Heirs: Episode 5

Tan is back for good and now everyone gets to react to it. This also means the sprawling cast of characters is finally gathered in one place, upping the ante—and the tension, oh, the tension—as we hold our breaths waiting to see how his reappearance shakes up the existing social order. Will he find his spot at the top ready and waiting for him to step into it, or will he have a bit of pushback from the changes wrought in his absence? If dramas have taught me anything, it’s to never bet on the easy way.


Park Sae-byul – “한 여름 밤의 별” (One summer night’s star) [ Download ]

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Tan sees Eun-sang’s message online and hurries down to the kitchen, where he confirms that she’s in fact here, in his house. She checks her phone for updates while drinking water, wondering at all the fuss, unaware that he’s watching from just outside amidst a burgeoning personal crisis. She shrugs, puts her phone away, and heads back to her room.

Tan trudges back to his room, burdened with this news—now it makes sense why Eun-sang hates Jeguk Group. As if he didn’t already have his immense wealth standing in his way, now he’s got to contend with being the direct reason for her family’s hardships. Of all the girls in the world, you had to fall for this one.

School vacation is over, and Eun-sang heads out the next morning dressed in school uniform. Tan watches her leaving the house from his window, then heads downstairs to peer inside the tiny room she shares with her mother, looking dismayed.

He asks his mother where hyung is, sighing that he thought he’d get to see him more now that he’s back. Madam Han tsk-tsks at his affection for someone who hates him, but Tan replies that still, he likes his brother.

Even so, it’s a shock to be told that Won actually moved out of the house because of him, as he finds out from his stepmother Madam Jung.

Won meets with Hyun-joo, the tutor whom we met previously who’d ignored Won’s call. His demeanor suggests they’re in a dating relationship, but her behavior is a bit distant even though she calls him oppa. Won gives her a wishbone as a gift from his trip to the States, to use for a wish, then presents her with the real gift—a necklace with a wishbone pendant that he says will be a good luck charm.

Hyun-joo isn’t inclined to accept, saying that she grew up always supported by his family—but now she’s fine on her own with a job and home and savings account. Won gets frustrated at the difficulty in just giving her a gift, and she relents and accepts. But he guesses that she intends to never wear it, and gets up to fasten it around her neck. Her expression is anything but happy, and she looks on the verge of tears. I do wonder if it’s something in the Kim brothers’ blood that attracts them to women who see their wealth as a burden.

Won is greeted at his hotel with the message that he has a guest waiting in his room, and bristles to hear that it’s his brother. Won is ready to rip into the hotel employee for admitting just anybody into his room, but he’s told that Chairman Dad gave the okay himself.

Tan sits and waits in his hyung’s suite. And waits. And waits. And waits. Aw, is Won just going to stay away until he leaves?

Tan finally calls it a day and goes home late that night. He eats a late dinner that his mother sets before him, and they have a cute back-and-forth as he asks if she prepared it herself, to which she says, “I ordered it all prepared for you!” She promises to order lots more good food for him in the future, like it’s only the thought that counts.

Tan casually asks about the housekeeper’s daughter, and how long they’ve lived here. Madam Han thinks to call Eun-sang over with a wine request (calling her the wrong name, Eun-sung, the whole time). Hilariously, Tan looks alarmed at the prospect and for a moment contemplates crouching under the dining table (lol), but opts instead to bolt. By the time Eun-sang arrives, his chair is empty.

Eun-sang heads outside to the cellar, using her cell phone as a flashlight on the dark path. Suddenly all the outdoor lights flick on—aw, Tan, you romantic.

Moving on to Jeguk’s Manager Yoon, who sits at a bar with a drink, thinking on his complicated romantic history with Rachel’s mother. Won joins him, which is a little surprising given that they don’t exactly have a friendly relationship. Maybe broodiness loves company.

Won points out that Manager Yoon may work for Tan if little bro takes over the company. There’s the unspoken assumption that such a scenario would require Won to be out of the picture, but Manager Yoon asks pointedly, “Why, will you give him the company to run?” I like him; Manager Yoon is no pushover, though he manages it without being a hardass either. Won wonders if he’s being dumb or just drunk, though, to ignore the subtext in his comment.

Then who should stroll into the bar but Rachel and Young-do’s newly engaged parents, and Won greets them pleasantly while Manager Yoon stiffens. Won already speaks to Rachel’s mother as though she’s an in-law, because of Tan and Rachel’s engagement. Oy, this family tree.

Young-do’s father suggests a friendly drink together. I’m not sure if he dislikes Manager Yoon for being a secretary or if there are other reasons at play, but there’s definitely a hard undercurrent to his tone. Frankly I have little patience for the moony faces Rachel’s mother and Manager Yoon make at each other, but it isn’t long before the business talk turns the air chilly.

As the presidents of their respective companies, Won and Young-do’s father discuss their thoughts on expansion into global markets. Manager Yoon takes the conservative view, and Young-do’s father sneers that such concerns are the province of “guys who work below us.” God, he’s an ass.

Manager Yoon excuses himself to make a call, and then Rachel’s mother excuses herself from the business talk. After their departure, Young-do’s father sniffs that the other guy doesn’t know his place.

Rachel’s mother finds Manager Yoon to apologize for her fiancé’s lack of manners, and he apologizes as well. “For what?” she asks. And then he basically attacks her with a kiss. Okay. I just wish I cared about the parents at all.

Eun-sang zones out during class, and the English lesson using Hollywood as a topic makes her think of being there with Tan. As she walks out with a friend, she stops short at the crowd of excited girls squealing over and expensive car and a hot guy waiting by it. Ha. You have to admit, Tan does know how to make an entrance.

He indicates Eun-sang, which naturally piques everyone’s curiosity. They ooh and ahh as he explains coming her to see her to ask a question, though he clarifies that it’s not about her—he wants Chan-young’s phone number. She wonders why. “Why do you think?” Tan quips. “I’m interested because he’s pretty. He won’t leave my mind and it’s driving me crazy.”

Eun-sang tells him Chan-young is taken and heads off, and just like that Tan loses all footing in this exchange because he’s left huffing, “Stop while I ask nicely. Stop right there!” She keeps walking, to his chagrin.

Eun-sang gets a call from Chan-young while she’s at her cafe job, and he wonders how she has time to message online and upload photos while she’s working. Haha. Eun-sang’s eyes widen and she checks her page to find an aegyo photo of Tan with the caption, “Kim Tan is really good-looking.” LOL.

She finds him sitting around the corner and orders him to log out. He refuses, then keeps her from stomping off by playing the customer card in front of her boss. “I would like Yoon Chan-young’s phone number,” he orders. “On ice.”

Figuring it’s the quickest way to get rid of him, she gives him the number, and Tan calls right away… to request her number. Ha. To his credit, Chan-young refuses, like a good bestie would. Tan just grabs the phone out of her hand and calls himself, promising to log out of her account now that he has her number. Then he heads off, and it’s her turn to call out ineffectually for him to stop right there.

He calls right away, and she wonders how long he means to visit, so she can buy him dinner before he leaves. He smiles and points out that she’s the one who suggested it.

Tan confides to Manager Yoon about his failed attempt to meet hyung. He apologizes for putting Manager Yoon in the middle, and they acknowledge that this whole situation is neither brother’s fault. “It’s the chairman’s fault,” Manager Yoon deadpans, which makes Tan laugh out loud. ‘s true.

It’s interesting that Chairman Dad seems to be a passive figure in the family feud, especially given that he’s actually keeping close tabs on both sons. His secretary presents him with a stack of photos, which show each brother with various women—Rachel, Eun-sang, tutor Hyun-joo. He takes particular interest in the Eun-sang photos.

That night, Mom finds a questionnaire Eun-sang has been working on for school, which outlines her aspirations for college, major, and career. In every category she has written “none,” and under the general future category she has written simply that she wants a salaried job. It’s a little crushing for Mom to see.

Tan goes for a morning walk just as Myung-soo drives by on his way to school. Myung-soo greets him enthusiastically and confirms that he’s back for good, then has to hurry on. Tan turns to his front gate just as Eun-sang heads out, and hastily ducks around the corner like a suspicious person. Smooooth.

Eun-sang gets paranoid and drags Tan down the street by the wrist, not wanting to risk running into the family’s Second Son (“Oh, the family’s really good-looking Second Son?” Tan notes). Tan has absolutely zero objection to the wrist-pull, and when she lets go, he offers his arm again for another round. Heh. He plays dumb about not knowing she lived here, saying that he lives in the neighborhood.

She starts to give a defensive explanation for why she lives in this neighborhood, but Tan says he’s not interested in that. Instead he leaaaans in close to ask when she’s gonna buy him dinner. Eun-sang points out that he said he’d call but didn’t, which just about makes his day: “Ohhhhh, you were waiting for my call, huh?”

Myung-soo takes the news of Tan’s return straight to Bo-na, who has a very badly masked freak-out over the news. Aw, she’s so simple. She thinks it’ll jeopardize her relationship with Chan-young if he knew she’d once dated Tan, and yet I’m pretty sure it’s a secret to nobody. She lies that she totally didn’t hear what Myung-soo said because she was thinking of a song, and Chan-young makes amused jabs: “Is it G.O.D’s ‘Lie’? Big Bang’s ‘Lie’? T-ara’s ‘Lie’?”

Bo-na beelines for Rachel to demand a confirmation, only this is totally news to Rachel as well. Rachel masks her surprise much better, and plays the “Why should I tell you?” card rather than admit she didn’t know. That just gets Bo-na more fired up and she vows to exact her revenge if this gets her dumped.

Rachel calls Tan right away, then fumes when the phone is shut off.

News travels fast, because Rachel comes to her locker to find Dear Stepbrother-to-Be waiting for her to ask if Tan’s really back. She snaps at him, asking if he’s afraid he’ll get his spot stolen away as big man on campus.

Just then Tan returns her call, and she puffs up in satisfaction to answer. But all he says is a curt “I’m back in Korea. If that’s why you called, then I’ll hang up now.” Holding on to a dead line, Rachel pretends to agree to a date later, which Young-do sees right through.

At the Kim mansion, Chairman Dad engages Mom in conversation (er, one-sidedly I suppose) and asks how long she’s been working here. Madam Han enters the room late, assumes she’s going to get tattled on, and rushes forth to insist Mom is wrong. Ha. This woman pretty much embodies the idea of shooting yourself in the foot. Thankfully Mom intervenes before Madam Han incriminates herself too thoroughly.

Chairman Dad heaps praise on Mom for sticking with a difficult mistress, and offers to send Eun-sang to one of their schools as a gesture of appreciation. Mom is overwhelmed with gratitude, since this opens the doors to a future Eun-sang might never have otherwise.

Mom is quick on her feet and gets all the transfer documents in line to pull Eun-sang from her current school. Eun-sang doesn’t see it as the heavenly boon her mother does and protests: Going to a school as ritzy as Jeguk High School is out of their means—they can’t even afford the uniforms.

Eun-sang gets called to see the chairman, and tells him that while she’s thankful, she doesn’t fit in at Jeguk. Chairman Dad actually gives some wise advice about not deciding ahead of time that your “place” is low, limiting yourself while others go out seeking higher and greater things. He mentions Jeguk scholarships that send students abroad—ooh, is he being an evil genius in sending her away under false pretenses? I really wonder about him.

Young-do reluctantly complies with another family dinner summons, where Rachel’s mother keeps up a stream of conversation while they wait for Young-do’s dad. She gives Young-do a fancy dog collar as a gift and asks how long he’s raised his dog. Young-do answers that it was after Mom left the house and Dad started dating around—he bought that dog with all the allowance money those girlfriends gave him. The dog was so smart that whenever he told it to bite one of those women, it would, “So how could I not love it?”

The inappropriate story gets both ladies fuming, so when Dad joins them, Mom does them all a favor by excusing Young-do from dinner. Rachel hops on the excuse train and leaves too, insisting on a ride on his bike.

Rachel’s headed to get fitted for a new school uniform… which is where Eun-sang is, reeling from sticker shock over the thousand-dollar uniforms. She walks out just as Rachel arrives, and the glare-off is immediate. Rachel takes offense at Eun-sang for not avoiding her and for knowing that Tan is back, and snaps that she warned her off in America.

Eun-sang stands her ground to say she has no reason to avoid Rachel, then snaps the nametag from Rachel’s uniform. On the plane Rachel had snatched her documents to learn her personal info, so she’s returning the favor. If she wants it back, give her a call, she says.

Young-do watches with vast amusement and prevents Rachel from stomping off after Eun-sang, noting that she lost this round. Telling her to find her own way home, he zooms off.

Young-do catches up to her near her neighborhood and cuts off her path to ask a few questions: What’s her relationship to Tan? To Rachel? Why’d she get her personal info stolen? Eun-sang bristles and declines to answer, but he says they’re on the same team and that he’s never seen anyone—excepting himself—who could piss off Rachel so quickly, and that, he declares, is a rare talent.

She cuts him off and asks him to get out of her way since she has Things To Do. Young-do says that she wasn’t leaving out of choice and not necessity, pointing out the wide open street around them that she could use to escape. Ha. Such a smartass.

Eun-sang tells Chan-young about her transfer possibility, and by now she’s come around to the idea that maybe she should go. After all, Jeguk is a name that’ll open doors for her, and she admits to occasionally envying Chan-young for being able to attend. But his response is decidedly wary, and although he welcomes her to his school, it’s a muted reaction.

Tan finds a box of his old things in the wine cellar, smiling at the note scrawled inside a book from Bo-na back when they were dating. Then the door opens and he scrambles for a hiding place as Eun-sang walks in, thankfully too preoccupied with her phone to notice him. He ducks behind the main wall and crouches there as Eun-sang calls Chan-young to inform him that she paid him back for the plane ticket. With that her last loose end connecting her to America has been tied; the midsummer night’s dream is over.

Tan calls her on her walk back to the house and tells her to look up to the second floor. Puzzled, she looks around at the windows until the sight of her dreamcatcher stops her in her tracks. Then he tells her to turn around… and there he is.

