City Hunter: Episode 9

Somebody pinch me. Is it possible that this drama is this good, or am I under some kind of spell? Did my coffee come laced with crack from a drug bust gone wrong? Is it maybe something to do with Lee Min-ho’s lips? (I’m not discounting that this is a possibility.) I mean, I find this show to be so consistently off-the-charts good that I’m starting to wonder if my judgment’s been impaired. But I feel normal, and just as snarky as ever. So maybe, just maybe… this show IS THAT GOOD.

Can it be true?


Yoon-sung grabs Nana just as she’s about to lose her grip, and she hangs on for dear life. His arm makes a horrible sound like it’s coming out of its socket (ewwww) and blood starts dripping down onto her hands.

He finally gathers all his strength and pulls her up with both hands and lifts her over the edge. She falls on top of him and he quickly gets up to get away. She stops him, “Wait, it was you who saved me the last time, wasn’t it?” He doesn’t answer and runs in the target’s direction.

Seo makes a run for the exit with Young-ju close at his heels. But Jin-pyo’s been watching the whole scene unfold, and sends his man Sang-gook to trap Young-ju in the revolving door (ha) so they can get to Seo first.

Jin-pyo catches up to him just as he’s held up a getaway car, knocking him down with a few swift blows. He very dramatically unsheathes his cane, revealing a sword inside. He holds it in Seo Yong-hak’s face, aiming right in his eye.

Thankfully Yoon-sung runs up in time to keep Dad from poking an eye out, literally, and they load Seo into the car and take off.

Young-ju and his team arrive a second too late, but he tells them that he put a tracking device on the City Hunter as they were fighting. OH. Badass. I’m now back to being impressed, after laughing at you for being stuck in the revolving door.

Dad leads his crew to an abandoned warehouse, where he first berates Son for saving the girl. Yeah, let’s save the birds and the bees lecture for later, Dad. Cops are on your tail.

He then proceeds to take all but one bullet out of his gun, and begins to play Russian roulette at Seo Yong-hak’s face. Holy Hardcore, Batman.

He asks for the names of the others involved in the ’83 Incident. Seo suspected as much, and quickly agrees to give up the other names of the Big Five, if he gets taken somewhere safe. Jin-pyo tells him that he’s rotted to the core, for so easily selling them out. Yes, this is true, but you WANT him to sell them out…

They hear the sirens approach. Jin-pyo doesn’t flinch and tells Seo that their arrival doesn’t mean that he won’t die. He’s down to his last bullet. He starts to pull the trigger…

Seo cracks, and the first name he gives up is Kim Jong-shik. Ooooooh I didn’t think we’d get to him so soon, but I’m excited. Target No. 3 it is. Kim Jong-shik, father of Young-ju, culprit in Nana’s parents’ accident. Jin-pyo asks for the rest, and he says he’ll give them up, but we cut away to Young-ju outside, so we don’t know how much he gives away. I’m thinking not much else, to keep the one-target-at-a-time pace of the drama, which I’m a fan of, so no need to blow your wad with Targets 4 and 5 yet.

The S.W.A.T. team readies outside, but then suddenly Yoon-sung and Ajusshi gas the place and put masks on. Oh! Double cross by Son! It’s not even ten minutes yet and I’ve already been surprised three times. I love this drama!

Jin-pyo fires his gun into the air as he goes down, and Young-ju and his team hear the shot and bust in. Only when they get inside, the room is empty, and all they find is the gun and Young-ju’s tracker, sitting on the table. God, is there anything hotter than three badass guys outsmarting each other?

The thing I find hard to believe is how he and Ajusshi dragged three grown and gassed men out of there in time. But by the time Young-ju gets in there, Yoon-sung is driving an ambulance with Seo in the back.

He calls Young-ju to tell him to get to his office, because he’s on his way to deliver Seo Yong-hak. Ha. Yoon-sung cryptically adds the question: “Why did I have to bring Seo to that warehouse? That’s one of the things you have to find out.”

What they do find is a piece of clothing that Yoon-sung took off and left behind. Young-ju smells it (well that’s awfully brave of you) and tells his assistant to find out whatever perfume it is.

Meanwhile Yoon-sung drops off Seo Yong-hak with the same sash that he had put on Senator Lee, with a note: “To Prosecutor Kim Young-ju.” Hee. Why do I find this part of the City Hunter’s routine so adorable? Perhaps it’s the grade-school note, the way he always addresses the packages to Young-ju personally?

Young-ju arrives just in time to see the ambulance drive off, and the reporters come rushing down to snap photos. He looks down and sees more dog tags around Seo’s neck, and Seo carefully opening his eyes to peek at his surroundings.

Jin-pyo opens his eyes, confused to find himself back in his own office. He looks up at a very contrite Shik-joong. Oh no. Why’d you leave Ajusshi to explain things to Dad? That’s so mean! And then of course, Dad just flips his lid and beats Shik-joong to a pulp for his insubordination.

The cops track down Yoon-sung’s ambulance, but he’s ditched it by the river and is long gone. But on his way out he gets a call from Dad, breathing fire from Yoon-sung’s betrayal. He tries to explain that he did it all for both of them, but Dad interrupts with a visual message—he pulls Shik-joong up by the collar, so Yoon-sung can see his bloodied face.

Yoon-sung: “Ajusshi!!” What did you think would happen when you left him there? That Dad would chuckle and say ‘gosh darn that rascal,’ and bake him cookies?!

Yoon-sung rushes over there, and when Sang-gook comes out to try and stop him, he beats the living hell out of Dad’s Number 2, and makes his entrance by throwing him at Dad’s feet. Hahahaha. Tit for tat. Goddamn, sometimes I love this fucked up family.

It’s so awesome that he goes from total gladiator one minute, all blood and fists of fury, to worrying over Ajusshi so tenderly the next. He makes sure that Ajusshi is okay, and he is, just mostly scared more than hurt.

