Secret Garden: Episode 2

I’m really digging the vibe of this show, which is a total surprise, given that it was promoted in such an ambiguous way, claiming to be of seventeen different genres. But I pretty much love the characters from the get-go, because they’re a breath of fresh air in the k-drama landscape. I especially love that Joo-won is a neurotic freakshow. Funny Binnie, you’re back! We’ve missed you!


Ra-im practically melts to hear Oska say her name, and Joo-won can’t hide his petty annoyance. I do love this lifetime rivalry between cousins. Such great fodder for conflict, and silliness.

Joo-won distracts him with the dangling carrot of his impending scandal with the actress ex-girlfriend, only when he finally gets rid of his cousin and turns around, Ra-im has already walked onto a bus without a word. Joo-won is left pouting alone in the street.

Ra-im swoons all the way home, while listening to Oska’s songs, and tells her roommate that she particularly liked that Oska called her “cool” rather than “pretty.” (It’s also a word that can mean “handsome,” used more often to describe men.) Interesting. It sounds like something you’d say to convince yourself that second place was just as good, even though as a stuntwoman, that’s totally the thing you’d want to hear…from everyone except the guy you had a crush on.

Oska follows Joo-won home to confirm that the scandal was laid to rest. Joo-won strategically uses this to get Oska’s signature on the department store contract, landing him smack dab in a throng of screaming fans at LOEL, lined up to get an autograph. Joo-won smirks, having gotten exactly what he wanted, but especially enjoying Oska’s personal agony.

He clashes with the head of his executive staff again, and later decides he’ll find a way to fire him. Apparently it’s not something he can do himself, because his plan? “I’m going to tattle to Mom.” Hahaha.

As he waits downstairs for his car, Joo-won imagines Ra-im standing there next to him, and when the thought passes, she disappears into the wind. It’s a nice little whimsical beat to show that he’s thinking of her.

Seul, our bratty second lead, shows up to offer up her services as the director for Oska’s new music video. She’s clearly got an elaborate plan to make his life miserable, making his manager hesitate, but it’s not like they have other options. She says that she doesn’t want to remain in Oska’s memory as his first love, since they’ll be family soon anyway (meaning her plan to marry Joo-won). Wow, you skipped like thirty steps in that logic train, but I’ll give you points for crazed delusions of grandeur.

Back at home, Joo-won half-heartedly agrees to go on another mat-seon, all the while imagining Ra-im walking along beside him. He goes about his day, trying not to think of her, which only makes him obsess.

He finally turns to imaginary Ra-im and starts talking to her, annoyed that she keeps wearing the same clothes. Ha. He’s actually a little bit nuts. I love that!

He starts to argue that she’s not his type at all, but then she suddenly appears on the table, dressed to the nines, and he starts getting flustered. He admits to fantasizing about her looking like this (which he is admitting to his own fantasy, mind you), but insists that she’s not at all up to his standards.

Imaginary Ra-im goes through a series of changes every time he adds a new trait he’s looking for, from bookish to chic to childlike, unleashing an oppa-pout-wiggle that basically explodes Joo-won’s brain. He once again repeats the rhyme that he clearly uses as a coping mechanism to clear his head. (More on this later.)

He finally goes to ask Oska if he has Ra-im’s number, which he doesn’t, so he gets Chae-rin’s number instead. He meets with her to score Ra-im’s number, who he describes as “acts like a man,” and “looks like someone who makes you keep thinking of her.” Haha. As if it’s her fault that he’s obsessed.

Also, how much do I love that a drama hero is actually ACTIVELY searching for a girl’s number, because he likes her? You’d think, by the Law of K-dramas, that people only started dating if they were hogtied together and forced to be roommates.

He hedges and then decides to call, but it doesn’t go so well. He asks her to meet, without giving a reason, and she soundly ignores him and hangs up. He’s clearly not used to not getting his way, he of the sparkly tracksuit.

He decides to go down to her action school in person. Couldn’t you change out of that outfit first? It didn’t go over so well the first time, if you’ll remember. No? Okay then. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.

The action school is holding open auditions today, and with no recourse but to stand in line with the other auditionees, he watches Ra-im from afar. As he sees her laugh and smile, he says to himself in voiceover that this isn’t the same woman who’s been haunting him…this one…is far more awesome. (He uses the same word that Oska did: “cool” or “handsome,” but the usage is so different here—he’s totally smitten with her, and uses the word to mean “attractive” in a way that Oska did not.)