They stare for long, loaded moments. Finally he walks toward her, not breaking the stare, and waits for her to arrive at the correct conclusion. She asks whether he’s really the second son, and whether he knew she lived here when they ran into each other at the gate. And whether he knew she lived in the maid’s room. To each question he sounds an affirmative.

She whirls around and starts walking away, eyes filling with tears. Tan calls after her, “Did I… miss you?” How like you to ask her how you feel, which is somehow more touching than just telling her.

Madam Han brings Tan his new school uniform and tells him he’ll be matriculating tomorrow. She urges him to excel at his studies—can’t have him being outperformed by the maid’s daughter. Tan looks up in surprise to hear that Eun-sang is transferring as well, though I’m not sure if it’s pleasant surprise or an uneasy one.

The next morning, Eun-sang tries not to stare on her way in at the parade of fancy chauffeured cars and students mentioning huge sums of money like it’s nothing. She’s not wearing a uniform, which, eek. I know she can’t afford it, but this doesn’t seem like the kind of place where you’d want to draw even more attention to yourself for that. (Oh god, and then there’s more English? Didn’t we get that out of our system in America?)

Bo-na is the first to come up to Eun-sang, incredulous to hear she’s a new student here. At least she’s not mean about it, which is more than we can say for Rachel, who’s as hostile as ever, while cheery Myung-soo welcomes her and offers a handshake.

But the curiosity over the new girl is soon eclipsed by the grand excitement as the whole student body rushes outside to confirm the news: Tan just arrived.

A crowd gathers around him in front of the school, and Tan gets right to addressing the points that everyone else is bound to gossip about—Rachel is his fiancée, Bo-na his ex, Chan-young his ex’s new boyfriend.

Watching from afar is vomiting sunbae Hyo-shin, who notes with entertainment that Lucifer has just arrived in “this school of Satans.” That’s one way to put it.

Then Young-do makes his way into the circle, and tension mounts at this confrontation of alpha dogs. Tan speaks first.

Tan: “Missed you, friend.”
Young-do: “Welcome.”
Tan: “Relax. I won’t do anything right away.”
Young-do: “Let’s stick to greetings. The kids’ll scare.”

And then… Eun-sang wanders along obliviously, totally not seeing the circle until she’s right in the middle of it. She’s busy texting—at least we’ve established that she gets tunnel vision when she’s on her phone—asking where Chan-young is, then belatedly notices her surroundings.

Awk. Ward.


Finally, we arrive at the central conflict! I do appreciate that the story took a little time to bring us to this point in that it actually means something when Tan and Young-do have their face-to-face confrontation, and we’re ready to feel the same sense of unease that ripples through the student body. Because we got to know the characters, we see this showdown not only from one angle (say, Tan’s) but from several, and that adds a bit of punch to the moment.

So I’m not against taking some time to bring us to the point, especially when it’s drawn in an entertaining way. And if we take out the amazingly awful English-language acting of the LA scenes, I like the time spent away from home turf as well, because it adds to the dreaminess of that isolated encounter, that connection formed in a (semi-)vacuum where our leads were on more level playing field than they are here. (Because once in Seoul, we’re back to that maid-and-boss, chaebol-and-Candy setup that has become so familiar.) That said, I wouldn’t have been averse to getting here just a wee bit sooner.

I’m pretty sure we all saw the story heading this way, so on one hand it’s still not doing anything all that fresh. I find myself anticipating the moments before they land, wishing they’d come a beat or two sooner, which would help tighten up the sense of dramatic tension. Right now I’d say the tension comes in the acting—which is largely solid—but less in the plot. With school back in session and all our characters finally gathered into the same scene, maybe we’ll really get rolling.

I did like that Tan chose to reveal his identity to Eun-sang himself, even though I enjoyed the brief spell where he was running around trying to stay out of her sight. And I wondered whether she was going to have to deal with a big shocking reveal down the line, maybe at school. But it was a thoughtful way to reveal himself, I thought, gentle and without pressure. It’s so obvious to us that he’s a sweet guy that it makes me all the more curious about his reputation among his peers, which hints at a much meaner, tougher version.

I’m not sure I love this Candy-goes-to-prep-school turn in that it feels so reminiscent of Boys Before Flowers, even though in terms of execution the dramas are worlds apart. And Heirs has its characters acting and reacting with emotions that seem native to the human race, whereas I’m not sure you could say the same for the caricatures of Boys. But it IS a distinctive setup, and with the lead actor being in both it’s hard to ignore the feeling. Right now I feel like I can anticipate exactly what kind of reception Eun-sang will receive at the school, and who will step in to help and who will antagonize. And while all that is rich in conflict, I do want something to surprise me.

I’m going to hope that Heirs continues what it’s done thus far in giving its characters motivations that seem realistic and true to life, rather than punched up for the rom-com hijinks-y version. (Case in point: I was expecting Tan to geek out happily over the cohabitation reveal because that’s what the rom-com hero would normally do—as Gu Jun-pyo did—and thus preferred the more muted, conflicted reaction the show gave him. The outright romantic comedy would play up the broad comedy more, but we’re really dealing more with youth melo. I think this is a good thing for this drama.)

Despite all that, though, the show continues to breeze by as an engaging watch that has me invested rather strongly in the main couple and has lined up a nice cast of characters to enjoy. (Some others could drop off the screen, as far as I’m concerned, and not cause a ripple. Myung-soo, for one, who irritates the crap out of me despite being a generally happy dude.) The writer certainly has a gift for sparkling, funny dialogue and some of those bantering sessions are a delight to watch even when they’re really just there as verbal decoration. But hey, some dramas have pretty cameras, some have evocative OSTs, and some are enhanced by sharp, witty dialogue. Why not make full use of all your strengths, yes?

I find Won’s relationship with Hyun-joo one of the more interesting points (and can we drop the parental angst-romance, please?), particularly in how it seems to echo so closely what little bro Tan is going through now. No doubt most women of their acquaintance would be thrilled to be connected to the Jeguk family, but that’s exactly the opposite of the kind of women they’re drawn to, which makes me hope this will be a point of bonding for the brothers down the line. SOMEthing has to bring them together, doesn’t it?


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This was a great episode. Drama is finally picking up speed.

Youngdo vs Kim Tan was both hot and scary. I could feel the tension between

them. Well it appears that Tan was just as vicious as Youngdo before he

moved to America. Now that he is back with his old classmates he has to act

the part. Stay away from Chanyoung and Bona! Just let them be happy and

not part of your bullying.

Glad to see Eunsang stood up for herself against Rachel and Youngdo. Didn't

want her to cry the entire episode.

What is up with the Chairman? Is he trying to encourage Tan and Eunsang to

get together or is this a test. Chairman knows his sons fall in love with poor

girls. Like father like sons. Why do all the chaebol parents in dramas send

photographers to spy on their children? How creepy is that.

Oh and I'm mad that Kang Hanuel only had one line this episode.


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the music that played when tan and youngdo were about to face each other. perfect!
also youngdo's road blocking act. hahaha! evil can be cute too!

I think putting eunsung in jaeguk high is a way of the chairman to show her how exactly they differ in status. a twisted way that is which seems to have worked on hyunjoo. i'm guessing tan and hyunjoo have started out similarly. especially hyunjoo's. as it was mentioned that she was a scholarship student. and that she's happy to have a job, home, and savings account. those are what eunsung wants now. and it seems after going through high school, hyunjoo has learned how different their worlds are. the chairman might actually be planning something similar with eunsung.


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yeah I should have known the chairman had an ulterior motive. Giving charity to make her feel ashamed of being too poor to turn down the opportunity


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Exactly, the Chairman wants her to be aware of their social status differences, while also holding the keys to her future. Stay away from Tan, and go abroad to study or stay with him and we ruin your opportunity to graduate.

I like that we are finally getting to the core story and all the characters are finally meeting.

But, I still have misgivings about the cast being to old for their parts. I know American shows use older actors as teenagers, but those actors stay in that realm only. While we have seen Shin Hye, and Lee Min Ho play post college characters, job holders etc. So seeing them back in high school seems so jarring.

This drama could have been easily set in college, so I don't understand the writer's insistence that it had to be high school. Or they could have cast young unknowns.

Also is it me or does LMH look bloated in several scenes. Let's see where episode 6 takes us. But for now, I am still hanging in there.


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her facial expression at the end andd the little jump she gave when she lookedat young do was priceless.

That chairman is devious. It a classic move of wedging to ppl a part but the want only gets stronger sometimes. It may have worked for Kim Won but may not for tan. Tan is pushyand not afraid to admit feelings.

I agree with it being jarring to have them back as high schoolers. college actually could have been a lot more exciting. none we can do about it eh.


to me the only reason the story needs to be set in high school is for the bullying, I just don't think bullying is that common in college


Maybe the Chairman understands how people like Eun Sang's minds work. He's not driving them away by exposing the difference in social status, he's killing them with kindness, putting them under an unspoken debt.

(I think that's what happened to Hyun Joo too. She was given a scholarship by the Chairman and now she's loathe to accept anything else, even Won's affections, from the family.)

Hyun Joo and Eun Sang are pragmatic and "prideful" enough to understand that if they take those benefits from the Chairman, it would be too much to date the sons too.


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I somehow don't think that the chairman is as malevolent as that since his errrr concubine is obviously from a lower status as well. I am just going to take what he says at face value about "not deciding ahead of time that your “place” is low, limiting yourself while others go out seeking higher and greater things" - quoting jb at that, and keep my fingers crossed...pretty please, don't be the typical dad?


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But that's just it. He keeps her as a concubine. He could've filed a divorce (and paid for the consequences) with his current wife, but he allows this toxic family setting to continue because he doesn't want to rock the boat or something.

If we compare his situation with Tan, it's like saying it's okay to marry Rachel for the family connections but shack up with Eun Sang for "love".


The chairman scares the hell out of me. A man who allows his wife and his mistress to live under the same roof, battling each other and making each other miserable; a man who allows his older son to exile the younger one to another country; a man who lets his older son work as president at his company while not disclosing any succession plan, knowing this is driving the older son to toxic levels of paranoia about the future. And while he does all this, he seems indifferent -no, amused- about the consequences. This is not a nice man.

He's the real Lucifer amongst the Satans. It's an interesting paradox visually, because he looks so meek and helpless, sitting in his chair, wearing his Mr. Rogers sweaters. And all the while he's manipulating people as if they're pieces on a chessboard. This is the negative side of having an excess of power and money.


But Faye, the 2nd wife doesn't live in the house, she just visits. And no, it does not make things alright. I just wanted to mention that.


@Ivoire - Are you sure second wife doesn't live in the house? There were so many scenes of her there that I honestly thought she did. If she doesn't, how come she's able to just waltz in all the time? LOL.


Hi Faye,

I had to go doze off for a few mins (about 40 or so), before I get ready to watch ep. 6 live :-). I have been up all night, literally. Just look at the time of my posts, and how long they are :-).

Yeah, I am sure. 2nd wife doesn't live there. Wait, now I am not so sure. Yeah, I think she doesn't live there. Because remember when Chairman Kim was sick and 2nd wife didn't know right away? If she had been living in the house still, she would have known the same day. She found out 2 days later (or the next day), when she visited. Remember, she came in, as CES was stepping out or coming in, to see her mom, right after her return from the US. I think she is there regularly, but I am not sure that she lives there any more.

Can others please weigh in on this, to make sure? Did I assume wrong? Because also, wouldn't people in their circle that 2nd wife doesn't live at home any more? And gossip about it?

OK, off to go and try to watch ep. 6 raw, with South Korea. will be back later... :-)


Ivoire, I could be totally wrong about her being in the house. If so, it's an even weirder situation, isn't it? Remember all those fight scenes between wife and mistress in the first week's episodes? Does she have her own key or something? Either way, some very twisted family dynamics.

P.S. Get some sleep! Sorry there's no smouldering Lee Min Ho to stare intensely at you while you do so (don't we all feel that regret . . . no offense meant to my better half, LOL).



I do remember that scene, that was the way CES was introduced to the 2 women remember? And just a little earlier, ES had come to the house, to see her mother. The 2nd wife saw her at the gate, and gave her the disapproving once-over. Don't you remember that scene? And the argument started BECAUSE the 2nd wife didn't know the Chairman had been sick. That makes me think that if she had been living in the house, she would have known the same day.

GF mentions it at the beginning of ep. 4, and I would post the link, except my response would be held back for moderation, which means you would not be able to see it right away.

Here is a paragraph from that recap, "Eun-sang asks if they’re living in the street now, and Mom asks her to wait here and leaves her at the gate. Madam Jung arrives at the house, stopping to give Eun-sang the disapproving once-over before walking in." And it goes on about mom blackmailing KT's mom and the ensuing fight. I also think that if you were to watch the beginning of ep. 4, you might understand better why I think Madam Jung does not live in the house.

Also, when Chairman Kim asked ES's mom how his mistress was treating her, he referred to her as the mistress (in charge kind of) of the house, and I think that has been done a few times. So again, KT's mom is the only one living there, of the 2 women. You don't see Madam Jung being there and ordering things to be done in the house. KT's mom does, again because she lives there.

Yes, the situation is weird, however I do think that that is exactly what we are supposed to realize, that those 2 boys (who behave like boys at times) come from a very broken home, which adds to their pain, their loneliness and which to me explains why they are so desperate to be loved back by the women they love. The (older) women in their lives (their moms), don't know how to love them, they are not healthy

Yes, Madam Jung raised KW, but somehow, he still resents her or he is cold and distant towards her, and we don't know why yet (I don't. I mean, at least she raised him when his mom died, right? Though we don't know how she treated him). In KW's case, it's even worse, because he has no friends. He has to drink with the secretary at his company, whom he does not like, that says something. Did you see how frustrated he was with his girlfriend? (If she is that already). He was all, "man, I just want to love you and shower you with gifts. Why is this so hard?" and he could feel the wall she had erected, and I don't think he fully understands or understands at all and appreciates the position she is in. We do, but I don't think he does.

