Yoon Eun-hye sheds tears at acting criticism

Yoon Eun-hye was much-loved for her spunky portrayals of characters in dramas Goong and Coffee Prince, and has a solid track record of picking hit projects. So it’s no surprise that anticipation was sky-high for her comeback drama, KBS’s My Fair Lady — and while it’s performing decently with ratings around 14%-15%, it’s nowhere near the smash hit expected of her. Furthermore, her acting has been harshly criticized, as it seemed she’d regressed in her skills since her last role, which makes My Fair Lady a modest project tinged with disappointment.

She’s always been known for her friendly, easygoing personality, and I suspect that Yoon’s fiercely loyal following was amassed as much (or more) for her likable personality as it was for her acting. In the following interview, I find it easy to like her — although that doesn’t blind me to what (in my opinion) are glaring acting flaws in her latest role. I figure I can like Yoon Eun-hye and respect her while still finding her acting inadequate, but still, she has a charm that draws me (and, I’d guess, many others) into her character.

NOTE: Let’s keep this discussion civil, shall we? Yoon Eun-hye discussions often erupt into heated flame wars, and I hope we can avoid that here.

“It was really upsetting, I thought I’d go crazy”

Underneath her sharply drawn eyeliner, her eyes start to redden with tears. This is actress Yoon Eun-hye, who plays the immature chaebol and corporation heir Kang Hae-na in KBS 2TV’s Wednesday-Thursday drama My Fair Lady. She had transformed dramatically from the easy-going girl dressed as a boy (Coffee Prince) to a conceited, snobby “princess complex” character, but can this reaction be because of the public’s chilly response? After I asked her about the criticism she has received for her acting when I met her in a cafe on the 9th, the tears started flowing.

“If I didn’t have to film, I would have cried all day in my room… but I couldn’t do that. I thought of how upset my parents would feel to read all those articles slamming my acting, and I felt like going crazy. There were a lot of times when I endured through it and smiled as I filmed, only to end up with tears trickling out. Now, I’m afraid of making transformations. Each time, people grow familiar with the character, but if it takes a long time and hurts me every time, I don’t know what to do, and I feel afraid.”

However, “The longer I do this, there are more voices joining in to encourage and praise me. I took the viewers’ criticism in the beginning to mean that I shouldn’t be arrogant,” she says with a wide smile.

In the beginning part of the drama, the issue that was pointed out the most regarding her acting was her unnatural speech and accent. Yoon Eun-hye says, “Actually, there was criticism of my speech when I shot Coffee Prince too. I think it may have been more of a problem in this drama because Hae-na is someone who speaks bluntly, and people expect a certain image of a chaebol. But my teachers tell me that Hae-na’s character comes across as more personal when she talks in an unlikable way.”

Every episode, Kang Hae-na wears flashy clothing and makeup that would be difficult to pull off in real life. In order to reinvent herself into a polished, glamorous image out of her former plucky one, Yoon Eun-hye is treading a difficult path. She says, “I feel how difficult it is for a woman to work at being pretty. When I was doing Coffee Prince, I just washed my face and applied lotion and skin cream and I was ready to film. But compared to back then, now I have to get up two hours earlier to do my makeup.” The high-heeled shoes are another burden: “I wear high heels that are about 12 to 13 cm high, and after filming for a long time, my legs are swollen like an elephant’s.”

However, in her mind, Hae-na isn’t a feminine type of woman. “She always acts forceful, but she has such a pure heart that she makes a lot of mistakes. That’s why she can’t regulate her own feelings that well, and she can also seem like a dumb child. You can’t see her as perfectly feminine.”

As a result of her successful transformation to actor, there is one fact that is largely forgotten: that she started out as a pop singer in the idol group Baby VOX. Considering that she participated in recording a track, “I Love You,” last year with the hip-hop group Mighty Mouth, it seems she still has a lingering attachment to singing. She says, “I stood onstage for six years. Even now, my heart races when I see singers passionately performing. But the younger singers coming out these days receive a lot of training and have a lot of talent, so I wonder if I’d be able to live up to that. In any case, I’ve always felt disappointed that I was a singer back when I couldn’t sing that well and wasn’t very skilled.”

Following Coffee Prince, she took a two-year hiatus. At the time, she immersed herself in drawing and painting. Prior to her debut, she deliberated very seriously between whether she should be an entertainer or painter. She says, “I draw abstract paintings that show the state of my feelings as they are.” Only a completed painting merits full points. She adds, “When I have amassed a lot of paintings done under the same theme, I’d like to hold an art exhibit.”

