Open Thread #3

Another Friday, another Open Thread!

Anyone doing NaNoWriMo (aka National Novel Writing Month) this year? Anyone done it in the past and have any insights/comments/rants? I was thinking of trying it (never done it before), but looks like I won’t have time to… I suppose I could try seeing how far I’d get in the last three weeks of the month, though.

…although, seriously, I think I could make the NaNoWriMo word count (50,000 in one month, to comprise a short novel) just in blog posts, EASY. Especially since episode summaries tend to be around 1,000 to 2,000 words each — with some long ones clocking in at 3,000. I know. I’m insane. And verbose. And glued to my computer at all times.

Who else has an internet addiction?

Who else has a coffee addiction?

Who else thinks life would probably be better without one’s addictions but would never give them up if they could? (Just ’cause they’re addictions doesn’t mean they’re not meaningful and/or FUN!)

So what’s on your mind?

Holy crap! Just added!
(It’s a Samsung-sponsored coordinated dance.) The vid has been out a few months but I’ve just seen it now. Those crazy Koreans. Wow. (Talk about branded entertainment with that huge Anycall at the end!)


Mika – “Stuck In the Middle” [ zShare download ]

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you're still/already awake? hahaha..

i'm a certified internet addict.. well, it may also due to the fact that my work is related to internet/computers, that i'm always online and I'm always with my computer (even on weekends)..


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I participate NaNoWriMo twice, but never made it to the 50,000 words. It's not as easy to write a 50,000 story in a month, as I ran out of ideas halfway through, not to mentioned being glued to the screen every other time! Didn't join this month because can't think of a storyline...

and yes, I'm an internet addict because I am losing sleep due to surfing the net! There's just so much to do on the Internet!


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I've been wanting to participate in NaNoWriMo but the story never really gets past the 3rd page. It is kinda sad. I get bored and change my mind very easily. Even posting in blogs or forum; I'd actually bail out after 2 paragraphs of rants cause it bored me.

Internet addict = moi, it's a disease now. I would very much like to control it, cause it sometimes really messes up my work/study/whatever, but again, I never go past a day without internet. Come to think of it, 1/5 of my day is probably spent in front of my computer.


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that is a lot of writing... 250 words is one page double spaced typed. 50000/250 = 200 pages. It like writing a tv show script. and to think those are often written in less than a week... must be like dancing, swimming, and riding a bike-- it is built into the muscle (brain, fingers, etc.) and just flows out without the brain having to think about the details at all. (i like the idea of thinking of a story as a dance--especially on how that relates to the body and one's emotions).


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Small correction to the link (org instead of com): http://www.nanowrimo.org


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*raises hand*
Self-proclaimed coffee addict here!! Ironically, I'm at the coffee shop drinking coffee right now rofl....

Also pretty addicted to the internet....
Incidentally, I have a few friends who are participating in NaNoWriMo but I myself can't write anything worthy so I'm just cheering them on from the sidelines ^^v


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I have never heard of this NaNoWriMo....or what ever....
thats cool. id like to participate, but a month is toooooo short.


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Shameless addict of DRAMABEANS.COM, internet, caffeine, wine, music, reading, writing, celebrity gossip, shopping...oh I could go on...and probably could write 50,000 words about my addictions alone in novel form...
Perhaps when I've given up on some of my many addictions I'll partake in NaNo too. Someday.

I love this open thread. And this blog. And Javabeans. And all those that comment here. Oh and Tablo... Marry ME! (I've been watching way too much Arrested Development lately and can't stop quoting lines *clicks to youtube for a quick Arrested fix*)


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"You'd DO that to your brother?!" "I said cot."

"I've made a terrible mistake."

"Michael... Daddy horny."

"Michael, the little Korean is here and I don't know what to do with him. At least I think it's a him. You've got to strip them down to next to nothing before you can tell."

Ah, how I love Arrested Development.


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"I'll be at the hospital bar."
"I've made a huge 'tiny' mistake."

Oh, I could do this all day long. I love GOB.
I miss this show so MUCH.


