – ” 날 부르네요” (You’re calling me) from the Three Days OST [ Download ]

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Prosecutor Choi reveals the results of the special investigation, telling the nation of the 1998 Yangjinri incident that resulted in numerous soldier and civilian deaths. It was said to be an act of North Korean aggression but in fact was orchestrated by President Lee Dong-hwi, then a consultant working with an American firm, Falcon.

According to Choi, Falcon attempted to sell new-model helicopters to the South Korean military, but when that fell through, they contacted (Not-Yet-)President Lee to fabricate an event to heighten tensions between the North and South. Lee was heavily connected to people in the military and government, and at the cost of a hundred million U.S. dollars, the Yangjinri incident was set into motion.

As a result, Falcon sold its helicopters and President Lee pocketed 5 million dollars, which he used to establish a new company, Mobi Asset Management.

Tae-kyung and Bo-won rush to the hospital where the bus crash survivors were taken, but he stops short when he hears the press conference on TV: His father is named as one of the president’s four co-conspirators.

Team Leader Ham arrives at the same hospital, moments behind Tae-kyung. He gets confirmation that the president isn’t at the other hospital where crash victims were taken, so he’s gotta be here.

Flashback to 1998, Yangjinri. Armed and camo’d, Ham advances toward the source of the gunfire with his team of military scouts. Wading through the wreckage of a seaside restaurant, they find innocent civilians gunned down.

Suddenly the lights cut out. They’re hit with rapid-fire artillery, shooting at them through the windows from outside. It’s like shooting fish in a barrel, and Ham’s men go down swiftly.

Ham ducks for cover, then directs his surviving men to charge. They open fire on their assailants, but it’s futile—they’re literally shooting into the dark. Ham is the last man standing, firing like a man possessed while his men lay dead all around him.

Given this brutal context, it’s no wonder he was out to kill the president. The question is: Who’s the true culprit?

Prosecutor Choi wraps up his conclusion by saying that the conspirators are guilty of high treason and murder, and will be indicted as such. Hit hard by this news, Tae-kyung doesn’t spot the Secret Service agents now arriving in the lobby, though thankfully Bo-won does. She urges him away before they’re seen.

As President Lee lies in his hospital bed, his dreams take us to another flashback.

16 years earlier, February 1998

President Lee, then a highly connected consultant, takes a meeting with powerful men, which include an army officer and a couple parliamentarians. The meeting unfolds according to the picture Prosecutor Choi has painted: President Lee proposes the purchase of weapons from America despite pushback from the others. He has the idea to bribe North Korean troops into inciting a minor skirmish in the South, which would drum up enough fear to convince naysayers to buy weapons from Falcon.

President Lee promises to guarantee the safety of civilians and colors the situation as a win-win for everyone, driving home the importance of U.S. dollars in this time of IMF instability.

One assemblyman, Minister Min, seems the most resistant, and he asks, “Aren’t you also a South Korean citizen?” President Lee just replies, “Is that important?” Minister Min says, “So the rumors are true, that you’re a heartless lapdog for Falcon.” President Lee laughs and says that he is.

With that, present-day President Lee snaps awake in his hospital bed.

March 6, 1:14 AM. 5 hours, 15 minutes after the assassination attempt.

Bo-won ushers Tae-kyung into an empty room, and he’s still in shock over the press conference. “That can’t be,” he says. “Not my father…”

Flashback. Geez, another one? President Lee asks for a trusted contact to be assigned the money delivery to their northern contacts. Ah, so this is where Dad, working as a secret agent, comes in. He’s tasked with delivering the money on a trip to Yanbian University, located near the China-North Korea border.

Present. Team Leader Ham and his agents flood into the emergency room, but there’s no sign of the president. Hearing that some patients were transferred to other wards, they head up immediately, dispersing to cover more ground.

It’s a good thing Bo-won is so sharp-minded because Tae-kyung’s still in shock. Knowing they’re in danger of being caught by Secret Service, she thinks of a way out, then catches a glimpse of the doctor’s gowns hanging nearby. Light bulb.

While Ham searches room after room, President Lee struggles in bed helplessly. The president’s bed curtains get whipped open, but we don’t see who’s standing there. A creative cut fakes us out into thinking it’s Ham, but moments later we see he’s still on the prowl. Then he spies a familiar figure wheeling away a gurney—it’s Tae-kyung in a doctor’s gown.

Team Leader Ham races after him, but Tae-kyung manages to wheel the patient into an elevator, and the doors close on Ham’s face.

Ham mobilizes his agents, calling them to Tae-kyung’s elevator. Riding the elevator to the ground floor, Tae-kyung braces himself for a clash, grabbing the gurney like a battering ram. Are… you sure that’s a great idea?