She says of herself, “I’m reaching that age where I mature as an actor and as a woman. I’d like to show my talents little by little, but the unfortunate thing is that a lot of people don’t want to give me time for failure. I’d like to learn more as I experience failure too. I wish people would not brand an actor as a failure through one mistake.”

Via Chosun


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i must say i do not like her acting in my fair lady, it just seems very fake. But she is great in the crying scenes, especially the latest episode. I absolutely agree with her last paragraph though, but unfortunately most ppl in the entertainment biz won't let that slide. I'm really liking all of these great interviews that you're putting up. Thanks!


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Awww, this is sad:(


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Awww.. love her words.. especially the last parah.
The line, " I’d like to learn more as I experience failure too" is nice.. I wish that happened in real life. Unfortunately, in the world of acting and in the real world, failure is not really deemed possible. Especially for asian people! (BTW, I am asian... )

P.S - I stopped watching this show after 3 episodes.. I'm concentrating right now on Sol Pharmacy and Assorted Gems...


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on the previous posts by JB, she mentioned that Yoon Eun Hye is at her best when she shows some vulnerability in her character.. maybe that is the point here: we are used to seeing that side of her acting, that we think it is "natural" for her..So now she is acting a different role, being snobby, rude, and we-need-to-hate-her-but-can't-help-to-love-her character.

Although I must admit that I am a biased Yoon Eun Hye fan, I DO recognize the flaws in her acting in MFL, but that will not stop me from watching and enjoying her drama nevertheless...

geezz people you should give people some slack in their inconsistencies and setbacks...

*** please netizens we do not need a repeat of Jay PArk's case here...


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The part when she said she was worried about her parents reading the articles and the thought that it might hurt them really shows her true character. She is such a sweet person and this article just made me love her even more.

am all for constructive criticisms but often in certain forums, people can be so cruel.

Just stay strong YEH this experience will make you become stronger.


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YEH saranghae!!! Don't feel sad :(
I love you as yourself and as an actress as well. Whatever others might say about your acting, it seems like they're still watching you.
Let's turn all biases into a motivation, my dear.
You have that charms to pull people in and personnally I think you're doing great with your Kang Hyena role.


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this is so sad.. :(
don't cry ms. YEH we are here to support you..
its okay to be failed, everyone got failed too.
just remember failure's make a person's stronger, and always learn from all the experience that you've encounter.

i admire you so much, and for me you the best of the best...

hahahaha... :)
love you ms. YEH. FIGHTING!!!!


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Eunhye! Always stay true to yourself. If you know who you are and what you have then the world is yours. You have many many (crazy) fans who will fight for you, so don't you spend another minute worrying about others think and say.

We will give you time for failure.

Eunhye, your fans love you!


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wow. love the dress in the first pic.


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After reading this interview (Thank you very much JB for the translation), my admiration and love for her is now even stronger. I must admit that even though I love her as an actress, it is her personality that really attracted me. I find it amazing how humble she can be (worrying about her parents who might be sad to see all those critism directed at her, the way that she behaves to people around her and little stuff like that), when in fact she is such a big star. I really like the last part of her interview when she says that she would like to experience failure and learn from it, but that people don't allow her to. Yoon Eun Hye onni himneseyo! Fighting!


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Nobody's perfect....we can fail too...the matter is how we learn from the failure and becoming a better person. I'm sure she won't give up :)



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This article break my heart. It's so heartfelt T.T
I admit I'm one of YEH die-hard fans. but not all the fans are blind and I'm so sick of ppl who think we are all too blind or too bias that we overlook her flaws.
The truth is It's US! It's us fans who knows YEH best.
We know her flaws, her weakness. We know where she should improve. but what make we different is that we still love her and continue supporting her.
I personally wouldnt mind if YEH would meet a failure a couple of time. As she said, it made you grow.
I watch MFL up till ep8 and for acting-wise (it might be just be but whatever :P) I think this is the best performance from Eunhye so far. Coz I still see something forced in some early eps of Cofee Prince that I cannot link to Eunchan right away.
On the other hand, I can link with Kang Hyena almost immediately. not only with her emotional, vulnerable scenes but also when she act tough or mean.
But what I dislike about it is the plot/script...I wont say more about it though

I feel so sorry for YEH that she's been through this tough time. All I wish is that she'd stay healthy and strong both physically and mentally as I agree with xiaoSxin, we dont want another Jay Park's case or another Choi Jin Chil's case :(

And I hope YEH wouldnt scare to take on different route for her next project (thanks haters!) coz she still have so much ahead of her

Yoon Eun Hye Fighting! You are the best!!!