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O.M.G...that Samsung dance is mind blowing. Human LCD screen. Wow. Just. Wow.


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That Samsung dance was so COOL! It must have taken thousands of koreans to complete this coordinated dance. I just don't get what they mean by "Anycall". I have no comment about writing 'cuz I can't write :(


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Anycall is a Samsung brand cell phone. It's a dance, a soccer-game spectacle, AND an advertisement!

"You're killing me Buster!"
"So this is a magic trick?" "ILLUSION. A trick is something a whore does for money... [to children] Or candy!"
"You taught me a lesson not to teach lessons?" "It's my last lesson."


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omg... i just finished watching that video which u posted. I'm speachless... wow... that is so cool/weird but ya... wow... i don't know what to say! lol!


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Wife Of Gob: I'm in love with your brother-in-law.
Gob: You're in love with your own brother? The one in the army?
Wife Of Gob: No, your sister's husband.
Gob: Michael? Michael!
Wife Of Gob: No, that's your sister's brother.
Gob: No, I'm my sister's brother. You're in love with me - me.
Wife Of Gob: I'm in love with Tobias.
Gob: My brother-in-law?
Wife Of Gob: I know it can never be, so I'm leaving. I'm enlisting in the army.
Gob: To be with your brother ..
Wife Of Gob: No!
Post Script: That SamSung human LCD dance/spetacle/ad was Frakin delicious!
post script script: It's a slow Friday for me.


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Hey, that video is awesome. Do participants do this for free?
Never have the time for NaNoWriMo. Maybe next year.

I'm addicted to blogging, dramabeans.com, novels, jazz piano, my iPhone, San Francisco restaurants, Castro District coffee hangouts (beat Seattle-based shops anyday), traveling (even when my credit card balance is not paid off), gameboard nites with friends, watching good K-dramas in bed on rainy days, indie films and music, foreign movies, online shopping, my Nikon and this laptop.

Anyone has a good tip on what to do on a Friday night?


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Totally addicted to the internet, as well--not a joke--my closest friends are youtube, fanfics, and bloggers--although this relationship is entirely one-sided--and my real friends/neighbors joke that they wonder whether I lead another secret life or if I'm dead.
There is just so much exciting, useless INFORMATION and I want to gobble it all up, even if I don't need nor retain whatever it is. I really need to cut back and focus on studies/work and leading a semblance of a life!!! It's sad that my typing fingers are the most toned part of me.

Great video. Koreans can be crazy/scary/awesome!


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edit test comment... whoa... it works


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#18 "whoa… it works"

Delighted to hear it. But come on now, tell us what is it is that works. It's bedtime for some of us over here in Europe and we'll be lying awake wondering.

Incidentally, this thread seems to be bringing out a number of members of the
큐 세대, an official New Korean Word as documented earlier this month by the 국립국어원.

And anyone who thinks their Internet addictions are sad: take comfort in my admission that one of my top must-visit sites is this regular log of Korean neologisms, each with their date and context. For anyone else who wants to get hooked, the stash is at

Aha, NOW I SEE WHAT IT IS THAT WORKS!! Amazing!!! The wonders of Ajax!

Now I can sleep soundly. Anyone else who's still puzzled: try posting a comment of your own and all will be revealed...


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That dance just rendered me.. speechless.


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The dance is overwhelming. Raises many questions for me.

Did they hire dancers? Or are those Samsung workers who had to practice to learn the routine?
Is this a commercial, or a company spirit building activity or both?
Are they holding cards, or LCD screens that are schronized to display what we see? (This is Samsung and I guess they are capable of doing that, and it would resolve the synchronization problem).

Oh!!!! That's what works! Quite amazing!


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Javabeans, I think you should seriously consider this NaNoWriMo thing. Who knows, you could get it published (and gain stardom lifestyle).

I've thought about entering myself (twice), but I thought huh i wouldn't have finished it in this life time.

EDIT: Oh, and I just realised you have this 15 minutes to change your comment thing! Neat! How did you do that?