She stares wide-eyed when he appears in front of her, claiming boldly that he’s not here for an audition; he’s here to see her, since she won’t take his calls. They start to ask him interview questions, like what he’s good at, to which he responds confidently, “I make money well, and I spend it well.” The guys cheer him on, but Ra-im and Jong-soo are not amused.

She finally takes him outside to ask why he’s here, calling him all manner of things like nom and an unemployed slacker. He can’t admit why he’s really there, saying that she’ll think he’s crazy (because you kinda are), so he comes up with the excuse that she owes him for the hospital bill, since he’s the one who paid that night.

Clocking her reactions, he muses that this is why he can’t stop thinking about her—because she’s prettier when she’s angry. Heh. And aw. He asks her how her wound is healing, and when she doesn’t respond, he peels back her jacket to take a look at her arm. She reaches to pull it back up, but he stops her, holding her hand there while he looks intently at the scar.

Something about him in that moment shakes her—it’s simultaneously strange and invasive, and yet tender and sweet. Perhaps it’s his earnestness showing, which he normally hides in his flippant word choice. They stand frozen like that for a lingering moment, and then he puts her jacket back on, telling her to come back to that hospital and call her when she does, so that he can make sure it gets treated so it doesn’t scar permanently. With that, he leaves.

He heads back to the museum for another mat-seon, but discovers that it’s a re-date with Seul, whom he pretty clearly rejected the first time. She claims that she’s already fallen in love at first sight, to which he tells her that if she ever hears a man say those words, she should hit him, because it means he wants to get laid on the first date. Hahaha. He leaves her in the dust.

On her way out, she runs into Oska, who’s shaken to his core just at the sight of her. He’s brimming with tears, but she treats him without feeling, and makes her exit. Interesting dynamic, since he’s such a heartless womanizer elsewhere. Now we see why.

Outside, Seul shows tears of her own, but she holds them back, resolute to stand by her devious plan. Why? Because she’s the second lead. Need there be a more sensical reason?

Back on the lake of his ridiculously beautiful estate, Joo-won talks to his mom about the kind of woman he’s looking for (no doubt demanded by her since he keeps rejecting women by the hour). He retorts, “Of course she has to be pretty! Mom!” Keh. He starts rattling off traits for his ideal woman: “short hair, doesn’t laugh much, sad eyes, scar that keeps her from being Miss Korea…” as it dawns on him that he’s describing Ra-im.

He looks over to Imaginary Ra-im, perched next to him, not even surprised anymore by her sudden appearance. Mom asks if he’s crazy. Joo-won: “Crazy? Listen, hypothetically, if I were crazy, you’d still give me my inheritance…[Click]…Hello? Mom?” Hahaha.

He yells at Imaginary Ra-im that this is all her fault, and this time she yells back, making him wonder if he really IS going nuts. He starts chanting his rhyme again to try and get her out of his mind.

At the action school the next day, Ra-im starts thinking about Joo-won, unable to shake her thoughts of him during training. She screws up because she isn’t focused, causing Jong-soo to cut her from the upcoming movie shoot. One of her sunbaes has taken a liking to Joo-won, who they call “the guy who makes a lot of money,” and borrows her phone to call him.

Joo-won sees that she’s calling, and interrupts his executive meeting to ask, “Is it really ringing? Is this really happening, or am I imagining it?” The hilarious thing is, he’s asking sincerely, because he doesn’t actually know the answer.

He picks up, and since she can’t hang up now, Ra-im talks to him like she’s his sunbae (assuming that he actually meant to audition for the action school), and tells him to get his ass to practice, on the double. Haha. He’s so flabbergasted that he sits in the middle of his meeting, staring blankly into his phone, until somebody brings him back down to earth. He decides that they should open up their department store to dramas and film shoots, but no weepies; he asks for action, with lots of stunts. Ha, well if the mountain won’t come to Mohammed…

He drives over to the action school, but sees Ra-im drive off, so he follows. They end up at a cemetery, where she has brought the newbies to pay their respects to the original director of the action school. She gives a little speech about being the thankless people behind the scenes, but reminds them that it’s their job to make others shine while they take no credit, because they are stunt-men and women. She tells them to be sure that it’s a job that they want to risk their lives for, because that’s what they’re about to do. Joo-won looks on, even more impressed with her.