The second the doors open, he barrels through the lobby and out the front door, mere steps ahead of the agent mob. The other agents refrain from shooting lest they hit the president, but Team Leader Ham has no such qualms and opens fire. Bullets whizz by Tae-kyung’s head and lodge in cars. Suddenly he flings the gurney away and into the path of an oncoming car—crash! Aha, it must be a decoy.

The agents rush to the overturned gurney and find that it was empty all along: While they were occupied in this chase, Bo-won was free to wheel away the real president without interference.

Team Leader Ham gets word of a rogue ambulance and orders his men to nab it. The agents scramble to their vehicles.

Back at the presidential villa, Cha-young reports to her superiors that the assassin is an insider. Now that the truth is out about Team Leader Ham, Director of Security Kim calls one of the agents and orders him to arrest Ham, not Tae-kyung.

Tae-kyung drives the ambulance with Bo-won sitting in back with the president. He’s soon overtaken by Team Leader Ham, who pulls up alongside him and points gun through his open car window. In a brief flashback, Tae-kyung is reminded of shooting drills where Ham earned his reputation as a legend.

Ham opens fire and Tae-kyung ducks, but he’s not the target: Ham shoots at the side of the ambulance, hoping to finish off the president inside. One bullet hits something, and blood spatters against the inside of the vehicle—oh no. Bo-won freezes when she sees the president’s side soaked in blood… then relaxes to see that the source is actually the blood supply. Bullet literally dodged.

The chase continues through the streets, and then Ham changes tack and aims for the tires. Bam! The blowout sends the ambulance careening, and Tae-kyung braces for impact as he crashes into a storefront before slamming to a halt.

Gun reloaded, Ham advances on the ambulance and reaches for the rear doors. Tae-kyung creeps beside him, scoops up shattered glass, and flings it into his face. Game on. They fight hand-to-hand.

Team Leader Ham didn’t earn his reputation for nothing, and sends a flurry of strong blows at Tae-kyung. On the other hand, we saw Tae-kyung taking down a whole team of agents in a moving train, and he holds his own as they grapple through aisles of bookcases, slamming each other into the shelves.

Finally, they come to an impasse. Tae-kyung yells at his boss to stop now, while Ham reiterates that the president doesn’t deserve to live. “All I learned was how to protect the president,” Tae-kyung replies. “The one who taught me that was you.”

A flashback to his training days shows Ham leading a drill, which Tae-kyung repeats until he is able to react as the perfect Secret Service agent, taking a bullet to save the president. Tae-kyung is so proud of himself that he can’t help grinning, and Ham tells him that his reaction is exactly what their job requires: “Save the president, and die yourself.”

Tae-kyung repeats those words now, saying, “Before you kill me, you will not be able to kill the president.”

Them’s fighting words, but they don’t exactly present a great obstacle to Ham, who says he’ll kill Tae-kyung first, then the president. He pulls another gun on him, but Tae-kyung reacts swiftly to disarm him, and they go for Round 2.

Ham slams Tae-kyung into the side of the ambulance, taking him down. But Tae-kyung launches himself at Ham before he can get to the ambulance, and Ham orders him to step aside.

“You told us not to,” Tae-kyung reminds us. Training flashback confirms that Ham had indeed instructed his recruits to never back down while protecting their charge, even in the face of death. Tae-kyung shouts at him, nearly in tears, “You told us it didn’t matter what kind of person the president was!”

Ham downs Tae-kyung again and points the gun at his head. “He is no longer my president,” he says.

President Lee hears the commotion and struggles to get up and check it out. Bo-won blocks his exit, telling him it’s dangerous. He shoves her aside and steps out anyway, and now Team Leader Ham points the gun at President Lee.

Ever so quietly, Tae-kyung spots the other gun on the ground and picks it up, pointing it at the back of Ham’s head. Another of Ham’s lessons rings in his ears, of how hesitating for a split second could give a bullet the opportunity to hit its mark. Ham’s finger tightens on the trigger… and a shot rings out. Blood spatters Bo-won’s face.

It takes a moment to register who was hit. Team Leader Ham stands, but just for a moment before he falls, blood pooling around his head. Tae-kyung’s gun smokes. A tear falls for the mentor he just killed.

“There’s something I would like to ask you,” Tae-kyung says to the president. “The results of the investigation, are they true?” His voice grows increasingly desperate: “They’re not, right? You and my father didn’t do those things, did you? People are mistaken, aren’t they? Please. Answer me.”

The president answers, “They’re true.”

Oh noooo. Tae-kyung’s world goes crashing down around him.

The rest of the secret service agents arrive to usher the president away safely, while Tae-kyung demands that the president tell him it’s all a lie.

March 7, 2:35 AM. 30 hours, 35 minutes following the assassination attempt.