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Thank you sooooo much for your drama recaps.

Actually, I have to comment on the video because it's actually not a sponsored dance - it's part of an annual days-long festival run for and by all of the company's first-year employees. They're divided into several departmental teams - Samsung Corporation, Samsung SDI, Samsung Electronics, etc - to compete in. They get time to coordinate and practice the routine ahead of time. I was an intern for Samsung this past summer and they showed us a few clips from the festival - I was as shocked as you were!


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Oh, and to answer the other "Anonymous" in Comment 21 - it's definitely for spirit building - from the Anycall logo at the end, I assume it's the Samsung Electronics' freshmen. They wear something I can best describe as multi-layer ponchos. So you flip back and forth between layers of "clothing".


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yes-- blogs transformed into stories, and then novels, tv shows, and movies, are a growing trend these days!!!

(The simultaneous preview as I write is mesmorizing)...


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I am an internet addict too!! It is just so amazing, I like to search articles about different things, and then you just keep getting into it.


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i'm addicting to dramabeans, and cannot live without my TV n DVD player. I am abusing my TV whenever I'm home, so "fortunately" I work around 12hrs /day..
Weekend is hard working day for my TV,coz if I'm not out to get a (real) life, i am watching tons of serials.
I take your (sort of) recommendations, and now I'm going to see the first few episodes of Chuck.
I cannot miss to check your site every single day.
I can't help myself not to comment on your Open Threads!
On Korean dramas, if there's no new drama gets your attention, are you gonna ever to check out old dramas instead ?

I miss your summary (of whatever serial) ,and I'm not interested to Mixed Up Evasive Agency (did I spell it right? ),because I have irrational dislike to Lee Min Ki.
I won't recommend or suggest you anything because I take it from you!


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"I bought you a wedding ring...tone."

"Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go join something called 'Hero Squad'"

"I suppose I'm...uh...Buy-curious"

coffee addiction = not an addiction = lifestyle. that's the main reason I can never buy into that Slow Food movement, because I totally do believe in the principles (reduce shipping of food to save the environment, good plan) but what about COFFEE??? I would never be able to live without it...mmm...pumpkin spice latte...

Al Gore on 30 Rock, eh? Good idea, poorly executed?

Want to waste more time on the internet? Go watch the fake video for 'Werewolf Bar Mitzvah', think it's on NBC's site on the 30 rock page. HILARIOUS.


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Oh I could do Arrested quotes ALL the live long day. HA!

Michael: Come on, face it. You just do all this charity crap just to stroke your ego. You don't even know what the auction's for tonight.
Lindsay: The wetlands.
Michael: To do what with them?
Lindsay: Dry them.
Michael: Save them.
Lindsay: From drying.

George Michael: There are certain things that I can talk to you about that I can't really with my dad...like, uh, were you ever awkward around girls?
Gob: What do you mean?... Like if there were three of us and I didn't know where to start? No, I think I did pretty well. I didn't get any complaints, at least not from the girl. And he had to drive her home, so I think I did pretty good, pretty good.

Michael: [to Gob] Get rid of the Seaward [c-word].
Lucille: I'll leave when I'm good and ready.

"Nobody makes a fool out of our family without my help."

Gob: I've figured out how to make money while I'm working!
Michael: That is what we call working.


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sephia, the edit-comment thing is a plugin.

and i've tried going without coffee, but then i'm tired and sluggish. whereas, with one cup i'm alert and ready to work. so i figure, why bother trying to go without? what's the point?


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i love the anycall brand.. the anyband line looks so cool too.. i wish we had them work here and available in my country.. well.. we have samsung.. but none of the anycall ones..

oh and yes, another coffee addict here! they say drinking too much cause hypertension and the like but ahhhh i dont head that much. i cant function without it. hahaha


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That was such an awesome show! I edned up forwarding it to all my friends, including the non-Korean ones. I am so proud of my people! Go Korea!