She takes the trainees out for a game of some soccer/volleyball hybrid, and Joo-won shows up, with that trademark cheeky smirk of his. He accidentally returns the ball straight at Ra-im’s head, so she returns the favor by pelting him with the ball, and challenging him to beat her. He stupidly takes the bait, and then proceeds to humiliate himself by being the worst possible foot-ley-ball player in the world.

Back at the action school, she sends them on their last reps for the day, pointing out that she’ll be keeping an eye on “Sparkly Tracksuit.” HAHAHA. I love her. That’s EXACTLY what I’d call him too.

She leaves to go shower, and returns to find no one but Sparkly Tracksuit all alone in the gym. He tries to corner her, getting a swift kick in the shin for his troubles, but he doggedly follows her and insists that he needs to know some things, if he’s ever going to be cured of his “problem.” She calls him crazy, and he doesn’t really deny it, saying that either way, finding out more about her is going to help him determine whether or not he’s really nuts.

He wants to know two things: did she go to college, and are her parents anyone he’d know? Essentially, he wants to know if she’s marry-able, as if somehow that changes the fact that he’s obsessed with her, if he can justify it in this way. This is the strangest logic ever, but you’re a few marbles short, so I see where you’re going with this.

She responds by flinging him over her shoulder onto the ground, back and forth like a ragdoll. Finally he gets fed up with getting beat up, so he turns the tables and lands on top, quite literally.

She squirms, angry, but he’s still, while on top of her, asking why she won’t answer his simple questions. Hahaha. This is of course the moment when Ra-im’s roommate happens to walk in (better her than Jong-soo), making for quite the awkward moment.

But her roommate is too angry right now, having just been fired from her job because of Seul’s complaint about the VIP lounge incident. She drops her uniform on the ground and rants about her horrible boss, as it dawns on Joo-won that she’s talking about him. She declares angrily that she’ll get her revenge: she’ll go online and announce that the president of her company is gay.

He pulls her aside to out himself (as the president, not so much gay) and she freaks out when she realizes that it’s him, complete with penchant for ugly designer tracksuits. Heh. He rehires her, and in exchange, she sings his praises to Ra-im, and gets her to come out for a drink.

Joo-won’s delicate sensibilities make him gag over their choice of pig intestine lining as drinking food. “Why is a pig, a pig? Because it has all that delicious fat. So then why are we eating the skin?” This is another male-female reversal, as stereotypically, this is a common food that men eat with soju, while women are seen as too squeamish to eat it. Not that food has gender, but it’s a cultural meaning attached to this type of food.

He drops them off, and is shocked to see the tiny, rundown building where Ra-im lives. He decides he IS crazy, after all. He goes straight to Oska’s place, asking him if he’s ever dated a woman who rents. He says “rents” like you’d say “has lice” or “doesn’t shave.”

Oska says sure, he’s dated a model and a so-and-so; they all rent in Kangnam. No, Joo-won doesn’t mean a ritzy place like that. He tries to describe what kind of apartment he means, and lands with, “the kind on National Geographic, with flies buzzing and stuff…” Hahaha. Okay, do you not know ANY poor people, like EVER?

The next day Ra-im gets rehired on the set of Chae-rin’s movie, and she shoots a big no-wire stunt jump in the middle of LOEL. The director makes her do take after take, yelling at her incessantly, while she wordlessly complies, even though her arm is hurting.

Finally they get word that there’s no hurry and they can shoot all day, as per the president’s orders, and he’s on his way down to the set himself…

Cue big entrance of Sparkly Tracksuit, looking not so sparkly, but damn fine. Ra-im’s eyes widen as she realizes that he’s actually as important a person as he’s been touting, as he walks straight up to her.

The director steps in between them, fawning over Joo-won, who tells him to stop yelling at Ra-im. He grabs her wrist and pulls her to his side, as he declares, “This person is Kim Tae-hee and Jeon Do-yeon to me. I’m Gil Ra-im’s biggest fan.” Aw. Swoon.


There are of course many reasons to love Binnie, but the one reason I’ve always loved him is that he’s a weird man-child who doesn’t really fit into a simple mold. He’s light and dark, manly yet childlike, and he plays the petty, petulant child like nobody’s business. It’s sort of why I can’t see how anyone else could’ve taken this role, because without that Hyun-Bin-factor, this character would just be one note, and not at all what he is now. Worse, he’d be unfunny, which would have been a tragedy. I love that beneath the stereotypical surface, Joo-won is a total nutcase, but an aware one, with a shrink and a whole host of complexes, half of which he probably invents to keep himself occupied. It crackles with potential.