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Hi Dramabeans, great blog! Kim from KoreanClass101.com just sent you an email. Let me know when you get a chance to read. Thx!


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Uhhhhh!!! This is just breaking my heart T T
I'm as an another YEH's fan. I'm not that die hard fan of her and the reason I like her because of her drama and acting.
This is why they're so many suicides in K-entertainment industry. I feel so sorry for her but she still worried about her perants' feeling.
I'll continue to support you and My Fair Lady not just because of you, but I find this drama a lighted-heart and cheerful drama to watch.
MFL fighting and YEH fighting!!!!!!!


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I'm loving her even more! I love how honest she is. I couldn't comment much about her acting since I don't know how a chaebol should talk, if it was in english I'd definitely notice, but since it's Korean I couldn't really tell. But I kind of get what the critics where saying because as a chaebol she isn't as modest as expected, but I thought of the same thing as her teachers, the only flaw is if they want her character to be personal they should've given a background as to why she talks/acts that way, gah I couldn't explain myself well. Sorry LOL. All in all, I love her, this might not be her best acting, but I enjoy watching the drama and I'm glad that she's back!


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I really, really, really admire YEH, and I agree with you JavaB, she is very likable and can easily draw attention. I find her very pretty, congenial, and attractive.

I have to agree about her speech and accent. This is what really bothered me the most when i first watched the MFL (next to the red hair...^-^). For a very high-class socialite, the "way" she talked really reminded me of the "rugged" Go Eun Chan in CP(mm... let's see,similar way the character "Eui Joo" talks...) , it lacked the softness and finesse a chaebol would naturally talk (even when being blunt, snappy, and catty.. ^-^). And it was starkly evident when she wore elegant and sophisticated clothes, and then talked.

(and i think this is how she naturally talks from what i have observed from her previous series too... nothing bad though.)

However, after a few episodes more, I got used to the way she talks and hasn't really been bothering me as much as before....

her acting..., its ok, needs improvement, but she is superbly good in the crying-anguish scenes...., with matching red eye, and swollen lips (gets more swollen than her natural pouty lips)! And so far she seems to be doing good with all of her leading men..., exudes great chemistry....

The ratings are not that hot, but I dont think it's "all" because of her....besides, I love this series!!! Cant wait for the next ep!!!


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Wow, people need to give her time to grow as an actress. Just because she's got two really good dramas doesn't mean every drama will be a hit. This character is a little different. She will eventually have a drama or movie that will not get high marks. It will only make her stronger or hurt her career. However, I haven't been disappointed with her in My Fair Lady. Plus, I don't want to see her play the same character in every drama.

And oh yes, nobody can wear the clothes in Lady Castle like her. She pulls off all the outfits really well.... Except for that one tutu outfit, that one was a little funky.


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i havent got around to watch MFL but i do think she's a decent actress for those who started out as a singer. maybe it's the HaeNa character itself that makes viewers criticize her not her acting since EunChan and ChaGyung is such a lovable character.


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I really like YEH as well, and it's more to do with her natural charisma and personality (not to mention some amazing chemistry with her costars) that I enjoy. She may not be the best actress out there yet, but I find her very watchable and genuine and always entertaining. I'll watch anything she's in, no matter what. It's my rule. :-)

I always get the impression that hanging out with her for an evening would be a hoot, she just seems like a lot of fun and I think that's what's most appealing about her. She's really young too, and hopefully in time will realize that you can't please all the people all the time. Took me a while to figure that one out myself!


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i love YEH..but ya..the acting isn't great or close to natural.
yeh, don't be afraid to let go of yourself and become kang hye na. just let it happen.

i have to say...the guy who plays butler dong chan has made me cry twice!
he's really good.
at first i wasnt too sure about the story...it seemed like an average love story but i have to say...the story gets better every episode.
i like the pacing of how they're building up the story.
episode 9 seems to be the start of the climax..i cannot wait!


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YEH's major strength is her body language, her 1001 physical mannerisms, which she can use to transform into a character. She's among the best physical comedienne of her generation.

YEH's major limitation in her acting is her line deliveries. She has a very short tongue, which other actors like Choi Ji Woo, Song Hye Kyo, and Kwon Sang Woo get regularly criticized for. And she's not good at creating a presence of character through dialogue interpretation, or the timbres of her character's spoiled, rebellious sensibility. It comes across as nervous pitter-patter.