Dad gets up in a furor, raising his cane… but Yoon-sung stands up and blocks it. The two of them stand there in a deadlock…

Jin-pyo: You could have died. Why did you go to the prosecutor?!
Yoon-sung: Because I don’t want to make any more children like me! If it weren’t for those five men, I would’ve grown up under a mother and father, just like everyone else. More than anyone, I want to kill those five men. But we have to stop blood spilling more blood for vengeance. When this is over… I want to try to live happily with you Father.
Jin-pyo: I will follow them to the edge of hell to kill them. Will you still oppose me then?! Answer me.
Yoon-sung: Yes. Because that is my revenge.
Jin-pyo: Even if it’s going to war with me?
Yoon-sung: Even if you go beyond war. Don’t touch the people who are precious to me. I will protect them. Even you, Father.

Swoon. When he stands up to Dad, while still loving him like a dutiful son, it just makes me die a little inside. It’s so heartbreaking.

But as soon as Yoon-sung and Ajusshi walk out, Dad orders Sang-gook to find the agent who Yoon-sung saved today. Oh crap. I knew there’d be a swift turnaround on that.

Nana gets her shoulder wrapped at the hospital, and the police question her about the City Hunter. She says that he’s tall and she could only see his eyes. The cop asks what the eyes looked like, and she starts to describe them, all of a sudden flashing back to the way the City Hunter looked at her on the ledge, and then that moment, when Yoon-sung almost kissed her.

Eeeeeeeeee! She knows! Does she KNOW-know? It might just be a flicker rather than a realization, but how much do I love that doesn’t have Lois Lane’s Black Hole of Eyewear? There’s still plenty of room for him to wriggle out of this, but the seed of uncovering his identity… it’s there.

Back at home, Yoon-sung holds Ajusshi’s hand as he apologizes. Ajusshi: “Oh, it’s okay. I guess Boss is human… he didn’t kill me.” He laughs, which is really messed up. That shouldn’t really be a moment of levity, but for this family, it is.

He worries about Nana and gets up to find out what happened to her, but the instant he stands, he collapses. It’s about time. I was wondering when the day’s events were going to take their toll.

Ajusshi runs to get Sae-hee and brings her back to the house to treat Yoon-sung. He tells her that she’s just in more danger now, since she knows yet another secret. She thinks just the opposite, grateful that he called for her.

He sleeps for a while, and when he comes to, the first thing he asks is how Nana is. Ajusshi tells him that she got checked out at the hospital and wasn’t badly injured. He sighs in relief, still worried that she’s probably shaken up.

He decides he has to move out of her house (Nooooo!) to keep Dad from coming after her. I think Dad’s smarter than you think, and will find her regardless of where you’re living. Ajusshi asks, “Do you like Nana? Is that why you didn’t go after Seo Yong-hak and rescued Nana? If you had to do it all over again, would you make the same choice?”

Yoon-sung turns his head, brushing him off with an “I don’t know. I don’t know,” but then answers honestly, “I’m scared… that something might happen to Nana.” Ajusshi just feels terrible, thinking it’s his fault for asking him to look out for her in the first place.

She calls, asking where he is and if he’s hurt, but he answers brusquely that he’s busy and hangs up. Aw, so heartbreaking that he cares so much but can’t show it.

He falls asleep and has another dream, this time back on the ledge holding Nana. He struggles and then loses his grip, and she falls to the ground with a thud. She dies instantly, the blood pooling around her. Dude, your nightmares are starting to give ME nightmares.

It startles him awake, and he decides he can’t take it—he has to go see her right now to make sure she’s okay. Aw, puppy, if you’re that worried about her now, how do you plan on living away from her?

Nana tosses and turns in bed, worried and wide awake. She finally gets up and goes to the roof for some air. She says aloud, “I miss him. I’m worried.” And then he’s there, calling out her name…

Yoon-sung: Kim Nana, do you know what time it is? It’s past 2am. It’s not enough that you shower without locking the front door, you’re out catching the night air because you think you’re good at judo?!
Nana: Do you think I want to be out here at night? I can’t sleep. I’m worried. I just came out to get some air. Why don’t you come and go early instead of worrying people?! And why don’t you answer your phone, keeping me awake and putting me in a bad mood? Who’s the cause of all this and you’re yelling at me…

Their outbursts are of course just I-love-you, I-miss-you, I-was-worried, dressed in their prickly banter. But tonight the meaning is clear enough to cut through the crap. And Yoon-sung interrupts her and grabs her in a kiss.

The camera slows down just enough to make each moment linger and float away, as he kisses her over and over again.

He holds her close and then proceeds to tell her to always lock the door, and be wary of strangers, not to eat only kimchi, and not to just take care of the dog, but to take care of herself too. Oh no. You’re saying goodbye. No, no, no, no, no!

He adds wistfully that her coffee was always the best. Not catching his drift, she sweetly offers to make him a cup, so he sends her down with a “Will you?” Don’t do it!

She goes down and makes coffee, but by the time she comes back up, he’s gone. All he’s left behind is his jacket where it fell when he kissed her. She looks around, confused and stunned.

Yoon-sung drives away, telling himself, “I’m going to protect you. This is the only way.” Aaaaargh. I mean, I know. Noble idiocy actually makes sense in the superhero’s world. It’s a trope borne of this genre and in fact I think it fits this setup nicely. It doesn’t change the fact that it pains me through the heart like a very stabby wound, but I suppose that’s a testament to the fact that it’s played effectively.

But STILL. *wail*

Yoon-sung recovers well through the night, and Sae-hee tells him that he’s doing much better. She asks how he knows Kim Jong-shik, since she heard him say the name in his sleep. He and Ajusshi freeze. Yeah, you guys need to work on your stealth mode in the reaction department.

Sae-hee coolly answers, “I wonder if the City Hunter knows… that Minister of Education Kim Jong-shik’s top-university-educated son is Prosecutor Kim Young-ju.” Oh, she’s just outright handing him information now, all by the by, if the City Hunter is interested… She’s quickly on her way to becoming the girl friday ’round here. Wait. That’s my job.

Yoon-sung and Ajusshi stare at each other in disbelief.