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What is this about the edit test? Posting again to see it - missed it on my previous post... Aha! :)


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internet addict (online 7am-10am, 11pm-3am), coffee addict (3 cups a day) and kdrama addict! (can watch a 16ep kdrama in a day) LOL!

and Oh how I love Arrested Development, hahaa.


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Is anyone else seeing something slightly odd with the new preview/edit functions specifically in Firefox (on Windows)?

In FF, the live preview works fine (I was using FF on my bedside table laptop last night when I became the first visitor to be awed by this new feature), but after I post, the version of my comment just has a smudgy very narrow brownish bar at the top of it, which goes away after 15 mins. Just now I posted on another comment using IE this time, and I see that what's meant to happen is that at the top there's a legend on a brown background saying you have 15 mins to edit the post, with a countdown timer. On my FF installation at least, that legend isn't visible. I suppose this is some sort of CSS issue, if it's not just a pecularity of my machine.


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Internet addiction? That's definitely me! ^^;;; I mean how do I satisfy my drama addiction otherwise? :P The same for manga and anime, though recently the drama addiction has been dominating XD And yeah, just like someone said there's much to do on the Internet. Besides I chat with most of my friends online~~

LOL! I've seen that Samsung-sponsored coordinated dance... totally crazy! How could it possibly have taken to coordinate? So many individuals involved... it's amazing!


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Javabean, I think you should go for the writing competition. I think you have a flare for writing, if not you would not have kept us glue to your blog week after week. I make it a point to check on your site everyday, once in the morning and once again at night. I would like to enter myself if I could only write in Korean ^_^
Forget about kicking your coffee "bugs". I tried and like you I am tired and moody. And like you I figure why do I put myself through this and why not just enjoy the drink that I am addicted to, well that is until my stomach and my doctor specifically told me to lay off coffee or else. I am in my 2nd month now without coffee and no wonder I lost my creative juice and alittle bit of my sense of humour.
Keep the coffe going Javabean and maybe you'll finish your story writing ....


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#37 PixieJewel "I make it a point to check on your site everyday, once in the morning and once again at night"

You mean, you actually manage to limit yourself to only two visits per 24 hours?? I wish I had that amount of will power. No wonder you managed to give up the coffee.

But please let's not encourage javabeans to write novels or indeed anything else that might eat into her viewing and blogging time. There are more than enough novels around already. Whereas the planet-wide count of consistently high-quality Korean drama blogs stands right now at precisely one...


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Hi javabeans, would you know what is the link to YOutube of the Samsung-Anycall ad? I'm connected with advertising and i want to show it to my friends in advert too. It was superbly done, and you can tell that it's not a computer trick coz you can still see some person who really are not in sync with the others =). Whoever the Creative people behind it are great =)


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that video is so cool!! how many are they again?


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My first time participating in open thread!
Today I was touched by a certain person...suddenly it feels that it is always simple things in our lives that make our life worthwhile. Suddenly I feel as if what I've been chasing for in my life has been too short-term and complicated.

I don't have my own blog to capture this moment...so here I am Javabeans....sharing this with you. A certain person has celebrated his son's first birthday today and this parent gave this as a present to his son: a homegrown tomato with this few words: It is not very expensive, it is not a fun toy, but it needs just some thoughful care to grow and a little bit of luck. My child, hope that you will remember father's first birthday gift to you.

Suddenly...I don't know why....I feel that with this love-filled and thoughful gift, I feel that the child does not need anything else more precious than a lovely home.


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Dear Ginnie,

Your story made me shed tears for no apparent reasons. It's just so heartwarming.
Not everyday, I read/hear this kind of story. In the world of today where first b'day can be lavishly celebrated in the 5* hotel, reading your story really make me think that there are still great people with great minds out there.
Thank you ginnie, for sharing it with us all.


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I did nanowrimo one year and haven't done it since. It wasn't a bad experience but I really wrote rubbish. I honestly can't remember what that 'novel' was about. I planned to do it this year but it's already the 14th and I haven't written a word.

lol... how cute. There's preview and a 15-minute edit window? Noice...

Gosh, I really need a life. I just keep editing because I can.


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