President Lee’s injuries are fortunately not severe, and he is advised a week of rest and monitoring. In the wake of this incident, the friction is as crackling as ever between Chief Secretary Shin and the Secret Service team, the latter now led by Security Director Kim (that’s Ahn Gil-kang, for all those confused by all these names).

In private, Secretary Shin asks why the president kept his train plans a secret from him: “Do you trust me and the secretary’s office so little?” He lays out exactly how big the pile of doo-doo is that they’re not sitting in: An assassination attempt was made, the president has been made into a traitor and murderer, and the police are getting involved. Our main characters will all be investigated, as will any related parties, until they can find who’s behind the events. (As in, who Ham was acting under.)

Tae-kyung, Bo-won, and Cha-young are interrogated separately for their part in recent events. It doesn’t look great for them, with the investigators challenging their accounts and poking holes into their testimony. In light of their questioning, their claims start sounding like wild theories, without the evidence to back them up. Tae-kyung answers his questions numbly, while Bo-won fumes at their dismissive attitude.

The president asks Secretary Shin why he hasn’t inquired whether the investigation results are true. Secretary Shin replies that it doesn’t matter to him—he cares about preserving the government. He does raise one concern, though: In the wake of the EMP blast and gunshots, they should have been fighting off inquiries from all fronts. And yet, they’ve heard not a peep from the intelligence bureau, the police, the military, or even from the Americans, who would have seen something on their satellite imaging.

Secretary Shin posits two possibilities: Either nobody reported the incident because it happened at a late hour, or somebody’s intentionally impeding. Ooh ooh, I can answer that one. Pick me.

The president suggests that they ask those parties directly, and instructs Secretary Shin to call a meeting. Immediately.

Tae-kyung’s interrogation ends for the day, and it’s made clear to him that he’s still a suspect in the murder case of Yang Dae-ho, the man murdered at home. He sits in a daze afterward, replaying his killing of Team Leader Ham, which is where Cha-young finds him. She wants to take him somewhere, but he’s not in the mood: “Secret Service? I don’t think I can do it anymore,” he says.

Tae-kyung walks numbly in the streets, and after trailing behind in concern for a while, Bo-won steps in and drags him to a restaurant for a drink. She tells him he’s wearing the same long face he’d worn when she first met him at his father’s funeral, full of pain and uncertainty. She urges him to express his feelings outwardly instead of bottling them up. She pours him a shot, then gets up to leave him alone, urging him to work out his emotions.

This spurs another flashback, back to Team Leader Ham taking out the rookie agents for their first night off. Tae-kyung is so stiff and uncomfortable that he has to be ordered to drink, though he gradually loosens up and looks up at his leader with admiring eyes.

It’s Team Leader Ham who has to be carried to his bed drunk that night, and Tae-kyung sees the photo of him with his army comrades. The other agent warns him not to ask about that, since it’s Ham’s most painful memory.

The president arrives at a hotel suite to take that last-minute meeting, and now we see that this is the same room as the one that held the 1998 meeting. The men gathered are the same authority figures from before, only a bit older and higher up on their respective career ladders.

Flashback to 1998 meeting, picking up from where we left off. “I am Falcon’s lapdog,” President Lee says, but then adds, “Whose dog are you?” Ah, so now we’re getting the rest of the story.

President Lee says that during these tough times, some people will try to make a buck by selling out their country—but they have nobody to blame, because this is merely capitalism at work: “Money doesn’t care about name or conscience. It’s just money.”

They’re not gathered here to save the country, he points out—they’re all going to make sure they’ve taken care of themselves when all is done, whether with money or with power. So call a dog a dog.

And now, a familiar face chimes in to back him up—this is the man he’d secretly met with in Episode 1, a chaebol named Kim Do-jin (Choi Won-young) who owns this hotel they’re meeting in. According to Chairman Kim, they just have to make sure this one operation goes off, and then everyone can reward themselves for working so hard on behalf of the nation.

As the meeting concludes, the American Falcon representative thanks President Lee for his work. President Lee, however, doesn’t look so happy with himself.

Back to the present. President Lee sits across from Chairman Kim and asks, “Are you shocked to see that someone who should be dead is alive?” Ah, so he’s accusing Chairman Kim of ordering the hit on him.

Chairman Kim says that everything was going well, until President Lee betrayed them. “You betrayed me first,” President Lee counters.

Back to 1998. Following the meeting, Chairman Kim returns to speak to President Lee one on one. President Lee asks explicitly for Kim to promise to carry out the plan without bloodshed, and also, “Please help me to not live as Falcon’s dog anymore.”

Present day. Chairman Kim says he kept his promise. President Lee replies that trying to kill a president is an act of treason, and all their money won’t be able to save them from a death penalty.

Chairman Kim feigns ignorance, saying that he heard the assassination attempt was solely Team Leader Ham’s doing. The president warns that he will get to the bottom of the conspiracy and reveal them as the ones behind it. “I will make you all pay for your deeds with a price greater than death,” he warns. “I have nothing to lose now. Wait and see how frightening such a person can be.”