We have already talked about how lonely KT feels, and yes he was intrigued by ES, but he is also in love with her, totally. The home they live in, is big, an estate, but it is a cold one, as we saw. Probably part of why YD and KT bonded, originally. They are both lonely souls and starved for affection, done the right way. And YD misses his mommy, that is for sure (and so does KW). I don't think he likes his dad, not at the moment. Who would? His dad is abusive.

I don't know that Madam Jung needs her own key, she will always be let in. In ep. 4, she didn't have a key, she just announced herself. You can rewatch it. It's at the beginning.

About sleep, when I do watch a Kdrama, I like to try and understand every facet of it. I learn a lot that way, about the language, culture, etc... and I also like to think my way through a drama, figure out what the writer is trying to do, how the actors/actresses convey that, etc... It is like taking a literature class, except, it is a Kdrama :-). So I invest the time, when I can, to discuss it, as you can see. And yes I sleep less, but that's OK. It's the best way to get a lot of answers and thoughts shared that way.

Ah, if I could meet and be in the presence of LMH, sleeping is not what I would want to do. And no, I was not thinking dirty either. I would ask him questions, pick his brain, talk and hang out with him. I am curious about a lot of things, I don't know if you sensed it from my list of questions. Besides, I don't think he would want to stare at me when I sleep, and that is OK :-)

This was long, but I hope it helps :-)...


Ivoire, I enjoy reading your insightful and thoughtful comments. I can tell you put a lot of thought into them. It helps enrich my understanding of the drama and culture, as well!


In regards to Tan's mother, it's fun to sneer at her in a Western way as "the concubine" but believe it or not she is actually a person, even if she lives in an arrangement this literally funny to us with our vantage point.

We Americans are dense so it can be forgiven when we miss the point that this "concubine" is in fact the person of whom we speak who has overreached her position and refused to accept her "place."

The way she has done this, is yet another thing we must laugh at, but she has provided the chairman a son and an heir, which his legitimate wife could not, thereby tossing the entire thing upside down and usurped the wife's place, if not her standing.

The reason there is no divorce is because the legitimate wife refuses to yield to a divorce, instead exacting retribution by usurping something of "the concubine's" of her own: her son's legal standing.

Not to freak out like a fangirl and go nuts about the meaning of a kdrama but if you're paying attention Kim Eun-Sook has structured the narrative elements in a manner of Wagnerian Opera. There are repeating elements throughout the structure. Tan and Eun-Sangs relationship is repeated circularly in elements of the relationship between Tan's brother Won and Hyun-joo as well as Tan's father the chairman and his mother aka "CONCUBINE LOL." There's a clear undercurrent and tension of what constitutes LEGITIMACY and thus OVERREACHING in terms of the ambitions and desires of the women. The mother aka CONCUBINE LOL is on one end of the spectrum, greedily grabbing everything she can, plotting to upend the legitimate wife by catching her in an affair, resorting to bearing a son to gain her place. On the other end is Hyun-Joo who feels an overbearing burden by Won's wealth and has problems even accepting a gesture like a necklace. Eun-Sang is in the middle. She is a girl of overriding ambition, very coarse and desirous but tempered by a noble sense of independence and responsibility.

It seems funny to equate a Kdrama with Opera but it's not called a soap opera for nothing. Obviously without the gravity of a Wagner opus but actually not surprising in this case, considering how more inquisitive Koreans generally are and referential they are to things like Wagner, Kierkegaard and other things we Americans would consider pretentious or faggy.



I am glad that my "long" comments are helping you understand the drama, and yes, I do enjoy dissecting Kdramas. It wouldn't be as great an experience for me if I could not do that. I have enjoyed reading your comments as well.

And OH HAI, interesting analysis. For the record, we were not sneering at KT's mom, at least I was not. I do think that I do understand her as well.


no one was mocking Tan's mother by calling her a concubine. We just use that term because that is what the recaps used to describe her and because this is a modern day royal saeguk with chaebols as heirs instead of princes


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Well said, thelady.
I didn't think we were mocking her. We were just trying to differentiate her from wife #2, and yes, she IS called a concubine.


I did think the showdown between Youngdo vs. Kim Tan could also be labeled the battle of the fuschia lipsticks. Whoever is doing their makeup needs to lighten up a bit.

That aside, I'm looking forward to these two characters battling it out.


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LMAO omg that's all i was thinking too....everyone in this drama, regardless of gender, seems to be rocking the pink lipstick trend. it's more distracting than the bb cream most times.


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And who won ? :D I haven't watched it.


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Nobody except the cosmetic company that makes the lipsticks :).


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I wish there was a "like" option on this blog. Loved your response to the question about who won :-)


The lipstick is very distracting. I try not to notice it but damn they need to do a lot better with the make-up..


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it seems like a recent trend. some of the other drama's airing now also have the actors with too much makeup, esp lipstick.


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I agree it is distracting i find myself look at the lips


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so so agree with the lipstick this... is it really the norm in Korea... I heard someone mention that men in Korea really do wear make up... at least the younger ones... the influences of K-drama!!!


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Yeah but Kang Hanuel's line was a great one.

As for chairman dad! I think it's to early to tell. His first wife seems to have been from a similar level as the brothers love interests. I do hope that will help them bond.


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Kang Haneul aka Lee Hyoshin in "The Heirs", son of Attorney-General, Jeguk High School Student President, likes his Jeguk High School teacher, Jeon Hyunjoo (real life age 25) who Kim Won (real life age 28, 186cm) seems to like (in the past/even now).

Kang Haneul, (real life) a theatre major graduate, height 182cm, age 23, other splendid kdrama in another SBS production "To The Beautiful You" (2012.08.15), also another elite super rich Genie High School drama.

Kang Haneul acted as Min Hyunjae, competitive, good high-jumper Nationals/Olympics level qualifier, super abs, great lean body, ooomph. Many dialogues/actions. Super love Kang Haneul here.

"To The Beautiful You" is only 16 episodes, super light, comedy, bright, colourful, romance drama minus the evil/heavy/complicated plot. Purely teens high school drama.

Incidentally SBS "To The Beautiful You" starred altogether three "The Heirs" artistes:- handsome Lee Hyoshin (Kang Haneul), beautiful Rachel Yoo (Kim Jiwon) and stunning Choi Youngdo (Kim Woobin).


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I am a fan of Kang Haneul since I saw him in Monstar. I was disappointed he didn't have more lines this episode.


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Isn't editing an issue with this drama? Acting is good but there is something that exasperates me. And PSH reminds me of every other character she has portrayed before. Just wide eyed, sometimes surly... I am consistantly puzzled by her popularity. Is she the best one currently in this age group?


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Agree as well. PSH always plays all her roles the same way. You can transport any of the other characters she has played to this drama and you wouldn't notice.

The quick trigger crying. The plucky poor girl, who catches the eye of some rich prince out to save her. And some jealous bitchy girl who picks on her.


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Mileage varies, I suppose. We all appreciate different types of actresses. It's okay not to like her, but it's silly to be puzzled by her getting work, as if her being a bad actress is an indisputable fact.

Personally, I happen to think she's a terrific actress. As she's matured, she has something that not everybody gets or appreciates -subtlety. For me, that makes a nice change from the shrieking and over-aegyo-ness we see in a lot of K-dramas.

Take that scene in the garden where Kim Tan reveals he's the son of the house. No histrionics, no "surliness," no "wide-eyed stares" on her part. As she looks at the dreamcatcher, then at him, then puts 2+2 together, you can almost see the realization slowly dawning on her about who he is, and what that means for their budding relationship. She doesn't break into a crying and screaming fit; the smile gradually leaves her face, tears slowly, slowly well up in her eyes, and she turns gingerly, carefully away from him, almost afraid to reveal her emotions not just to him, but even to herself. It's a scene that requires a lot of emotional intelligence and skill, and it touched me -and many others I know who watched it- right in the heart. That's good acting.


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I totally agree. I personally like her. I like the chemistry between LMH & PSH. Their characters say a lot with body language. Words are not always necessary.


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I agree with you. Very well said.


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I 2nd what you said about PSH, and you said it really well. I am enjoying her performance so far, at times more so than LMH's. I do agree so strongly with you about her emotional intelligence and her acting skills. She has them, she understands her character, and I believe that she is CES, warts and all. She is really smart, and yes, she is growing in her craft. It also helps that she has worked with some really good actors and actresses. I love the actress who plays her mom in this drama. She was LMH's aunty in Faith, interestingly enough :-)


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I agree, she's really a good actress... saw her in the Tree of Heaven.. despite being really young then, she was able to portray a very mature role...


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Big beautiful eyes with a wide range of expressions that one can follow easily. It is to her credit that whatever was asked of the role has been portrayed extremely well by her and without the histrionics too. That is one of her many charms as an actress....in my opinion.


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Say it Maris, :-)...


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Really? Because PSH in Heirs looks and feels nothing like the characters she played in her previous three dramas - You're Beautiful, Heartstrings and Flower Boy Next Door.

I can understand criticism of her acting, but this one particular point being repeated so often makes me think whoever sees it only saw stills from those dramas instead of actually watching them.


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Well, I happen to have watched Heartstrings and You are beautiful and I think that, even if The characters differ on paper, The Way PSH plays them os really very similar. Wide eyes, quick tears, etc. I'm not saying she has no talent, but she needs to work on different ways to Express things for different characters, otherwise she Will always be stuck playing The same girl over and over again.


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LOL! I was nodding along to your comments and then I spat out my orange juice at the last line. SO TRUE.


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that spying Omg. Glad I am not Tan. I would either get really violent, run off 1100 km again or .... surveilance and putting a leash on people is what I hate the most. This is bad, really bad. Uh makes me so angry.
but I don´t agree that there was tension. music, yes, but I think that scene at school was the weakest of the episode. more tension before.
and I wanted more tension in other places as well. like why did Tan hide in the basement in the first place if he was gonna reveal his identity in a few moments? they could have stalled that a bit longer.
still, I quite enjoy the show. I think it has surprisingly good writing and twists and humor, and I love that the older characters are so interesting and it is not just a teen flick. Haha. I like the dialogue. I like that you can´t make out what all the characters are all about. They are just human beings. Despite riches and burdens and stuff, we are all just people. Position is just pretend. Favorite characters: Tan´s Mom, secretary Yoon, Won and Eun Sang (& her mom). The moms are the best, really, so fun to watch. GOT MORE SWEATERS on my Pinterest board! Yay! BUT: you should know your textiles, folks! The patterns they are louder than a slap on the cheek. LISTEN to ME, I am a textile designer. Please. I feel so distracted, I imagine these motifs on Lee Min Ho´s pullover have an actual mouth. And I cant even see his face. AND YOU KNOW THAT IS BAAAAD. ...well is how I DID feel. And then I get it: Mom picked all the clothes, yes? They are as loud as hers. Mommas boy omg.


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and I agree with javabeans that the school situation is a bit like BOF, and then again it completely aint because there is this multi-way conforntation between all the rich kids and Eun Sang kind of is not that important. it is about Tan vs Young-Do, Young Do vs Rachel, Rachel vs Eun Sang, Bona just being a "free radical", Chan Young just being the dalai lama in the bunch like calm down it´s ok.

and who else actually thought Hyo jin would vomit on top of them from the roof.


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I hope they don't make us wait long to find out why Hyojin vomited. Stress? Bulimia? Allergic to Youngdo?


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He originally hid his identity because he was afraid she would discontinue chatting with him if she found out. She posted online that she wished his family's company get ruined. He decided to reveal his identity after he heard her conversation about her American dream. He probably tried to encourage her to look at the dream catcher, not giving up hope.


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I loved this episode and by far i am liking this show except the fact that it is kind of predictable. I just wanted a favour from the dramabeans people, if any of you see this comment, can you guys also give us the recaps of the classic shows like full house, coffee prince, biscuit teacher and star candy.....some shows like that? Please, i would love to read them. If not that can you just give us your reviews about it, how did you find them as a whole. Thank you! :D


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With every episode, this show seems to become more like Hana Yori Dango/Boys Over Flowers. I like the main couple and Young-do, but that's pretty much it. The cast is attractive, but they're mostly just fillers.


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Hello Rila,

I like your comment, because I noticed the same thing. Some scenes reminded me of BOF (I didn't see the Japanese version). When KT went to her school, it reminded me of the scene when on a Saturday morning, GJP went to pick up Jandi, and they ended up having a date (and played some sports). And then the pictures' moment with Kim daddy, we had the same kind of scenes with GJP's mom, having her son followed. Also, like the mom in BOF, the dad does not show his affection to KT, though I get the sense that he loves his sons.

Even if some of the cast are fillers, I still love them :-).


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@Ivoire - I agree that even the filler cast members are great. I can't remember a K-drama where I appreciated almost everybody. Rachel's the only outlier for me - I don't know if it's the acting or the director, but her character is just so one-dimensional bitchery.


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I really love everyone in this drama, even the parents, maybe because I do try to understand them, their motivations, and I like the acting. I understood Rachel at first (KT is really not treating her well. He should stop being passive aggressive with her, and let her go, and that would take courage for him to go up against both parents, I know), the situation with KT is not fair to her, though I guess she could try to break up as well? (Could she really?)

Then someone explained Rachel last week, and I felt some compassion for her again, until she pulled that stunt in the plane. I do find her one dimensional, and I wonder why the writer is writing her that way. I wanted her to have more depth, especially since the actress playing her could pull it off.


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Actually, Rachel's one of my favorites. She's definitely bitchy, but I haven't seen anyone actually treat her nicely. Her scene with Won makes me believe that she can actually be a decent human being given the chance, but she's always fighting her circumstances. I actually find her more interesting than Eun Sang. I'm rooting for her to break out of the system and make something for herself...start her own company or something.


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I kind of agree. For me it's like Boys Over Flowers the "real" version. The set-up is definitely the same, but this drama takes a much more serious and realistic approach to the story. I feel like there is more depth and emotion in both the scenarios and the characters. So I'm liking this approach much more then I did the slap-sticky BOF.


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That's exactly what I've been saying!

It's like Hana Yori Dango, but less satirical, more humane, so it might take another trajectory as the story develops. Also, in HYD there was no animosity between the guys, the Yongdo vs. Tan thing really brings out a whole set of conflict, I loved the standoff and expect more!