At the same time, Dad finds out the same connection, including the fact that the father-son relationship is strained, and that it’s also kept very secret, because Young-ju doesn’t want to be accused of riding Daddy’s coattails.

Yoon-sung paces back and forth, “So have we entrusted a mouse in a fox’s lair, all this time?” (A common metaphor that means what you think, like asking Cookie Monster to hold your cookies for a minute.)

He berates himself for the massive mistake, in handing over his first two targets to the son of a member of the Council of Five. Ajusshi tells him that it’s not his fault — how could he have known? But Yoon-sung doesn’t relent, saying he should have prepared, should have known.

To make matters worse, Dad calls to rub salt in it, and declares that all three, including the targets he’s already turned over to Young-ju, will die by his hand. Yoon-sung slams his fist down in the face of his first real screw-up.

Nana gets shredded at work for failing as an agent, and most of all for getting her gun taken from her in the line of duty. Yeah, not gonna lie. That’s bad. She’s told to write her resignation and clear out her desk, and in a week’s time the committee will reach a decision.

She cleans out her stuff and runs into Yoon-sung on her way out. She calls out his name but he just stops to stare, and then goes on his way, not even a flicker of interest in his eye.

Young-ju catches up to her to ask if she got a good look at the City Hunter’s face, and wonders if his eyes aren’t familiar. She just stammers that they’re not and asks what Young-ju thinks. He tells her that they’re comparing blood samples from both incidents right now, and they should have an identity soon.

He notices the little Pororo doll in her stuff, and asks if it’s hers. She starts to say that it’s Yoon-sung’s, but says that Yoon-sung gave it to her. Young-ju remembers picking up the same doll while questioning Jin-pyo, but a common Pororo doll is no smoking gun. Yoon-sung listens to the whole exchange and slips away.

Seo Yong-hak comes in for questioning, mobbed with eggs in front of the courthouse. He confesses to everything without hesitation and asks hurriedly to be placed in safe custody. “You don’t think that the City Hunter will follow me all the way there and kill me, right?”

Young-ju is surprised at Seo’s level of fear. He knows the City Hunter to be the guy who drops these guys off on his doorstep, but Seo seems to think he’s out for blood. Young-ju asks if he knows anything about the dog tags and a special forces team in ’83, but Seo remains tight-lipped about that.

The results are in from examining the anonymous note detailing Seo’s crimes – and it identifies the City Hunter as… Senator Lee Kyung-wan, aka Target No. 1. Hahahahaha. Awesome. How’d you do it?

Ki-joon’s little brother gets honorably discharged from the army, and the President attends the ceremony in his honor. Yoon-sung sits in the audience as well, watching proudly. He gives a speech that actually brings tears to my eyes:

Go Ki-wook: I’m standing here after losing a leg, but I don’t ever regret going to the army. I wanted to serve handsomely, but my time was cut short. It’s what I regret the most. If it weren’t for the City Hunter, we might’ve elected a president who rotted his soldiers’ bodies with faulty boots. Young men sacrifice their youth to protect this land. All those in politics, instead of thinking that you’re sending others’ sons to the army, I would like to ask you to protect the beautiful youth of Korea.

He salutes, and the whole audience stands and salutes him in return, the President down below, and Yoon-sung in the very back. It’s a wonderful moment, because it gives meaning to capturing Seo Yong-hak and bringing him to justice, beyond vengeance.

But of course the President isn’t without fault in this very dilemma of a nation’s promise to protect its soldiers – and Jin-pyo doesn’t lose the opportunity to remind him of his sins. He appears in the crowd, dressed in uniform, just long enough for the President to catch a glimpse of him before he disappears like a hallucination.

It’s moments like this where I soften a little to Jin-pyo’s pain. His story will never have the neat resolution like this one, with commendations and flowers and rousing speeches. There’s only the death of his brothers, which will never see the light of day.

His psychological torture is effective on President Choi, who is the only one of the Council of Five to have ever shown remorse, and the complexity of their relationship definitely makes him the most interesting of the five targets, even before counting the obstacle of his being the sitting president.

Young-ju uses this opportunity to approach the President about giving him access to classified military files—those pertaining to the ’83 Incident. He’s been denied at every stage, and so he’s come as a last resort, to the top of the food chain.

The President answers carefully that it’s not a matter he can clear on his own, but promises to look into it. Man, I love how all the threads are really starting to intertwine.

Young-ju catches up to Yoon-sung to ask if he knows a Steve Lee, checking on that hunch about the Pororo toy he found in Dad’s office. Yoon-sung says no and walks off.

During judo training today, Eun-ah takes all her frustrations at Nana’s dismissal out on poor Ki-joon, who basically serves as a large lanky punching bag. Yoon-sung comes for his lesson and Nana’s boss steps in to take over for her, telling him that the change might be permanent, if the committee decides to fire her.

This is the first Yoon-sung is hearing about it, so he asks defiantly if this is because she got her gun taken from her. Her boss gripes that her being a female agent is the problem. Oh, NO YOU DI’N’T! I thought you were just strict, but you’re sexist too? He takes Yoon-sung’s arm to throw him over his shoulder, but Yoon-sung doesn’t budge, instead picking him up and slamming him down with a, “Agent Kim Nana taught me that!” So. Satisfying.

Back in the office, Ki-joon rolls over to ask for something and sees Nana’s present sitting in Yoon-sung’s desk. He gets giddy, asking if it’s for his girlfriend. “Did you go on a sogaeting? Hunting? Booking?” Hahaha. You could say he goes hunting.

He gets a call from Nana and he answers curtly again, but this time she asks straightaway for him to come over… and the camera pans up to show Dad, looming right behind her. Oh crap. He takes the phone out of her hand, “Are you very busy?”

Oh crap, oh crap, oh crap. Yoon-sung darts out of his chair and zooms over there, biting his lip in a panic the whole way.