Chairman Kim reminds him of his earlier words to stop now, for dogs to act like dogs. President Lee: “I told you then, I don’t want to live as anyone’s dog anymore.”

Tae-kyung goes to Team Leader Ham’s apartment, having been there that once to carry him home drunk. The door code is unchanged so he lets himself in. Once inside, there are signs of ransacking, with the framed army photo smashed on the ground.

The president’s former co-conspirators understand that they must tread lightly—since he’s the president, being implicated in the assassination attempt puts their necks on the line. Chairman Kim declares that there’s only one solution: “The president must die for us to live.”

Tae-kyung examines Team Leader Ham’s photo more closely, and realizes, “He wasn’t acting alone. There was one more person.” Ooooh.

March 7. 5:40 AM. 33 hours 40 minutes after the assassination attempt.


Whew, the series just got a lot more interesting. ‘Cause I’ll be honest, I wasn’t really feeling it so much when it started—it’s not that I didn’t like the plot or the acting or all the high-speed chasing (so much high-speed chasing), or even the fact that the whole timestamp caption gimmick is becoming increasingly irrelevant because the show isn’t doing anything to work the ticking clock angle. It’s more that it wasn’t executing the way it could have, and that was a damn shame because I saw a lot more to the show than what the show was showing us.

And then this episode came along and stepped it up, and now not only is the plot thickening in interestingly intricate ways, I also give a damn. For some reason, that’s the thing a lot of slick productions forget to do, as though throwing a lot of money at a show will make it more interesting. For all its fancy tricks and loads of production budget (just tallying up all the wrecked vehicles should be enough to make any line producer wince), it’s always going to be character work that draws us in and makes us invested in sticking with a drama through the end.

I’m a little surprised that the show has already wrapped up the assassination plot story and resolved the villain’s arc, because that was how the show was marketed to us: Three days, missing president, find him. But you won’t hear me complaining that we got here too fast, because where it takes us now is much more complicated and intriguing, in my opinion. I like that the show is playing with us in terms of light versus dark, in that we don’t quite know what to make of the president or his past, or how much of a good guy or bad guy he is. Perhaps the answer is simply that he’s both, or neither; maybe he was just an opportunist, a war profiteer who didn’t like what he was doing who wanted to retrieve his lost conscience. Or maybe he figured out that being a dog wasn’t worth it.

Not that the Team Leader Ham storyline didn’t have its moments, once we got past the nuts and bolts of what happened at Yangjinri. Not that it’s not a compelling storyline; I just felt like I’d seen it before when it was Operation Clean Sweep. So where it landed for me was in Tae-kyung wrestling with himself to Do The Right Thing or to bend a little in sympathy for his mentor-friend-hero. I was absolutely gripped through their fight sequence, and for once didn’t mind the constant flashback back-and-forth (which can be excessive), because the juxtaposition gave us a window into Tae-kyung’s mind (and heart).

Oof, the respect and admiration in Tae-kyung’s eyes, cut in and around the present-day fight—that was moving in a way that wouldn’t have been achieved merely by keeping all the flashbacks intact, and the fight scene uninterrupted. The interruption is part of the narrative, and that’s what made it so wrenching, to understand just what it meant to stand in the path of his mentor’s bullet, and then to turn that bullet on his mentor.

And then he heard that the president was a profiteering traitor after all, and damn. The disillusionment hits hard, and sets his character up to go in some compelling places—I don’t believe he regrets saving the president’s life, necessarily, since he’s too principled to flout the rules that form the basis of his identity. Only now in the aftermath, he’s questioning whether those rules have meaning in the first place. He’s jaded and lost, and now where does that leave him? Someplace really interesting, I’m thinking.


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Hum… The plot thickens! I found this ep. a little predictable, (the beginning, that is). At 1st, I did think that TK was wheeling the president out, however, I quickly realized that he must have just wanted to direct BS and the rest of the PPS’ attention to him, so BW could then wheel the president out. It would have been a little too easy, if TK actually had the president with him, the 1st time around.

Though I find that some of the shots (or scenes) can drag a little bit, I do appreciate what those scenes convey. I really liked that shot of BS, just sitting there, numb and overwhelmed, after he realized that many of his men had been killed. Same goes for TK, who looked crushed, and like he was carrying the weight of the world, after all those events took place. PYC is really portraying that well. He makes me care for TK, who is not used to showing his emotions (and was trained not to). I really felt for TK, who had just found out that his dad might not have been a clean guy, (or a guy with clean hands), who had just killed his boss and teacher, and who ended up losing confidence in his organization. I wanted to reach into the computer, and pat him on the back. And he is used to holding it in for so long that he doesn’t occur to him to scream. TK is so contained. I really love how BW cares for him though. She has been good at reading him. I like the two of them together (and good chemistry).