Having said that, I actually think she's done a better job at emotional presence in this role than her previous work. (YEH's performance in Eun Chan was emotionally brave, in that she kinda tore open private insecurities regarding femininity and how gender identification is often wrapped up with men. There's a profound humiliation that goes on in a couple of scenes there. But, in terms of the emotional ups and downs, Gong Yoo did most of the heavy lifting.) And she's throwing her charisma/weight around as a A-list star here.

The disappointment with ratings largely reflects that the show has steadily losing audience,. However, My Fair Lady is the 2nd best performing trendy this year for KBS. The truth is, I think most people haven't taken to the YSH/YEH casting. I think they're a riot, but it might have gotten a cool romantic response from two different demographics. That isn't to say that JIW/YEH would fare better.


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I've always liked YEH, though I do find her portrayal of Hae-na a bit fake and annoying at times in MFL (and sorry I'm not too crazy about her red hair either....I know, it's a matter of preference). YEH excels in delivering emotional/crying scenes hands down. Should she be allowed to experience failure and learn from it? ABSOLUTELY YES! Nobody is perfect and just because she has had 2 smash hits under her belts doesn't mean that she can do it every single time. There are ups and downs in one's career and people shouldn't be too harsh. I hope her acting will improve in later episodes and I'll continue to watch MFL and root for her. She seems to be a sweet and geniune girl, not to mention very pretty! :)


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i feel sad reading this article ):
YEH's great as an actress, she shouldn't give up. I really like her emotional scenes, she fares much better there

don't cry
we'll always love you



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As a YEH fans, I love the above article. Being an actress everyone watch your move and easily eat your failure. Honestly her good acting in CP is a part of good or best scenario and directing...so here in MFL I don't really blame her 'average' act due to 'average scenario and directing'..


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^trying to be sarcastic or what? Thanks for discrediting her previous performance there. I hope you are happy.


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What a heart breaking article to read, especially if you're a YEH fans. This article show us again that an actress/actor is a human too. They have feeling and they read news/article/post about her/him too. So I hope netizen will be responsible about what they wrote about someone since it can affect the people's life they're being targeted. The thing is, YEH has been blessed (or I dare say cursed) with a very sensitive feeling. That's why many people said that she's a nice, friendly & likeable person, because she's kind of always understand what others will feel if she/someone do something (being emphatic). The bad side is, she's always take negative news/comment into her heart (remember that she's crying too when netizen slammed her for her "bad" acting in her early episode of CP). I just hope that she's will stay strong and make this experience as a motivation to act better in MFL. I wish she can make "MFL case" as a "CP case" no. 2. :)


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There a lot of points to this, this first is rather mean..but girl toughen up! Every celeb gets anti fan attacks in Korea, and most have nothing behind them, unlike this one with comment on her acting. I do not say this to be mean I say it for her own good!. If she let these things get to her she only going to go down a dangerous path sadly too many have already been down..that of depression and suicide. Buck up believe in yourself look at the bigger picture, lean on friends and family.
Second point is..well if the lead had been anyone else but Yoon Eun-hye would there have been such a reaction. It a very fun show, if boys before flowers could get away with their standard of acting ..well enough said. This was almost a 100% chance of happening..after Goong and Coffee prince..any..I mean any production she took part in was going to get picked to pieces, Much the same happened to the actress who did My Girl. It why I think, for what ever reason, she was clever to wait two years before doing another tv show.
Third point...who really cares if the acting in a light comedy/romance is not of high standard..[boy before flower again as a perfect case] what matters is it fun is it moving, does watching it leave you with a smile? again if it had not been Yoon Eun-hye would there really be such a fuss made of how good her acting may be or how it has developed?


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Thanks for this Javabeans..
I think at first people over-hyped and expected too much of her, I'm just glad to see her on screen..
And yes she has flaws, good that she's aware of it too..which I think will get the best out of her.
She has not been around that long and not much of variation in most of the dramas she portrayed, lets give her a chance to grow..
Don't worry Eun Hye, just do your very best, and I'm just glad you've got a new project...
In life there will always be someone to criticise us anyway. this applies to everyone not just actors and actresses.


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@ 26 bjharm

this isn't just about anti comments.
it is about adverse/malicious criticism by media reporters and journalists.

with that being said, YEH has been in the industry for 10 years now, and she knows its not all glam but full of hardship and suffering - however she is still human, she still hurts every time she reads something awful written about, and she hurts when those who she loves will also get hurt from reading those awful comments.