Also, I love the parallel they are using to show us the similarities between the estranged superbrothers both in love with Candys! Yay for the return of bromance!

I guess ONLY Yongdo knows about Tan's illegitimacy at this point? For everyone else, Tan's the pedigreed Alpha Dog?

Thanks for the recap Javabeans <3


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Yes, only YD knows about Tan being an illegitimate child at this point.


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The setting may be the same but the characters and feel is very different. The treatment by KES is such that at no point am I reminded of BOF. Have not watched Hana yori


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BOF may have the same premise as HYD, but BOF is truly more of a Korean makjang drama than a manga adaptation.

In HYD, Makino was inspired by someone who graduated from that school and she had a dream so she entered that school out of her own accord. While in school, she hated the bullying and the power tripping that the rich kids do... but she did nothing because she wants to be invinsible in order to graduate without issues. So it really took courage for her to stand up to the bullying later on because she is perfectly aware of the consequences - that she will then be targeted by the bullying. Makino is a strong character, despite the manga being a typical Candy story - which BOF totally ruined of course.


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Thank you, Javabeans for the recaps!
Hope for more wonderful episodes ahead!


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I really liked this episode (I actually loved it), and I am really liking the pace of this drama. I find the writing to be good so far, and I hope that the writer will be able to keep it up until the very end. I am also liking all the actors and actresses, and their portrayal of their characters.
I do have some questions, and I would appreciate some answers or guesses, if you have any:

1—The song, “Love is” (I thing that is the title), at the beginning of the ep. is a different version, right? It sounded slower, and like it was the guitar (acoustic?) version of the song. Am I right in my assumption?

2—2mns into the ep., there are 2 pictures on KT’s wall (behind him). One of them seems to be of him and his brother (or was that his mom? Though I kind of doubt it). Did I see it right? If that is the case, KT and KW must have gotten along at some point in the past. Didn’t we see a picture like that in KW’s room in a previous ep.?

3—The ssang-ssang bar, isn’t that the same thing that PKW and Dr. Pomade shared in ep. 20 of Good Doctor? It made me think of that.

4—I am curious about why the Kim family supported the girl KW likes. I hope we get told why later on.

5—In the previous ep. (3 or 4, I am not sure), do you guys think LMH really crashed the Maserati, or it was just a car that looked like it? My friend thinks he didn’t. She said, the back of the car didn’t look like the Maserati.

6-The kidney jokes, I get it, but not all of it. Why did KT asked her in ep. 1 if she still had her kidneys? Was that his way of telling her that he hadn’t kill her (yet), because he would have to kill her to get to her kidneys, right? I like the recurring joke, but I didn’t fully get it the 1st time around.

7—Do you guys think Kim daddy is sincere in wanting to help CES, or does he have ulterior motives? I don’t trust him. This is someone who has his children closely followed.

8—In real life, does anyone know what campus/school Empire Jekuk Group School is?

9—I couldn’t characterize KT’s look (in his eyes) when he told ES who he was. Was that longing, sadness? He wasn’t happy, that’s for sure. He looked sad or regretful or something like that. What do you guys think? Do you guys think he knew she was crying?

10—I was really touched by ES’s reaction and her tears. I think she felt humiliated, and hurt maybe? What did you guys see, or interpret it as?


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Hi Ivoire, Good to see you.

I'm super loving this show.

4. See my post down below #13.

5. I think it is a Maserati. But he didn't have to really crash it. He just had to drive it onto a sandy slope, which wouldn't hurt the car at all. The dripping gas tank can be easily faked.

8. That's Dongtan Global High School. It is an expensive international school about an hour south of Seoul. If you google its name, the 1st thing that pops up an a 7 min presentation of the school on youtube, emphasizing students' multi-lingual abilities, much like the student body we see at Jeguk.

9. He knew she was crying. He was sad too knowing how far apart they are socially, becos it makes things very complicated, difficult, downright impossible between them.

10. Yes, humiliation. Now it's difficult for her to treat him as an equal, which she has always done, not only with him, but with everyone who has a gt deal of money, cos their money doesn't concern her. But now he the son of the ppl who pay her mother!


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Hello KDaddict,
Good to see you as well. FYI, I did reply to your comment to me in ep. 4. I did it late, but I did it (I kept my word :-) ). Thank you for your responses. I need to go grab something to eat, and I will be back :-).


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10. Yes indeed, humiliation. But also sadness because she resents his family for her and her mother's hardships, and now by extension, Kim Tan. That's gotta hurt. For both of them. In the US, she never had a reason to resent his wealth because he never did anything harmful with it, it was just part of the furniture, so to speak. Now, in Korea, it's a different story altogether. Ah, the slings and arrows of love. ;)


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Thanks DDee! Good observation.


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Hello KDaddict,
I am also enjoying the show, though it took me a while to actually get into it. I like your answers, they make sense. I have also been reading your comments, and I can tell that you are indeed enjoying this drama. Good for you. I will have to google the school you mentioned, I am curious about it.


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The song that sounds the same but sounds different is pretty much the same song, but it's sung by 2AM's changmin in ost part 3.


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Hello celloangelninja,
I did know it was the same song, however I felt that the rendition (music) was different, which was why I asked. Thank you for the info.


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The Kidney thing is just a joke he made when she assumed he was some kind of gangster or drug dealer since he had such a nice house. He said something like "No, I'm much worse... how are your kidneys?" hinting that he was one of those people who kidnaps folks and sells their organs on the black market. I think it was the same scene where he backed her into a wall that turned out to be her bedroom door. So pretty much he was just being cheeky to mess with her head.

I think the Kidney Joke is thing so far. I hope they keep it recurring for the entire run of the show.


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He also said: Hello Sydney.

It echos their exchanges in LA. It is meant to show how deeply he's been affected by their LA meeting, n remembers everything fr it.

For a min there, I thought you were going to complain about the kidney joke appearing yet again. So glad that you like it. It only goes to show that the same thing can be taken in totally opposite ways, depending on one's mood and inclination. Enjoy.


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Hello Sidney is a quote from the movie Scream -it's what the killer says when he calls. Eun-sang likes horror movies. It's a joke, and it's also a foreshadowing of trauma drama to come, and reference to the high school is hell (a horror show).


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Thanks, I knew there had to be some reference I was missing.


'Hello Sydney' is actually Eun Sang's SNS nickname written in Korean.


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Good catch!


Eun Sung said "Hello Sydney" in the desert when his car broke down, saying that it was like the first scene of horror movies, after which sb would be killed. She mentioned it to him, and he's quoting her joke back to her.


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I LOVE the Kidney Joke. There's actually a typo in my original comment. I meant to say "I think the Kidney joke is *the best thing so far)." It's just cool because that's so something real people do, keep corny inside jokes going between them. So often Kdrama characters seem so unreal, even their inside jokes aren't real or are played up with too much deep meaning. This is just a throwaway comment that he made that ended up being so clever that he keeps bringing it back. I do that all the time!


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Awww guys, I loved all your comments, and I see your points. I don't need to reply individually, so I won't. Thank you so much for your responses. My understanding of this drama is just getting better and better :-)


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Hi Ivoire,

The kidney jokes are drug realted (back to when she asked if he was a drug dealer) - doping someone who owes you for drugs and taking their kidney as payment and sell on the black market - horribly ghoulish~

The garden scene (which didn't need even all the expensive lighting that Eun Sang commented on because Tan's chartreuse pants were bright enough) was really great. What I think it reflected was the difference between the freedom they had in California and the cultural complications that exist now that they're in Korea in regard to their relationship.

I did wonder though if Korean culture is still that way in 2013 with chaebols/servants in a household - would that really happen?


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Korea is an extremely hierarchical society. Even in less strict ones, the servant class and the master class are strictly forbidden to mingle. Two sides of the house, 2 classes, divided by the kitchen door.


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I couldn't get over his pants in the scene, way brighter than the lights for sure.


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I liked his Day-Glo Chartreuse pants!

His Shiny Metallic Silver Lurex Sweatshirt kinda bothered me though.


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Hello Owl,

Great explanations, thank you!. I loved the garden scene. That was soooo sweet. And I loved the tiny smile KT had, when he saw her walk away.

I also thought that the difference in their present situation was shown by the wall in the wine cellar, with CES in one side of the room, and KT in the other one, with that wall going all the way up. That was a great visual for their current situation.


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6 - KT joked in LA that maybe the reason why he's rich is not bec he's a drug dealer but someone who sells organs (e.g. kidneys). Thus the recurring kidney jokes since he's denied being a drug dealer.

9 - I would say both. Tan was not happy to know she's the maid's daughter bec he know's she's proud so she'll be unhappy about that and keep her distance. But he's smitten & knows he has to find a way to win her over. Thus the hide & seek initially bec he's not ready to deal with it, then finally revealing who he is to her despite the consequences (she's gonna keep her distance) when he heard she's ready to cut all ties to her American adventure. Tan definitely does not want that.

10 - I think ES was both humiliated and hurt, not because Tan hid it but because of the circumstances. She's already mildy interested so potentially hurt too to realize the vastness of their social divide.

My 2-cents worth. I really like the fact that Tan is thoughtful despite his bully reputation at school. I wonder why he's even got that rep so I'm eager to find out.


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Same with you in wondering how Tan got that reputation and I'm also curious why he got exiled in LA :)

Love this episode, can't wait to watch this and the next episode tonight in a row :)


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Hello tombrady's girl,

I really loved your explanations, they helped. I do agree with you and having read your response, I realize that the longing I saw in KT's eyes was for their burgeoning friendship. With his revelation, the friendship is over, before it has effectively taken off the ground. Yes they had LA, but even in LA, she was distant. When he confessed, she didn't want to hear it, when he begged her to stay, she didn't want to (and man did he try). So theirs was really a nascent relationship with him already fully in love (or at least falling for her), and her very hesitant because, well, he IS still engaged. I understand her feelings. She does like him some though. She daydreamed about him, and was hoping he would call.

About KT being a bully, I believe that he was one. He asked CY and MS if he bullied them, so yeah, he was abusive, and it seems that he used to do it with YD. He has that reputation, and I believe that he actually earned it, by doing it. I think that was part of how YD and KT bonded.
Yes, he does have a soft heart, but only where some people are concerned (his brother, CES, his mom [maybe] and his dad). KT can be mean, and dismissive. Look at how he is treating Rachel.

I think it is part of KT's layered character: he can be mean, but also gentle and caring. Let's see how he transforms and changes through the drama.


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The pictures were KT/Mom and KT/KW. I don't know about them getting along though. I feel that for KT, his older brother will always be someone he looks up no matter how badly KW treats him just because it is his older brother. KT even said it himself, KW is the person he likes the most. What's interesting is KT doesn't have a picture of himself and his father. That's like evidence that they don't have much of a relationship, just like his father said about him holding back when it comes to KT just so he doesn't upset KW.

About the picture in KW's room. I remember having to rewatch the seen in the his room when we see the picture cuts into KT's scene on the beach because it seemed off. It was actually a pic of KW sitting at the beach before the scene transitions into KT sitting in a similar way in real time at a beach. After seeing today's episode it seems like the writer subtly likes to hint that they are more similar than they think.

In the first episode, ES asked if KT was a drug dealer
(In ES's mind: nice house + police knows him by name + friend who snatched ES's bean powder because he thought it was a drug = drug dealer/gangster/dangerous man, etc.). KT messes with her and asks about her kidneys to scare her even more (no ill intention though, just entertaining the thought that she thinks he is some dangerous person). He says kidneys because of the idea of killing someone off and selling their organs in the black market for big bucks (old school mobster stereotype).


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Thank you Allisa!
2--I understood the picture of KW that faded into KT being at the beach, however, that was not what I was talking about. I really thought that KW had a picture of him and his brother in his room, that was what I was asking about.

6--You explained it well, thank you!


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Seems like the father hinted he was sending her there so he could ship her out of the country later through study abroad.


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Thanks Lilly!


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3-Several of the locations/sets have been used in other dramas.

6-it's a running joke for them, she was suspicious of him when they met in CA and why he was helping her, and he joked about selling her organs.

7-Most like it's a control thing, in case she turns into a problem. He has something to hold over her head to negotiate with instead of outright threats. He can be nicely nasty in getting her to stay away from KT, instead of putting his foot down with KT. Classic drama rich person move. Keep your potential enemies close thing, also. Plus it probably has to do with Kim Won's Mom, she was probably poor and not as educated or cultured as fitting his "station" and he's hedging his bets---in case he ends up with KT knocking her up or marrying her to spite his dad.

9-Yes he knew. He already knew how she was going to react. He understands the implications-that is why he had that look of heartbreak on his face when he saw her in the kitchen.

10--partly embarrassment, and partly because she likes him-romantic or not- and he is part of a world she resents. Her mother works for him, it's practically a deal breaker. Eun-sang's view of the world is made up of extreme socioeconomic divisions.

Now we are really going to get into the fun of all the school interaction hijinks and developing feels and unfortunately all the machinations and melo and angst and make you want to stab them mean girls bs that goes with it.

This drama invokes for me something feeding from a lot of an american tv/movie teen thing, a Veronica Mars vibe especially with Kim Tan, Grease (I've been calling Young-do, Kenickie), even Twilight (sometimes the instrumental music and the staring stuff). I'll stop there because the Twilight mention just probably sent someone into gag mode. Wouldn't it be great if they put Bon Iver or Lykki Li in the soundtrack tho? ;) How it's all swirling together with Korean Drama and the sageuk-i-ness, I find it fun to watch. Except the sageuk king and consort stuff, that makes me want to stab my screen.

Seriously, 2nd wife, mistress, Eun-sang's Mom, and the bro's all get together and plot a coup and dethrone Pops, because that would solve 80% of their problems right there. Not that he's the only one at fault with the parent crap, but he perpetuates and instigates and manipulates and evidently know is smart enough to get that and get the heck off that crazy train.

Looking forward to seeing what plays out.


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Ivoire, I did not mean to hijack your post. I THOUGHT I had posted my own thoughts on a post and THEN answered your questions....but, some how answered your questions but my other post is included. Yeah, that happened. I'm totally weirded out now.