I am glad it looks like TK will continue to investigate what happened. I am vested in him finding out what really happened, and (still) why his dad died. I am not sure that I believe that the president is as bad as he is made out to be. And I also question how dirty HKJ was. I am also looking forward to finding out more about the president’s role. I do agree with TK, BS should not have wanted to kill the president (though it did make the ep. dramatic). If all the presidents who did bad things were killed, there would be very few presidents left, or kings. It is hard to be in politics or rule a country and have clean hands throughout your whole mandate (unless that mandate is really short).


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they killed my favorite character ):


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OMG, it's up already!! But I haven't watched this ep yet..get distracted by fans' pics of Yoochun.. damn those spoilers pics! LOL! *go watching now XDD


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okay done watching!

This episode! I'm shocking to death!!! Chief Ham ㅠㅠㅠㅠ
What a plot! But we have to understand that HTK is doing his JOB - To protect Mr.President though I am sure he feel regrets and sad after that..His flashback memories with Chief Ham, the way HTK giggles for taking a bullet to save the president, argh the feels..mixed feeling, warm yet so touched! *cries*
we know that Chief Ham is HTK's mentor, he respected him and learned a lot from him. What a hard life for HTK..

and he ending “He wasn’t acting alone. There was one more person.” Ooooh. Yes, I saw someone familiar too in that photo..woah!

Okay show! I'm waiting for what's next!


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*and THE ending...


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I dont know bout this drama some moments are too dramatically program that you will definitely say not again. I like action dramas which you will not feel your watching it you feel your there in the scene meaning its so real. But these drama Is not something off its intriguing but also very confusing in a bad way


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@ Becky...What? Are we watching the same drama? Coz am loving it to the fullest. To me this is one of the best Korean action packed dramas I have seen, alongside, Two Weeks, Nine Times Travel etc...

Compeling story line, the dichotomy of the characters - Ham's revenge; the president's views on capitalism....

For the life of me, I simply can not predict what is going to happen next and that is VERY rare for a S.Korean drama where they tend to stick to a certain formula. For that reason, I am anxiously waiting with baited breath for what is to happen next.

My only concern is that there is so much being explored in the beginning and I am worried as to whether, they will have enough material to sustain the 16 or 20 episodes. I have seen far too many dramas start out well and drizzle down towards the end.


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OMG! thanks for recap, but now I can't wait for everning when I'll be able to watch it TT__TT

I can't believe they killed Chief Ham. I mean I was so confused what they would do with CY knowing about him... but I didn't expect them to kill him..


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For some reason I can't get into it . I mean I love love love yoochun but I rather watch sly&single,AOF,SLA,maybe even golden rainbow but idk I will keep trying LOL yoochunn fighting ?


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Try to watch it closer from episode 1 up to this episode, then you'll be attached with this drama.



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Ha ha! Golden Rainbow-you are taking the piss right? Seriously? :)


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Love this ep. The flashbacks were really excessive to a point where I wanted to doze off but the plot is really indeed thickening, thank God! Feel so bad for Chun who had to kill off his own mentor only to realise that it may be a mistake D:


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This is such a good drama. I havent been so much into a kdrama for a long time. I just feel bad because I dont see a lot of people following this series. Im happy that the plot is moving so quickly. One episode they reveal so much and Im like what is left now and the next episode comes up with more twists that surprises me. Yoochun's acting so far is ok but I think that tear dropping fighting scene he did with the chief was pbly the best Ive seen of him. The President is so twisted, which is pbly realistic because the people higher ups in real life arent good or bad but more in the shades of grey.

Also, I feel bad that hyesong's character was killed. I love him as an actor.


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Just finish watch with eng sub.. Wow... what a shock..suprise2.. I never thought they will kill leader character this early(nahhh..I never thought he will ever die..) I love it!! much better than previous episode. There is a few scene I really like..

1) The car van chasing.. (especially the part when the blood box been shoot...I thought either HTK or President been shoot..pfuhh~~!)

2)The confrontation between HTK and leader. Love the fighting the most from other action scene in past episode- look so real. Love cause they dont make HTK as a Superman..well he still got beat hard by the leader.

3)Love all the flashbacks.. we can see the innocent HTK character before his soul been tarnish by this brutal event.. sad..sad..

4) The confrontation between Mr. President with HTK. I really impressed with Yoochun acting here..so much emotion. His facial expression and eyess....huwaaaa. Good job Yoochun!!

5)Have I ever told? I really2 love Bowon character here. Never watch Park Ha Sun act actually but I think she nailed it. This character suited her. I love her braveness and smartest. And also I already can see chemistry between the lead. Maybe not to the stage like I love U or something..but just her character be there for HTK and support hero from behind..humm..