Also, in case you’re wondering what song/rhyme Joo-won keeps rattling off, it’s a string of nonsense wordplay, an old saying that’s been used in various songs and such. They are rather senseless, but the gist of them is a bunch of different ways to describe living a long life, or symbols of long life, mixed with alliteration and funny sounds. The words are as follows:

김 수한무 거북이와 두루미 삼천갑자동방삭 치치카포 사리사리 센타 워리워리 세브리캉
무두셀라 구름이 허리케인 담벼락 서생원 고양이 바둑이는 돌돌이

The rhyme itself isn’t important so much as the recurring motif it provides for his character, who’s a fantastic neurotic, complete with silly songs to keep him tethered to the normal world. He’s also clearly a lonely individual, highlighted visually by his stunningly expansive home, which echoes of emptiness. I love that he has a set of coping mechanisms to keep his neuroses in check, and I can’t wait to see the other skeletons in his closet of crazy.

I adore Ra-im, not only because she’s a badass (but man, I DO love her badass action scenes), but because she’s got a great set of her own vulnerabilities and issues. The gender role reversals are a nice layer before the body swap occurs, because it compounds the conflicts, and the hijinks. I also love a couple who’s wit-fully matched, because there’s nothing better in a hate-into-love scenario than some hot verbal sparring.

At first I wondered when on earth they were going to get to the body swapping part. But now I’m fully invested in the get-the-girl part of the story, so I don’t mind the delay, and am rather interested to see how well they might get to know (and hate) each other BEFORE the swap, making it all the more rife with hilarity. Let the games begin.


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Yay the stalking paid off!


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um... that is not a sentence I want to hear in real life, ever.


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lol... javabean, I could not stop laughing after I read your response. lol


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ROFLMAO....I thought you were joking when you said you were refreshing the screen.And you got a response from the Blogger Above :-)

I told you right I told you to watch the ending....now please please go back to subbing it.Love you.


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Oh stalking. Though I will say that this stalking was much more adorably comedic than let's say Yoon Kye Sang in Triple. Now that was down right creepy and terrifying.


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Well you've got thousands of stalkers at your service if you ever need them! haha.


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HAHAHHA. Yeah, I was totally thinking about how creepy it'd be if it were any other guy than Joo-won/ Hyunbin. I mean, it was still creepy with Hyunbin, but cutely so. Also, it helps that Ra-im can more than handle herself. :)


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lol .. becoming a drama fan u turn into a pervert and creep it's only natural . things we should be freaked out about are suddenly "romantic" .


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... is pretty much what Joo-Won's thinking at the end of this episode.


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You all cracked me up for your comments. I spent all day at work checking this page for this summary. No rush though girls - just really excited!

@ck10z - yes ma'am I'll go back to aiding your crack habit.


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ooh i luv this drama.......


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oh yeeee


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It keeps getting better & better <3333
LOL at the new jacket in the preview ;3

Thank you for the recap <333


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So far, I'm finding this all kinds of awesome. Isn't that estate the most amazing thing? Binnie is a riot. HJW is badass. I love that Oska is channeling Kimutaku. I love the cousin dynamic. I can't wait for Binnie to fangirl at Oska.


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KimuTaku!YSH is all kinds of hilarious. XD


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I thought so too!!! KimuTaku right?? I knew that style looked familiar~ :P


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" I can’t wait for Binnie to fangirl at Oska."

HaHa...my thought exactly!


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haha.. u must see the spoiler pics between Oska and Joowanda (body: joowon and soul: Ra Im)! it's freakin hilarious!


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Thank you so much Girlfriday! I haven't found a site that is subbed. Anyway, it's always been a pleasure reading your recaps. There's always something new about the Korean culture when reading your work. Have to learn them before visiting the place (I hope soon)! Btw, I'm a Binnie fan since MNKSS!


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Softsub for first episode is already released in soompi secret garden thread.


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I was hook on the preview alone already! Cant wait to watch this! I dont want to start this right now and be torture to wait for the next episode so i will just hold off!! But I'm very tempted to watch this!! I like Hyun Bin in Samsoon but he really capture my heart in snow queen! Love him!