Turns out Dad’s not here to threaten directly, well not in a hold-a-gun-to-her-head kind of way, although in some sense this nice dad act is way creepier. He sees Yoon-sung’s bullet necklace around her neck (oh god, you HAD to wear it today?), the bullet that he dug out of his own chest to give to Yoon-sung. Oh, this is BAD. Very bad.

Yoon-sung runs in there, thinking the worst, only to find Dad smiling and having a tea party with Nana. HA. Dad’s message is effective though, and Yoon-sung trembles, his hand shaking as he clenches his fist.

They walk out and Dad asks if he loves this girl. Yoon-sung gulps and quickly says no. Dad: “Foolish kid. I told you not to fall in love. Know this: because of you, she could die.”

Yoon-sung’s eyes dart back to Dad in fear – is it a threat? A warning? Dad says nothing more and turns to walk away. I do read some genuine fatherly concern in his words though. Not the happy-kittens-and-rainbows kind, just yunno, the I’m-worried kind.

Nana runs down, concerned that Dad misunderstood their situation. The living together situation? Well who would do that? All that was missing was you walking around in his shirt. But Yoon-sung cuts her off coldly: “Butt out. My relationships with women are so complicated that my Dad’s long since stopped caring.” Damn.

Ajusshi freaks out at the news that Dad went to see Nana. Yoon-sung tells him the message was loud and clear: I’m going to kill Kim Jong-shik, and if you get in the way, something happens to Nana. He decides to clear his stuff out of there first thing. He notices Nana’s earring on the floor and picks it up.

For now Target No. 3 is out of the country, and Yoon-sung figures that he has to find some sort of dirty secret before he’s back. Ajusshi blathers quickly, “He has one! I know he does!” Yoon-sung: “How do you know?” Ajusshi: “I just do!”

Um… now might be the time for you to spill the beans about the accident, no?

The next day he sends Ajusshi to pack up his stuff, and stops in to get treated at Sae-hee’s clinic.

At the same time, Young-ju gets the results from testing that piece of clothing found at the warehouse. It’s a particularly unique designer shower gel… Oh NO. He scans the list of people who order it directly… and stops at one name: Lee Yoon-sung.

Damn that fruity shower gel! I knew your obsession with that was going to bite you in the ass, but I didn’t think it’d be the clincher! Gah, who needs false DNA tests when you use some shower gel that only 50 other people use? Just buy your soap at the drugstore like a regular dude!

Young-ju puts all the pieces together, all the clues that have been hovering around him for weeks. He lands at that suit—his suit, from the night after the City Hunter was shot. Sae-hee.

He rushes over to Sae-hee, questioning her like a suspect, and calling out all her tells, like her finger motions when she’s lying. She holds up well enough, just acting like it’s uncomfortable for her to talk about her new man with her old husband. But Young-ju isn’t buying it.

He runs outside to dig through her trash, hoping to find anything used to treat Yoon-sung. But he finds nothing.

Once he’s gone Sae-hee opens the door to the next room, where Yoon-sung has been sitting the entire time. She hands him a bag of his bloody clothes and the supplies she had used that night. Smart girl.

He thanks her for her help yet again, and wonders why she’s always saving his hide. She tells him, “I feel bad for a dog that’s lost its way. And you seem lost.” Aw.

Ajusshi packs up Yoon-sung’s things in Nana’s apartment (with no fear that she’ll come home at any point?) and sighs to himself that since living here, he’s seen Yoon-sung genuinely laugh and smile. He drops something while packing but doesn’t notice. Oh god, it’s not Nana’s picture is it?

Yoon-sung sends him home first with his stuff and waits to say goodbye to Nana. She’s busy buying groceries, and decides to make Yoon-sung’s favorite dish as requested, with no veggies and just beef. She thinks again about the City Hunter and Yoon-sung, and says aloud, “It can’t be, right? It’s not.”

She comes home to find him asleep on the couch, and makes him dinner. She goes to wake him up and he doesn’t stir. Then she suddenly thinks back to the City Hunter. Slowly, trembling, she raises her hand toward his face…

She covers everything but his eyes. She flashes back to the City Hunter. And back to his eyes.

Her eyes grow wide. SHE KNOWS!

She covers her mouth as she gasps, and he darts awake. She tells him to eat and turns away, the recognition settling in on her face. They sit awkwardly over dinner, both their heads spinning over different things.

Yoon-sung looks at her, and at his bullet around her neck. He finally starts in:

Yoon-sung: Forget what happened that day. You’re such a prideful stick-in-the-mud that I just played around with you, but if you’re like this it’s no fun. We kissed once and the way you look at me has changed. Turns out there’s not much to you. You’re easy… So easy it’s no fun. I’ve lost my taste for it. The me you saw in the beginning is right—I’m really that guy.

Daaaaaayum. Why you gotta rip a girl’s insides out to save her?

He adds that he’s already moved his stuff out. She can stay as long as she wants and he won’t tell her to leave. He suggests that they can at least say hi to each other at work, to make things comfortable. And with that he makes his exit, Nana frozen from his ice-cold words.

He leaves and looks out at the night, “I can’t love. That is my fate.”

He comes home and finds Ajusshi unpacking his things. Ajusshi asks why he’s collected all these old news stories on Kim Jong-shik, and he looks at the file—it’s Nana’s, not his. He flips through it, wondering why she’s collecting information on him. Ajusshi worries, realizing that his wires might cross and he’ll find out about Nana’s parents.

Just then, news breaks of Lee Kyung-wan being rushed to the hospital from prison. Yoon-sung looks up at the tv, and standing at the hospital’s entrance ready to receive Target No. 1? Is Dad, in a white coat.

Yoon-sung races to stop him…

At the same time, Young-ju gets a call that Lee Kyung-wan is ready to talk about the ’83 Incident. He rushes to hospital…

They get there at the same time, eyes meeting in the corridor. But they’re too late. The bodies of two police officers get carted away between them.

Young-ju goes in to Lee Kyung-wan’s room… and finds him dead.

Yoon-sung watches from behind the police line, and then turns to see Dad with a look of grim determination on his face.

He’s too late.