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Hello Mar,

Awww... don't be (weirded out). I do appreciate that you explained what happened, and as you said, it happened. The internet and computers can be weird sometimes, I know, I have been there.

FYI, I visited your page, and liked what you have there. I also liked the links on your page. I love that your pictures/slideshow both have veteran actors and actresses as well, not just PYTs, or the most popular ones. I was trying to remember all the names of the actors and actresses I saw, but couldn't, LOL. At times, I would say, "Oh, I know, s/he is in this drama :-)" I was pretty close though (with their names). :-)


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Thanks, my original post is there too, l so I don't know what happened, derp. Thanks, glad you enjoyed the blog, and the slide show. I admit most of the photos are actors/idols that I like, so it's not all encompassing and there are more I want to add, but that time thing happens. The rotation makes for some interesting pairings lol.


@ Mar,
Yeah, I do agree that the rotation makes for some interesting pairings, I noticed that :-). By the time thing, do you mean that you don't always have the time to load more of your favorite actors and actresses?


Was the original post about heirs, ep. 4? Because that was the only latest one I saw, when I checked last night.


3--I think you misunderstood my question. The ssang ssang bar is an ice cream (or like a popsicle), that one cuts in 1/2 by pulling it in the middle. It is not a location.
Interesting analysis. I am looking forward to how it plays out as well.


The kidney jokes reference back to when she thought he was a drug dealer, and he implied that he also makes money by selling organs, like kidneys.


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Thank you guys for all your thoughtful and thought-provoking responses. And thank you JB for the recap. Now, on to the task of commenting back with some more of my thoughts, elicited by your responses.


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Answer to #8, some of the interior shots are done at Taejeon Christian International School in Deajeon. They have been filming here the last 3 Saturdays and according to the schedule should be back this Saturday. My son attends the school.


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Hello Rachelle,

Your son attends the school? That is sooo cool. This is part of why I love to comment or ask questions, because one never knows who will respond or comment back. Has there been a big commotion at the school since the shooting started? (I am just curious). I wonder what the school feels like now. Hopefully I will hear from you again.

Also, that means that there are two different schools used for locations, or maybe three with CES previous school as well?


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Actually the school was really good at keeping the filming secret. It's been going on for the last 3 weeks but everyone only found out about this past Saturday. There was a small crowd outside the gate, mostly girls. While I was in the building on Saturday I saw a couple of extras walking around. Some of our students were able to take some candid shots of the leads and posted them on Kakao. They would not allow anyone onto the second and third floor where they were filming. The exterior shots so far in the school is definitely not TCIS. I plan to camp out this Saturday, all day if necessary, until I get my own photos.


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@ Rachelle:
Wow, it is a good thing that the students and school were able to keep it a secret. Do students at TCIS have classes on Saturday?
Is Kakao the equivalent of FB? I know I have seen that name/word somewhere, however, I can't remember what it is or means.
I love this:" I plan to camp out this Saturday, all day if necessary, until I get my own photos." What do you think of the drama so far? Do people like it in Korea? Do they talk about it a lot? Or is it having a bigger international following than it is in Korea? Is your son watching the drama as well?


@Rachelle - Very cool! Out of curiosity, what kind of school is it? Is it really full of rich kids who discuss their stock portfolios in inexplicable English? :)


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Haha, no, that only happens in drama land. We do have our super rich kids who get dropped off in limos but most of the students come from expat families that live in Deajeon. Our students aren't even required to wear uniforms. Most of the kids have lived abroad so it is not painful to listen to them speak English.


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That's so cool to know! I love learning about living overseas, and my husband and I would love to be expats someday ;)


Thanks for responding! That's interesting.

Re: their English, it wasn't as if most of it was so bad, even. It was just totally inexplicable as to WHY they started speaking English, when they were in Korea among all Koreans. I speak multiple languages (learned from my parents, who are not American), but we probably wouldn't just randomly speak one of them if we were surrounded by English speakers in America. It was just strange to me. But amusing :).


They should use real kids from the school...that would be so much more cool and realistic..


@ Faye,
I speak several languages, and I think that sometimes people and younger people would speak a different language to show that they are well traveled and well educated. It gives one the air of being sophisticated and a cut above the rest.
I know in my country, it was interpreted in that way, especially when people who have money do it.


'Discussing Stock portfolio in inexplicable English'... Hilarious!


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#9. I think he looked like that because he's sad/hurt that CES is somewhat cutting her ties with the america's memories esp. her connection with KT so he didn't want that to be cut so he revealed his identity.


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Thank you Patrice,
But I also think that he KNEW that she was bound to find out about him being the 2nd son, so he broke it to her, the best way/fashion he knew how. And I agree with you: he was sad, I also think he was afraid because he knew things were different now, and they couldn't go back to how things were. He really wants her in his life, and he loves her, so seeing her slip through his fingers emotionally and romantically is hard for him, very hard.


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Finally the wait is over.....

Thanks for the recap....I'm loving Heirs a lot....and Lee Min Ho is so adorable :-)


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I love Kim Tan for knowing how she'd feel when she finds out who he is. I love him for wanting to out himself from the start. I love him for telling her in the garden when it's just the two of them, so she won't be shocked if she finds out some other way.

I love him for turning on the lights and the fountain for her. It's a small gesture, done with a big heart.

Right now I'm not crazy about Kin Won, cos he is nasty to KT, and we don't know why, when KT loves him so much.


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I love him for turning on the lights and fountain for her. When the lights came on one by one, and the fountain too, it gave me goosebumps.


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Won clearly has a lot of baggage, so I'm still cutting him some slack. Hopefully he'll get some killer character development. Lee Min-ho totally sells the wounded brother thing, though, so I don't blame you. It's so adorable how he's all "I don't care about the frickin' company, dude! Can't we just toss a frisbee around or something?"

I agree that Kim Tan is an adorable softie. It's nice that he's a bit naive in his dealings with Eun-sang, without being too childish or petulant.


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I only said: Right now I'm not crazy about Kim Won.

I don't hate him, but without any information, it is not possible to sympathize with or warm up to him at this point. Gildarigae.


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What does " Gildarigae"mean, please?


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It means '(I'm) waiting (for him/it)' - as far as I can tell, with my limited Korean. ;)


Thank you, rainerust. Appreciate it. So that means that KDaddict is probably waiting for KW to turn around, and do 180 then. I am (patiently) waiting for that as well.


I loved the way KT "outed" himself as well. Beginning by calling her attention to the Midsummer Night's Dreamcatcher was perfect. (The fact that I'm an Upstairser and you're a Downstairser isn't important to me-- you, and our shared connection are important to me.) Admitting the truth of their master/servant dynamic had to pain him greatly, yet he did it openly, unflinchingly and tenderly. Then topped it off with a swoonworthy "혹 시, did I miss you?" Gah!

I'm giving KES extra Brownie points for the way that scene was written~ in most dramas, the "big reveal" is played up for high drama in a very predictable way, and is usually used for a cliffhanger. What a pleasant surprise to have it occur early on, in a setting that was reminiscent of their time together in Cali., and in an understated, sensitive manner.


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Hello Risa,

Soooo good to see you here. I absolutely LOVED what you said, because it is all true, and because it is well said. Very well said indeed.

When KT was "outing" himself to ES, one could feel that he wanted to give her the time to process it, and realize how things were now different. I also felt that he could see (and as many have said, he probably knew) that she was falling apart, emotionally. She was mortified, and if she could, she would have disappeared into a hole. I also felt that somehow, KT would have like to soften her (harsh) landing. He would have caught her if he could, so she would not break apart, as we saw her do (I am going with my landing metaphor). However, there were no other way to break the news better, and by that I mean no better way than the way he did it. His voice, Oh my word, his voice, soooo gentle. He definitely did not want her to break (and fall apart), and he was so sad when that happened. Man, KT is such a good and intriguing and complexed character. Love him.


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Also, it is the 2nd time that KT asks her a question about his feelings, for her.


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I too, love KT for all that you mentioned. The garden thing was a small gesture, but it says a lot about who KT is, deep down inside (well, at least towards CES). I mean, he still bullied the other kids, and that is not nice, is it now? I look forward to finding out more about that side of his character.


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I really love Tan's mom. I also love Tan's Dad in this episode. Plus Young-do's 'the enemy of my enemy is my friend' was fun. I still hate the older brother.

Thanks for the recaps. I love that the subs for this series is so fast. Wish Secret would come out as fast too.


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That last scene of Eun-sang walking inadvertently into that circle of students was daebak!


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ikr! as soon as she walked in i was like i know which frame this epi's going to be ending on! looks like it's foreshadowing that eun sang in the middle of both boys is going to translate into an actual plot conflict, rather than a physical one, real soon!!


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I thought it was totally dumb. Not only does she have tunnel vision, she also has zero situational awareness and zero peripheral vision. In fact I thought the whole circle of students thing was kind of stupid, despite the fact that it seems to show up in every single high school drama.


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@Windsun33 - That part was actually realistic to me! I don't know how old you are - I'm 34, but I feel like an old lady when I watch my teen nieces and nephews with their smartphones. They are so oblivious when they're on those things texting or Facebook/Tweet-ing with their friends, they could literally walk into a hurricane and not notice. It never fails to crack me up.


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Hi Im 18 here(So since when does telling age important?hehe). That's really possible and most especially during the times that you feel that you're out-of-place and when you were able to put all your effort to focus on one thing. w/ the smartphone, my sisters and I always got out of our minds when we're playing or in SNS.


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Hi Patrice! I don't think age matters in terms of enjoying k-dramas. However, it definitely influences your perspective and how you view certain aspects of the drama. Although people of all ages use smartphones, I find that teens tend to be more absorbed when using them. So I just mentioned my age to explain my point of view.


I see people walking while texting and not paying attention all the time. I've even had people walk in front of my car while texting.


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Yup. And out of character. She was pretty smart and capable in the first scenes. Waitresses can't afford to be oblivious numbskulls...and who would be like that on their first day in a scary school? Completely unbelievable. *sends the writer some virtual slaps for sacrificing character for drama*


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ill never get enough of Lee Min Hos starring


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I 2nd this.


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me 3rd this xD


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Can I 4th this?!? hahahaha


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Love him more in this than in any of his prior projects. I didn't care for BoF at all. But find his acting to be daebak in this! He doesn't once let me remember that he is a 26-27 year old playing sb who is 18.


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yes, he looks like high schooler with that hair style and puppy eyes!
I have exactly the same birthday as him.. I felt terribly old because of this lol


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You know KDaddict,

I happened to rewatch BOF on KBS World this summer, and I was reminded of why LMH broke out with that drama. He actually did make that role, and that drama, to a great extent (although I would argue that many of the side characters were really well acted as well).

Even back then, LMH understood what his character was about, and quite often he displayed a subtlety that showed that he knew, and that informed me of GJP's emotional struggles, and of the many layers of his character, because I believe that he had some (layers). For example, the scene, when the secretary, aka his surrogate dad (kind of) and driver at times, brings him the time of departure of Jandi from Macau, and both him and GJP acts as if he was brought some important papers to sign. Right after he signed, GJP looked at his mom, while pretending to be deep into the meeting. The way LMH's eyes shifted, his whole body language were clearly telling that he didn't want his mother to know what that whole interaction had been about, and the secretary of course was just awesome (he was great throughout the drama. I just loved him, both the character and the actor). That whole scene also informed the viewer that GJP's wheels in his head were turning as to how he would manage to get to the airport on time, without his mom suspecting or finding out a thing. It was a great scene, acting wise, and not a word was exchanged between GJP and the secretary. It was all in the subtleties that one had to pay attention to.

So I am saying all of this to say that you have scenes like that where LMH is just able to act out the scene perfectly. Granted, he wasn't that way consistently in BOF, and that was obvious, at least to me. I actually liked BOF (and I still do), more so as I have rewatched it, maybe because now I understand the story better and the characters better as well. Yes, the plot or better the writing had its flaws, and some of the actors's acting well... they were still learning (Cough*yoyoyo,my bro*cough :-) ). Maybe because I learned a lot when watching that drama (it was my 2nd Kdrama and I wanted to drop it at ep.3, and a friend encouraged me to continue watching it, which I did. Though I found it long, I was glad I finished it). I had so many questions when I watched it, it helped open my eyes and my world to the Korean culture (and maybe by extension, to the Asian culture as well). So I don't know how to hate it or dismiss it, I guess. I see its value and what they were trying to do with the drama, even though I would agree that they didn't always succeed.

I do agree with you that LMH's acting is daebak in this drama. It is as if he has finally managed to tap into his experiences (his past roles) as an actor, and bring those experiences forth. It also shows that he has a really good understanding of what the writer expects of him as KT. I read an interview of him (a recent one) in Tenasia (sp?), and when asked why he was acting the way he was, he said that it was because the writer asked him to portray KT the way he was doing it. LMH is not dumb, that's for sure. He understands what is expected of him, however, imho, he has struggled at times to portray his characters properly. I didn't buy his characters (as he portrayed them) in PT, CH (though I liked his actions scenes [he was really good in them]), and Faith. I personally thought he was ill-cast in those roles (and this is just my opinion, so please, no tomatoes throwing :-) ).

Here, as a commenter said it so well last week, though he looks older on stills, in the way he moves and acts, he feels like a teenager. And the way they are styling his hair helps a lot, well done.
They were a few scenes where he looked much older than an 18 year old to me, but those did not last, thankfully. LMH didn't always look comfortable when he was in the US, but since he has been back in Korea (as KT), he has not dropped the ball, acting wise. I really do wish him well in this drama.


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Isn't it wonderful when an actor u Like grows in his acting and becomes an actor you love? So satisfying! OK OK, and morphs in his looks from Handsome to Dropdead Handsome!

I've to admit I may not be fair to BoF. Gu Jun Pyo's overly done perm and his coat with big fur collar distracted me so much that I couldn't focus on the show much.

But it successfully launched the acting careers of LMH, Kim Hyun Joon and Kim Bum, and has figured prominently on all surveys of Top Hallyu dramas, so it must have done many things right.