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Hahahahahahahaha... the funny Binnie is back indeed. I love how sometimes he portrays himself as a narcissist fellow.. I mean like, HELLO??

Love this drama more than JGS/MGY one =_=


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I'm kind of worried that the body swap will just have us watching a timid girl and a tough guy? Revolutionary...

Either way, I'm liking it so far :)


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ditto this thought


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well it won't be much of a reversal in that way, however for the characters themselves it will be...

Also it might be funny to watch Joo Won swoon because of his cousin Oska... hahaha oooh the hit to his man pride...


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wonderful recap..thanks.
Looks like I will be watching this show afterall.


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I'm so in luurrvve right now.
Sadly, this drama only adds to my extremely high and improbable hope of finding a guy just like Jo Won :/
Anyways, I love how it's veering off course and it sounds like it can only get better from here :)


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Haha I half-expected Hyunbin to bust out "아프냐? 나도 아프다" at the shoulder check up scene. What a fantastic refreshing start! I'm completely hooked~


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at last.. I've been waiting for this.. thanks girlfriday!

I'm so hooked on this drama.. Hyun Bin & H Jiwon are doing so well.


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i love it! Hyun Bin is just so amazing in this and its only the 2nd episode


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Yayyayyay I've been waiting for this all day!


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This has become my new favorite drama apart from
Dr Champ, I really like the chemistry between the lead actors!!!
Tanks for your hard work!!
: O }


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I just got done watching Worlds Within, and its cemented Hyun Bin as one of my favorites Korean actors...he's such a good actor...it hasn't been subbed yet, but thanks for your recaps, cos i'm gonna be watching this too...


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OMG! Hilarious....this is funniest I've seen Binnie ever.
I thought he hasnt change much appearance wise since MNIKSS except maybe the weight. But given the character description, skinny goes with crazy peeps lol.

I love how he wears the tracksuit like he flaunts it not really understanding the snickers. And my! it gets worse hahahahaha.

Cant wait till next recap.
Ty JB.


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Thanks for the recap! <3


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Why Kim Tae-hee?!?!


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LOL..... he should have said Song Hye Go (^_~)


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haha good one!


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ha! i was so thinking the same thing and yelling, 'why her and not SHK'?!!! pppfffft.


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love this drama already! hyun bin and ha ji won are nearly perfect together.


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Thanks GirlFriday for the quick recap.

I watched EP2 yesterday without English subs and I thought Joo-won imagining Ra-im was the beginning of the body-swap process. I understand very limited Korean, based on words I picked up from watching Kdramas, but I caught the fact that he was only imagining her (which your recap confirms) and that the body swap had not occurred. So,I am wondering is there going to be a real body swap or is it going to be all in his head as he tries to understand/accept his feelings for Ra-im?

I also agree with your statement -"I do love this lifetime rivalry between cousins. Such great fodder for conflict, and silliness." With Joo-won’s sparkly tracksuit and Oska’s metro hairstyle, then throw in the rivalry you have silliness in all its glory! :-D

Joo-won: “Crazy? Listen, hypothetically, if I were crazy, you’d still give me my inheritance…[Click]…Hello? Mom?” -> Stomach laugh on this one.

Based on EP3 previews it looks like Joo-won will take the tracksuit to a whole other level. HILARIOUS! :-D


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i know. animal print anyone. *dies from spazzing*


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Your recap made me LOL several times. Thanks!

I loved loved when Lime was walking silently along side Sparkly (in this thoughts), matching him stride for stride, as they peeked at each other...so sexy!!

Even though I was already committed to this before, that moment made me fall in love.

Oh! And what did Lime say when she noticed her socks were gone? Something along the lines of "I heard people my age did things like this..." I didn't understand her perception of it. Did she think she was becoming senile?


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I'm pretty sure her friend was the one who made that comment. Lime said, "No, I'm sure I put them on this morning...."


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OMG. This drama infringed more than one Kdrama law, but I love it! I just LOVE how different this drama is and how surprising is hyunbin~~

I really love ur recaps. Proof: I'm reading it after seeing the episode, haha! It's really entertaining and looking forward... Next episodes are gonna be crazy with the body/soul exchanging!