I seriously cannot remember the last time I watched a show this gripping and tightly, rapidly plotted. It’s enough to make a recapper giddy. I could go on endlessly about the awesome badassery at every turn, but in the end what really seals it for me is that this show has heart. It’s so bleeding-heart earnest and idealistic, and the epic journey of a young hero that it makes me swoon a thousand times, and then pump my fist in ever-living glory. Why yes, I AM that geeky.

And I don’t normally have to moderate too many spoilers since most of you know not to do it, but please for the love of superheroes, don’t spoil me on Episode 10! I will hunt you down and poke you with my sword-cane!


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i had shivers down my back as i was watching this...hands down best episode....i never thought jin pyo was all that bad...like i knew he was ...with the whole trying to kill everyone and nearly running over your son with a semitrailer...but till now with the deaths at the end of the episode its fully resonates with me....now i shiver as much as ahjussi when i think of jin pyo...i never really understood why he was shit scared of him....now i do

i am now fully invested...hook line sinker


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Thank you for the recaps, ladies ^_^
You are doing a great job!

Re CH... Jeeeeeez! This Show is PERFECT!!!
It constantly suprises me (in a good way) from one episode to another. I've already given up counting how many "WOWs" I had so far.

I also have some thoughts about the target #5 - the President. I think that he is not a bad guy. He really tried to save the secret team but at that time he didn't have enough power to save them. So, maybe, in order not to let something similar happen again he decided to become a president and protect his people. Just my thoughts...


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that's a really, really good point avada... Can't wait how they will write that part on the story...Target #5 will definitely be a diamond in their plan.. How the heck will you be able to hunt the most secured, protected person in the country?!

and the twist of CONSCIENCE and a bit of GOODNESS in Target#5, I don't think he's currently involved in any mishap so I am really, really, really looking into how they will put that in the plot...

So far, I really cannot get LMH/PMY/CH out into my mind. *LOL*. Thinking all these might-be's makes me want to have a time machine and make it Thursday everyday. hahaha!


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Thank you very much for your recap. You make me laugh with your witty words. Waiting for ep 10 recap


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It's really that damn good! Like you gf im besides myself with the quality of this drama.It's such a pleasant surprise. After best love raised my standards, didn't expect much from other dramas but with each episode this one is becoming another fqvorite. :)


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with best love and lie to me winding up, i started and caught up on city hunter. before this drama aired, i remembered jb was rambling on about something negative (sort of) so i did not expect much of city hunter. i was pleasantly surprised to find this drama rather entertaining. miss ripley is the next drama i want to watch and hope that it is as entertaining as city hunter.


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@mika, you're on for the best ride ever my dear....this show will definitely surpassed the expectation....

Although, right now, I don't have anything next to the list after city hunter, I probably would put second as "re-watching CITY HUNTER".. hahaha! Am I crazed?


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You are not alone.


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Oh! Girlfriday! Thanks a lot! You crack me up so good...I was laughin' my head off like a crazy hyena...

"His arm makes a horrible sound like it’s coming out of its socket (ewwww)"

"OH. Badass. I’m now back to being impressed, after laughing at you for being stuck in the revolving door."

"Yoon-sung: “Ajusshi!!” What did you think would happen when you left him there? That Dad would chuckle and say ‘gosh darn that rascal,’ and bake him cookies?!"

"Yoon-sung rushes over there, and when Sang-gook comes out to try and stop him, he beats the living hell out of Dad’s Number 2, and makes his entrance by throwing him at Dad’s feet. Hahahaha. Tit for tat. Goddamn, sometimes I love this fucked up family."

"He falls asleep and has another dream, this time back on the ledge holding Nana. He struggles and then loses his grip, and she falls to the ground with a thud. She dies instantly, the blood pooling around her. Dude, your nightmares are starting to give ME nightmares."

But STILL. *wail*

"Damn that fruity shower gel! I knew your obsession with that was going to bite you in the ass, but I didn’t think it’d be the clincher! Gah, who needs false DNA tests when you use some shower gel that only 50 other people use? Just buy your soap at the drugstore like a regular dude!"

LOL! :-)

And yes, Im as geeky as you, for lovin' the smokin' hot city hunter who's got a soft spot for bald ahjussi and who's secret allies with the equally driven and sexy prosecutor, hehe...

Would love to see the two men really get into jealous fits/lock heads over Nana...any chance they will do that, GF? :-) or would they just be too consumed with the revenge/man-hunt stuff? arghhhhh....wait, is daddy long legs even remotely interested with Nana in a romantic way? after leaving her hanging by the ledge, i got serious doubts...


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@samgetang, i'm getting the same vibe as well...i am 50% leaning into the idea that YJ is not at all romantically interested in NN. With all the events in NN life even before YS came into the picture, he didn't exert more effort in making her life comfortable (except those decade worth of cards and letters which I assume most of it is written in one or two sentences)

And how can you let a girl (assuming that you have been harbouring feelings for her for a decade) hang on the ledge and be saved by someone you just recently sparred with? Not a good move if you want to earn a point, I daresay....

samgetang my dearie, i echo you in echoing GF's best definition of the events...the best ever :)


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Exactly! Plus, I think he's a little too concerned about who his ex-wife is sleeping with to actually be fully invested in liking Nana. I don't know whether to think that he's doing all of this out of love or guilt. I guess it's kind of a good thing that they stuck us in limbo on this one. It would be a waste if they dropped everything on our doorstep in the first half of the series.

Okay, while we're on the subject (I know this is super late) last week Yoon-sung tore Young-ju a new one for being such a creep and sending Nana letters under the alias Daddy Long-legs while pretending not to know her in real life. This week though GF's comment on the picture ajusshi dropped got me thinking, aren't YS and YJ kinda on the same boat? I mean, regardless of whether or not Young-ju is in love with Nana, they're both pretending to not know her life story. I mean sure, Yoon-sung is by far less creepy because he introduced himself before stalking her and inserting himself into her life... but still.