For me, its story struck me as decidedly juvenile. For some reason, this one doesn't strike me as such, even tho they both deal w teenagers in the last year of hi school. It may be owing to the diff undertones of the stories, and also that CES is so much more real, has more depth than the other girl.

Great that you enjoy both! I've sold my soul to this one!


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About your 1st #, I LOVE your fangirling, and I agree, it is absolutely wonderful when that happens (all that you mentioned).

Interestingly enough, I must be in the minority of people who actually loved GJP's hair. I thought (and still think) that LMH looked good with that hair, just like I thought (and still do) that Ji Sung looked good with his permed hair in PTB. Talk about personal preferences. I loved the permed hair more than the hair in CH, for example, though it did serve a purpose.

Interestingly again, BOF did not strike me as juvenile. I also know that many people did not like Jandi, however, (and I say this, not having seen any other versions or read the manga), I liked Jandi. I understood her and I understood her actions and her rationale behind those actions. I also liked KHS (that is her name, right?), the actress who played her. I think that for a 25 year old (at the time), she did manage to look like a teenager, even one younger than KHJ, in how she was acting. I looked at Jandi more in who she was supposed to be, at that age. And maybe at times, her reactions were to scream, however, we do handle stressful situations differently, and I thought her acting was fine. I bought her as Jandi.
Also, Jandi was actually not yelling all the time. Most of the time, she was actually talking with a normal or sad voice, depending on the situation/scene.

I loved KB and KES in BOF. I thought they were soooo cute and adorable, and really beautiful people. I also loved their characters.

I personally think that BOF did a lot of things right, and that it dealt with a lot of serious issues. I was surprised at the issues it addressed, though I was for Ji Hoo, not GJP. If I had a daughter, I would encourage her to date and marry Ji Hoo (KHJ's character), and not GJP. GJP did change by the end of the drama, but not enough for me. I would have liked to see him make amends to the boy who had ended in a vegetative state because of his bullying, for example. Maybe it was a writer's lack of remembering that character.

Like KT, GJP was lonely, though he had friends, and friends who fought with him, and fought for him (they went to save Jandi), and he bullied those who were weaker than him. He was not as thoughtful (evocative in his portrayal) as KT, but he ended up caring about Jandi, a lot, and loving her. So, there was loneliness (little GJP was such a cutie, loved the actor who played him), attempted rape (that scarred me), assault (when GJP tried to force kiss Jandi in ep. 2 or 3), abandonment issues felt by GJP, his sister, KB's character because his dad was a womanizer and didn't respect and love his mom), dealing with social class issues (that line that KB said about "we can date who we want, but in the end, our parents chose who we end up marrying" That was deep, for a teenager to say, and it was their reality). They also had to come into their own (and that last ep. when GJP and Jandi are at the Nansam Tower, and they talk, instead of arguing. And also when GJP sees Jandi [at the end ep.20], he is very collected and different from who he was in the beginning.

There was mama Kang (GJP's mother) who was wonderful portrayed, just with excellence. She was one of the characters I fell in love with (right away) when I watch the drama the 1st time around. Even JB praised her acting and her interpretation of the character in the recaps. You didn't agree with all she was doing, but the actress was great at showing the many layers of the mom. I could feel the temperature rise and fall when she would come in a scene. All the veteran actors were great, as they usually are in Kdramas. There was also the meaning of friendship, and how it evolves, and what we might do because of it and in spite of it.

I feel that I could write a whole book on the themes and issues raised in BOF, and back everything I say up with scenes from the drama. A lot of the characters' lines were actually quite deep and thoughtful, like Jandi's brother, her mom, KB's character, etc... When I 1st read comments about the drama, I believed what I was reading, about how Jandi was acted, about the plot, directing etc... and though I would agree that the writing was not always the best, and neither was the directing, BOF was actually much better than the comments I read about it said it was. Having written 2 long posts now about it, I have realized that my reaction is not only a sentimental one, but one based on a thoughtful experience of the drama, meaning that I don't leave my brain at the door when I watch it. I don't know how to do that, when I watch Kdramas. I also tend to take notes, which makes me think even more. I could not write all the questions I ask and many of the comments I make if I did not write them down. It works for me.

I would agree with you (totally) that this drama is different. The tone, the pacing, the witty banter, some of the locations are different and I love that. I don't believe however, that this drama is deeper in the issues and themes it portrays than BOF. I think and feel that both have some serious issues they present, though they feel and come across differently, at times.

Even JB in her analysis mentioned that some scenes reminded her of BOF, because well..., we have been there before, and so she was not surprised, and neither was I, to be honest. I am still enjoying the drama though. I wasn't sold, when I 1st saw the 1st two ep., but I think that knowing what I know now, I might feel a little differently when I rewatch them. That being said, this drama, like all dramas (almost all of them), still has its flaws of course, and I am OK with that.


Still liked LMH in City Hunter the best so far. He fits that hot, emotionally wounded, action cartoon figure role so well.


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I couldn't buy him as a M.I.T graduate-educated high level Blue House agent (or an agent who worked for the institution he was working for). When I read the character description, it seemed to have some gravitas, some kind of weight in the way he carried himself, and how comfortable he was around money (because he grew up with it), and LMH, imho, did not give out that air.

Also, he didn't look 28 to me, his character's age in the drama. Whereas I do think LMH does look 26/27 now. His face and body fit his current age. Just my 2 cents/personal opinion.


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Faith FTW!


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LOL, NathanJ.


He is definitely more nuanced in the role of Kim Tan than he was in Gu Jun Pyo's. Then again, different characters call for different portrayals.

I much prefer this version. I don't know why but lee min ho's eyes make me swoon. I don't need 2 minute long scenes where he's just staring at her while she sleeps. I love watching his eyes in those moments where him and eun sang are simply interacting, because he's obviously so interested in her.
I wonder if Park Shin Hye would get charmed irl, but then i remember she's worked with several hot actors that she's probably immune to it. Sigh.


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Hello ilikemangos,
I love his eyes here too. LMH is doing wonderfully with his eyes in this drama. I love that we, the viewers have the time to know what he is thinking (or feeling), without him having to say a thing.
He did the same thing in Faith, a lot.


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I would gladly exchange some of his too many staring scenes for a scene with another underused character (Hyo Shin for example). Staring at s/o: He's OK. Staring at the sky = I fall asleep.


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Ditto to this! Too much staring, not enough Kang Ha Neul.


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It's all in the eyes, people. All in the eyes ;D


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LMH's stylist sure has funny taste. From the long denim coat (matched with that weird over-styled hair), to the multi-colored patterned sweater on white, to that PVC gold top, to his floral on black sweat shirt, each item is designer clothing, each one outrageously expensive, but they all have an old-lady look to them.

But I seriously love his Panda bear necklace. Costs around USD300. Ough. ;)


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Hi KDaddict, LMH wears a Panda Bear necklace? Did I miss it?


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Oh, he's been wearing it since LA, when he went shopping w Rachel, wearing that yellow windbreaker. He's been wearing it on and off several times already. Look closer. Very cute.


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OK, I will pay attention when I rewatch the previous episodes, and going forward. I love that you pay attention to details like I do.


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Other guys at school have to wear white shirt with tie.

KT gets to wear white shirt with necklace. No tie.

YD gets to wear crew neck sweater w color contrast shoes. Love his Tod's suede driving shoes, first Red, then electric blue. Lovely jewel colors. I want a pair too.

Well, these two are the top dogs of the school, no doubt about that at all.


How did you find out about the price of the necklace?


Interesting and good observations...


Btw, I kind of just watched ep. 6, and yes, KT does wear that necklace. I couldn't get a closer look, however, though I was really hoping to :-(.


Here is the link for his panda necklace. U can see it clearly and also the price. Half a million won is about USD300 for the silver one. The 14K gold one costs a lot more.
I love trinkets, and also K-fashion, if not to buy, at least to appreciate on screen. Hee.



Your link didn't show anything, I tried twice :-(... It didn't work.


I'd say it was the show costume design and LMH and his personal stylist have nothing to do with it. I could be wrong, but this is very much a designed look, just as were the 'designer' tracksuits in Secret Garden-a display of conspicuous consumption. The ridiculous clothes highlight economic disparity.


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LMH's outfits do look like they were going for a designed look.


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Yeah, the clothes are tragic. I know they're probably very expensive, but some of those patterned sweaters and jackets looked they came from Ajhumma-Mart.


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Did you watch Monstar? It looked like K Mart barfed on Seol Chan.


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Ha! Two points for that description.


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I can give Seol Chan a pass since he was supposed to be a pop idol. But what is KT's excuse?
The scene where Tan went to Eun Sang's school wearing that ridiculous shirt, I did not understand why all the girls were ohhhing and ahhing for him. I get Lee Min Ho's hotness, but that shirt overpowered it. Must be the fancy car that he was leaning against that garnered attention.


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"burgeoning" What an absolutely perfect word choice. I admire your writing, javabeans! Thank you for another great recap!


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Thanks for the recap, JB. Heirs is improving episode by episode.
This was a great episode. Things are finally starting to happen. I'm most interested in Tan-YD relationship. Can't wait to see how they will resolve issues between them.


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Kim Hwai Jang-nim has 2 sons, both of whom have fallen for hardworking smart girls from poor families. His strategy is to sponsor the girls' education, thereby get them indebted to him, all the better to put them in their place. It is much easier to control your beneficiary than sb who doesn't owe you anything. That way the girls know his sons are definitely out of their reach, not that they wouldn't know it before, but might have momentary lapses in clear thinking. This way they wouldn't.

Also it is a good way to motivate Tannie to stay in Korea, to go back to Jeguk High, to face his brother, to fight for a place in the family, becos now there is sb he whose respect he wants.

Killing 2 birds with 1 stone.


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And, don't forget, ship them off overseas with a...scholarship, yeah that's it. A perfect opportunity they'd be crazy to turn down.

Thanks, Overlord of Everything.


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Yes, that'w a few years down the road for CES, but just to let her know that there is that carrot in her future, it'd make her think twice b4 doing anything he disapproves off.

He doesn't get to be the Hwai Jang of such a big business empire for nothing, right?


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But it's more effective and more realistic than most dramas would have right?

Usually, "oooh! Poor Candy chick wants my boy? Throw money in her face, freeze her meager bank account, threaten her livelihood and the very pants she's wearing!"

Sending the girl to a good school, funding her education and later saying, "Ok luv, I was sweet enough to help you get this far, so be a good little thing and stay away from my son?" Subtle, but effective!

And evil-er :)


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I agree with what you say, and it is also more cunning :-).


Absolutely agree it's a cunning plan (Blackadder shoutout!). And on a practical level, it gets Eun Sang out of the country and physically away from Kim Tan for at least four years (undergrad, I assume). That Chairman is nobody's fool.


Faye, stop following me, LOL. I am JUST kidding. I love how we have commented on some of the same posts :-). I was really just kidding.


Also Faye, who is Blackadder? And I loved this, "That Chairman is nobody’s fool." Agreed. He is like a snake.


Ivoire, Blackadder is an older British comedy show (of awesome!)


@Ivoire - Blackadder is an older but perennially hilarious British show. It's available on DVD, or streaming on Netflix if you're in the States. The reason why I mentioned it is that the main character has a catchphrase, "I have a cunning plan." So now I think of Blackadder whenever I hear those words.


Oh thank you, Faye and mommai :-)


@Ivoire - Omo! The nerve! *Snatches away your nametag in vengeance*


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@ Faye, thank you for making me LOL at 4:35am in my room, in the dark. Oh, the things we do for dramas...


I think this is Dad's plan too. :/

Not that I can't disagree with it. You know, this is (a teensy bit) more humane than throwing money at the poor girl's face or ordering the guards to escort her out of the building.

At least the Dad realizes that these girls have a sort of dream to be successful women and not be branded as wives of successful men...


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Interesting theory, KDaddict. Thank you for enlightening me.


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I have a feeling that ES will not respond the same way as HJ did under the same circumstances. Once she gets the hang of things at the school and the students .......she is not going to take it passively. That's where all the changes will start to take place among the students and the hierarchy thing and bullying etc
This is where KHJ's planning will back fire........just my hunch. KES will not churn out a typical high school drama. I have a feeling that she plans to bring out the bad and the ugly of the school and thrash it out


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Best scene was the reveal at the estate.
Call back dialog at the cafe where he says he needs her phone so he can call her to say:
"Look up."
"Look behind you."

It was beautifully handled. I felt his understanding of how difficult it must be for her, and her anguish that they HAD to meet under these circumstances very deeply.

I hope they kids get to kiss like the adults later on. It better had not been a one-off is all I'm saying.


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Guuuuh I knoooow. Lee Min-ho does apologetic angst really well. I like that he's mature enough to realize how she must be feeling, having seen evidence of her pride in California. The progression made sense, and you end up feeling for both the characters.

Also, yes- many many make-outs for everyone, please! The parents were awesome but we're really there for the younger generation.


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I love how he's so attentive to her feelings -- and his too.
Most k-drama chaebols disregard our heroine's feelings and deny their feelings early on.
But Kim Tan. He just rules.
I want a time skip and some making out, too. For some reason heavy make out sessions are looked down upon if you're as young as a highschooler. Do what you gotta do to make it happen, show!


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You just put your finger on why this show and Kim Tan make my heart go Boom banga bang. Thank you.
"Most k-drama chaebols disregard our heroine’s feelings and deny their feelings early on."


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He totally gets her is why. He's so savvy, emotionally as well as intellectually. What a swoony combo. What a swoony moment, devastating too.

I remember thinking the same thing about Joo Joong Won in Master's Sun being attuned to Tae Yang's feelings and that being a refreshing change. Only he didn't get her as quick or as naturally as KT does ES.


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I loved that too. So perfectly done.


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I like that I'm not the only one anymore that liked the slow introduction. I feel like we will get a richer story because of it!


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The upside to having that parent affair is that Young Do and Rachel -- who clearly have hotter chemistry than any of the couples -- can end up together in the end.
Methinks KES is going to do that.


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all I want from this show is to do the delicious chemistry between Rachel/Young Do some justice.