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Wowwww hyun bin looks so hot in these stills.... I sooo want to watch it! Alas, it will have to wait till break, along with Mary stayed out all night... *sigh*


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I like that they are developing the love line so fast, although the attraction is now more on Joo-won's side (he's clearly smitten). I was wondering how on earth they're going to fall in love with themselves after the soul swapping. But by falling in love first, the soul swapping become more of a mechanism for them to understand each other and each other's world. I find this premise much more interesting and believable. It also doesn't hurt that Joo-won and Ra-im are so likable and interesting characters so I want to get to know them more. Hope the future episodes will continue to be as good.


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I am with you, I think this is how the story will work too! I have a feeling the body swap is going to be both funny and moving. You don't really know someone until you've walked in their shoes -- or wore their shiny blue tracksuit-- or their Oska socks...


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Thanks so much @Meoslesfor your comment! it made me figure out one very important theme of this drama that I have been trying to figure out. The part where you said "how on earth are they going to fall in love with themselves" is key... it seems like in order to learn how to love, you have to start with yourself... loving and embracing who you are will make them ready to handle the big responsibility of loving others... sounds like a therapy session in here... and the instructor chants, "channel the inner you... give it a big hug... and tell it: you're beautiful, in every way, and i love you..." yes, i think the fans of Secret Garden are all a little nuts... following our Sparkly Tracksuit...


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O.k. girlfriday, I just spewed coffee all over my keyboard. You had me laughing so hard!!!! (That rates a Billy Crystal: You are absolutely Marvelous Darling) :D

He decides to go down to her action school in person. Couldn’t you change out of that outfit first? It didn’t go over so well the first time, if you’ll remember. No? Okay then. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.

ROTFL That sequined track suit!!! What man in his right mind would buy one. Oh, yeah I forgot, he's delusional. That would about explain it!!!!

I've already fallen for this drama, hook, line and sinker. :D


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I love the crazy character hyun bin plays. In fact this drama is al kinds of awsomeness. And now I know why the leads are A-star actors, can't imagine lesser actors playing these roles, they would absolutely mess it up. And now I can't wait till ha ji won has to play hyun bin's character, remember now she has to play the crazy!


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Have been waiting for this all day long!!!!! There are so many good dramas on right now, it's probably wicked hard for you guys to recap them so I appreciate your efforts a lot!!!
b(^^)d thumbs up for you guys here at dramabeans

As for this episode....I LOVE how JW was going insane and hallucinating RI and going nuts!!! Hyun Bin is adorable^^ Cannot wait for their switching to happen, then we gonna have a whole different side to everything and a bunch of hilarious scenes...not that there aren't enough right now LOL


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Yet another awesome drama bites the dust with "V"s licensing issues. At least, I can read your recaps while I wait for some kind soul(s) to sub it.

This is going to be even better than Who Are You? for me.

It's been worth the wait for Binnie, but I wish his cute cheeks weren't so sharp, but he's still got that sizzling charm we saw in MNIKSS.


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The viikii team has released the softsubs for ep 1 and it's linked to soompi.Not that the whining for ep 2 subs haven't started.

I just watched the ending again.Ergh it is still as adorable as ever to see :-) I love a decisive lead; too bad he's neurotic,claustrophobic and delusional as well
:-) LOL more.


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God, you've finally answered my wish for GF's recap of episode 2!
I've been refreshing since yesterday night! and finally it is up!

Totally in love with this drama, which is surprising, because i had ZERO interest in it until i read the 1st episode recap.


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i giggled tons while reading the recap. thanks, girlfriday! glad you guys are recapping this, i'm waiting to watch since the subs aren't out yet, but am delighted that binnie is back to his pouty best.

jang hyuk was originally gonna take binnie's role. wonder what sort of joo-won he would be...


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I absolutely LOVE this drama!!!
I don't know how many times I've rewatched the episodes so far!!!


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i'm loving this already. thanks for the recaps! :) my week is not so empty anymore...


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This is the episode that made me fall fo JooWon..and hyun bin.
Frigging loveeee him. And the leg on wall had me laughing OUT LOUD


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Thanks for the recap.

Come on Drama FeverT!!!! Make this show available already :(


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gah i'm so stoked to watch this. binnie is adorable! and looks great with HJW. even without the whole body switching plot, i think this drama would already be loads of fun to watch. i do keep imagining the scenes with jang hyuk instead and i think he would have been abled to pull it off too. but binnie is doing an amazing job


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i'm really digging this drama! its all kinds of awesome and Binnie? you're Win! and did I mention friggn Gorgeous too? Sparkly Tracksuit aside, not! It's actually growing on me.. lmao.. HJW how i adore you!!

thanks GF!