I totally agree with everyone else. Reading the recaps makes me so happy because 1) I saw this week's episodes yesterday and I'm already jonesing for next week's installments. So I came here to get my fix.
2) Your comments/reactions are HILARIOUS!
3) I think we're all fist pumping/geeking out together.

I felt so sad for Yoon-sung when he confronted Jin-pyo and told him, "I will protect them. Even you, Father." I mean... his dad has the ultimate heart-of-steel and yet he still loves him and yearns for his approval. I wonder if any of this will change once he finds out that JP kidnapped him and lied to him all these years in order to create a mini-me. I hope he loses it (for the sake of drama) when he realizes he could have had a normal life had it not been for JP.

Thanks for the recap as always. Keep up the great job GF et al. <3


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Can't wait for the next episode's recap! Thanks so much for feeding my kdrama addiction.

Haven't watch the 1st episode yet. But I've read all your recaps on City Hunter. Can't wait until all episodes are finished so I can start marathon watching!

So in love with Lee Min Ho and so falling in love with his new show due to your great recaps!

More power!


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GirlFriday, as always....you deliver! I love you!

And you're right! City Hunter is that good! Period!


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Was anyone else reminded of Lucius Malfoy when Undaddy whipped out his sword-cane thing?


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it did for me.. no other way a cane would be that symbolic..eh?


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awww. episode 10 is not available in my region. so sad. i JUST want to know the fishy missing puzzle! the puzzle about the connection between ahjussi and na na as well as the prosecutor and nana. this target no 3 will surely give us the answer. they have been fanning my curiosity. always reveal half and bits of here and there. AT last our Na na has woken up from her "daze" and finally realize min ho is her savior. how on earth can you not tell? he wears perfume, i thought. his smell, his eyes, his height, the feel of his hands. na na you are so NA NA!
I really love the vet.
Yong sung: "why do you keep taking care of me?"
Vet: "Because i see a lost child. "
how touching!!!


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GF, you were not able to resist , right??!?
This is a super fast recap! AM not complaining! ;)

"Somebody pinch me. Is it possible that this drama is this good, or am I under some kind of spell? Did my coffee come laced with crack from a drug bust gone wrong? Is it maybe something to do with Lee Min-ho’s lips? (I’m not discounting that this is a possibility.) I mean, I find this show to be so consistently off-the-charts good that I’m starting to wonder if my judgment’s been impaired. But I feel normal, and just as snarky as ever. So maybe, just maybe… this show IS THAT GOOD."
I have lost the ability to look at this show in objective way right after second week! Your recaps were the one that told me that am not under some mystic LMH spell and that THIS IS SHOW IS SERIOUSLY FREAKING GOOD!


"And I don’t normally have to moderate too many spoilers since most of you know not to do it, but please for the love of superheroes, don’t spoil me on Episode 10! I will hunt you down and poke you with my sword-cane!"

hahahahhahaha...! For love of superheroes, We solemnly swear not to SPOIL anyone!!
And that sword cane does look scary!!


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Vote for LMH pls! For male HOT DRAMA STAR:




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when he kissed her, his face was so much bigger than hers! it kinda looked like he would eat her up. lol


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hey guys, try the following link to quench your thirst and curiosity while waiting for the episode 10 to be fully available.


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thank you so much for the recap, girlfriday. i trick my whole family into watching the series.. they can't blame me for the awesomeness.hehe


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City Hunter leaves me.....speechless.
Which is rather incredible - for me. :)

Many thanks JB and GF, for all you do for us.



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Despite the plea from JB and GF
for no spoilers...............

One of the reasons why "City Hunter"
is so good: towards the end of Episode
#10 you have 2 guys and a staircase.
OK, this isn't such a big spoiler, but when
you see this scene (towards the end of
the episode) you'll know what I mean.
Incredibly brilliant camera work!!!!!!

The best kdrama I've ever seen!



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The english subbed episode 10 is now up at http://www.kimchidramas.net


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Why are you always so helpful??

Here, I'm sending you all my kissessssss


But, I always have a problem with the soft subs.
The thing is, it's always like 2-3 secs late
So, when they're talking really fast or when one character says a lot of things, I have trouble understanding them.

So, I always have to dl twice
first, the raw episodes with the soft subs from darksmurfsub
and the hardsubbbed ones available on dramacrazy.net

okay..am checking out this link now:)

Thanx <3


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as i had hoped 4, n my post n d last recap, nana made d 'eye' conexn & rlisd CH is yoonsung! yay!

bt den, wen she hs made d conexn, shdn she c thru hs noble idiocy???


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This is one of the best (entertaining) shows so far this year. I'm treating this as an anime or superhero cartoon so I'm not nitpicking the hows and whys and other small details to make this 100% perfect. I just love that it's fast-paced, so smooth, and addicting.

Thanks for the recaps, GF! Waiting for the next one... ;)


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hear, hear!! same here!


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Guys, what exactly is this 'KYAAA'???

Don't tell me it's hindi!


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As you might know, it means 'what?' in hindi
so, was just wondering


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193 comments in 24 hours?! Boy, this is something :)

Gah, whoever said this is the best episode ever (or all episode of CH for that matter is actually best for me), i totally, absolutely 100% agree.

Yes, it doesn't have our hot MIN HO /Yoon-Sung acting as lovey-swoon-i'm-so-hot-you-can't-do-anything-but-accept-it guy but all the more, I'm lovin this different side of him. I know it's probably just the make-up but boy they're good. It makes our Min-Ho looks really, really tired and stressed out and can't help thinking that the accident have something to do with it. Not complainin but can we put back those kissable-red-lips again?! :)

Now that scene with Daddy Badass in Nana's home just makes me shriek, holy cow i thought this is going to be their cliffhanger but i thought ok, we're just running 30 mins here. (hahaha! I was getting ahead of myself there when I paused it on YS's reaction!)

And the best part of this episode! Nana knows!!!SHE KNOWS!! I thought I'm imagining it but our heroine is a smart-ass candy. She definitely figures it out!! I like how the writers didn't put her as all-clues-lead-to-that-conclusion-but-still-not-possible-that-it's-him type of heroine. I LOVE IT!!!! ( I was so afraid that they'd dragged out several episodes before she can discover but hey have I really been disappointed with this SHOW?NAAAH!)