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OMG THANKYOU. i thought i was the only one who thought they should end up together, i just hope youngdo doesnt actually fall for eunsang coz honestly why the fuck does everyone love candy types so much..shes alright but i want youngdo with rachel for sure


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I think Young Do will fall for Eunsang...

He kinda already finds her interesting.

Wasn't it in Flower Boy Next Door someone said, curiosity will spark interest will spark worry will spark you missing her and missing her you will want her? :D

Plus, the final scene was foreshadowing - she between the guys, both staring at her?

It's like Hana Yori Dango, where the jerk and the nice guy both like the same girl


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I hope so! I find them explosive together.


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FINGER CROSSED! Thx God Im not only have to shout from the mountain for YoungDo and Rachel to have explosive young-love, lol. and I know LMH is really sworn worthy, but WooBin, ah gawd... he looks really expensive smexy slammy!


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Absolutely. I bet that the marriage thing will go down the drain. Sorry YD but your dad is a bastard & he needs to be sent to Alaska.


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amen to that. people can continue to hate these characters all they want i'll continue to ship and ship lol i'm bored with the usual stuffs srly.


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1) My only real gripe with this episode is that it kind of slowed back down after the awesomeness of last week. I guess now that everyone is on the same soil they kind of have to set things all back up again and get everyone in place. I'm assuming now that school is set to officially start, we're going to be in for a little more action.

2) I actually enjoyed the cat and mouse game around the Kim Estate today and liked the way Tan did the reveal... dropping hints and being all cheeky and clever before just putting it out there. I like that Eun Sang's reaction wasn't to over the top too. I was expecting her to fly off the handle and move to a Sauna for the night which would have annoyed me because we all know that she would have been back the next day. But the mortification and quiet tears into her textbook, that sounds about right.

3) I get the feeling that Daddy Kim's offer has less to do with altruism and more to do with showing Eun Sang her place. I'm guessing that may be the same reason he supported Won's girl as well. I hate when rich people in dramas embarrass poor people because their kids like them. Isn't it much easier to just talk to your kid. Forbid it all you want but don't take it out on some poor kid.

4) Seriously, what is wrong with Won. That whole lunch scene with the girl was the creepiest thing ever. I was uncomfortable for her.

5) On a similar note, what is wrong with Young Do? If I were that dog, I would watch my back. It's like all the motherless characters (except Chan Young) have so much aggression built up. Is the writer trying to make a not-so-subtle point?

6) Speaking of not-so-subtle, I'm surprised that that closing scene didn't have a big flashing sign that said "FORESHADOWING" scrawled across it. Hmmm.. I wonder if Eun Sang is going to somehow get caught in the middle of Tan and Young Do?

7) Really, Secretary Yoon? You can do so much better!


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oh wow! i agree with everything you're saying, but i think that rather than slowing down the pace, the pace has shifted up into the next gear, now that we're in korea and there are no awkward language barriers to overcome things are coming into their own and becoming more real or at least 'drama-real'.


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It's not really slowing down, per se, just not as zippy as last week's episodes. Like I said though, I think that was just to solidify the Korean Dynamics and arrange everything so that everyone in place to the high drama of the School Days. Not looking forward to the inevitable Bullying Scenes though. THey are always so barbaric in these dramas.

Maybe because my school didn't really have these kind of tight cliques (it was way more fluid, thought they were some kids that got picked on, myself included for a while, nobody was really singled out for being too poor or too nerdy or handicapped or anything like that).


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#7. Lol! So true. I was actually a little shocked at that scene. I was also glad she responded, but she needs to do a 180 for me to ship them even if that does open the way for Rachel and Young Do.

#1. Let the Drama with a capital D begin!

#4. Agreed. It was like he was trying to make claim on her, but she ( with her seemingly long experience) knew what to do as so as not to get hurt. Definitely a history there and very twisted.


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About 5: The dog is his only good family member at the moment. If something happens to Wolfie, I don't want to be in the area when YD discovers it...


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Duck, cover and KYAG.


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Hi PlumWine, what does this mean, "KYAG?"


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Yeah but he even seemed a little jealous of the dog. Seriously, you never know with Young Do.


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The actress playing Rachel had a wonderful role in High Kick 3. Her char there was my fav female role in that long series. She was sweet and intelligent and sentimental. Here she plays sb quite the opposite and the young actress manages really well doing both. Hat off to her: Kim Ji Won.

Rachel's mom obviously marries rich men for their money, but kisses (messes with) Chan Young's father for kicks. ha ha.


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Ji-won also did a wonderful job in "What's Up".


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I am now officially addicted to The Heirs!


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Daddy Kim probably married a similar woman i.e. Won's birth mum and it didn't end well. Perhaps showing a parallel between the father and sons. It is not a matter of falling in love but all the pain when you fall in love with a woman who is not suited for your circumstance.

I like the fact that the father plays a big part in "managing" the ladies out of his sons' lives, instead of the usual bitching, slapping and money throwing antics of the mothers. He is showering these girls with kindness and opportunities in getting a better life for themselves. I agree with Eun Sang's mum that it is an unbelievable opportunity and she should take it.

Of course, it doesn't bode well for the brothers. That's where the drama comes from...

Thanks for the recap! Love it!


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Great comment! I noticed the parallel with Tan/Won's love interests and the first wife too. I wonder where the story will go with this - it's too easy for the differences to disappear with a wave of the hand. Both girls are hardworking and smart - would LOVE to see them like, try to acquire Jeguk group 10 years later or something. Without just being the "happily ever after" wife of a rich man.


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I am really loving this show. The tension is pretty intense at times and it has really great light moments to counter them. I've totally fallen for Kim Tan. That SNS update was just wonderful. And I love how flirty he is with Eun Sang. Oh Lee Min Ho, you sure know how to steal hearts.


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This episode was a lot better than the ones in LA, and the fountain/garden scenes are so dreamy.
Though, I generally fast forward through the parents, especially young do's dad.

Also, does Korea really have school where uniforms are a thousand dollars?! Or is that just something that the writer made up and is an exaggeration...

Super looking forward to tomorrow


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My wife's grand niece in Japan went to one of those elite schools, and the complete uniform ensemble - winter, summer, accessories, cost over $1400, and that was about 5 years ago.


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International (Global) Schools are for the upper class. The whole point to be to exclusive (read, expensive). From debenture fees that can cost 6 figures in USD, often non-refundable, to school fees, to annual overseas tripS (plural), to extra-cirricular activities that require personal tutors and trainers, it all adds up to Real money. It is very much a case of: If you have to ask the price, u can't afford it.

My friends' children attend such schools, and they have to pay famous singers, musicians etc. for months of private lessons so that their children would get picked for the School Play or Seasonal Recital! So much competition, pressure, and vanity (more often for the parents than the kids)!


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I went to private school here in the U.S., and that was a long time ago (I'm 34). But even then the uniforms were ridiculously expensive! Not necessarily the most luxurious fabric, but they know they have you over a barrel because they know you have to buy them :).


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I went to private school here in Colombia and just the blazer was about 110 dollars, not including the skirt, shirt, sweater, tie and shoes. And my blazer was one of the cheapest, non designer ones.


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I love high school drama! But this definitely felt like what Boys Before Flowers should have been. Anyone else getting a gossip girl meet K-drama vibe?


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Hi, that is what the writer is going for...


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I am worried about the Father setting up Eun Sang at THE SCHOOL after he saw her in the pictures with Tan. It all seems wrong and can only mean an awful outcome for unsuspecting Eun Sang and her mother.

Very BOF vibes at the school scene, with unsuspecting Eun Sang nonchalantly walking into the center of the circle of students and ending up in a love triangle with Min Ho and Woo Bin - *smile*


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To me one of the most interesting plot points in this episode was the father finding out that both his sons are interested in regular ordinary girls, just like his first wife (maybe his true love).

He's not trying to stop these relationships, instead he's going out of his way to set up KT with ES. Which I guess means that it'll be the woman who will have the status problem with this relationship and become the stumbling blocks.


The point I liked was that ES's Mom has worked for KT's family the same amount of time he was exiled. It would be interesting to seem them interacting in future episodes about ES when she starts to realize his feelings for her, because let's face it the guy's not trying to hide his interest.


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Lots of SPOILERS in your post. I thought previews were off-limits in the posts?


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Seriously, not cool! Previews are spoilers!


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Previews are NOT spoilers. If it is something that every has available to them, then it is not a spoiler.


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seriously? So you don't watch the show til the very end??? then what's the point?


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I watch previews but I don't discuss anything beyond the recap as per http://www.dramabeans.com/about/commenting-policy/


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The rule around here: Has it happened yet? If not, it's a spoiler.

Many people hate to be spoiled about something that is going to happen in the future, and recap posts should be safe to discuss the episode without getting spoiled.


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Plus previews are also deliberately misleading nowadays, so people like to steer clear of them so that the show itself doesn't get tainted (or at least, I do).


Yeah, I'm definitely watching this for the character interactions rather than the plot twists. I can't wait for the various bro-nemy relationships to play out! Young-do sparkles with mischief as usual, and I love Tan's world-weary attitude towards things right now.

I'm happy to see Won have more human interactions, but Tan wanting to be buddies with him and being unable to is heart-breaking in the best way. Hopefully they will resolve their relationship.

I'm still rooting for a resolution between Rachel and Eun-sang down the line, but I don't know if it will happen. More character development for the ladies, please.

I sort of love the parent drama, just because they were acting like 16 year olds at a drive-in and it was kind of funny, although I agree that we're really there for the kids. Kim Tan's mom still cracks me up.

Daddy Kim seems sort of creepy, although I'm glad he didn't break out the "I'll send you to this school if you stay away from my son" card- yet, anyway.

Can't wait for more interactions between the main trio!


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At first I was confused as to why Daddy Kim would put Eun Sang and Kim Tan closer into each other's orbits, could there possibly be a chaebol parent that isn't against his son's . But I think Kim Won & Im Joo Eun's character serve a good mirror as to what Dad is trying to achieve. By helping Eun Sang with his "benevolence", he is actually burdening her and driving a barrier between them? My speculation anyway. However, this may not work since Kim Tan hasnt a care in the world about Jeguk and what-not.


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*against his son's relationship with a poor girl.


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I would agree with you except for the fact that Won revealed his mother was a ordinary girl that his father fell in love with but was burdened by the wealth and expectations of the in-laws.

Maybe the father, due to his health issues, is reflecting on his life and seeing the mistakes he's made and trying to make up for it by not interfering in his son's "un-balanced status" love interests.

I gather poor girl/rich man is not as common in Korea or readily accepted.


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I thought it was telling that he mentioned study abroad. I think this is just a way to send her away, but maybe I'm not giving Dad enough credit.


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Also, this could be what brings the two brother together later on: Dad. Or more, attacking the same romantic hurdle created by Daddy Dearest.


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I still can't decide what he's up to.


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I'm really liking heirs so far. It's nothing amazing, but there's a heart to the story that makes me feel for the characters. I loved the way tan revealed himself. I'm expecting a dream catcher necklace to play a role soon :p young do is starting to grow on me. I still feel bad for Rachel. Tan is being an ass towards her...you can't blame the girl.

But I couldn't help but laughing at tan's clothes this episode. WHERE is he getting those sweaters?!?

I hope they start layering eun sang's character soon. I like that she stood up for herself against Rachel, but can we please give her a little more depth?


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Those sweaters will become infamous.


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Let's see, there's Oppa Sweater, Oppa Suit, Oppa Uniform...


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For me, everyone in Heirs is doing well except Park Shin Hye, idk, her blank, slurry, innocent confused, dolly eyes looking...er.. I have seen that before, but where? Oh wait, in all her dramas before.


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Hi chanelboy you forgot one thing! Her duck mouth... :)


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I am loving this drama so far. Yes, it's a bit cheesy if you were to compare it to IHYV but it's a pretty drama in of itself.


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Did anyone notice Kim Tan's floral sweater? *shudder*


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Yes, small floral pattern on black, classic old ladies design, Designer wear notwithstanding! Marc Jacobs, was it? USD500, with sweat shirt material. A $500 sweatshirt. Such a crazy Ripoff. :D


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maybe he left his clothes in malibu and borrowed a sweater from his mother


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yeah over the weird yellow pants *shudder*


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Whether we like it or not, that shade of yellow seems to be the In color. I went shopping yesterday and saw it in everything, from sweaters, coats, to bedding! If not as the primary color, then at least as piping!


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But loving the beige outfit and red shoes ensemble of Kim Woo Bin. Also the blue shoes!


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"Flower boy!"


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I personally think execution wise Heirs ended up better than what i expected (then again i came in with low expectations). I sort of expected a hot mess, but it's definitely handled certain aspects way better than your average trendy rom-com.
Here, i quite like how our OTP is developing their relationship. It's a typical candy-hero set up and yet there's a different vibe I get. It feels more real.
I think it largely has to do with Kim Tan's personality and approach. He's definitely not your average chaebol in dramaland. Makes me wonder how he was ever that bully that dominated the school. Im guessing the U.S. changed him, because his laid back personality now does not match up with what we hear at school.


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It still feels that a lot of what made Gu Jun Pyo (and by that fact all other HYD iteration leads) seem both terrifying and attractive is really what sells Young Do for me. Despite LMH's involvement in both BBF and Heirs, I think Young Do is the character closest to Gu Jun Pyo. Truly dysfunctional family that is compensated for by a semi-close circle of friends, the bullying his peers attitude, and the very aggressive attraction to the female lead.
That said, I'm looking forward to seeing Tan's "new" personality, as a nice guy at school, and hopefully seeing some flashbacks of who he was before he left for the US.


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"Tan: “Missed you, friend.”
Young-do: “Welcome.”
Tan: “Relax. I won’t do anything right away.”
Young-do: “Let’s stick to greetings. The kids’ll scare.”

TanDo (yes I gave them a shipper name) I ship thee. I will proudly go down with this broken-hostile-needs-to-be-repaired bromine (that I will secretly take each scene as longing for each other). Woo-bin and Lee Min Ho brought it in that scene and I simply cannot wait for more confirmations between them.