6)Some of the question have been answer but some more question and mystery raised up..wow..this drama really have many layer. Love it. And I donno but it seems even the extra actor also act really good. Really believable.

cant wait for tonight episode!! :)


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Do you know which fansub group is subbing the series?


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I donno. I just watch it in goodrama.com. I watch all kdrama from here. :)


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viki is pretty fast. Dramafever is subbing it too


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the one who has license to sub this drama are dramafever and vikii. other sites took it from there. i dunno about dramafever but it's three days subbing group in viki ^^


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Viki is probably the fastest, but Drama Fever usually has better subs. Drama.net and Goodrama.net have it also, but you have to put up with tons of ads, popups, and it wanting to install a codec+ browser hijacker every episode. And I think they "borrow" most of their subs from Viki, though they claim to do their own the grammar errors etc almost always match Viki. I have subs at both Viki and Dramafever so I get no ads.


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It bothers me that Chief Ham is depicted in flashbacks as a brilliant marksman, yet he missed when trying to shoot Tae-kyung outside the hospital.


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I don't think Chief Ham intended to kill HTK or LCY. The president was his target and that was why he kept shooting at the side of the ambulance. The fight scene between HTK and Chief Ham was so good yet I kept worrying about Yoochun's injured shoulder. And yes, when Chief Ham dropped dead on the floor with his eyes opened, my tears flowed along with Han Tae Kyung's.

Aaahh! Jang Hyun Sung really nailed it in this episode.


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In k-dramas you can never hit what you are shooting at, then you would need a new plot.


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Is that true? If it is, then LOL (I really did LOLed).


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idk to me it seems like he didn't want to kill taekyung, I mean he could have shot him instead of asking him to step aside when he was close to killing the president, and when he was chasing the ambulance he kept trying to hit the president instead of taekyung.


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Yeah you're right, his only target was president lee, I don't think he wanted unnecessary bloodshed, he could have easily shot at TK because it was the easiest way to get to the president without distractions but he didn't, he in turn was just warning TK time and time again to back off, anyway I'm also sad that leader han's character was killed in the drama, I really love the actor playing it, seen him before in Vampire Prosecutor where he had a major role and he really impressed me ,,,


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It just reminds me of Maō, and “Every saint has a past and every sinner has a future.”


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Actually it was Oscar Wilde who said that, back around 1870.


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@ -K: So true, and so well said!


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Arrgh... Team Leader Ham...... :(

I wouldn't mind if the president and Taekyung and Bo-won were on the run a bit more though.


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I am loving the performance of the entire cast especially Yoochun's portrayal of TK. With so much flashbacks, I am sure we will continue to see Ham ! I don't think this drama with its conspiracy is confusing but might be bit heavy for people enjoying the current crop of rom-coms which are entertaining me as well. Politics and politicians will never be clean. What is the lesser evil? Sometimes we have to be bad in order to get a good outcome.


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watching this drama with and without subs truly has opposite effect. am not really put attention when watched it raw, only enjoy the action scene, but after watching this with subs, damm, the rollercoaster ride is...woaaahh...

too bad chief ham is dead, but from the recent fancam of the shooting, it seems chief ham will be back in flashback, coz he's still shooting with yoochun right now.

I'm sooooooo waiting for tonight's episode >_________<


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waahh..i just realized that the hotel the president's meeting place is jaesin Hotel. do you guys remember that the van that hit taekyung's father was also from Jaesin telecom??

it's the little detail that i found. does it mean something??


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Yes, both truck & Hotel's name is Jaesin..I remeber that too..
Chaebol Kim Do Jin, u're next!


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every little thing in this drama seems to have meaning...really need to put more attention...


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Actually, kim do Jin is the chairman of Jaesin (something). He really contributes to the conspiracy, I guess.


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very much likely...but is he the "real" evil master? there're so many suspect....heh...


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Just once I would like to see a car chase scene where the driver actually knew what to do besides crash into buildings and stores.


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Thing got much more interesting once the President is actually in the scenes. Kudoes to the actor because he is just so charismatic that the whole drama seems way more charged now.

The mentor/pupil arc about killed me. That poor boy's heartache on top of losing his dad, finding out the "truth" behind the impeachment charges ... he looked so Lady Macbeth staring at his hands.

Pity they killed off Chief Ham because he was incredibly charismatic too. Luckily I still have Bowon & the Prez to look forward to.

And ... best actor goes to the blood splatters. They were everywhere & triggered all sorts of reactions from both the audience and its fellow actors. LOL


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Yes, I was totally thinking this must be Taekyung's longest day ever


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Is this the finale episode? Am I just woke up from sleep and missed 10 eps of this show? Wow, I'm still in shock and daze! Chief Ham is dead? this is too shock and surprise me a lot! OMG, I'm crying like crazy especially when HTK reminds his goods memories with chief Ham and decides to shoot Chief Ham for the sake of President. But then, HTK feel more sad after hearing MR.Pres' answers..oh my heart broke into pieces seeing his tears..Poor Chief Ham, poor HTK..