GF, you are the awesomest in putting the recap up so soon! Thank you so much!

I'll take this one-by-one but I'll be sure to still add more comment on this episode..(Still did not go through everyone's comments :) )


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IDude I get my .srts from darksmurfsub they have a really quick output like next day fast. First it's a program translated base (which is not great) then fan subbers go through it, and then there is a qc check, 9 + 10 are already done. On shows like city hunter I.e. The Cracktastic shows, are done FAST


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Lol I know because I stalk the site throughout the day to check the progress. This show IS laced with crack


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so.. I went and bought Cantata coffee today because I am THAT in love with this drama. haa.. actually, the cantata coffee moment in this episode spoiled the romantic moment after the kiss for me because I recognized that LMH is the spokesperson for Cantata. I was like.."show, really?" (notice the very non-subtle advertising for the coffee at the scene when Nana was making coffee for YS. even the paper cups have Cantata on them..haa..) The cf: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0vbuSW2As3Q&feature=related
so yea, coffee laced with LMH crack IS working.

all that being said, I think the lead actors area all doing a great job in portraying their roles. Great actors, great plot, great cinematography, great music, and GREAT RECAP here on this blog, what more can you ask for? <3


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typo: lead actors are* doing a great job. I really like LMH, PMY, and everyone else's acting, including daddy Jin Pyo


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the product placement(PPL) ban is lifted not long ago and now we can see advert unashamely place everywhere in dramas not only CH..in BL there was even a scene of promoting LG handphone....notably too in my fav Secret Garden where suddenly in half through the episodes we can see the car brand that Joo Won drove where before it was covered


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that makes so much sense. Vitamin water was everywhere in BL. haa... Oh, I loved Secret Garden too!


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My heart turn apart, and breaks into pieces when yoon-sung told her that he lost interest in her because she's too easy.That's like a bombshell that strike someone in the brain and die instantly.
I'm patiently waiting, tha day that yoon-sung discover the truth about his mother for all we know that he was abondon and what not..For Nana my heart goes w/you hopefully you can endure it , since after the storm comes out the sun and rainbow..


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Hey Guyz. I'm totally floored. I was feeling down and blue with BL ending this week but to my pleasant surprise here comes the dark horse among the May dramas - CH!it chased away my withdrawal syndrome and has officially become my addiction. I'm totally confused because I'm a romcom gal and I didn't expect this at all. CH was more like a filler drama while I was waiting for BL to be subbed/recapped - LMH is eyecandy after all and now, whoa! I can't wait for next week. Episodes 9 and 10 just sealed the deal - I'm hooked. What's there not to love? The storyline, conflict, pacing, the characters, chemistry, music, villains are all great. Wait, there is one thing about this drama I totally hate - LSY's stylist. Where d heck do the crazy pants come from? Sometimes even his shirts go coocoo.Seriously. Just let LMH wear his own clothes. Or better yet,,, Let's not get there.. hehehe. Okay im rambling. I'm so addicted. I'm so screwed. It's the weekend here and i've sadly caught myself , more than one, looking for channel no 4 shower gel. I'm sooo dead.


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Glad im not alone. This place is really home. I've been relatively quiet all these years, putting in a comment once in a while.But I'm confused now, so let me say hi to all. I'm totally floored bcoz I'm a romcom gal and I didn't expect this at all. CH was more like a filler drama but eps 9 and 10 just sealed the deal - I'm hooked. Where d heck do the crazy pants and coocoo shirts come from?Seriously. Just let LMH wear his own clothes. Or better yet, none at all. teehee. It's the weekend here and i've sadly caught myself , more than once, looking around for chanel no 4 shower gel. I'm sooo dead.I'm so addicted. I'm so screwed.


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Sorry for the repeated comment. Posted my comment earlier but there was an error, decided to cut it short and repost only to find out first comment got posted. sowee


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oh, that's ok @NotSoSilentLurker , you are very much welcome to rave about CH and formally welcoming you in the ever growing LMH/CH lovers... :)


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SOO freaking awesome!! this is by far the best k-drama I've seen since I started watching about 4 years ago... I'm absolutely hooked. I agree this drama really do have looots of heart!!. The acting is incredible and the plots are filled of surprises and unexpected moments!

Thanks sooo much of the recaps and a great job with the website!

tamlove <333


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I don't know what I love more - the actual show or the fact that you are loving it so much! There's something so satisfying about reading witty recaps...but top it off with a recapper who is invested and raving about the show and it's just pure awesome. Pure awesome, I say!!!


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Thanks for the great recap GF.
I think i would cry so loud when this show ended. Cause i just love love love love it. Love the story, love the casts, specially LMH. His kiss scene .... just heaven.... :)


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Has anybody watched that cf of LMH with PMY?

I searched it on youtube, but couldn't find it...


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Girlfriday! ;)

how do i express how splendidly spot-on
your choice of words are for your
emotional reactions to every single scene
in this ep that i seriously wonder -
who are your parents and your teachers,
for you to turn out so awesome? ;)

or i wonder...are you a born genius with words? ;)

could you be more perfect with comic-mind-gems
strewn all over this recap that have already been
highlighted by so many of the commentors
in this recap that PERFECTLY mirror
the very feelings and thoughts that so many of the
viewers and commentors have of CH
and more importantly of Lee Min-Ho??