Yoon Eun Hye, your fans will always be there for you. Please keep the faith =)


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there are so many korean actresses critisize their acting in their drama series...the 1st one is Song Hye Kyo whom she was critisize in her drama The World Within, then Han Hyo Joo whom she was also slightly critisize in her Brilliant Legacy drama..

Now the ever pretty Yoon Eun Hye is now the latest victim of criticism in her comeback drama Lady Castle..Actually she did great in her latest drama, I find her acting as an avarage rate..but then their are some flaws in her diction and other things...the story is predictable and slightly dragging at times!!

This is one of the many reasons why korean stars are being victim of suicides because most of them cannot accept criticism in their acting prowess...ALso most of the critics has a high expectations in which that if a famous korean actress or actor has a comeback drama series, they expect to much from them and if they are not satisfied, then they will lambasted them in their negative criticism..

If I were to choose who's the best asian artist that has capable of great acting...I'd pick filipino artist...:)


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personally, I think she just need to act more... and get into a lot more projects.
how would you grow as an actress if you only ever act every few years.
now I'm not one of her die hard fans, I've only watched her in coffee prince (and I thought she was great in there). agree, that her acting here feels a bit forced, but maybe because she hasn't found her groove... (I stopped watching after ep 3, though. I don't really like the premise and the storyline). so who knows, she might get better in later episodes (although I won't know since I don't think I'll continue this series).


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If Yoon Eun Hye wants to develop her acting as an actress, then she's free to to do workshops here in the philippine showbiz...hehehe!! star magic talent agency can help her enhance her acting talent and also she can learn to speak fluen english..

Look at Dara Park (formerly known as sandara Park), she is a former filipino young actress and now she is making wave to the korean showbiz world....she has the experience to act because she learn a lot of acting in the Philippines...I hope she will be successful in korea!! :)


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^I love Dara but OMG I did not just see you compare Dara to Yoon Eun Hye, I'm sorry but I've seen Dara act and she isn't very good at it. Dara is making waves in korea because of her group not her acting. You cant even compare the 2 in that department cause that's just ridiculous.


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When I first read the description of the role YEH had picked to follow Coffee Prince I thought it was bad news. Picked the wrong project, that's all. Who's really surprised that she is not comfortable or adept at playing a spoiled glamor girl? She's a common people princess & just needs to know what she's good at.


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I wish people would not brand an actor as a failure through one mistake.

seriously! word.


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This is a good sign. She is taking it positively althought with a heavy heart.

In my point of view, YEH should not be faulted. She is acting according to the scriot and direction. She only needs to emphatize with the character which she did very well in her last drama (was it CP) I read somewhere that she actually did researched and observed typical male characters so she can internalize these in her acting. SHe must have done the same with this chaebol character but in the above interview, it appeared there is a conflict between her characterization with that of her teacher (acting coach?) It's too bad.

Others are right in pointing out that she is getting a lot of flack because of the high expectations coming from successful previous dramas and a long hiatus.

Give her a break, people. YEH, in your next drama, please be more picky with the story line (you can afford to do so) and demand better script and directing.

The real culprit in MFL is the script & directing not YEH.

Hope this will be submitted as my last comment was not accepted (acceptable?)


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even though her acting isn't great in my fair lady....i still can't help but like her! this obviously won't be her best project, but she is a good actor regardless.


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Whatever! The acting is not the problem but the project. It wasn’t a project so impressive that needs remarkable acting. The criticism is a normal thing in the business I hope she won’t take this to heart. Her consideration of her parents is impressive, may this give her criticizers to think about if you don’t want another KActress committing suicide be ware!


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I really really like "my fair Lady" and I think her acting is not so bad but I have to add that yoon sang hyeon is the best! I really don't understand such harsh criticisms.


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@ janerdelle

you are absolutely ridiculous!
and actors/actresses in that country are known for their acting abilities?
I think not!

And don't even compare Dara with YEH!
She's not even close to where YEH stands in the acting industry!


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I find it dangerous territory to critique acting ability in general, although it seems easy to identify bad acting. Identifying good acting is harder, and critiquing acting in general is as hard as critiquing a painting. Is it good? How should I know?

All I can say about acting performances is whether I am moved by the characters, whether I enjoy them and finally whether I even notice that it is a character. The first two factors aren't really about the actors at all, but about how I perceive them. Only the last factor is really about acting and the actors themselves. I think Kim Myung Min had it right, when he was talking about how he didn't want to be seen at all when he acts, that nobody really thinks "oh, this is KMM."