This drama, u can't even predicts what's next! For Jang Hyun Sung 's fans, I am sure there will a lot of flashback scenes of him later..
Anyway thumbs up Jang Hyun Sung-ssi , u did a great performance in this drama..I heard that Junseo and Junwoo cried so much at that scene..auw..but it could be possible that Chief Ham is still alive, this is K-Drama!

darn, can't wait for for the next episode..


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I find myself invested in Bo Won and Tae Kyung's characters. She's all kind of awesome and the type of friend TK needs at the moment.
I don't mind if this pair never gets to be romantically involved because their budding friendship appeals to me so much, thinking it will evolve to an even greater bond^^

TK's admiration for his mentor was heartbreaking when we come back and forth from past to present. This kid is just so lost right now discovering things that shatter his world.

From here on out, I'll follow this series to the end just to see where he'll be at the end.

Thank you for the recaps, for a few years now my drama watching experience is never complete without reading it and everybody's comments.


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I agree about Bowon. I think she is fab & it would be much better if her relationship with Tae Kyung grew to one of comrades & compatriots instead of a cheesy, whiny romance. In fact, at this point of the story, I think she is way more awesome than Tae Kyung because she is always on the ball and deserves not be relegated to romantic interest or sidekick.

Yeah, I was weepy at the gunning down on mentor scene. Heartbreaaaaakkkk.


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From the moment I saw the actor portraying Chief Ham I thought he's the bad guy and he will die, why? Because everything I've seen him in he's been the bad guy and he dies.

Then we see he is one of the soldiers in the convoy and I think all his men will die and this is his reason for betraying the president, so no surprise for me when these things happened.

The turn for me was how his men died, my first thought was this was his fault, he showed bad leadership. He was instructed to wait for the snipers to get in place but he ordered his men into the building, granted his motives were pure, he wanted to save the lives of the civilians.

Once the lights were out and they didn't have any night vision he again ordered them to shoot back causing them to picked off like clay pigeons. He clearly is left alive to be the witness to events. He clearly saw nothing wrong in his own actions.

Now we know that there is a second survivor and it's one of two men, not surprised again, because the thought had occurred to me that there was a second guy in the SS and he was one of those showed at the end of the episode. Again his behavior through out ha been a little shifty.

It's true the president set all this into action but it's also true that he emphasized that there was to be no blood shed, someone else changed the rules.

From my negative finger pointing it might suggest that I'm not enjoying the drama, but that is not true. These are some of the flaws I find with it that are just to obivious.


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Yes, that was the most inane combat scene I've seen recently this side of the SciFi channel $1.98 theater. Apparently those soldiers had been trained by American Civil War reenactors, in that they thought they could only fire their muskets if they stood up and gave the other guy a fair shot at them.


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Operation Clean Sweep-reminds me of City Hunter. ~ One thing bothers me, the president said in the previous episode that all those accusations against him and the other 3 are all lies, but then he admitted to Tae Kyung they're true. Was he just dreaming then? ~ And aw TK tears after killing his mentor, I want to give him a hug. :( Poor boy.


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I dont think there's a conflict in those two statements. The accusation that he caused the death of numerous civilians and soldiers was a lie since from the beginning, he was adamant that there should be no casualty in the supposed attack. However, his participation in the bribery of north korea which eventually resulted in the mass murder was true.

Anyway, I was watching episode 5 a while ago and my hubby who usually chides me for watching k-drama saw the "war scene" and got so hooked that he finished the whole ep with me. He said it was really good and reminded him of 24.

Love this drama and the way it keeps me glued to the screen. I'm not fond of too much anaysis so i just take each scene as it comes. That makes the drama more thrilling and exciting for me.

Btw, i was sad too that Agent Ham died and Yoochun's reaction after he gunned his mentor was really heartbreaking. He had really come a long way from SKKS. Hats off.


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whooaaa. this drama's brought me to a whole new level of couriousity! who's the other evil man hiding around the VIP???? well, gotta wait and see!


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Does anyone think that YC as TK here looks more than a tad bad?


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Sort of sad that they killed off the chief...
But yet it adds to the story and moves it so I am sort of glad that Tae-kyung killed him,so that he will also be driven by the guilt that he killed a man who was innocent.
I do think that the show is really bad at editing,Especially the flashback scenes.And sometimes the camera is a bit bad too.
I think the story really carries it.
And I totally love Park ha Sun in her role.


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He was not innocent, he was trying to kill the president, and not only that he was framing TK for it.


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On behalf of the families of the two innocent agents Chief Mann gunned down for no reason, and all the people killed or crippled in that bus accident, I protest anyone calling him "innocent." He was more used than evil, but he had a lot of crimes to answer for.