BUT what is more mind-blowing is how your recaps,
especially your emotional reactions to the scenes in CH,
seem to make City Hunter the drama
SHINE that much brighter,
appears to be so much

and your writing about Lee Min-Ho's
exceptional acting skills
and unbelievably-perfect countenance
and physical attributes
seem to make
swooning, mooning, salivating, hyperventilating,
breathlessness, fainting spells and hysterical shrieking
over Lee Min-Ho and all-his-to-die-for-glorious-self
soooo very perfectly SANE activities...LOL!!!

seriously...have we all been doped out of our minds? ;)

i seriously think i am... ;)

but you know what?

even if we are on the most lethal dose of crack called
Lee Min-Ho, i believe no one is complaining...
or wishes to be on another planet!! ;)


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The kiss totally sealed this episode as the best one so far! did you notice that Kim nana's hand was on yoon soong's right shoulder after the camera focused on nana's hand lightly gripping ys' shirt? The mood was in slow motion so her hand couldn't have moved from ys' waist right up his shoulder that fast. I prefer the movements to be sequential and aligned with the pace of their movements. Not sure if it was an editing glitch but that's what I get for watching the scene over and over again. Nevertheless, then kiss was very passionate and real! LMH looks damn good with his eyes closed and his well lined jaw in view. Makes me wanna kiss someone ASAP! Hahaha!


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I watched the kiss again because of what you mentioned and you're right.
The editing was not perfect there.
But, we get one passionate kiss so am not complaining!
My only wish is that Nana should have 'participated' more:)
I mean, she's kissing LEE MIN HO!!
What more could a girl wish for right?

There's one thing I find it hard to believe
Why the hell did the prosecutor not ask Seo Yong-hak about the guys who kidnapped him?
How's that even possible?
Ajusshi even called out YS's name when he drove the car around picking him and the captain up.

The senator (or whatever he is) probably won't mention JP as JP scared the shit out of him, but I just wanted YJ to be one effective prosecutor.
It's more fun that way:)


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It's explain he is still human and make some mistake LOL~ Nobody is perfect ^^


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I'm talking about the prosecutor Kim Young Joo


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You're probably right!

As much as I enjoy watching korean dramas,
some of them just don't make sense at all.
But, this drama is different
(I'm not saying it makes perfect sense!)
have such high hopes that I want it to be perfect


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I really hate when you like a drama because your recaps are worse than usual. Keep all of the extra stuff, I don't want your opinion on everything IN the recap, it messes up the flow and is confusing. My biggest problem with you, I actually have to watch the episodes you recap.


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"Somebody pinch me. Is it possible that this drama is this good, or am I under some kind of spell? Did my coffee come laced with crack from a drug bust gone wrong? Is it maybe something to do with Lee Min-ho’s lips? (I’m not discounting that this is a possibility.) I mean, I find this show to be so consistently off-the-charts good that I’m starting to wonder if my judgment’s been impaired. But I feel normal, and just as snarky as ever. So maybe, just maybe… this show IS THAT GOOD."

lol Javabeans!!! Yes, it is very good! If you're under some kind of spell, then so am I!!!lol ^^

This drama is so exciting!!!After seeing the ending of episode 8 (such a suspense, I was so scared for Kim Na Na, with City Hunter wounded like that!!!) , I couldn't wait to see episode 9!!!


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lol, i love how you whine throughout


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Question- When does the cute prosecutor get stuck in the revolving door? Or is that a metaphor?


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Also How awesome is the instrumental soundtrack? I can not commend it enough. Its so super-heroish but not cheesy.


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In the beginning..
when he was chasing Seo Yong-hak


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I find City Hunter so compelling not just for its mix of intrigue, action, & romance, but because finally here's a K-dram with a kick-ass unbitchy non-wishy-washy heroine.

Gott sei dank for these recaps, you've saved me from faulty internet links that deprive me of half the episode!!


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I am loving this show so much. The thing ajusshi dropped...could it be the photo of Yoonsung's parents and the president? Then Nana would put two and two together that his mom is the one who owns a snack stand?!


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Wow! Wow! Wow! =D loved the pace.....
so far there hasn't been too many boring moments. Hope the momentum stays on till the end!


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I know this is such late question, but I was wondering, how come Kim Nana has the Pororo Doll? Thanks!


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Remember the two kids from downstairs, the ones whose father had abandoned them for 10 months? The little fellow gave it to Yoon-Sung, and Yoon-Sung subsequently gave it to Kim Nana. I honestly can't remember Yoon-Song bringing it to his father's house, but he must have removed it from the house and gave it to Nana at some point after that.


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Still. Can't. Stand. The. Father. What an atomic douche-muh-tron. On a stick. If anyone gets popped, I hope it's him. I understand him being angry and wanting revenge, but the whole "I'm going to kidnap this kid for the sole purposes of training him to do my bidding" thing just doesn't work for me. It really, truly bothers me every time I hear Yoon-Sung call him "Father". Aish...

And to keep riding the "Dad is bad" train: this is a man who actually told Yoon-Sung not to fall in love--then expected him to actually follow through, just like that. It's because the man is dead inside and expects Yoon-Sung to be the same way. That shows what a cold-hearted character he is.

And I didn't like seeing Ahjussi get a big beatdown from that rotten dude. Ugh. It was nice that Yoon-Sung counter-protected him by beating up Pop's minion in retaliation, but the damage had already been done. Sad.

Now for the good stuff--that kiss. Ow! I haven't watched much Korean TV yet, but in the shows I have watched the kisses are very gentle. No head movement, no lip action, just pressed together. But this one was much better, even with some open-mouth action on Yoon-Sung's part; huzzah! It was sad that he was basically doing it to say "goodbye", but it was still very welcome.

I enjoyed the episode mucho. And to think, after the first episode I was going to put off City Hunter and watch Personal Taste first because I thought it would be too "actiony" for me--I was wrong. It's just right and Lee Min Ho is playing the heck out of his role. Huzzah! Cheers.


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Now that we know Lee Min Ho and Park Min Young liked each other in real life, that kiss, that kiss, that kiss... Wow, sooo much passion, no-holds-barred kiss. Unlike most Korean dramas where the kisses are closed lips and pressed against each other smacks...


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Well I think the sound that his arm makes isn't actually from his arm; it's like the bandage that's being torn off his wound - still OWWWW!!!! :(((((


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City hunter was just an interesting tv drama with a beautiful serene and colourful background. well done to the crew of the movie


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Hello,nice share.


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Oh my heart


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