So in Goong, mostly, and in CP, almost entirely, I didn't really notice YEH at all. What I remember about Goong is the character of Shin Chae-kyung, and what I remember about CP is the (singular) character of Go Eun Chan.

So to me, YEH is a good actor, in a KMM kind of language. I've not seen My Fair Lady, so I can't comment on her recent work or recent criticisms. But even if My Fair Lady isn't the best drama ever, does that take away from CP or Goong? I don't think so.

Nobody in the world bats 1.000. Name a good actress other than, say, Merryl Streep, and you will find bombs that they did. The problem here, if there is a problem, is the amplification of criticism through the internet, which makes instant movie/drama/acting experts out of thousands of coach-potatoes, but with no more skill or experience to judge than anyone else - now, I don't think that means that they should be muzzled, but there is a difference between a knowledgeable and refined opinion, and just what a person says in passing on the internet, even on news blogs and internet "news"papers in Korea. I have no idea how to solve that.


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Leaving aside YEH as a person, and looking strictly at her acting skills - most critics are technically correct, just spinning it with inflammatory rhetoric. Her acting is very inconsistent, one dimensional, and frankly, awkward. There are moments of brillance and charm, but they are dragged down by her overacting, wild gestures, & constant pouting. I really do not feel she has evolved or grown with any of her parts, because its the same character in each drama. (I know I'm repeating myself since I've pointed this out before)

Of the 4 projects that she's been in(not including Xman where I loved her!!!), I really enjoyed Goong the first time, but can't repeat it. I wanted to like Vineyard Man and for the most part I did, but I really wanted to edit YEH's parts. As for Coffee Prince - I could watch it because of the side stories, but not the main 'romance'. I really like the friendships that evolved between the Princes. As for My Fair Lady, nothing makes me want to watch it. I really hope she does grow as an actor - but I feel she's a 'one-trick pony'.

As for YEH as a person - I totally agree that she seems very sweet, down to earth, and personable. Someone who would make a cool friend.


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Honestly I don't know why people care about the acting in a light-hearted, silly show like this one. My Girl and Full House have over-the-top bad acting and yet they are insanely popular (I love them too). Now this one isn't quite as funny or as cute, but it is entertaining.

Personally I love YEH the best in the Vineyard Man. I love, love, love Coffee Prince, but I feel like the character in VM suited her best. She was fine in Goong, but the error in that show was the writing...sigh they really screwed up the manhwa.


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oh this is so sad....yoon eun hye stay strong i well steal love you no matter what , coz i know that you always give you best,stay strong girl......i love your drama my fair lady,,,your just doing great as kang heyna,



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Aw, that's sad. But YEH strikes me as a strong person who has her head on straight and knows herself well.

Anyways, I've watched her in Goong and Coffee Prince and feel as though both characters she played were very similar. They were both strong/spunky when needed but had a vulnerable side to them (plus both characters were also struggling poor girls). In her recent drama, YEH plays a drastically different role and definitely someone the audience isn't accustomed to her playing. I haven't had time to watch the drama, but then again I'm pretty much just obsessed with Queen Seon Duk right now so there isn't time for anything else.

I'm sure she'll pull through this. Not everyone can bang out successes, there are bound to be bumps ahead. But it looks like she is trying to be optimistic and learning from this. That's great. =]


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Thank you Javabeans for the article. I love Yoon Eun Hye, and frankly, i do not find My Fair Lady all that bad. Let's all give her a chance to improve and to impress.

Eun Hye fighting!


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I must admit I'm a little bias. If I like the actor I look pass the shoddy acting (uhm, not all the time), as long as I'm entertained, and the drama delivers, then I'm a happy camper. Besides, I don't expect much from trendy dramas such as this. Unlike, say, Story of a Man, I really expected great acting for that one. Intense dramas need equally intense actors.


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What the HELL???!!!!

Why is she being slammed for mediocore acting when GOO HYE SUN was not for complete A*SE acting in BOF??

Did no one see HER??? were there no complaints for her slit-your-wrists, stab your eyes with a blunt spoon ACTING??!!!

I am so P*SSED right now...


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Lisa, I have to disagree with you when you mentioned MY GIRL there-LDH acting is diff, -one of the kind I always treasure, most brilliant and energetic, same as YEH in CP. As LDH fans, I admire her most in Heaven Fate, not MY GIRL, with YEH I like her a lot in Vineyard Man. Both of them are my favourite.


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I should've said light-hearted dramas...scratch 'trendy'.


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