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I am loving this drama and Joo Won is a big reason, I wouldn't mind if the bodyswap never happened.


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thankuuuuu , couldn't sleep before finishing reading ur update becoz I watched the epi RAW and couldn't understand anything , I'm loving the show eventhough I'm fearing the moment of personnality swtching will happen , I'm too afraid it won't be as smoother as it has to be , anyway I still have to wait and watch .
good night/day everybody , have to go to sleep , it's 2H AM here in my land .


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I don't think we've ever seen a K-drama lead with this level of neuroses. Totally agree, GF, and now I can't imagine Hyukie doing this role at all!

Thanks for the recap, per usual excellent and make-me-cry level of hilarity.

Between SG and Mary, I'm rolling in the sublimely ridiculous, like a participant in a jello + whip cream wrestling contest.


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i may have visited this site about 14 times between last night when i finished the ep and right now when this finally appeared - glory!

i'm really enjoying this drama, and was probably the only one that didn't know this was going to turn into Freaky Friday, which was really disappointing initially, since it seems like it'll turn all ridiculous and slap-sticky (shiny tracksuit as a stunt(wo)man? hellllloooo), but i already love the characters (mains), so i will wait eagerly for next week!

p.s. i forgot how awesome hyun bin is, my first modern-day kdrama love, though he is alarmingly skinny in this!


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this is my new "You're Beautiful"... I am so keeping my eye on this drama :D... I'm kinda disappointed with Marry me, Mary... good things there's a good drama this season :D


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I really just want to know what did you mean when you said "Ha, well if the mountain won’t come to Mohammed…"

what does this mean??

anyone knows?????????????????


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"...then Mohammed will go to the mountain."


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I think it means if the mountain does come to you, you go to the mountains. .. so if he can't get her to come to meet, he'll go visit her.


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Thanks a million mymymai and Purpleclouds :):)


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Mohammed was a muslim prophet who would go to the mountains to pray, so since the mountain can't come to him, he would go to the mountains


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Man, I think I watched episode 2 like four times now. Sigh. HOOKED.

Is it a side of insanity that Bin's blue tracksuit is growing on me and I actually like him in it?


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Dubble sigh, when is it saturday again?


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Why does he keep wearing the same sparkly tracksuit though? Shouldn't a rich guy like him at least have 100 versions of that thing? Haha. Oh well. Hope they have >1. Otherwise he's just literally wearing that thing for weeks of filming. Hehe.

This drama is a surprise. I didn't like the body swapping idea, sounds stupid. Like what I see so far though.


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same here. I think this is going to be the best drama for 2010


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Same here, i have watched Raw twice and watch incomplete sub once. I love love the track suit. Only Binne can carry off sparky track.

And Oska Forever socks scene was a killer for me.

Thank You Drama God. This is my drama of the year. Binne-Han Ji Won you score the winning goal.


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I feel like Binnie will start a new fashion trend with his Sparkly Tracksuit. lol


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Before this drama came along, never in a million years will i think of buying a sparky blue tracksuit. Now if i see the same track, i will buy it right away without a second thought. : )


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LOL! It looks like the demand for sparkly tracksuits will be going up!


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Ahaha. I want to make "with a shrink and a whole host of complexes" a tag line.


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I don't know what's more fun: watching the drama or reading your recaps. That's how entertaining and insightful you ladies are! Thanks!
And yes, Hyun Bin is definitely better in comedic turns. So strange and yet lovable. I really do find it refreshing that he so openly goes for her (much brighter than some other K-drama male leads). Kinda like Ji Heon's character in Dr. Champ.
If only guys were that cute and endearing in real life.


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This Episode Was Awesome.

I loved the fantasy sequence where Ra Im became different ideal types (the oppa-wiggle made me melt). Right before the ending, I felt that my smile couldn't get any bigger...but I was proven wrong with the entrance of Joo Woo.


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Loving Hyun Bin's assertiveness to get the girl. No waiting 'til episode 12 for THAT to happen! I still don't see how the body swapping is going to make sense with the story bc it makes me think of a drama that consists of magic/fantasy elements. I guess they're going to tie it with Hyun Bin's craziness??


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