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Yeah he was not innocent and even if he's my favorite character he's not really a "good guy" in the drama


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Oh, yeah . . . Moon Balloon, I love you!


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yoochun is so cute


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Have to dat after this ep, this drama really completely got me, it become better and better
Thanks for recap :)


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the action scenes between taekyung and ham are my favorites of this episode but I think episode 3 and 4 were a little bit more interesting than episode 5 and 6, I hope it picks up because we only have 10 episodes left


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yoochun and this drama are better than ever! sending all my love and affection <3


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I read the comments from some Heartiss here... I am sorry I dont want to ruin the party of 3 days here but ....

Calling all the HEARTIES all over the world…

Event: Twitter Trending Project
When: March 21, 2014 (Friday), 9pm – 11pm KST
Where: Worldwide
Hashtag: #TK2H2ndAnniversary

Thank you and mian


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I haven't started watching this drama yet (too many on my plate right now, sadly) but that photo of Yoo Chun on the very top REALLY caught my attention. I'm not sure if JB is just really good at capturing these photos but damn, that capture alone seriously, tugged my heart. His facial expression has so much layers in it, shock, confusion, hurt - just wow. He's gone a long way, huh? Haven't seen Yoo Chun since Miss Ripley and I know he's decent for an idol-actor but I didn't think he would be able to have that effect on me, at least that much to have me commenting here when I am not even watching this drama. Haha.

Anyways, I won't read any further and spoil myself, I'll definitely be watching this as soon as I finish my Can We Love marathon!


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Still can't believe this episode took the drama to a new level and I honestly can't imagine how it'll go from here.

Team Leader Ham's background story really is painful but he sure isn't innocent. You can express the unfairness, but killing others who isn't part of your plan, isn't what would make you innocent but this depends on people I guess...But it sure was painful to see the mentor-student relationship ended in anguish and tearful death.

I really wanna watch this in english sub as soon as I can..Loving how engaging this episode had been.


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I will admit to being completely shocked when Team Leader Ham died. I mean, this is Jang Hyun-sung! Will he only appear in flashbacks now, if at all. Bummer. But, narratively speaking, I like that he died. Tae-kyung is now so disillusioned he doesn't know what to believe anymore. I look forward to seeing his journey.

Again, I don't mind the excessive use for flashbacks because they do serve a purpose, whether that is to give us backstory or to punch us in the gut, it doesn't matter to me. I think, for a drama like this, they work well, and we can get used to seeing them.

Thanks for the recap, JB!


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I find it impossible for tae kyung to have a romance with bo won, they have known each other for just 3 days by the time this show ends lol.. Thanks for the recap ^^


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But it was going to stretch over a nine day period. I'm not here for the romance, in any case. I mean, it would be nice, and there's obviously some history between Tae-kyung and Cha-young, but I don't think Tae-kyung will care about love after the shocking revelations he keeps getting. But if it does come to it, I like Bo-won better than Cha-young.


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yea me too, i like bo won better. btw Do you watch lee bo young's God gift 14 days? That show have less romance too :)


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i won't be surprised, because (sorry this in and old reference.. lol) that movie 'Speed' which have Sandra Bullock and Keanu Reeves turns them as a lover in just a span of like..... one bus accident plus one train accident... barely a day. So, anything is possible for the love to grow.
i'm not against a love story being dragged in to this suspense drama genre, but i expect some of nice and natural flow of plot for the growing of the romance between them so it won't feels like it is forced to happened.
But i don't mind if there's no love line at all either, because the basic storyline of this drama doesn't necessarily require any of it.


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Yeah, there will a (bit) romantic scene in ep. 6 ! ;)

Just wonder if YBW didn't come to HTK's dad funeral to tell him about the truth of HTK's dad death (in ep.1), maybe HTK will never know about the conspiration about President's assasination (so, there will be no "3 days" story). Daebak ! for the writer nim :)

From now on, i put attention to small detail (scene), so it probably will be any connection to next episode.


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Hm you're probably right, thanks!:)


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Has anyone realise that Jang Hyun Sung has been in the writer Kim Eun Hee's dramas (Sign, Ghost and now Three Days)? Always seeing his face and got confused for once that i thought i was on 'Ghost' show.


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Totally enjoying this drama... feel like watching a movie. Superb camera angles, great action scenes! Yoochun is a good actor, very impressive performance... along with all other actors who are exceptional e.g. Chief Ham, the President...


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Gyaaa... it's so damn great! My fav episode so far. Suspense and emotion together.. waah.. really.. can't wait to see the next episodes ^^
Thanks for recap, love it :)


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Dramabeans, where is Episode 6? Im totally hooked with this drama. I really love this drama. It keeps me thinking on what's going to happen next.


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