-The OTP still bores me and I can already see Eun Sang becoming a prop.
-I have really warm up to Tan.
-Young-do remains a flawless arse.
-Deep down I don't think Won hates his brother but hates how his mom and dad can use him against him.
-The father is sketchy as hell keeping tabs on his kids and their respective others. Looks like the ladies have good reason to feel the burdened.
-Need more TanWon, TanDo, Rachel, and WonTutor. Everything else is not that relevant to my interest (i.e. get rid of some these useless characters writer).


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TanDo bromance. Yes! Reminiscent of School2013 bromance, gimme gimme gimmeee!


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Totally! One-sided bromance is just SO SAD :'(
I hope we get some good brotherly interaction soon because I can't get any cues from Won when he's just avoiding Tan like this. I'm thinking he really does love his little bro and he is just in denial out of hurt! I mean, he must have been a good big brother when they were younger, or else why would Tan love him so much even now? Or, Gasp!, maybe Tan has always idolized his hyung from afar but never been able get his acceptance!? That would just be too heart-breaking! :(


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Oh, woops, I didn't mean to reply here! I'm talking about Tan/Won.


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School 2013 was the. best. drama. ever.


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TanDo is my new OTP


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i think TanDo might just beat the jong suk woo bin chemistry of school 2013! woo bin seems more aggressive here, rather than hurt, and tan and young do don't seem to be actively looking to avoid confrontations. woot can't wait for more!


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I second that, I'm more interested in these characters and the complicated relationships more than our main otp, it's KES fault that she introduced so many characters, I'll be disappointed if she didn't explore them properly!


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Young Do’s relationship with his pet Rottweiler kills me. An only child growing up in a broken family who confides in his dog and cherishes him more than anything in this world. A true man’s best friend. *tears* I’m admittedly biased, but I felt Park Shin Hye had more chemistry with Kim Woo Bin in their motorcycle scene together than she did with Lee Min Ho. Though my heart did skip a beat when Tan told Eun Sang to turn around.

At the start of the next episode, I fully expect Chan Young to step in and save Eun Sang. I found his worried reaction to her transferring to Jeguk High School to be sweet. He is just trying to protect her, since he knows she’ll be swimming with sharks. Or in Hyo Shin’s words: “this school of Satans.” Finally we meet the last female character from the Heirs poster, Jeon Soo Jin. I thought we were rid of the cringe-inducing English once we left California. Don’t tell me we have to endure more of it.

If this is how Won and Hyun Joo’s relationship turns out, then I’m rooting for Hyo Shin to get the girl. It feels like Won is buying her, like treating her as a kept woman. I detect no signs of happiness from her when she is with him.

Thanks for the recap, javabeans!


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Love the dog. It suits Young Do char so well. They are closer than some brothers, like KW and KT e.g. ;)


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It was in the previous episodes that revealed Chan Young was there under a scholarship too and had a tough time at school then. He's worried that his good friend will go through what he did back then being a person of a lower 'caste' in that school.


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When CES told CY that she'd be attending Jeguk High, he had a look of apprehension. He encouraged her, sorta, but with much reservation and worry, only she was too excited to notice. Of course he worries for her, knowing how ruthless those kids can be. While CY's father is not rich, at least he is of the professional class and is a trust aide to the Big Boss, and rather indispensable. CY knows full well that the kids would tear CES apart if they should get wind that her mother is a MAID! My God! Imagine the horror! The uproar!

That's why I find it strange that KT would say to CY:
What's with you? (i.e. Why are you here?) Some kind of Employee Benefit (for him to be attending Jeguk High)?

If CY attends on Employee Benefit, then CES is a Charity case. KT certainly wouldn't want ppl to treat CES that way, so why is he saying that to CY?

"Ppl who (have a loved one) live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones."


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I don't think he said those words to insult him because i think KT knew that CY also knew that he likes CES. Maybe it was just a way of telling 'Im back, im still as bitch as I was before i left for the states', but we all know he's not. He just need to show his swag, i guess.


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Tan was antagonistic to Chan Young because he is jealous of Chan Young's relationship with Eun Sang and still bitter over Chan Young "taking" Eun Sang away from him in California. So Tan's hostility is directed at the individual, not at the individual's social status. Unlike Rachel who refuses to socialize with Chan Young because he is not an heir. I'm curious to see how Chan Young gets along with Young Do and Myung Soo, since Bo Na are close friends with them.


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Thank you very much for the recap DB!!!
I always look forward to this... I love Heirs~~~


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LOVING this drama. I normally LOVE the lead actor in any drama and root for him..but in this case, i'm secretly rooting for Kim Woo Bin!! As much as i love Lee Min Ho, i think Woo Bin's doing a really good job! Love his humor and his expressions(or eyebrows i might say!) are priceless! No words needed to know what he's thinking.
Also-- how i wished against all wishes that the theme was set in college/uni and NOT high school!!Arghhhh... the actors don't look 17 or 18 for sureeee!!!


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p/s: Thanks for the recap- always look forward to reading your thoughts after watching the show..makes it so much more fun!


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I still think the plot is mediocre, but truth should be spoken ... LMH and PSH as well as the rest of the cast knows how to sell it... And you, dear dear Recap-tor, is genius with your story-re-telling power  awesome and superb  Big Thanks... As for this episode 5, if I have to spot another LMH sad puppy stare... "Do I... Want to hug him badly?" this series is guilty-est pleasure ever I might have to endure, willingly 


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Lol, so true! Simple, been-there, done-that chaebol/Candy plot that they manage to sell in a pretty package.

But in the words of KT..." Show, do I..love you against my better judgement?" Keep the LMH soulful, longing stares coming, and I'll keep tuning in.


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That is so cute, chinggu.  I'm lovin the Changmin song ost this drama, it is such a hearthrobe killer... I wih KT and CES experience body switch magic like those in Secret Garden. Or perhaps CES suddenly able to see spirit like Tae Gong Shil. Or KT got the ability to hear voices like Su-Ha. Perhaps maybe Jeguk high turns to Vampire Academy and CES & KT is the next Asian Twilight couple (only it would be better if CES is vampire slayer like Buffy)  it just my wishbone wish the writer put genius twist in this suppose to be epic piece 


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I love the songs in this drama
"Love is muppet"
Rock on and sing the truths


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Massive improvement from previous episodes.
The girls are doing much better.


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I was worried that I wouldn't find the show funny enough, but this episode had me in stitches. Bo Na and Myung soo together are really funny, and I loved scenes like the coffee shop.

I love the main couple together. They're really cute together.

And that kiss. Loved that too.


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Am I the only one not invested in the main coupling in this drama? They are SO BLAND together it makes me zone out whenever they appear onscreen together.


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Keep walking! Keep WALKING!!


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Lots of thanks.You know,you saved me,no..most of us..I couldnt get eng sub.And I was impatiently waiting for this recap to pop up anytime real soon.
Now the drama has kick off and seems like the Kim brother's are going to have same situation.Kim won+Tutor;kim tan +Eun sang.Behind them lies a real Lion--There father who is reason for all of it.Waiting for next episode.Thank a heaps


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This was a great episode. Yes, we could have gotten to school a bit faster, but all in all I really loved the execution of ep 5 - they set it up really well from multiple angles like you said, so that tomorrow shit will get really real. Pardon my French.

Tan really shines in this episode. His many unrequited loves just kill me (Eun-sang, Won, Dad). Poor puppy. Once again a great hero from KES. Too bad she usually doesn't spend as much effort on her heroines. Still, I like Eun-sang. She's smart and she has dignity - she's not a doormat, but she's also very practical.

Say what you will about this writer, I've always found her portrayal of class difference in relationships to be pretty spot-on. She doesn't romanticize it as a Cinderella story, but emphasizes the many ways that it can be a source of conflict. Realistic, because most couples statistically break up over money problems. Here again she doesn't just brush over the issue as one of the parents' opposition the way it was in BOF - all that had to happen was for the evil mother to accept Jan-di and then Happily Ever After. Here we see the complexities of what it really means for Tan to be with Eun-sang. Which is reflected also in Won's and Hyun-joo's relationship, and again with the Chairman and his first wife. So it's not as if they have to just overcome the obstacles now (i.e. high school bullying, parental opposition). In a place like Korea, the fact that he's a chaebol and she comes from nothing will be a lifelong struggle for them if they decide to make a go of it.

My favourite moment in the episode was when he reveals himself to her, with the callback to his previous comments when he got her number. So perfect, and heartbreaking. I love him for doing it that way.

I can't wait to see the tiger and the fox go at it tomorrow. I just hope our heroine doesn't crushed in the middle.

And I really love Tan right now, so I would hate to see him turn into "Lucifer". Don't do that, show.


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Pretty much agree with all of this.


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Tan revealing himself was such a sweet moment. The way he did it was really sweet, too. He wasn't pushy or dramatic, just letting her come to the conclusion on her own. Well done, Tan. And thank goodness for sparing us from the later angst of The Big Reveal.

Also loved Park Shin Hye in that scene, you can see her pride shattering into smithereens as she comes to the conclusion, swallowing down her tears to confirm it with Tan.

Not really sure how anyone is second lead shipping Young Do with Eun Sang at this point since he has been nothing but a scary menace so far (as opposed to how sweet Kim Tan has been).


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I agree, that was a lovely scene.

I'm not shipping Eun-sang and Young-do but I do find them really fun to watch interact. Their bantering this episode was riveting.


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Oh, I didn;t mean you specifically.

In any case, I agree about the Young Do & eun Sang bantering. especially that scene where he cut her off on his motorcycle. Something about how fast they response to each other.
YD: "If I tell you will I be able to see you again?"
ES: "No."
YD: "Why?"
ES: "What?"
(I am paraphrasing here.)


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WHAT in the name of WHAT is the Chairman up to?? Did he decide to make Eun Sang go to this school AFTER he saw the paparazzi photos? What's the reason? Why is he just stirring up the pot CONSTANTLY? seemingly without reason...

What I REALLY like about this drama so far is that EVERYONE is so obvious about who they dislike. No false pretense or double meanings in words. But the Chairman... what is he? Evil? Good? Just Curious? what is up his sleeve?? What does he want with all trouble?? argh!

I'm not really into the whole poor girl going to a rich school scenario... After BOF, it left a bad memory. But so far.... it's actually not horrible, so hopefully it'll be okay.

Please show, please be good!


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yeah the chairmain's really hard to read i didn't expect him to find out so early on. when he was looking at eun-sang's pictures i thought he disliked her and would evict them from the house but then he goes and offers her a place at the high school and tells her to keep aspiring and reaching high? is he telling her to love tan or does he want her on a scholarship to get her away from him? surely there'd be better ways to do that though?


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Really nice episode! Lots of good stuff happening here. I really liked the reveals-Kim Tan seeing Eun-sang in the kitchen and the immediate realization in his eyes, in his face, what this meant between them-heartbreaking realization. And that Kim Tan revealed to her who he was himself before it became ridiculous, and his complete understanding that she would not be cool with it. I am so glad this did not draw out into a complete subterfuge thing. It's great that they both already know that there is something between them.

Now we are really going to get into the fun of all the school interaction hijinks and developing feels and unfortunately all the machinations and melo and angst and make you want to stab them mean girls bs that goes with it.

This drama invokes for me something feeding from a lot of an american tv/movie teen thing, a Veronica Mars vibe especially with Kim Tan, Grease (I've been calling Young-do, Kenickie), even Twilight (sometimes the instrumental music and the staring stuff). I'll stop there because the Twilight mention just probably sent someone into gag mode. Wouldn't it be great if they put Bon Iver or Lykki Li in the soundtrack tho? ;) How it's all swirling together with Korean Drama and the sageuk-i-ness, I find it fun to watch. Except the sageuk king and consort stuff, that makes me want to stab my screen.

Seriously, 2nd wife, mistress, Eun-sang's Mom, and the bro's all get together and plot a coup and dethrone Pops, because that would solve 80% of their problems right there. Not that he's the only one at fault with the parent crap, but he perpetuates and instigates and manipulates and evidently know is smart enough to get that and get the heck off that crazy train.

Looking forward to seeing what plays out.


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This drama reminds me of Gossip Girl and the movie Cruel Intention.
Gossip Girl ; the perfect casting of Young Do & Rachel ..similar to how perfect was the cast for Chuck & Blair.

Gossip Girl seemed to be inspired from the movie Cruel Intention.
Beautiful, intelligent and cunning with eyes and tongues that could cut somebody with such ease.


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I was referring to Chuck & Blair in the 1st season of GG.

Btw, Both GG and Veronica Mars had Kristen Bell in them.


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I think of YD and Rachel as the Chuck and Blair of Heirs but as a character in and of himself Young Do has more of a Logan Eccles vibe.

On paper very similar characters but Logan and YD have this dark, angsty menace where as Chuck's default setting was unholy bas****.


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yes, they are.


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Hello Mar,
Here is the comment/post you were talking about... I like it, especially the 1st paragraph.


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I ended up skipping through most of this episode, eek. Anything related to the older generation (seriously, Protect the Boss still remains in my memory because it's one of the only contemporary kdramas where I didn't just sit through their storylines but enjoyed them), but also some of the emotional beats as well. I don't know why, because I was fanning myself and empathising in Ep 4. Maybe it's just me, maybe not. I was really excited for the entrance into the school, but now I just feel like we'll know everything that happens anyway, as you pointed out. Hmmm.


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all of a sudden after this epi i'm shipping for more scenes between eun-sang and young do because that bike scene was just terrific! eun-sang's nonchalance and young do's cheeky humour just upped their chemistry, kind of different to tan and eun-sang who have the passive, normal romance that's to be expected.
looking forward to more scenes between the three of them and less random extras


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The bike scene was my favorite. He was just so funny and she had a backbone. I look forward to how she deals with him. Although it will probably piss off Rachel and Tan.


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I really like that scene, and also the scene last ep where he spotted her at the convenience store too.

I think it's perfectly set up that Tan first notices Eun-sang when she's at her most vulnerable, while Young-do's interest in her is first piqued when she's at her grumpiest.


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i totally agreee! didn't think of that, but it's true. :)


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